Technology Communication System

Chapter 424: Seal 40 million years ago

"You treat that thing as Chinese cabbage. If it wasn't for my race to spend a lot of money to induce the spiritual energy of this plane to nurture this thing for tens of millions of years, now you don't want to have this thing, to replenish your vitality, you still think about it No matter how good the dream is. Back then, my clan took a lot of effort to get the seeds of this thing, especially in the war that year. If the old man could rush back in time at that time, my nine-day clan would not be reduced to This is the situation now! After the old man puts everything in place and I go back, things are too late, but this kind of thing is the most important thing after all, the old man always believes that as long as the old man’s strength rises, nothing else Question. Besides, after so many years of tempering, I have seen a lot of things clearly, and my Nine Heavens Clan has no interest in dominating the world.

As for what we discussed before, the old man will never go back. Let alone other things, just to uncover the seal, you have to rely on the strength of three people, not to mention that to completely abolish these formations, I can't solve it alone. The reason why this formation was arranged was just in case. I didn’t expect that as the other two ancestors of our clan died accidentally in the war, our clan could no longer open this seal, and we had to use these wastes to make use of it. Their flesh~body can do this, but let’s make a living. Although we don’t know if we will have such a good opportunity in the future, who will be clear about what will happen in the next 40 million years. Too! "The old guy also sighed. Although he was talking on his mouth, his hand movements didn't slow down at all. As the Wolf King’s words fell, he struck out a series of fists, every punch. He could kill one person. As he continued to show off his power, in Luo Xiu's eyes, these people kept vomiting blood and flying upside down. Finally, all of them vomited blood towards the corpse storage area, and then they remained motionless. Floating there.

Seeing the speed of the old guy's shots, Luo Xiu couldn't help but grow his mouth. He couldn't think of it. In his opinion, those from the upper realm who were still very powerful were so vulnerable at this time. .

Even at this time, Luo Xiu had a faint suspicion. He insisted on passing on the development of science and technology in this world. Is this unrealistic approach right? You know, no matter how abnormal the technology of the Earth Federation is, if you want to reach a person like the old guy with such a single power, it is really impossible. Therefore, Luo Xiu can't help but treat himself at this time. In the future, I don't know how to deal with things.

"System, I have forgotten to ask before, are these three people in front of them the same energy in their bodies? Which one has the stronger energy intensity." Luo Xiu really couldn't see the old guy and the crack, the two of them Whose cultivation base is higher, after all, the three of them were actually acting before, so they couldn't do countless battles before.

"It's still a question. Except for the old Xuan Ming, the strength in the other two people's bodies combined, probably can't match his fraction. The reason why they did it before was to paralyze other people, and why they The combat effectiveness shown now is almost the same. This is also due to the suppression of the heavens and the earth. As you have seen before, if the old guy completely let go of his hands and feet, and the full combat effectiveness is directly exploded, it is probably the same as you saw before. The whole world has to be broken through, and there will be nothing left in this world. In other words, the entire plane will collapse." As if afraid that Luo Xiu could not understand his own explanation, the system It was very cleverly explained to him vividly.

Luo Xiu listened to his explanation and couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, but soon his gaze was condensed, because under his eyes, it seemed that one of the dead people moved slightly. It's just that Luo Xiu thought he was dazzled, and looked carefully, and found that it was exactly as he saw.

A young monk had opened his eyes, and Luo Xiu happened to meet his eyes, and both of them blinked at each other. It was just weird. Luo Xiu could even see this man clearly in the battleship. Originally, he thought that the two people met each other, but it was only an accident. Unexpectedly, when Luo Xiu turned his gaze occasionally, he was shocked to find that things were completely different from what he thought.

The young man, indeed, looked at him and kept watching him, but it was weird that Luo Xiu was in an inconspicuous position at this time, even behind the battleship’s scanning equipment. Therefore, Luo Xiu was very surprised at how this young man could see himself. He didn't know this person. No matter where he looked at it, he didn't dare to confirm how this person did it and could see him. What's the reason? It's just that he just moved his body, but there is no other action to explain. Even if this guy was not killed on the spot, he should have been killed soon. It's just that Luo Xiu still has some interest in this person. After the battle is over, if this person is not dead yet, then he will study it carefully.

Turning his gaze to the battlefield that was still fighting there, it was actually not a battlefield anymore, it was just a slaughter by three people. Luo Xiu counted at this time, and there were only more than twenty people still able to support. What's more weird. Even so, these two dozen people are desperately launching attacks on three people. I don't know why, these more than a hundred people came in very tacitly and attacked them. Luo Xiu has always been puzzled about this. Before, he also guessed whether it was because of the wolf king, but he quickly denied this idea, there was really no factual basis.

However, looking at the battle that is about to end soon, Luo Xiu's inner impact must be particularly strong at this time, especially for the first time he deeply thought about whether the combination of technology and cultivation can achieve a win-win situation. Previously, he thought that he could achieve the horrible power of the old guy with the system. However, after this experience just now, he once again gained knowledge, and at the same time he understood that the power alone is not enough to control. Such a terrifying cultivation base, only with his own wisdom, practical ability and rich experience, can he control his own terrifying cultivation base.

It's just that the sequelae caused by the skyrocketing cultivation base cannot be solved in a short time. Even if two people with similar cultivation bases, they stay in the same realm for different times. It will also create a huge gap between the two. At this point, Luo Xiu has a right to say. Judging from his several soaring cultivation bases, every time his cultivation base soars, he has to spend a lot of time adapting to his sudden surge of power.

This is not only caused by the physical strength of the body, but also because he himself knows very well that his cultivation is derived out of thin air, and it is not like ordinary monks, who are trained through a little bit of drilling and grinding. At this point, he can't compare with some old monsters.

He didn't think so before. The system had given him many ideas to exercise his combat effectiveness. He dismissed it. Even with horrible cheating methods like virtual reality, he still did not be very active. From this point of view, Luo Xiu is not a good cultivating genius, not to mention his bad aptitude before. Therefore, seeing such a terrifying scene of a strong fight today, he once again shaken himself.

Therefore, it is inevitable that some bad ideas will arise in his mind, but at this time he is also a little clear that he is a little hypocritical, let alone other things, just after obtaining the system, the huge change he has produced is that many people end up The dream of his life. Not to mention, in this situation, he is inseparable from the system. Even if Luo Xiu wants to get rid of the system at this time, it is estimated that the system will force him to continue like this for his plan.

To put it in a bad way, Luo Xiu still believed in the system very much. After waking up like this now, he had a fight in his heart. Although he doesn't know if his next plan can be realized smoothly, Luo Xiu believes that as long as the three people in front of them, one of them agrees with his idea, then he can sit back and relax and be fearless on the Tianchen continent. The rampage went straight.

But before that, Luo Xiu still has to solve one thing. After all, there are ten thousand things and ten thousand things. All things are based on the common point of interest. If he can't provide them with enough benefits, or repair For the breakthrough or the skyrocketing power, none of these three people may be able to stand for their own plan.

"System, do we have to see what they are going to do next, and then make other plans? Or urge them to hurry up to Tianchen Buzhou, so that we can also have more calm time to arrange the next Plan." After clearing up his mind, Luo Xiu took a deep breath again, making a somewhat uncertain voice.

At this time, Luo Xiu had already figured it out. Since he had reached this point and thinking about other things was unnecessary, he calmed down at this time. He just thought of the previous thoughts of himself and the system, with a wry smile in his heart. I was too optimistic before. All alliances are based on the interests of the two parties or the strength of the two sides are not much different, there will never be a situation like him now, he only has the value to be used, and everything else is fine. Ignoring it, this made Luo Xiu smile bitterly, but he was still a little unconvinced. Just comparing the cultivation bases of the three people, Luo Xiu had to grit his teeth and persevere. Although it was impossible for his cultivation base to skyrocket for a while, he was confident that he had a system and the terrifying aura density on the Tianchen State. It is really possible for the salted fish to turn over and reach the sky in one step, especially after he obtained the full version of the Nine Ranks Profound Art, Luo Xiu believed in this.

"Still wait, see what they are going to do?" The system didn't seem to be interested in this. His expression was very focused at this time, and what made Luo Xiu even more puzzled was that he didn't seem to think about it at this time. The child’s attention is here, but some are not in the state.

When Luo Xiu heard him say this, he looked out of the window. At this moment, he was shocked to find that the battle had ended. The three people were slowly cleaning the battlefield there. At this time, they were cleaning the spoils. Everything was directly abandoned by them, but some things with huge vitality were picked up, and some energy-replenishing pills or immortal stones were also directly collected by them.

However, Luo Xiu noticed a very subtle detail. Although the three people were all cleaning up the battlefield, they all looked at the magical weapons and magic weapons they used before and threw them away. Luo Xiu was very puzzled. Did they already have such a wealth of money? Although Luo Xiu was not clear about their financial resources, he had never seen such a prodigal behavior before and couldn't help but want to scold his mother.

Luo Xiu looked outside at this time and there was no danger, and then looked back at the person who was staring at him with his eyes open. At this time, seeing that he was still the same, Luo Xiu let out a sigh of relief, and then suddenly appeared before him. Outside the battlefield, and then put away his small battleship, he first looked at the pile of magic weapons thrown by the three people, Luo Xiu couldn't help his mouth twitching, he found that it was not just The magic weapons used by those people, even the storage rings or the storage magic treasures, were all thrown here by them. This made Luo Xiu even more puzzled.

"Senior, were you acting just now?" Luo Xiu couldn't help but twitching the corners of his mouth to ask the old guy among them, seeing the three people's calm appearance. Although he was looking at Xuan Ming's words, he turned his gaze once again to the Wolf King and Rift Kong who stood there and put out a pair of strangers not near.

"Well, this is actually the idea of ​​the two of them. Who would call them the most insidious and cunning? We were just looking for some sacrifices. Unexpectedly, this old guy actually attracted hundreds of us at once. This kind of stupidity that came to the door forced us not only to save a lot of effort, but also to have more time to deal with the next things. "After listening to Luo Xiu's straightforward question, the old guy is nothing. In response, one side had previously pretended to be an inscrutable rift, but at this time he scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and explained to Luo Xiu.

"Well, don’t be poor here! Come on boy, let me introduce to you, this is one of the few of you guys with a thick skin. The old man was very familiar with him more than 30 million years ago, but At that time, this kid wasn't as smooth as it is now. This guy's name is Split Sky, so you just call him Senior Split Sky. Although this guy is a bit unreliable, he still has strength. You should have seen it before, this guy. The wretched ones are fine, but the strength is actually pretty good." He waved his hand to interrupt the stinky poor of Split Kong, Xuan Ming turned around and waved to Luo Xiu, and explained.