Technology Communication System

Chapter 451: Flicker

At this moment, the two people have been fighting for more than half a day. Luo Xiu has been fighting for such a long time, and there is no difference between the victory and the defeat, and as time goes by, even if he has systematic assistance, he has almost endless power. Source, he also felt that his combat effectiveness was slowly declining. This is not because his own strength has declined, but because of the long battle, which made his concentration unable to concentrate.

"How can I say, although I can't help you for a while, but this kind of restriction in my body is just to prevent accidents. After all, if I accidentally completely unlocked the restriction on my body and broke out all the cultivation bases, Your kid was killed on the spot by me. That was a bit disappointing to me. Tell you the truth, the most fundamental reason why I turned back again is to figure out what your kid is hiding, and why I didn’t stop with you. The reconciliation is also for the secrets in your kid's body. After all, if your kid accidentally hides in the world of Qinglian, then I can't find your kid out." Luo Xiu's words, let Xiaokong listen. Raised his eyebrows, he couldn't help but lick his teeth, and said directly to Luo Xiu in a speechless voice.

"Okay, senior, it's a rude kid, we won't pursue the previous things anymore. Since you want to know, what secrets are in me? Then I just tell you, you should know that I have been given a world before, and My cultivation base has been improved during this period, and you must have seen it in the dark. The reason for such a terrifying rate of cultivation is also because this world of Qinglian has helped me a lot, and his inner world is full of spiritual energy. It can be used by me, so you know.” Luo Xiu attributed all the credit for the system to the Qinglian world in his body. In fact, it was really just like what he said, what he used to improve his cultivation. These powers all came from the Qinglian world, and they only went through a systematic turnover. At this time, Luo Xiu was very calm when he said this.

After hearing what he said, Split Sky was visibly taken aback, and he was not sure whether what the kid in front of him said was true, but he thought that apart from this possibility, he really didn’t think there would be anything else. Something that can influence the cultivation of this kid in front of him. Therefore, he can only selectively believe Luo Xiu's words, otherwise, except for this reason, he really can't remember what Luo Xiu has hidden secrets!

"Forget it, since this is the case, there is nothing to say, but how did your kid know that there is a restriction in my body. Also, depending on your attitude and tone of speech, it is obvious that you kid has something to say Tell me, hurry up if you have anything to say. Although your kid’s cultivation base is a bit weak, you still barely have the qualifications to talk to me. Let’s not say anything else, just because your cultivation base is restricted, you can A tie with me will prove that your kid has a bright future." Splitting Kong also suddenly realized from Luo Xiu's words at this time. The kid in front of him was obviously changing the concept, but Luo Xiu's words were also right. There is reason and evidence, he really can't find any loopholes, so he can only secretly marvel at this kid's wit, other than that, he has no good solutions.

At this time, Luo Xiu was entangled in the words of Separation Kong. He didn't know whether he wanted to tell the truth, especially this kind of thing was related to his hiding a lot of secrets, but he thought that he might be in Tianchen Buzhou. On the above, Luo Xiu gritted his teeth and gritted his teeth for the ancestors, uncles and relatives who were still suffering, and spoke very seriously to Fracture Kong, "Senior Fracture Kong, do you want to go to Tianchen Buzhou?"

Hearing Luo Xiu's question, Split Kong was obviously taken aback. He didn't understand what Luo Xiu's remark meant, so he looked at Luo Xiu in a daze and asked: "What do you mean by that boy, I want to return to the Nine Heavens Saint." Domain, isn’t it very simple? Just expose the cultivation base and ascend directly. Is there anything else that can be rare to live with the old man? But you kid, you ask, is it possible that you want to leave here with me? No! Old man can Ignore the laws of heaven and earth, you can go wherever you want, but you kid can’t, because your body has not completely transformed into a fairy body, so when you ascend, you will definitely undergo transformation, and the transformed fairy will have a common Where to go, those Shengxiantais are your final place of belonging. So if you want to go with me, your abacus is too much to make the old man speechless. Obviously, your idea is a little naive."

At this time, Luo Xiu looked at him speechlessly after hearing the words of Likong, because at this time, although Luo Xiu felt very entangled, he was a guy with a very strong fighting power. , He knew better than anyone else, the split in front of him was obviously misunderstanding something.

"Senior, what I said to go to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary is not as simple as two people flying up. You should know that after I get the Qinglian World, there is no bottleneck in my cultivation level. So, if I have enough In terms of energy, it is not a problem to advance to the Da Luo Jinxian here, so there is no such thing as transforming the immortal body." Luo Xiu looked at the crack in front of him and said to him very seriously.

"Oh! So, what's the point of your kid? Is it possible that you want to go to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary without going through the Ascension Tribulation? This is not possible, your kid thinks too simple, the Nine Heavens Sanctuary is no better than this world, There, you know that according to your current cultivation base, after ascending to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, it will only look like an ordinary third- and fourth-level earth immortal. If you say that on this plane, due to the suppression of the laws of heaven and earth, you The fighting power of the old man can still be equal to that of the old man, but at the nine days and nine days of the sanctuary, with your fighting power, the old man can crush your boy hundreds of times with a finger. As for other things, you can just think about it. Yes, the old man wants to tell you one thing. In the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, it’s not as you imagined. All human monks all ascend. There are also some aboriginal people who are born with the same cultivation skills as gods. , So in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, Golden Immortals are non-livable existences." Splitting Kong was also obviously taken aback by Luo Xiu's words, but he then sneered with a little disdain, and explained to Luo Xiu. Tao.

"No, no, no, you have misunderstood what I mean, senior. The reason why I told you so much is not to go to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary with you, but to hope that senior can help me. I have other ways to Going to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, but this method requires the blood of the seniors to assist, as for other things, these are not important." After listening to the words of Rikong, Luo Xiu quietly curled his lips, and he understood at this time. Splitting Kong obviously misunderstood the meaning of his words, so he couldn't help but shook his head directly and said eagerly to him.

Under the current situation, Luo Xiu is not sure what kind of attitude the old guy in front of him will have after he learns his secrets. Even if it is clear, the secrets hidden in his own body are for him. After it is of no use, will the old fellow Shoukong stay here? After all, the restrictions in his body are extremely weird. Although what the system said before makes him feel puzzled, but at this moment, if it really can be solved, No one would be willing to set a restriction in his body, so it is quite interesting what the person who shot the restriction is going to do.

"What! How is it possible? How can your kid solve this problem? You have to know that you are only a Mahayana monk. If you want to go to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, besides crossing the catastrophe and ascending, the old man does not believe you will There are other ways! Besides, the old man has never heard of any way, and your kid actually needs to use the old man’s blood to do this!” Luo Xiu’s words really shocked the crack in front of him. Jump, he looked at Luo Xiu dumbfounded at this time, and he could put a duck egg with his mouth open. His shocked look at this moment made Luo Xiu want to laugh.

"I only ask seniors if you are willing to help, you know, don't say anything else, with my current cultivation base, if I want to ascend, there is no problem, but just as you said. , If I fly through the robbery and ascend to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, I will lose my freedom. At that time, I want to find my relatives, but I can’t do it. Therefore, this method is the safest and fastest. "Luo Xiu spread out his hands, not surprised at the fuss about Split Kong!"

It's just that Luo Xiu at this time is helpless. After all, he was too careless before, so that some uncle masters soared, not only let them miss too many opportunities, but also put a few master uncles in deep danger, if Talking about what Luo Xiu regrets most now, and only this thing makes him feel uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart.

"You kid! The old man has no problem helping you, but you don't understand what the Nine Heavens Sanctuary is like. If you really have a way to smuggle there, you will be a dark household there, there is no such thing as a jade dish. Exist, you can't do free activities there, have you thought about it, if you really become a black household, let alone the other, the eighteen powers, thirty-six sects, and six Thousands of decent forces, large and small, will all be your enemies! If your identity is exposed, I think, there will be more people chasing you at that time, after all, as long as you are black, you will be on the wanted list. , Once these black households are caught by their forces or by the disciples of the sect, you can hardly imagine the benefits that those who catch you black households can get, so you black households hardly have much The Nine Heavens Sanctuary survived, and I haven’t even seen the existence of black households for many years." Splitting also understood what Luo Xiu meant by these words. He could only sigh when he thought of the cruelty in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. With a sigh of relief, I can only ignore Luo Xiu's such rhetoric.

"Heihu? What's the matter! When the time comes, I will kill a person directly, and then seize his identity. I can still do this little thing, and I don't think I can achieve it later. How can these people you said have won me! You don’t know what I have to rely on, but if there is a world as my support, then I can attack and retreat. The most important thing before me is right now. , In fact, I need to solve the safety problems of my relatives. If it is really like what you said, what kind of forces are most likely to imprison my relatives?" Although he knows that these words are kind, Luo Xiu is careful Think about it. Change also shook his head. After all, in this situation, there is not much time to waste again. Only by asking where his relatives are most likely to go now can he have a chance to rescue them.

"You have put me to the question. For so many tens of thousands of years, I have been staying in this ghost place, and have never been back. How do I know which city is in charge of this land now? But if If your kid really has such a big backing, your cultivation is strong enough, even if it's half the level of heaven and earth, I think that when you can come and go freely under this starry sky, I don’t know these little forces, but The medium-sized large-scale forces, I know, it is not other forces that rule this place, or the Tianhua Sect. You are on this low-level plane and all the monks outside the 4,400 low-level nearby. They After flying up, they will pass the investigation of the Tianhua Sect in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary and its affiliated forces. Although these people also belong to the Tianhua Sect, they are only the mediocre disciples of the Tianhua Sect, opened for the continuation of the family. , Or family or something. So, if you are really sure, after flying up to find a way out, go directly to the Tianhua Sect, and specify that you can’t go wrong. By the way, I haven’t asked you what this method is. Is it random, or has a designated location?" Luo Xiu's words were heard in Split Kong, but it was no surprise. At this time Luo Xiu also behaved very normal, but after saying this, Split Kong suddenly changed his words and asked a question that made Luo Xiu very uncertain.

"This, senior, you wait! I really don't know, I need to check it carefully." Luo Xiu was indeed taken aback by the last sentence of Split Kong's question, then he suddenly realized that before It was so careless that he didn't carefully study the formation left by the Emperor Swallowing Sky, so Luo Xiu at this time was also more anxious, if it was really as he had guessed.

The formation that I have mastered is a very random teleportation formation. In that case, although I can get into the Nine Heavens Sanctuary by chance, I am still waiting for myself at that time, but I still don’t know what terrifying thing it is or where it falls. Among the crowd.