Technology Communication System

Chapter 471: The weirdness of Nine Heavens Sanctuary

"Don't worry about this. Although there is no practical reference for this method, it has been calculated by the system tens of millions of times. Although the success rate is less than 70%, the success rate of more than half is not worth your risk. Well? Besides, besides this method, do you have other solutions to your current predicament?" After listening to Luo Xiu's words, the system was stunned, even without hesitation. Refuted Luo Xiu's words back.

It’s just that Luo Xiu was inexplicably relieved when he heard the system say that. Since the system is not 100% guaranteed, then there must be some risks in this matter. If this is the case, it is not that the system is deliberately joking with him, or He has other thoughts about him.

"70% is not too low. If this is the case, then we will give it a try, but you must ensure my safety. It is best not to expose my location, and it is best not to expose it. Can we? Try to hide under the ground, and then use some special means to draw the power of the catastrophe to the ground?" Luo Xiu still sees very important for his future, so he said to the system tentatively . In order to achieve his own intentions without attracting other people's attention, Luo Xiu could not think of other solutions besides hiding in the ground.

"Why do you have such a weird idea? You don't want to think about it. When the Demon King crosses the Tribulation, how could you not set up some defensive magic circles? Those magic circles will definitely use the power of the earth. Then you will be If you hide in the ground, you will be noticed by the Demon King. You shouldn’t think of this idea of ​​taking advantage of the fire. Those who are proficient in earth element magical powers wouldn’t think of this.” The system looked like an idiot. Luo Xiu shook his head very disdainfully, sneered at Luo Xiu's thoughts.

"Looking at you like this, then you should have a way to solve this problem. If you have anything, just say it straight. I don't believe that you have no solution to the problem. Otherwise, why did you encourage me to go? During the catastrophe, these excess energy will be cheaper. System you old boy, if that is the case, then you can tell me, since hiding in the ground is not enough, then what should I do to solve the problem of transferring the power of the catastrophe to me The problem with himself?” Although Luo Xiu felt a little uncomfortable with the system’s disdain, but he knew that he wanted to ask others now, so he had to grit his teeth and suppress the anger in his heart. As for this matter, he can only wait. I have a chance to ridicule again.

"Since the ground is not good, then hide in the sky. Don't you know that when the clouds of heaven are formed, for the monks, the distance between these clouds of heaven is the better, but for the host, this It’s no different if it’s far or near you. When you hide in the high sky, the Demon King’s prudence will surely make him careless. After all, your cultivation base is here, low and pitiful, and weak. Let him ignore it, so when the time comes, as long as you absorb the tribulation directly first, then your goal will be achieved." The system's words are almost like opening a door directly to Luo Xiu. Some blushed, knowing that I had also fallen into a misunderstanding of thinking before.

It’s just that Luo Xiu himself knows that his current thoughts are quite normal. After all, any monk, without the existence of the system, would never think that he could directly absorb the tribulation or even take the tribulation by relying on the physical strength of his body. As his energy source, Luo Xiu has been worried about the energy of the system since he got the system. However, as his cultivation level continues to improve, especially when he passes through the power of the system for the first time through the Golden Core Tribulation, At that time, Luo Xiu understood that he was very different from others, especially that he would never be able to get rid of the control of the system in his entire life, or with the assistance of the system, the cultivation path he had to take in this life was similar to that of other people. Diametrically opposed.

"You are sure that I stay above the nine heavens, and through this method, I can successfully overcome the calamity of my soul. You must know this kind of calamity, but the heart demon calamity can do it, and I also know the power of the Qilian Mountains. When the Demon King crosses the Tribulation, what kind of terrible Tribulation do I need to survive? Although I am not too worried about my safety due to the existence of the system, the powerful Tribulation of the Heart Demon is not based on my current cultivation base. Therefore, if I cannot guarantee that I will be 100% successful through all the catastrophes, I would not dare to take this risk." However, after his subsequent careful thinking, Luo felt that he should not behave at this time. Got so impatient.

"This host doesn't have to worry too much. When you were controlled by the old guy of the Kui clan that day, the place where your soul appeared was completely capable of ensuring that any mental power had no effect on you. At that time, the host only needs to put his soul outside to undergo the baptism of the tribulation, and everything will be resolved quickly. And you don’t believe me, you should be able to see it when your uncles and uncles crossed the tribulation before, just It’s just the backup system of this system that can help you solve the problem of the catastrophe, not to mention the system itself!" The system was slightly taken aback about the system’s worries, and even if he waved his hand indifferently, it was straightforward. Some secrets of the system were told to him.

After listening to the system’s remarks, Luo Xiu did pat his forehead with a bit of annoyance. It didn’t take long for this incident, but he would forget such a crucial matter. He did lose his sense before. Because of his own deficiencies in his cultivation, especially the problem of spirits and souls, he unexpectedly developed a thought of doubting everything at this time. However, Luo Xiu quickly reacted and he should not think so much. Now that the system has been fully considered, he just obeyed the system arrangement honestly.

Seeing this cloud-filled scene along the way, Luo Xiu felt a little uncomfortable in his heart for no reason. He felt the awkward sensation that was everywhere in his body this week. It also made him further understand that the inability to use the power of the soul in his body will make him so much. Not adapted. At the same time, Luo Xiu also felt that as time passed, he had completely lost control of the majestic energy in his body.

"The system, since you arrived in this nine-day sanctuary, what have you been calculating at full power, what are you studying?" Luo Xiu, who was really bored, suddenly thought of what he had heard from the system before. Thinking about it at this time, since the system will have time to take care of itself, it can be seen that his research should have gained some.

"It's nothing to tell you. It's just that you will not believe what the system will describe next. The influence of this matter is too great, and no one will believe it if you say it. This system research After so long, I was a little shocked to discover that many things in this nine-day sanctuary world cannot be explained by the science and technology system of the Earth Alliance. Of course, this also includes the powerful individual animals and plants. These are not what makes this system. What is unacceptable, but what really makes this system unacceptable is something else. On this planet, let's call it a planet. All the life on this planet are all carrying an unknown virus. What is the use of a virus? This system hasn't noticed it for the time being, but all the humans that the host has come into contact with before are like this. This system speculates that as long as they reach this world by ascending, they will be more or less. The existence of this virus, of course, does not include the host you and the people of the Tiankui tribe, and even Rift Kong has the existence of this virus." The system pondered for a while, and some serious words spoke to Luo Xiu. Said.

"What do you mean? Why do I become more confused as I listen. What do you mean by a powerful virus? If you have anything, just tell me clearly. I can't figure out what you are talking about." Luo Xiu was also very depressed about this new term in the system's mouth, and even a little suspicious, could not help but talk to him in a trance.

"After the calculation of this system and the speculation of rights, I found that all the beings in the world here are powerful beings. The environment here is heaven for those who are successful in cultivation, but for some ordinary people, Especially those humans in the Earth Federation or ordinary people in the Celestial Realm, this is simply a disaster. This is also something that this system has not figured out before. Here, the system has scanned millions of people, in all Traces of this virus infection have been found in people. None of these people are ordinary people. All of them are monks with profound cultivation levels or demon beasts with successful cultivation. They are even among the viruses, bacteria, and fungi in the air in this world. It is about ten thousand times higher than the content in the air in the Earth Federation. Of course, this is not the most terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that the system found that the environment here is very strange. Although it seems normal, there is a lot of natural in these places. The environment does not conform to the laws of the natural environment at all, and even the system guesses that this is a broken world, and it is also a world full of weird and mysterious. As a product of the Earth Federation’s scientific and technological civilization, this system is simply impossible to deal with it. Scientific analysis and exploration of everything in this area. Especially in the face of the countless powerful energy combinations here, but the system has a feeling. It seems that after the humans here have evolved, they have lost some of the characteristics that belong to humans. Of course. What this system says is also a problem reflected from the side, that is, if the host continues to survive in this world, waiting for the host, it will become the same. And the system detects these things over time , But there will not be any changes. Even some powerful existences whose cultivation bases exceed this world are so powerful that their abilities are simply amazing to this system!" Luo Xiu felt a little strange when the system said something. Luo Xiu's words, and from his words, Luo Xiu actually felt a different tone, and the system's unprecedented seriousness.

But he quickly thought of something. He smiled bitterly and shook his head. Some of the ideas of the system were not that simple. Even at this moment, he understood that the reason the system said these must have other attempts. With his cultivation base at this moment, it is impossible to adopt systematic suggestions.

Or maybe he was thinking wrong. At this moment, he suddenly realized that some of Luo Xiu's previous understanding of the system was superficial. Facing the very scientific view of the system, Luo Xiu didn't know how to explain to him the two eras of the Earth Federation and the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. The difference between the two worlds could not be explained clearly in one sentence.

"System, as an intelligent program, you shouldn’t be so forgetful. I didn’t mention to you before that almost all human beings in this world ascend through cultivation, and there is no such thing as indigenous people. Even these humans born in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, all of them had a cultivation base that was much higher than my current cultivation base when they were just born, so some of your previous ideas simply do not hold true. Humans here Individuals are extremely powerful. Corresponding to the environment in which they live, some things harmful to the human body should also be very powerful. After all, this is just to completely separate some strong cultivation bases from ordinary people. Besides, the reason why this world is so. The root cause of the weirdness is that the war between gods and demons in the past made this place dilapidated, and then it was the Devil Emperor and his apprentices who took action to refine the broken continents, and only then has the situation we see today, so Saying that this is not a planet at all, but a continent, so there are many things that cannot be explained at all, and it is not so unacceptable." Although Luo Xiu's words are clouded by clouds, the system is listening. It is clear that some words, as Luo Xiu said at this time, are simply not explainable through science.

At this time, just as Luo Xiu wanted to continue to debate with the system about the difference between this world and the Earth Federation, he suddenly felt that there was a flower in front of him, but the orchid was suddenly taken back by the system. Among the ring of objects, Luo Xiu was just stunned for a moment, before assuming a fighting pose without hesitation.

He really would never have thought that he could still meet a monk at such a high altitude, and it was obvious that they were twelve people from the same sect. Looking at these twelve menacing people, they were still Luo Xiu, who was in a fighting posture, took his weapon back in an instant. There was no way. The difference in cultivation level was placed here. Since he had no choice at all, he would simply and honestly see if these people stopped him. What's the matter?