Technology Communication System

Chapter 472: Chu family disciple

At this moment, he was also a little overly nervous. Obviously, he had been depressed by the sudden change of the system. Looking at the twelve men and women in front of him, Luo Xiu shook his head speechlessly. The idea of ​​being stiff is also a bit funny.

As for why he took his weapon back very directly, it is obvious that the strength of the two parties is not comparable at all, let alone, at this time, Luo Xiu dare not use it at all because of the spirit problem. .

At this moment, he and the twelve people on the opposite side stared with big eyes, and the women among them even laughed out loudly. This also made Luo Xiu feel extremely helpless. His previously too neurotic subconscious reaction made him At this moment, there is a kind of laughter that doesn't know how to face these people, especially when he sees so many people blocked in front of him, if he has no ideas, it will be abnormal.

"Dear fellow daoists, dare to ask you what happened to you blocking the path of your own path?" Although he understood that he almost got into trouble, and even took the initiative to show first to these people before, Luo Xiu, who understood it, said straightforwardly. He bowed to the twelve people in front of him and asked.

After these people heard his words, they looked at each other, and they all saw the strange color in each other's eyes, especially when Luo Xiu noticed the female sisters, but at this moment Covering his mouth, he looked at Luo Xiu with an incredible look.

"Nothing, just curious about the high-speed flying spirit boat you used before. How did you do it? Its speed is a bit too frantic! What is that? How can there be such a terrifying speed. Know our bodies This thing is the most powerful flying magic weapon of the ancestor Yi Feng, and this kind of thing is still eating ashes behind your boy. If it weren’t for me to stimulate the potential of the magic weapon, I moved to fly to you in an instant. Come ahead. Otherwise, you would have long been thrown away. Which force do you belong to?" Although one of the men spoke aggressively, even at this time his tone was so unkind, but Luo Xiu still showed no dissatisfaction. , After all, the strengths of the two sides are too different, and Luo Xiu can clearly see from the eyes of these people a look that does not belong to the monks he has encountered before. Although these people are also a little arrogant, they seem very proud, but very letting What everyone finds not so unacceptable is that they didn't come up and asked for the orchid number Luo Xiu put away. The reason why they would stop themselves is probably because of curiosity.

"It's nothing, it's just a magic weapon that was overdrawn by my vitality. I was chased and killed before. I had to push the secret method to inspire my natal magic weapon, and escape at the fastest speed. Otherwise, I would have been killed by those few. An old guy caught up." Of course Luo Xiu couldn't tell the truth, so he had to find a reason to prevaricate.

"So, dare to ask this fellow Daoist, where are you going to go now, are you also going to watch the Dapeng Demon King crossing the robbery?" The young man was calm when he saw Luo Xiu. He seemed to conceal something, and he didn't even care about the recklessness of the others before, so he didn't bother to turn around and ask questions directly without hesitation.

"Ben Dao Luo Xiu, seniors don’t need to be so polite, why don’t you get over the robbery? The kid was attacked as soon as he left home, and all his guards were killed. I haven’t decided where to go. I just have to go home and find my father. My lord is looking for a solution to my current troubles. After all, I’m suffering from serious injuries now. Although there won’t be any problems in a short period of time, it’s hard to say after a long time.” I can’t control the twelve people opposite. Whether or not he believed the reason he had prevaricated casually, Luo Xiu made up his mind to put the fact that his soul was seriously injured before these people. Before he wasn't sure that these people were hostile to her, Luo Xiu would never reveal his true identity.

"Well, then you have no problem? Do you need us to lend you some pills to take it, Chu Tianhua, my Chu family still has some research on some injuries on the soul. The nine-strength Tianyuan Pill in the family is treating the soul In terms of damage, the effect is still very good!" After listening to Luo Xiu’s words, the young man headed by the Chu family was also taken aback at this time. It was obvious that he had underestimated what Luo Xiu said. , I didn't expect to hear Luo Xiu say so. He didn't know how to describe his current mood at this moment, and once again used his soul power to explore Luo Xiu's injury. And then, he nodded with a slight blush, and asked Luo Xiu eagerly.

And at this moment, facing Chu Tianhua’s irrationality, Luo Xiu didn’t have any unhappy thoughts at all. Obviously, although these people in front of him seemed to have a much higher level of cultivation, Luo Xiu could see that these people They are all guys without any social experience, and they are just rookies who have just walked the rivers and lakes.

In addition, Luo Xiu didn’t care about these people’s soul searching at all. In his current state, as long as Luo Xiu didn’t take the initiative to take the power of the soul out of his body, these people would never notice the abnormality in his soul. When these people used the spirit power to detect him, Luo Xiu's spirit was indeed extremely weak at this moment.

The flaws in his spirit at this time were simply not detectable by ordinary monks. Luo Xiu himself did not speak about the flaws in his spirit. Even if these people have probed with their spirits, they would only think that his spirit is somewhat Weakness.

Even at this moment, after these people of the Chu family had explored Luo Xiu's spirit, they all believed Luo Xiu's nonsense. It's just that at this moment Luo Xiu felt very helpless for the enthusiasm shown by these people, he didn't dare to take any pill.

You must know that he himself is afraid to improve his cultivation level at the moment. Before solving the big problem of the soul, let alone using the pill to restore the power of the soul, now adding a trace of the power of the soul will cause a riot of energy in the body. .

When the time comes, the power of the soul will burst instantly, and the chaotic air that affects the body will also follow the riot. When the body explodes and death is light, especially the high energy quality in his body at this time, shocking, if such a terrible chaotic air Luo Xiu felt his whole body tremble just thinking about such terrible consequences if he broke his flesh body.

"This is no longer necessary. The kid has already used the pill in the family before, but it is useless at all. If this is the case, I would like to thank several brothers Chu! If the kid survives this catastrophe, after the kid recovers from his injuries, I will come to visit and thank you." Luo Xiu was slightly moved when he heard these people claiming to be the Chu family. He thought of the uncles who were imprisoned by the Chu family in the mine. Luo Xiu had already made up his mind at this time. He wanted to befriend these people in front of him, so he smiled at these Chu family members and said politely. At this moment, he was not so anxious to leave the sight of these people.

Just thinking it over again, Luo Xiu had to give up the idea of ​​making friends with these people right now, knowing that he was not sure when the Dapeng Demon King would cross the calamity, so he had to rush there first, waiting for the catastrophe to come.

However, in this situation, he can also exchange a few words with these people appropriately. After all, looking at the fact that these people are not rushing in such a hurry, it is obvious that the Dapeng Demon King has not yet begun to cross the catastrophe. I don't know how many forces' attention this Dapeng Demon King's Crossing Tribulation will arouse.

However, Luo Xiu felt that the Dapeng Demon King’s crossing the robbery seemed a bit weird after passing through the road. From what he saw and heard along the way, Luo Xiu keenly felt that the Dapeng Demon King’s crossing There is absolutely no need for Jie to make the things related to his own wealth and life known to the world. There is absolutely a problem in it, but Luo Xiu simply doesn’t care about so much now, even if he knows there are things he doesn’t know about. , But in order to solve the problem of his own soul, he also had to risk going over and take a look.

"Since fellow Taoist you are still injured, then we won't bother you much. You should return to the family as soon as possible." Seeing Luo Xiu's very hesitant look, the headed Chu Tianhua smiled slightly, not at all. Carefully waved his hand. Regarding Luo Xiu's entanglement, he mistakenly thought that Luo Xiu was injured at this time, and he was prepared for himself and others. After all, this was the first time they met. Both of them were rookies, and they didn't know what to do. How to behave, Chu Tianhua knew that his enthusiasm made Luo Xiu suspicious. After all, Luo Xiu was hurt, and they were very abruptly blocking Luo Xiu’s path. In order to avoid misunderstanding, Chu Tian Hua is also a gentleman, and without hesitation he let the road ahead of Luo Xiu open

Seeing that Chu Tianhua said this, and told Luo Xiu with practical actions, Chu Tianhua's behavior also made Luo Xiu not a bit disgusted. After understanding Chu Tianhua's thoughts, Luo Xiu only slightly hesitated. Without hesitation, he arched his hand to everyone and said directly: "Today, the younger brother is injured. When the younger brother recovers from his injury, he will definitely visit the door and talk with several seniors."

Since arriving in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, this is also the first time Luo Xiu has a good impression of a certain monk, and the target is his potential enemy. This incredible feeling also makes Luo Xiu feel a little bit astonished. At the same time, Luo Xiu feels , May not have some other ideas.

It’s just that he knows his own family affairs right now, as Luo Xiu himself said, time is very urgent, and he dare not delay too long again when he is not sure how many strong people will come here. In terms of time, if he can get in at that time, then the trouble will be really big.

After Luo Xiu saluted everyone, he took out a very good quality weapon without hesitation and flew up, quickly leaving everyone's sight, and it was only at this moment that he let out a long sigh of relief. Although there was no danger before, Luo Xiu knew that he was indeed lucky to pass this time. He also did not expect that he would encounter such a very gentleman in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. It simply made him feel Nine Heavens Sanctuary also had a different feeling, but he then shook his head.

Luo Xiu knows very well that none of those who can become a big family in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary are soft persimmons. The Chu family can educate this kind of successor because they don’t know their details, and the reason why they don’t It is probably also the reason why he was afraid of flying so fast before, especially when he didn’t know his own foundation, these people didn’t dare to take action against himself. After understanding this, Luo Xiu asked the Chu family. These people also don't have a good impression. Bullying and fearing hardship are common to all.

After that, Luo Xiu didn't dare to take out the Lanhua ship again and set off. The ghost knew what he would encounter later. As he kept getting closer to the Qilian Mountains, Luo Xiu saw all kinds of powerful monks and various kinds of monks along the way. Such a monster with a terrifying aura, Luo Xiu at this time was cautiously avoiding how far.

Along the way, he has also seen many humans fighting with monsters, especially seeing monsters also organizing defenses, which seems to prevent these strong humans from approaching the center of the Qilian Mountains.

With the help of the system, Luo Xiu can easily circumvent all the obstacles of monsters and beasts. He quietly entered the center of the Qilian Mountains through a very narrow mountain range. Looking at the incredible valley in front of him, Luo Xiu felt inexplicably that this time the Demon King's Tribulation was not that simple.

"Huh! I finally came in. The road is too thrilling. If there is no systematic help, I guess I can't even enter the Qilian Mountains. I just don't know what is going on with Likong and that woman? System, can you help me make sure that my surroundings are safe and unsafe, or I will stay here for a while, waiting for the arrival of the Demon King’s Heavenly Tribulation.” Luo Xiu hid in a cave. He breathed a long sigh of relief, and asked helplessly at the system in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"You are in a good position now, but if you want to occupy a good enough position when the Demon King crosses the Tribulation, you can't stay here. We have to ascend to the sky right now and wait there. Only then can you wait for work with ease. Otherwise, when the Demon King begins to cross the calamity, you will not be able to enter the central area of ​​the robbery. Besides, the host has not experienced the calamity before, since you know these people who cross the calamity. At that time, you won’t be distracted at all. If you go up now, the trouble will be much less. So, you still have to find a way to fly the Orchid or a medium-sized warship into the sky. Only this way, even if Someone who finds out where you are will be afraid of the terrifying environment and ignore you, and will not even attract the attention of others. Because of the rules of this world, the spiritual consciousness of the monks is simply not able to extend to Such a high place. After all, there are various crises at this height. Now these powerful monks are not so boring to cover all the places in the sky and underground here in the search range of the gods." The system denied Luo Xiu's idea without hesitation and made a request for him.