Technology Communication System

Chapter 501: misfortune

Therefore, when Luo Xiu realized that under the current situation, only a person like the Devil Emperor could solve the problem, he is now paying special attention to the safety of the Devil Emperor. He thought that this old guy was just going to see the situation. There will be no surprises.

But now he doesn't think so. He spoke to the two anxiously and said: "You now gather everyone together, and if there is any abnormality later, follow my instructions. We must ensure the safety of your master. , He can't make any mistakes!"

After Luo Xiu said these words, he ignored the two of them. He looked very serious at this moment, knowing that this transport ship could not provide him with any good help. He simply walked out of the transport ship.

At this moment, he didn’t care about the subtle details of hiding his strength. He released a medium-sized space battleship directly next to this transport ship. He had already destroyed a few of these things before. The ship in hand is almost the top existence among all warships.

This medium-sized space battleship is about a few thousand kilometers long, plus some auxiliary things, including sixteen main engines, the overall combat effectiveness of this battleship is definitely comparable to more than a dozen superpowers.

Of course, if the battleship is close by these super powers, the battleship can also support it in a short time, because the energy shield of this battleship is also extremely powerful. It is very hard, coupled with the role of the energy defense cover, therefore, Luo Xiu also gritted his teeth at this time to take out the last ship of this kind.

After all, relying on his own ability, if he wants to take out a large super space battleship for use, he alone cannot do it, and there is no time to adapt to such a super large space battleship, so Luo Xiuzhen The best way at this moment is to take out the robots he put away and use.

At this moment, Wu Zun was already watching Luo Xiu's movements with other people inside the transport ship. Before, everyone recovered under the treatment of the Emperor Swallowing Devil. The sound of the flute before, indeed taught everyone a profound lesson. Almost everyone was injured, and no one was not covered with coldness everywhere. meaning.

"Wu Daoyou, you gather all the people, let them enter this search ship, I will put away that transport ship. There may be danger next, everyone must work together, wait a while you have to listen to my explanation, I will first Some of the functions of the search ship are open to you, so you should be proficient, and you may need your abilities later! Remember to obey my command."

Looking at the more than six hundred people in front of him, Luo Xiu secretly sighed. With the assistance of these people, as long as his commands are accurate and timely, with the strong reaction ability of the monks, he wants to control this battleship like an arm. , It doesn't cost much at all?

The most important thing at the moment is to let them master the situation of each key department in a short time. This ability can only rely on the system. Therefore, at this moment, Luo Xiu also knows that he does not have much time and can only turn his eyes to the body. The system really lived up to expectations. After all, this medium-sized warship itself has a part of intelligence, coupled with the assistance of the system, so that the more than 600 people arranged by Luo Xiu in the warship, everyone quickly figured out What I need to be responsible for.

At the same time, almost everyone, after knowing Luo Xiu's plan, felt that Luo Xiu was too crazy. After all, if the Emperor Swallowing Devil couldn't solve a matter, relying on their six or seven hundred people and the iron lump under him, to completely eliminate all the extraterritorial demon, the difficulty would make them feel a little unimaginable.

"Host, it's almost done, now you can try to fly, remember to hide in the distance, this warship itself does not have the invisibility ability, and in the atmosphere, its speed can not give play to the advantage, so say you next You must leave enough distance for long-range strikes. Don’t try melee combat. You don’t have any defensive capabilities with this bare warship.” The voice of the system sounded in Luo Xiu’s ear at the same time. At this moment, Luo Xiu was extremely nervous.

He knew that there must have been a change in Sunset City, because of the previous action, the preparation time has passed several hours, but the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor has not turned around. The distance of more than ten miles, at the speed of the Sky-Swallowing Devil, almost It was in the blink of an eye, and he has not yet returned. There must be something happening in this.

Once again, I took a deep look at the people next to me. Although they were waiting for them one by one, Luo Xiu could also guess the tension in their hearts. After all, this was completely different from their previous fights. With this weird thing Whether it can cause huge damage, no one knows. Therefore, there is a trace of scrutiny in the gaze towards Luo Xiu.

"I know, you don't have to worry too much. After all, with these six or seven hundred people assisted, the performance of this warship can show more than 80%. In this case, we are fully capable of destroying this planet. Right, Have you detected what the old fellow of the Devil Emperor is doing now? Why hasn’t he come back for so long? Could something really happen?” Although Luo Xiu was also very nervous, he knew he couldn’t mess up. If you are in a position, otherwise, it will make the ability of this warship unable to play.

At this moment, Luo Xiu knew very well that the system in his body, coupled with the assistance of the six or seven hundred people, he was completely confident that he could use more than 80% of the capabilities of this warship. With the help of these intelligent robots, coupled with his own operational command, with the system in the body as the final command executor, Luo Xiu believes that the functions of this battleship can definitely be developed. In this way, for other things, Luo Xiu fundamentally Will not care too much.

"How can I tell you? This sunset city is indeed weird, but things are not as pessimistic as you think. This sunset city seems to have an independent secret realm, and this secret realm has always been in the dimensional space of all major planes. Among them, it was just that during this period of time, a certain kind of war that seemed to have occurred in Sunset City made this secret realm suddenly appear in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. Because of the large number of people here, and the fact that the secret world appeared too abrupt, the entire Sunset City did not Any defense is shattered by this power. Therefore, you can feel such a terrifying source of death. As for the old guy of the Sky-Swallowing Devil, he is currently fighting with several people, and it is impossible to tell in a short time. Victory, but from the action of these people siege together, it seems that the Devouring Devil Emperor was designed by someone. No, there is an abnormality in this space. It seems that something is in a state of invisibility, and it is impossible to rely on the radar function of the Earth Federation. I found that there was a blind spot, and there should be an invisible super battleship. Seeing that the Emperor Devourer relied on his flesh to fight with people, he might be restrained by the unique force field of those extraterrestrial demons." Said that, a picture appeared on the big screen in front of Luo Xiu. In the picture, the Emperor Zheng of the Devouring Sky was fighting fiercely with five people, and each of these five people was very powerful, with big waists, and burly bodies. A muscular entanglement seems to have launched a fierce attack on the Devil Emperor. With Luo Xiu's understanding of the Devil Emperor, with the cultivation base of this old guy, he does not bother to engage in close combat with people. However, the current situation is five people plus The six people of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor were fighting on the ground. This strange scene of martial arts fighting, also let Luo Xiu deeply understand that the current situation of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor is not optimistic.

"Through these pictures to everyone, let them take a look, and then we set off immediately, and can't wait any longer." Luo Xiu glanced at the scene on the picture and took a deep breath. He knew that it would test his own The time has come.

Relying on this unique force field, the Devil Emperor was restrained by others, and Luo Xiu found out from the vital signs of these people that the strength of the aura of life alone, the Devil Emperor could get rid of these people more than eight streets. But with such a powerful person, facing this weird force field and the siege of these five people, he didn't even have the slightest chance to escape.

And as expected, almost all of the Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor's subordinates suddenly changed their expressions when they saw this scene, and signaled Luo Xiu that they could start.

At this moment, Luo Xiu believed that as long as he seized the opportunity, there would be no difficulty in solving this problem. Therefore, when Luo Xiu controlled the battleship to take off quickly, he suddenly moved in his heart and said to the system: "Here It’s not too far away from there. Why don’t we take off directly and launch a long-range strike there. With the ability of this medium-sized warship’s main gun, everything there can be directly razed to the ground, and the weird force field should also be. It turned into nothingness in this attack. It's just that I am a little worried whether the Devil Emperor can withstand this sudden blow."

"You can rest assured that since this force field space has appeared, it can be proved that somewhere in that space, there must be an invisible warship of this kind of extraterritorial demon. After all, the special force field wants to be maximized. It must have a certain amount of mobility, otherwise, it will be of little effect and practically meaningless. So, we can carry out intensive attacks here.” The system says about Luo Xiu. He also held a positive attitude. At this moment, he really hoped that Luo Xiu would do this. After all, the distance was far enough, and there was no need to worry about counterattack in safety, and he would even appear calm when he escaped.

"Everyone, fellow daoists, we have a fierce battle to be waged next. Everyone must be prepared, and must listen to my command later." Luo Xiu briefly explained his plan through communication equipment, and then confronted the scene. All of the Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor's subordinates spoke.

The battleship had just climbed to a sufficient distance. Under the system's transit, the thirteen main guns slowly protruded out of the muzzle, and then the super-powered laser beam began to charge, and dozens of energy-providing nuclear fusion reactors were instantly powered on. A powerful energy burst out. After a quarter of an hour, all the gun barrels of the battleship were charged. At this moment, Luo Xiu directly pressed the attack button, and countless super-powered laser beams were instantly excited.

These super-powered laser beams did not attack at the same location, but instead covered the past three-dimensionally and without dead angles to the special force field space where the six Heaven-Swallowing Devil Emperors were located. At this moment, he doesn’t care about accidentally hurting or something. If the unknown area hidden there makes Luo Xiu feel a little creepy, the situation of the Devil Emperor at this moment and his own comfort are not so important. Up.

This super-powered laser beam has a very strong attack distance. In the range of more than ten kilometers, although a part of the attack decays due to the obstruction of the atmosphere, the overall speed of the laser beam is also terrifying, almost in the blink of an eye. Kung Fu, that piece of space has fallen into the fire coverage point of this medium-sized battleship, and almost everything, the things that the laser beam has encountered along the way, and the places covered by the laser beam have been reduced to nothingness.

And the space that was not scanned by the original warship’s surveillance radar also swayed slightly. A weird warship that was many times larger than the medium warship owned by Luo Xiu suddenly appeared in the field. Then, endless The laser beam attack directly hit the battleship. The battleship seemed to be insufficiently prepared for Luo Xiu's sudden attack. The battleship only dodged slightly and was directly submerged in these sky-high energy attacks.

Seeing that his own blow worked, Luo Xiu watched the field nervously. Although he deliberately avoided the position where the Devil Emperor was, and directly concentrated most of his attacks on the battleship, Luo Xiu knew that with These are simply not enough to solve the crisis of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor. Only when this battleship is driven away can Luo Xiu be sure that the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor can return again.

And as expected, despite this series of attacks, and the speed of the attack was sudden, and very strong, the warship was still intact. Since it can be used to shuttle planes, the performance of this warship is absolutely terrifying. , So even when Luo Xiu attacked, the energy shield of this battleship should have just opened, but it still managed to carry Luo Xiu's series of attacks.

However, as Luo Xiu's subordinates kept on and the battleship's attacks continued to intensify, it seemed impossible for this battleship to simultaneously support the energy shield and the consumption of that strange force field. Luo Xiu saw the Devil Emperor directly soaring into the sky, rushing towards the battleship, and even directly threw the long knife on his hand at the battleship, and then rushed towards his position without hesitation.

"Boom!" The long knife wrapped in huge energy and directly ignored the energy shield of the weird warship, and exploded the warship that was about to flee on the spot. It was as if a huge firework was set up above the sky, and the corner of Luo Xiu's mouth twitched when he saw this scene. He looked at the huge explosive battlefield and found that a few small figures in the soaring fire rushed into the sky. After coming out, it's just that these extraterritorial demon seemed to have fled directly.