Technology Communication System

Chapter 503: Battlestar

"These super-powered particle beams can be solved. You don’t need other things. You can directly attack the entire Sunset City indiscriminately. It doesn’t take too much time. Now because of the Devouring Devil Emperor and their attack The formation has disappeared, so this problem can be solved soon. They haven't supported the formation yet." Luo Xiu's words made the system in the Sea of ​​Consciousness visibly stunned. He looked at Luo Xiu in a bit of amazement and said very speechlessly.

Next, Luo Xiu adjusted the position of the battleship, and then launched an attack without hesitation. An almost endless number of super-energy particles sent out terrifying attacks from one hundred and thirty laser turrets, directly covering the entire Sunset City, although these super-energy particle beams did not look so powerful, or even a little bleak. Light, but the endless rays of light directly covered the brilliance of the sun, and the terrifying attack almost instantly annihilated the formation of Sunset City that had just been propped up in the blink of an eye.

What happened after that was self-evident. The entire Sunset City was plunged into the bombardment in an instant, and there was almost no chance of reversal. All the buildings almost turned into nothingness in the blink of an eye, and there were even a lot of naked eyes. The spot of light that could be seen seemed to want to rise into the air, and was blasted into powder by this indiscriminate attack on the spot.

Luo Xiu also discovered that there were still some light-emitting covers in the explosion area. These people tried to use the magic weapon's defense force to rush out of the explosion area, but these super-energy particle beams were almost unreasonable. All of his defenses were shattered on the spot, and the situation in the field could also be seen by Luo Xiu through the system. The deaths of these people from outside the domain were extremely miserable, but Luo Xiu had no response to this. Since the Devil Emperor has already I have confirmed that the entire Sunset City has almost become a gathering place for these forces, then there is nothing to say, just kill them all.

Just when Luo Xiu thought that the attack was unremarkable, suddenly a red light flashed on the big screen in front of Luo Xiu, but Luo Xiu just wanted to react. At this time, before he had time to make any response, the Devil Emperor swallowed nothing. Without hesitation, he rolled up Luo Xiu directly, and then the next moment, the Devil Emperor swallowed his robe, his sleeves shook out, and the entire battleship was put into the sleeves, and the two of them were so directly exposed to the void.

"Senior, what's the matter?" Luo Xiu was a little puzzled by this sudden change, and he looked up at the Devil Emperor in surprise.

"Host, you may be in big trouble this time. There is no rule here. Such a thing has emerged directly. With the strength of this old guy and you, it is almost a bit difficult to get rid of this kind of thing!" Without waiting for the answer from the Emperor of Devouring Sky, the system in Luo Xiu's mind spoke to him at this moment, and when he had finished speaking, Luo Xiu saw that the void in front of him swayed slightly, a wave of destruction. The attack came directly at the two.

Just as Luo Xiu stared at the huge energy beam directly bombarding him with a little bloodless face, the Devil Emperor took him directly and fled to the distance.

And until this moment, Luo Xiu had the time to take a good look at the surrounding environment. He then looked at the behemoth in the sky with some stunned eyes. Compared with the battleship he had just now, the battleship Luo Xiu took out before was simply It was a small boat, and the thing in front of it was a huge planet, yes, it was a movable planet. At this moment, on the side of the planet facing itself, countless huge gun barrels are directly exposed to the starry sky of the universe, and the terrifying energy beams directly cover the entire space where they are located almost indiscriminately. The scene surprised Luo Xiu and almost cursed on the spot. What is this guy~ Mom~?

"What's this? Isn't it a battleship? By the way, the system, how can this thing look so familiar, and have you noticed that the attacks from the gun barrels in this battleship are the same as the battleships we used before? The attack that came out was almost the same, the system, should you explain to me, what is the relationship between this?" After calming down, Luo Xiu looked at this huge battleship in the sky with some uncertainty, this battleship. It was really beyond his expectation, and he would never have thought that such a terrifying thing would exist in this cultivation world.

At this moment, the scene that happened before his eyes was as shocking to him as the time he discovered that the entire Celestial Realm was destroyed by others. He would be even more shocked because Luo Xiu never thought that the system would Betraying himself, although he faintly felt that the methods used by these extraterrestrial demons were basically similar to the methods mastered by the system, he had never thought deeply.

Seeing that his words have not been answered for a long time now, Luo Xiu couldn't help but make waves in his heart. He knew very well that the system was silent, which was obviously acquiescence. And now this situation. Except for the Devouring Devil Emperor, no one can save himself. When he thought that this terrible situation was about to happen, Luo Xiu couldn't help but waves in his heart.

"Host, you quickly find a way to get out of here. The system is subject to a lot of interference. These people should have noticed something. Now you can only find a way to get this old guy to take you out of here. You are not the opponent of this thing at all. These people , Are they crazy? How could they dare to get these things here so unscrupulously? Are these guys not afraid of the sanctions of the Universe Interplanetary Sanctions Committee?" Just as Luo Xiu was in fear and panic, he knew the system in the sea. There was indeed a rapid alarm sound, and the very urgent words of the system fell in Luo Xiu's ears, making him startled at the same time, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Boom! Boom!" When Luo Xiu was distracted, a more terrifying energy attack came in an instant. There was almost no gap. All the attacks went straight to Luo Xiu and the two of them. Luo Xiu sighed secretly with an attitude of smashing into a scum and vowing to not give up. Judging from the current strong energy fluctuations, it is simply impossible for the Devil Emperor to tear the space to escape here.

While taking Luo Xiu quickly to dodge the terrifying energy photon beam, the Devil Emperor tried to tear apart the space and leave this area. It's just that the guy who commanded this terrifying space battleship was clearly aware of the intent of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor, and kept sending out attacks to stop his movements.

once! twice! three times! Four times! Five times! After Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor failed for the fifth time, he completely gave up his originally planned method of tearing the space. At this moment, he felt that death was so close to him.

At this moment, the Devil Emperor knew very well that he was just abandoning Luo Xiu, and he himself could not successfully leave this place alive. Thinking of this, the Devil Emperor couldn’t help but speak to Luo Xiu.” Boy, although the old man has a strong cultivation base, he can't do it at all if he wants to leave this dangerous situation. Right now we can only wait for death. Do you have any hidden means, hurry up, otherwise, we really will I was blasted into dregs by these shells! Although I can still support it now, it is space after all, and there is no energy supplement. I have no problem in a short time, and after a long time I can’t guarantee that there is still power to take you to avoid These ubiquitous energy beams."

When the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Emperor said these words, his expression was full of helplessness. He would never have thought that he also had a very calm expression on this day when he was forced to a dead end, but at this time he also became a little anxious. Even Luo Xiu can feel that this old guy has no hope for the current situation.

It's just that Luo Xiu himself has no way. After all, the previous system is still in his ears. With the system's caution, at this critical moment, if he has a way, he will definitely not sit back and watch himself in danger, but the system There is absolutely no intention of wanting to help. It can be seen that this huge space battleship must release some kind of radiation signal that can hinder the operation of the system.

"Yes, I have a way, that is, we enter the world of my body together, but if this is the case, I am not sure if it will be affected. After all, when you tried to leave here before, I was also trying hard. However, the effect is very unsatisfactory. There is only one chance, and then the seniors will need to help me. In this situation, the power in such a chaotic space cannot be opened with my current power. Only we will take action together. , Senior, you can infuse energy into my body, so that I can have the opportunity to open up the world in my body." Luo Xiu searched for the answer in the system to no avail, and thought of a way that was not a solution. He was not sure about his current situation. , Can you open your own body world. Therefore, when he saw that the Devil Emperor was struggling to support him again, he couldn't help but to be a dead horse doctor. Taking advantage of both of them now had enough energy, it was better to take a gamble instead of sitting here and waiting to die.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense anymore. Hurry up. There is still some time. If we drag on, the old man will not have the power to help you kid." Luo Xiu's words made the Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor stunned for a while, and then he was delighted. He whispered to Luo Xiu.

At this moment, the Devil Emperor was as embarrassed as he was. He originally thought it might be a thrilling journey this time, but now it has become so terrifying, he would never have thought of these civilized forces from outside the sky. It was so frantic.

Looking at the size of this warship in the distance, it was obvious that it was transformed with a white dwarf star. For powerful monks like them, this kind of thing is a deadly place of restraint, but not only the space fortress made by white dwarfs, they cannot be destroyed with violence, and it is impossible to get close to them. In this case, He can only escape one way, and at this critical moment, with his current power, he can't get rid of the attention of these energy attacks. So when Luo Xiu suggested that he could enter the world inside his body, the Devil Emperor was extremely delighted.

After that, the two of them looked at the opportunity to directly explode the energy from the bombardment on the spot, and then the Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor slapped Luo Xiu directly. Luo Xiu felt the surging power poured into Luo's palm. In Xiu's body, feeling the power in his body, Luo Xiu instantly used his secret seal to tear the space on the spot, and the next moment, he took the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Emperor and the two of them directly disappeared in place.

After the two disappeared, the endless energy attacks in the sky stopped for an instant, and the next moment, a more dense energy attack directly covered all the surrounding space, just like sweeping the floor without leaving a trace over and over again. The entire universe was bombarded twice.

After this intensity of energy bombardment lasted for three or four hours, it quietly stopped, and then this space fluctuated strangely, and a dozen figures suddenly appeared in this space, especially when a few people watched it. He glanced at the location where Luo Xiu and them had suddenly disappeared.

"Han Zhiyong, was that the person just now?" The speaker was a man covered in pitch black armor. No one knew what this man looked like, but his tone was very domineering and full of majesty. , It can be seen that this person has been in a leading position for a long time, but it is conceivable from the words of this person that this person should be worthwhile.

"Returning to Master Yang Ling, it is not yet certain for the time being. It is impossible to judge from the combat power he demonstrated before and the energy he used, but the comparison of the spiritual power that he has erupted can have a similarity of about 80%. This makes us It feels very strange that we tried to catch him in Sunset City before, but this guy ran away.” Han Zhiyong who spoke was not equipped with mechas, his entire face was pitted and very old, but he said His words are indeed sonorous and powerful. The face of this burly middle-aged man is still full of murderous aura. Everything before that has a lot to do with him.

"Waste is a bunch of waste! I told you a long time ago, don’t underestimate the human beings in this world. There are too many existences in this world that we don’t understand. I’ve told you how many times before. Once I find the cultivation base The powerful, kill them directly, don’t try to capture them alive, Dr. Han and the others have the bodies of these people, they don’t need to have their souls at all.” The face of Master Yang who spoke before seemed ugly. The tone of the speech was so cold that everyone present was silent, and all of them were extremely pale. Looking at the speaker, they did not dare to make the slightest change.

"Master Yang, this person is someone from the Tiankui clan who called for a living. They have revealed before that this person seems to be an extremely critical person. We also want to do this thing better. But I didn’t expect that person would have a back hand. Originally, under the suppression of the magnetic field that day, there was no power to fight back. It’s just that what happened to the later bombardment weapons like laser cannons? How do the humans in this world control it, is it possible that some of us have betrayed the organization?” An old-looking man on one side looked at the endless void, his mouth twitched, and at the same time he said something to let everyone present. Everyone's face changed wildly.