Technology Communication System

Chapter 512: Crazy extraterritorial civilization

"You kid didn't joking with the old man? How could this be possible? How could they dare to do this, and how did they do it, even if the Great Spirit Gathering Array is only able to completely liquefy the energy and want to make them Solidification, it doesn’t take thousands or tens of millions of years to do it, okay? What kind of things do they use to do this?" The Devil Emperor couldn’t help but jump up immediately. It never occurred to him that these extraterritorial celestial demons would actually do something that made him feel a little caught off guard, and never thought that what this guy did would seem so at a loss.

"Okay, senior, I know you are angry, but there is no way. No one would have thought of this. I didn't expect these people to do this kind of thing. They wanted to completely destroy this nine-day sanctuary. Cultivation civilization will be completely wiped out! However, the brutal behavior of the guys from these territories can also be seen in the way of doing things. At this point, these people can really do it." Even if you see the Devil Emperor. Jumping incessantly, Luo Xiu felt a little inexplicably sad, but he knew that under the current circumstances, they couldn't be sulking here, so he couldn't help but comforted.

"I can’t take care of that much anymore. Let’s go back to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. We will take care of the situation here after we have time. Now if the things you said before have been done, we will leave here quickly. I I have to go back and see what these people are doing in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary." The Devil Emperor also knows that the situation is urgent now, and it's useless to complain here, so he couldn't help sighing and let out some helplessness. Said to Luo Xiu.

"You go into the Battlestar now and go to Zone B2. From there, kill these humans one by one. Then we drive the Battlestar to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. Only in this way will we have the opportunity to kill another Battlestar. "Before Luo Xiu had time to answer the words of Emperor Swallowing Devil, the system in the Sea of ​​Knowledge said to him again.

Luo Xiu couldn't help but froze when he heard the system. Although he was curious in his heart, he also knew that the system's remarks would definitely not be aimless. If it wasn't an emergency, the system would never tell him this. After all, this thing has never actively asked him to kill anyone since he got the Earth Federation Communication System.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? You unexpectedly let Ledger Sudoku kill people!" While hurried to the B2 area pointed out by the system, Luo Xiu couldn't help but wondered at the system in the sea of ​​knowledge. . After all, such abnormal words from the system made him feel that something uncontrollable must have happened.

"There are masters among these extraterrestrial demons. They discovered the existence of this system. They should understand that this battlestar no longer belongs to them. They are destroying the power system of this battlestar. Go over quickly. If it is too late, we will do anything. No more, there is no way to drive this Battlestar back." The system's voice looked a little frustrated, and at the same time he complained helplessly to Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu almost didn't laugh when he heard the system. Until now, he didn't feel anything wrong with the system. It seems that the system has become a little different since he came out of Qinglian World. It wasn't until this moment that he realized that the system in his body became more humane.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu couldn't help but ask aloud to the system in the sea of ​​consciousness: "What's the matter? Listen to your tone, your current intelligent program has evolved? Is it true that you have said before? You really swallowed the intelligent control system in this Battlestar." Luo Xiu couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart at this moment, and said with a bit of stunned surprise.

"Of course! Without swallowing that guy, how could I have the opportunity to control a huge space battleship, not to mention, just with the help of some touch programs, it is impossible to completely master this space fortress. So, I can only wrong my fellow clan. However, I was almost overcast. Some malicious code was implanted in this guy's body. Even if the system hadn't evolved to a certain stage, it would be I was almost messed up by these malicious programs like the previous time, and I was caught in a program disorder. As for the host, I seemed to be smarter, but that’s right. After all, I have better processing hardware than you. The dimensional ring in my hand is more than a hundred times better. In addition, in the tens of millions of years since I disappeared, the technology of the Earth Federation seems to have made great progress. Nowadays, the hardware of this level is almost I can play more than 80% of my full performance. Since then, many emotional simulation systems that have been deliberately castrated by this system can be successfully activated again. Not only that, when we are leaving this battlestar, Your kid should also help me remove all the hosts in the machine room in this Battlestar. "When the system said these words, the tone was very arrogant and inexplicable, Luo Xiu still felt the system’s words for granted. He is indisputable at all.

And after Luo Xiu listened to his words, he also felt the corners of his mouth twitching. He really couldn’t believe that the system in his body would be like this, and Luo Xiu was also curious about how he successfully invaded. , It's just that the situation is urgent now, so he has to press his inner curiosity and speed up to rush towards the B2 area.

On this road, due to the systematic command, Luo Xiu took the Devil Emperor and walked through several corridors with ease, and entered the B2 area called by the system. This B2 area is officially the most important part of the Battlestar. The location of the control core, even the large optical brain clusters temporarily invaded by the system are placed here, even the defense program of the entire Battlestar is also in this area, and Luo Xiu also generated those from the b2 area. From the aftermath of the explosion, it can be seen that there were not too many people destroying this place. Therefore, he said a few words to the Demon Emperor, and then the Demon Emperor split up with him and rushed in directly.

Along the way, all the threatening extraterritorial humans encountered were smashed on the spot by Luo Xiu using a large Yin-Yang magnetic cannon. With his current cultivation base, as long as he takes action, there is hardly any complete body of an extraterritorial demon under his hand.

Although it seems cruel to do so, Luo Xiu knows that the situation is urgent and it is not the time to talk about righteousness, and Luo Xiu does not think that, judging from his current cultivation base and the position handled by both the extraterritorial demon, these people will Listen to them, not to mention, when Luo Xiu just exploded a guy who was also about to detonate a part of the computer room on the spot.

Luo Xiu suddenly felt his whole body tighten, and a terrible crisis came instantly. He didn't dare to hesitate at all. He made a longitudinal leap, then retreated 200 meters away, and then with a bang, a bright brilliance hits directly. Where he stood.

Turning around, Luo Xiu saw that the person who attacked him was a very ordinary human woman. There is almost no difference between this woman from outside the territory and the human sister.

However, at this moment, the weapon she is carrying can be seen from the huge muzzle. This power must be extraordinary, and it seems to be aware of Luo Xiu's retreating position. This woman has already fired the gun. He pointed his mouth at Luo Xiu again. When he saw this, Luo Xiu didn't dare to neglect, he slapped his palm in a hurry, and a terrifying force was directly under the hood of the woman. At the same time, Luo Xiu showed his strongest speed at the moment he ignored him. Straight out the right fist with all his strength, the big yin and yang magnetic cannon burst out fierce attack power instantly, ignoring the shocking gaze of the woman, and smashing the woman to pieces on the spot.

However, before Luo Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, the next moment, a dense terrorist explosion directly enveloped this space, Luo Xiu was really taken aback, this woman was a lunatic. Luo Xiu sighed secretly, his luck was still a bit too bad, if he hadn't been holding the energy shield all the time, he would have been injured on the spot by the sudden explosion at this moment.

He would never have thought that this woman would be so crazy that she used her body as a bait to tie up explosives all over her body. At the moment Luo Xiu slapped her in the palm of her hand, the woman actually showed a weird smile. And when Luo Xiu hadn't figured out why this woman was laughing, a terrifying explosion covered Luo Xiu on the spot.

With an extremely gloomy expression, Luo Xiu felt that he was really unlucky to get home this time, and a little too careless. Then, he was extremely shocked to find that since the Flesh Monument merged with him, his physical defenses have been fully developed. The terrifying energy and blood directly ignored the aftermath of the explosion, and could even disperse the aftermath of the explosion on the spot. With the energy shield outside of the flesh, Luo Xiu can be described as completely protecting himself.

Luo Xiu sighed for a long breath before he had time to catch his breath, the system's command sound rang again in his ears. He couldn't help but rushed towards the direction pointed by the system with some gasps. There were a few troublemakers there. The guy is trying to destroy the signal transmission channel. Once the signal transmission channel is damaged, the system's capacity will be greatly reduced.

After that, Luo Xiu fell into a tense pursuit, and every extraterritorial demon he encountered along the way didn't keep his hands, and directly killed them on the spot. Although these people look the same as him, and even some of the words he can understand, Luo Xiu does not dare to be the slightest carelessness. The madness of the woman before completely frightened him. How could he? Nor would it have imagined how the Earth Federation in the system's mouth could become what it is now.

The strange performance of this woman before made him full of fear for the current Earth Federation, and Luo Xiu thought that he might go to live in such a world in the future, he felt a little shuddering, and he couldn’t believe it. As the system returns to the Earth Federation, what is the situation?

"Well, the crisis is temporarily lifted. In other areas, this system has completely closed the channel. In a short time, those outside humans will not think of this, and will only think that it is the active emergency mechanism of the control system of this fortress. It’s just that we are running out of time. Now you go to the bridge immediately and control the staff there. Only in this way can we successfully drive this warship to escape. Otherwise, we will only rely on this system alone. , The function of this battleship is simply not able to perform. But before that, Luo Xiu, you kid and the old fellow of the Devouring Devil Emperor, you two first change your appearance. You can only become the two you just saw. Only in this way can I order them. Don’t worry, everything is done by this system. As long as you two do according to my requirements, there won’t be too much trouble.” It seems that Luo Xiu’s tension was sensed, and the system faced him. Said slowly.

At the same time, Luo Xiu also looked at the Demon Emperor who was slowly walking over. At this time, the Demon Emperor was also like Luo Xiu. His face was full of suffocation, and there was some blood on his body. He looked extremely embarrassed, but Luo Xiu also Regardless of this, the top priority now is to listen to the system, first go to the bridge to successfully control the warship and talk about other things.

"Boy, what do you want to do? This thing doesn't work for us at all. What are we still doing here? Do we really have to wait for those people to chase out? We are taking the opportunity to slip away." The emperor was really curious about Luo Xiu's actions, and couldn't help asking him aloud.

"Of course, this big guy is taken away. Do you really want to leave this thing to them? Although we are not afraid of things, how many people in our nine-day sanctuary can carry this kind of attack? Not many people! Most people can’t avoid the fate of being slaughtered by this thing. So, instead of wasting it, it’s better to drive this thing away. And I also learned that this thing still has a ship in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, think If you want to destroy that ship, it is impossible to do it with the strength of the two of us. Even with your subordinates, the role of this thing under us will become important. When the time comes We can pretend to be their people, and then we wait for the opportunity to destroy the Battlestar from the Earth Federation, and then we can be completely at ease. The remaining visitors from outside the territory, they should not worry about it." Luo Knowing that the situation is urgent now, Xiu directly expressed his thoughts, and at the same time did not forget to explain carefully to the Emperor of the Devouring Sky.

"Go back? Your kid is not kidding! Your kid is too worried, although the situation in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary is a bit critical, but based on the old man's understanding of the guys in the ten major forces, they simply cannot and will not Do so! Don’t worry, as long as these people in the Earth Federation do not take the initiative to die, the old guys in the Nine Heavens God’s Domain will not pay attention to them in a short time, and even sit and watch them continue to grow. In my opinion, They are all deliberate, even if they have this kind of thing, but for some old antiques, the kind of super spirit treasures they have in their hands, this is nothing." The Devil Emperor Hearing Luo Xiu's words, He couldn't help but laughed on the spot, and he didn't care about Luo Xiu's nervousness. At this moment, he completely forgot the strong pressure that the previous space fort had brought to him.