Technology Communication System

Chapter 513: The tacit understanding of the two inter

"Well, let's take a look at the situation first. Now that this Battlestar has been controlled by the kind of technology I have mastered, I don't plan to abandon this Battlestar in a short time. Senior, if you don't worry If you do, you can take the first step and return to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. In this case, I will support outside at that time, and you can kill as much as you like inside.” Seeing that the Emperor of the Devouring Heavens still did not put the threat of these guys in the Earth Federation too much In heart.

Luo Xiu had no choice but to resist the urge to kill in his heart. He did not dare to truthfully tell the things that the fellows from the Earth Federation had done in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, because this thing was unfounded and he could not come up. To make it clear, the explanation is not clear at all, and you can only wait for the Emperor of the Devouring Sky to return to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, and then you can experience what these people are doing.

At this moment, the Demon Emperor who had heard Luo Xiu's words was stunned. He then turned around with some curiosity, looking at Luo Xiu with a very serious expression, and facing Luo Xiu's birth very seriously. Question: "Boy, looking at your nervous look, is it possible that something happened in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, and this is something we didn't anticipate before? Or is there reinforcements for this extraterritorial celestial demon? No way, if there is something more When a strong presence came to this world, the old man should have noticed it a long time ago, how could he still have no response as before. Besides, those guys from the top ten powers are definitely not easy to be born with. The domain is their nest, and they won't just sit back and watch these guys from outside the domain. They are too reckless and reckless here. Now, your kid will talk to the old man well, what is there to hide from the old man."

Combining the performance before and after Luo Xiu and the eager mood that Luo Xiu showed now, the Devil Emperor realized that Luo Xiu must have noticed something. Therefore, he really couldn't help the slightest suspicion in his heart, and he was also afraid that things would completely exceed his grasp. In this case, the certain purpose he wanted to achieve with the help of the extraterritorial celestial demon seemed impossible now.

"There are no reinforcements, but these outsiders have done something that makes me feel a little hairy! Senior, you come with me!" Since the Devil Emperor has already asked, considering what he is going to do next Luo Xiu was not prepared to conceal something, and simply and generously narrated some of the things he had mastered. At the same time, Luo Xiu also wanted to know what the Emperor Devouring Devil thoughts about these things. There is not much knowledge in the domain. Regarding the ten major forces, I really need to inquire about the old fellow of the Devil Emperor in detail.

In the B2 area of ​​the Battlestar, the two passed through several corridors to a place that seemed to be a warehouse. Luo Xiu touched the screen in the void in front of him. The door in front of him slowly opened. Then Luo Xiu walked in with the Devil Emperor. The next moment, both of them were shocked by the terrifying situation in front of them and almost dropped their jaws. on the ground.

There was a huge warehouse in front of it, with an area larger than two football fields, and there were no other things piled up in this warehouse, all of which were pieces of white jade energy stones. Luo Xiu had seen this thing in the system's screen before, but seeing these things with his own eyes also made Luo Xiu feel a little shocked. However, it was the first time that the Demon Emperor saw this thing, and his expression was to make Luo Xiu was surprised. He just froze for a while before he understood what these things were.

"Good boy! Energy spar! So many! How did you discover it? There is this thing, boy, we are going to post it. Hey, I didn’t expect to capture such a battleship and get so many energy blocks, yes With the aid of these things, the old man can completely let go of his hands and feet in the next battle, and he can also use them to improve his current cultivation base. Hey, with these things, the old man’s men can also Our cultivation base has improved rapidly. If this is the case, we have a greater chance of winning.” However, the next moment, the performance of the Devil Emperor really surprised Luo Xiu. He didn't understand whether this old guy was pretending to be confused or true. He didn't know where this thing came from, but he was so excited that Luo Xiu felt that this old guy was a little crazy.

"Senior, senior! Don't get excited, aren't you curious about the source of these things?" Seeing that the Demon Emperor is so calm at this moment, Luo Xiu is completely calm, but Luo Xiu is at this moment. There was some collapse in his heart, and he would never have thought that when the Sky Swallowing Devil Emperor saw these energy spars, his immediate reaction turned out to be completely different from his previous thoughts.

"What's the matter? What can't be exciting about this? With these things, do you know how much we can do? And with the help of these things, your kid's cultivation level can be completely accomplished, hehe, by that time, old man I have to look at your face~ It’s going to happen.” The Demon Emperor who was so excited that Luo Xiu interrupted his excitement, somehow recovered and looked at Luo Xiu. The smile on his face had not had time to recede, even more so. Luo Xiu felt that something was wrong with this old guy's current situation.

"These things are all made by extracting the aura of our world. Senior, don't you have any other ideas?" Seeing that the Devil Emperor hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter, Luo Xiu couldn't help but spill it. With cold water, he wanted to dispel the excitement of the Devil Emperor.

Because he knows very well that the system is absolutely unreserved for himself, and he is also very critical to the system, so the system will not deceive himself on this matter. It can be said that Luo Xiu felt a little broken for the current performance of the Devil Emperor.

He really couldn’t believe that if the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Emperor also felt indifferent to the disappearance of the spiritual energy of this heaven and earth, then what kind of performance would the ten major forces in the entire nine-day sanctuary behave? At that time, the entire nine-day sanctuary will again Where will it go?

"What? What did you kid say? How is this possible? How dare they do this! Are these people crazy?" However, what Luo Xiu did not expect was that when Luo Xiu's words were spoken, the Devil Emperor's face instantly turned It changed wildly, and the suppressed breath of the whole body skyrocketed instantly, and an aura of terror descended instantly.

Luo Xiu was also taken aback by this old guy’s sudden reaction. He really couldn’t believe that his hometown had passed. The moment before, he was smiling and even a little too excited. The coldness he showed now makes Luo Xiu very cold. Of not adapting.

"Nothing to be surprised. Senior, don't you feel that these things in this warehouse are very familiar with the aura on them? Although we have only recently returned to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, the unique Nine Heaven Sanctuary aura in these energy stones This is something that cannot be erased by any means. This is the situation. Senior, what do you think we need to do next? And I also feel that you seem to trust the top ten forces too much." After speaking the truth, Luo Xiu looked at the Devil Emperor with a serious look. He was very clear about the impact of his words on this old guy. And Luo Xiu also knew the current situation, he had to do this, although Luo Xiu was also curious about some of the behaviors of the Devil Emperor, for example, the Devil Emperor didn’t seem to worry about the Nine Heavens Sanctuary being destroyed in the hands of the devil’s outside the domain. .

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go back, these people, this is just crazy for them. The old man is really a little curious, these guys from outside the domain are so unscrupulous to do this kind of conscience, those in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary What are the old undead of the top ten forces doing now? Could it be that they haven't noticed the energy changes between the world and the earth?" The Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor slowly put away his furious mood, gave a cold sigh of anger, and then ignored it. Luo Xiu. Afterwards, the Devil Emperor of the Devouring Sky moved towards the energy spar, slowly picked up a spar and felt it carefully, and the thick killing intent in his expression became more intense.

"Well, senior, you have to pretend to be these two people with me. Only in this way can we command the guys who drive the warships in this Battlestar bridge. In this way, we have The opportunity to take this battleship out of the sphere of influence of these people outside the territory. Only in this way can we have the opportunity to use this battleship to completely destroy the advanced weapons brought by the people outside the territory.” Luo Xiu saw that the Emperor of the Devouring Sky was completely calm now. After coming down, he explained his plan.

The next thing is much simpler. There is no difficulty at all for two people with powerful physical existence to change their appearance. Even judging from their ability to control their respective physical bodies, this is fundamental There are no accidents,

The two people quickly disguised themselves, and they walked to the bridge position of the battleship very calmly and calmly, and then Luo Xiu issued a series of commands under the guidance of the system. The Battlestar is like an out-of-bore cannonball rushing directly into the nine-day sanctuary.

At the same time, those outsiders who went out to stop Luo Xiu and the two were dumbstruck looking at the Battlestar that fell towards the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, with an inexplicable bitterness on their faces. It's just that these people have no choice but to follow behind the Battlestar and rush towards the interior of the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. At this moment, these people still don't know theirs, and this Battlestar has become Luo Xiu's toy.

Soon, the Battlestar appeared above a huge city according to the coordinates given by the system. The terrifying volume of the Battlestar was about to completely cover up the sun's rays above his head, and countless people in the city raised their heads and watched suddenly appear. This behemoth, many powerful men in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, saw this scene, at this moment, they were all shocked and inexplicable, all of them looked at this huge guy dumbfounded, and the expressions on each face were even more inexplicable.

And Luo Xiu and the Devil Emperor also discovered the changes in the concentration of heaven and earth in the nine-day sanctuary. If the concentration of heaven and earth aura in the previous nine-day sanctuary was ten, the concentration of heaven and earth aura in the nine-day sanctuary now is less than half of the original. Luo Xiu relies on his super vision, hearing and senses, plus systematic Aid, and soon found the weird device in this city that can transform heaven and earth aura into energy spar.

"System, find the target and attack directly, without any hesitation. We will destroy the energy conversion equipment in these work first, only in this way can we temporarily solve the crisis in the nine-day sanctuary. As for the next thing, we still need to swallow the devil. The emperor, the old guy, went to find those people from the top ten powers, let them take action, and completely suppress these guys from outside." After finding the target, Luo Xiu gave orders to the system without hesitation. Xiu also knew that with his current status, he couldn't order those people to do anything. Only with the power of the Devouring Devil Emperor could he solve this quietly coming crisis in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary.

"Host, in fact, you don't need to be so nervous at all. Although the concentration of heaven and earth aura in the current nine-day sanctuary has been reduced, it will not affect the human monk at all, and this system can detect that there is no heaven and earth aura in your world. It disappeared completely as we imagined before. Although these guys from outside the domain, this action reduced the concentration of heaven and earth aura in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, but for the host, this has little effect at all, and as time goes by , The concentration of heaven and earth aura in the nine-day sanctuary will slowly recover again, and now I can probably figure out why the people of the ten major forces in these nine-day sanctuary are so calm." The system said this, and suddenly stopped. After the words that went on, Luo Xiu felt inexplicably that this guy was selling off again, and couldn't help being a little annoyed with his current way of speaking.

"Hey, that's not right, what is the reason that the people of the top ten forces simply ignore these guys from outside the domain and ruin the cultivation environment here?" Luo Xiu couldn't help but asked directly. He was also curious about this speculation about the system, and this matter was still very important, even related to his next series of plans.

"It's very simple, they should have experienced this situation, and even this situation is their tacit approval. These guys from outside the domain have not rushed to exterminate them, and they still have these terrifying lethal weapons. If there is nothing to fear If you use all of, the masters of these ten major forces will have a headache, even if they carry out a sneak attack, the vast majority of humans in your world will not be spared. It is estimated that the two sides should have reached some kind of It was agreed that these outsiders took advantage of the coincidence of the two planes to come here to make the world’s spiritual energy into energy stones, and use these solidified energy stones as the cornerstone of cultivation. After all, the time for the two planes to overlap is limited. In addition to these ten major forces, they have various formations to restrain the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. They are not afraid of the temporary decrease of the spiritual energy concentration of heaven and earth. They even hope that these guys from outside the domain do so, because only this is the case, In order to weaken the overall power of other Umbrellas." As the words of the system kept ringing in his ears, Luo Xiu felt more and more chills in his heart as he listened to him. He couldn't believe that those in these nine-day sanctuary Those in power, for the sake of their own demands, would actually ignore this point, and would not put these ordinary monks, their lives and deaths in their eyes, and trample on the rights of others so unscrupulously, this kind of thing also made Luo Xiu deeply understand. In this world, there is no so-called right or wrong. Different positions are destined to be impossible for both sides to stand on the same starting line. In the final analysis, it is these people whose fists are hard enough to influence the life and death of these people.