Technology Communication System

Chapter 514: Insider of the year

"Don't say it, although your speculation is very important, I still need to try it. First, destroy the equipment here. Let's go to other places and destroy a part first. I want to look at these outside areas in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. How did the guys here and the masters of the top ten forces react? Once things really resemble what you guessed, we don’t care about their life or death. Anyway, the host has the world of Qinglian, so it’s a big deal to hide with his family. That’s it. Okay, don’t talk nonsense, do it quickly. Next, we’re going to look for my family members while doing it. Didn’t you make a mark on the spirit instruments carried by some of my uncles? Can we still sense their location now? We flew directly over all the way, as long as we encountered this similar equipment and destroyed them all. I want to see what the major forces in these nine-day sanctuary really want to do. "At this moment, Luo Xiu felt completely sad. For the first time, he felt that the world of Nine Heavens Sanctuary is not a healthy society. He faintly felt why the Nine Heavens Sanctuary was full of various oppressions. And exploitation, and even just ascended, he would serve other big forces for two to three thousand years. Such absurd things would be formulated by people. In such a terrible world, he has completely ignored the world in his heart. Dead and alive.

"Host, you should keep your eyes on it. This kind of thing is normal, and people are selfish. You are not as you imagined. You can impose your power and justice on everyone's acceptance. So this system advises the host to do what we can. In fact, you have done well enough. Although this system originally hoped that you can develop some of the technologies of the Earth Federation in this world, now that it has appeared in the nine-day sanctuary These extraterrestrials may come from the human civilization of the Earth Federation, and the existence of that system has become insignificant. Even now it seems that this system is a bit unreasonable. There are more than 30 planets in the Earth Federation. Human beings dominate that one. How could the world’s terrifying existence be so easily destroyed? What happened at the beginning, I now feel that there must be something in the middle that I don’t know for the time being. Therefore, the existence of this system nowadays, in addition to the complete growth of the auxiliary host After getting up, the biggest purpose of this system is to return to the Earth Federation to take a good look, and to find out who actually directed the explosion that year.” The system saw that Luo Xiu was not calm. , Even seemed to be a little worried, so that his mind was a little unstable, couldn't help but exhort him, and then he did not hesitate to implement Luo Xiu's order.

I saw from the side of the Battlestar, a large cannon tube slowly stretched out, and the terrifying energy was instantly filled, and then a terrifying energy cannon, exuding incomparably horrible fluctuations of terrifying energy, was on the spot in the blink of an eye. A large building in the city was completely destroyed, and even the defensive array above the city had no defense against this energy.

Looking back at the city that had become flustered, Luo Xiu sighed, it was really the performance of these people in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary that disappointed him too much. At this moment, he actually gave birth to the idea of ​​being discouraged and returning to the mountains and forests. Luo Xiu also inexplicably wanted to laugh out loud about his sentimental thoughts.

"Boy, what's the matter with you, how do you look at you like this, something seems to be wrong? Is it possible that things have gotten so bad?" Seeing Luo Xiu smiled bitterly and shook his head, the Devil Emperor was also stunned for a while, and then he looked a little curious. Luo Xiu couldn't help but ask him aloud. The anger on Luo Xiu's face made him feel inexplicably wrong, so he asked out loud.

"Nothing, Senior, I would like to ask you one thing. The time you blew yourself up that year was the first invasion of an extraterritorial demon? And with your strength, you could have escaped directly, but why did you die with those people? "Thinking that the Devil Emperor in front of him is also a guy who can make any crazy moves with his head heated, Luo Xiu couldn't help but brighten his eyes and asked the question in his heart.

"Hey, don’t mention it. It’s hard to say a word. The old man was also obsessed with ghosts, and was calculated by my apprentices. As a last resort, in order to guarantee the life and death of more than 200 million people in those 13 cities, I had to choose The devil died together, but now it seems that everything in the past was strange, and even the old man felt that the reason why I was forced to die together was that someone deliberately calculated me, otherwise everything would seem too coincidental. Some, many things can’t be explained when I think about it now. But now I think about it, the old man was able to seize the house this time, thanks to the self-destruction, the old man’s soul was completely liberated, and he even possessed this innate treasure. As my own physical body, it was really brought about by the self-detonation. Thinking about it now, I am not as angry as I imagined. By the way, what happened to your kid just now?" Seeing Luo Xiu didn’t answer himself Question, instead he asked himself a question, the Devil Emperor was stunned for a while, and then he explained carefully what he had thought in his heart.

"It's okay, I just feel a little bit chilling." Luo Xiu then talked to the Sky Swallowing Devil Emperor about the system's speculation, and then quietly stared at the Sky Swallowing Devil Emperor whose face changed uncertainly.

"That's it! That's it! Hey, hahahey, hahahaha! Sure enough! These people deserve to die! Because the old man still respected them so much, I didn't expect this group of people to be such a group of male thieves and prostitutes. Did you do something behind your back? Raising a tiger is a problem, raising a tiger is a problem!” As Luo Xiu’s words fell, the Devil Emperor burst out with a hideous smile, the twisted expression on his face, and his hysterical expression. Luo Xiu was taken aback. This old guy's current behavior was obviously not in Luo Xiu's expectations. He couldn't believe it. After hearing his own words, this old guy turned out to be so crazy. I don't understand why the Devil Emperor behaving like this made him feel a bit inexplicable cold in his heart.

Looking at the Devil Emperor who was in the midst of madness, Luo Xiu didn't know why, but he felt that this guy was so pitiful, betrayed by his apprentice, betrayed by all his relatives, and he didn't even understand why he died. Moreover, his own death was worthless, which completely distorted the original arrogant and arrogant psychology of the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Emperor.

At this moment, Luo Xiu believes that if things go back to more than 30 million years ago, the Devil Emperor will definitely not have the unthinkable thought that he will die with others. Therefore, Luo Xiu did not interrupt his vent. Just watching the old guy's crazy behavior quietly.

At this moment, Battlestar has already passed several cities. As long as there is an energy collector, the system will directly destroy the city and head towards the next target. At the same time, the system has accurately positioned Luo Xiu’s several cities. Uncle Wei Shi's position at this moment is adjusting the direction and heading towards the destination.

However, due to the size of the Battlestar, and the damage done by Luo Xiu before, several power engines exploded. Therefore, the current Battlestar is not fast. The Battlestar moves slowly, and the bridge The situation was weird and terrifying. The guys from outside the territory who had been concentrating on manipulating the warships looked at Luo Xiu and the devilish emperor inexplicably.

"Senior, are you okay?" For a long time, the Devil Emperor was still in the same hysterical state as before, making Luo Xiu a little flustered. This old guy, this psychological endurance will not be so fragile, and he is still stuck. Luo Xiu was really unbearable in the madness of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor and couldn't help but ask.

Of course, when Luo Xiu said these words, he quietly used a restraining technique to isolate his position. It is really the performance of the Devil Emperor at this moment and the performance of these guys from the Earth Federation. Luo Xiu was also afraid of being noticed by the people in these ships. Although he systematically concealed himself, he didn't have to worry about showing off his feet, but it could reduce some unnecessary troubles. Luo Xiu didn't want to have trouble.

"Nothing, the old man just feels that he is a little too stupid! Although I heard some of these things mentioned by some of his men before, but the old man never thought about it in his heart, but today your boy’s words completely woke up the old man. Hey, I didn’t expect the old man Wise Ming I to be confused in the most important place, and almost put himself in. Think about these guys, these people paid such a high price in order to kill the old man, you can see how much they calculated Smart. No wonder these ten powers and thousands of families can live forever! With their very spicy methods, the old man can't catch up with the horse. Although the old man is called the Emperor of the Devouring Sky, the old man wants to come now, What kind of irony is this title. Compared with these guys from the top ten powers, the old man is as innocent as a man of his~mother~, think about what irony this is!" Xiu seemed to be too angry or exposed as he imagined, but he said something very flat, which made Luo Xiu feel cold.

Luo Xiu could feel it. After his words, the originally high mood of the Devouring Devil Emperor became a lot depressed. Even the original aura of himself has become much flatter at this moment, as if after washing out the lead. Luo Xiu's calmness and self-deprecation made Luo Xiu feel a little uncomfortable.

Even when Luo Xiu’s gaze and the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor met at each other, the sharpness in the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor’s eyes is now gone, making Luo Xiu feel that the old fellow, the Sky-Swallowing Emperor, is completely transformed. Something is different.

"Senior, you should know that in this world, except for the eternal benefits, everything else is imaginary, so you don't have to be too sad. After all, this kind of thing, if they dare to do this, they will definitely be punished. It is balanced. Any existence that tries to subvert this heavenly way will be backlashed by heavenly way. Don’t look at them living very freely now, but who knows, no one can be sure that they will be like this in the future. You should be able to imagine that these guys from outside the territory, their crazy performance before, also proves that these people have completely grown up, just like you said, the top ten powers are what they do Yang Hu is in trouble, and the tiger has grown up. Seniors, since we have seen their true purpose, why bother here! After we find my relatives, if you still want to solve the Jiutian Sanctuary here These crises, the kid will accompany you crazy, if you are also discouraged and want to live in seclusion, then the world of green lotus in my body is the best place to go, how do you feel, senior? "Seeing the Devil Emperor Swallowing Sky really seemed a little depressed, and Luo Xiu sighed that the people of the top ten forces were doing hard work, but he also felt that the Devil Swallowing Emperor was indeed an existence worthy of deep friendship.

Originally, Luo Xiu was somewhat repulsive to the Devil Emperor’s temperament, and he was not so trusting, but after the exchanges just now, Luo Xiu also felt that people like the Devil Emperor could be completely involved. After all, this old guy has everything. The performance was too obvious, which made Luo Xiu feel that the old guy's honesty made him feel a little embarrassed.

"The old man is not as fragile as you think. The old man is only sad for the army of more than 30 million cultivators who died in the battle. In that battle, the old man's masters were killed and injured, and many people did not even leave their bodies. , More people, there was no time to leave a last word or something at the beginning, so thinking of the harshness and coldness of these people doing things, the old man feels at this time, this does not make the old man feel sad. Besides, it is not so much. This kind of thing is sad, the old man is not so idiot yet, since they do things so ruthlessly, don’t blame the old man for sitting on the sidelines and watching how these ten powers are deflated. Now the tiger has grown completely and they want to be like before. Driving tigers and devouring wolves is simply unrealistic. Look at it, these guys from outside the domain will not leave so easily this time. They will surely tear off a big piece of fat here. These guys from the top ten forces will definitely make their own minds, and they will jump over the wall in a hurry!" The Devil Emperor swallowed himself away, and the frustrated expression went away. He was very sure about Luo Xiu's smirk and said his words. .

At the same time, Luo Xiu could feel this kind of gloating words in the mouth of the Emperor Swallowing Devil. This old guy was indeed greatly affected, and Luo Xiu could also feel it from his situation. It doesn't seem as indifferent as it appears to be.