Technology Communication System

Chapter 57: Historical truth

"Galillo, you have to think clearly, this seat can kill him, and also kill you!" Guo Yangming's consciousness suppressed Gary firmly, preventing him from using his racial talents, and at the same time pointing at the dead. Gasol said coldly. ★August 1 Chinese★网 W√www. 81zW. Com

"Hehe, what can you do if you kill us! My king will soon bring my horned demon army to level down the realm of comprehension, and kill all of you traitors. If it wasn't for our ancestors who took in your humans, you The human race is still the blood food of our hundreds of races, haha..." Garilo also knew that he could no longer live his life, so he shouted hysterically.

"What do you mean, this seat asks you, how did you come to the realm of cultivation, do you really rely on the small world of the Sanxian master to come in." Guo Yangming ignored his madness, but it was in his heart. The uproar ~ wave.

Because in Garillo’s words, the information revealed is really huge and shocking, because he also knew for the first time that a few years ago, humans and horned demons were very friendly. In Garillo’s mouth, humans seemed to be betrayed. The Horned Demon Race, and seemed to drive them out of the realm of cultivation.

"Hey, what do you mean! It means that even if you kill us all, you can't stop our Horned Demons from returning to their homeland. If you humans weren't there for our help, where would you be today?

Had it not been for your human race to collude with the Tianyi clan to carry out a sneak attack on our king, making the town artifacts of my Horned Demon tribe unusable, how could we be exiled by you humans, even if your ancestors had already placed a large seal around the realm of cultivation? , Nor can we completely isolate my Horned Demon Race’s induction of homeland. "Garillo calmly looked at Luo Xiu who had already approached, and said lightly.

"What you mean is that we humans have robbed you of your living space, and then exiled your Horned Demon Race to a different plane." Guo Yangming also only glanced at the spaceship, and then said to Gary Luo.

"In the specific situation, my status in the clan is not very high, so I know so much. You just ask me about the others, and I don’t know. As for my own life and death, hehe, when we lurked into the realm of comprehension, now almost all All of the tasks have been completed. If there were no problems when intercepting you, almost all of them were completed perfectly." Gary Luo knew that even if he didn't say it, Guo Yangming had a way to know these things.

"In other words, the horned demons did the attack on Old Demon Ren? You also destroyed the Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas? What about Huasheng Temple?" Guo Yangming continued to ask.

"Well, I can't leave alive anyway, then I will tell you everything, so that even if I die, you will live in the fear of the army's pressure, haha!

We did the sneak attack on the old demon Ren, but there are also human cultivators who are also enemies of the old demon. As for the Wanfo Hall, their Kuma Chi Grand Master was killed by our joint efforts. As for the other exterminations, it is not ours. In order, you humans are born with a hobby of infighting, we only need to provoke a little in the middle, hehe..." Gary Luo finished, and before Guo Yangming, who was in shock, reacted, he had a sickle and lightning in his hand. It was like a burst~ Shoot at the spaceship Luo Xiu was riding in, because he knew that even if it was a sneak attack, he was not Guo Yangming’s opponent, not to mention that he was not injured at all in the combined battle just now.

"Naughty animal, you are looking for death!" Seeing Gary Luo's actions, Guo Yangming was furious, and the flying sword in his hand was also anxiously swung, and a golden sword aura shot at the back of Gary Luo.

It's just that Gary Luo didn't know. Although Luo Xiu was listening to the conversation between him and his master, he didn't relax his defenses at all, because after all, his cultivation was only in the Golden Core Stage, and he was a good hostage.

So when he just leaned over, he had already issued a command to the main control computer of the spacecraft. Once Garillo made an action, the spacecraft would immediately shift its position.

So Gary Luo’s sneak attack didn’t work at all. Luo Xiu’s spacecraft easily avoided the sneak attack. Afterwards, Gary Luo also dodged Guo Yangming’s attack, and Guo Yangming’s sword energy was only in him. A scar was left on his right shoulder.

From this we can also see how powerful the flesh of the Horned Demon Clan is.

After that, Luo Xiu stayed away and watched Guo Yangming fight his supernatural powers. He was seriously injured in just a dozen moves. He wanted to capture Gary, but he knew that his life was not guaranteed. Garillo blew himself up at the moment before Guo Yangming was about to bless him with the prohibition seal. Fortunately, Guo Yangming reacted fast enough, and a teleport appeared away from the center of the self-destruction.

"Master, can I collect their bodies, it seems that the second level of my Nine Rank Profound Art cannot be practiced, I want to understand why!" After Luo Xiu saw that there was no danger, he put away the spacecraft. Then Yukongfei followed Guo Yangming and said to Guo Yangming who was still thinking about the problem quietly.

"En!" Guo Yangming agreed unconsciously.

Luo Xiu didn't talk nonsense. He waved his right hand and collected Gasol's body into an empty ring. As for Gary Luo, hehe, the guy blew himself up with the soul of the soul, and he didn't know. How much is it?

"Luo Xiu, what are you talking about, why can't you cultivate with Rank Nine Profound Art? What happened?" Guo Yangming didn't care about Luo Xiu's movements. He seemed to remember what Luo Xiu said just now, so he asked.

So after Luo Xiu told Guo Yangming all his cultivation problems, he communicated with the system in his mind.

"System, you are sure that your idea is right. You can really study the virus against the Horned Demon tribe, but in the relevant knowledge I know, the virus is a very unstable existence, and the possibility of their mutation is very high. High, you are not afraid that there will be some unsuccessful situations at that time. You must know that this is the realm of cultivation, and the horned demons are not ordinary earth people."

The reason why Luo Xiu collects Gasol’s body does not have much to do with his exercises, because just before Guo Yangming killed Gasol, the system had already reminded him that he wanted to study the horned demon. The corpse of the family.

"Host, please rest assured, have you forgotten the euthanasia conch you used in this small world! That is also a product of our Earth Federation." The voice of the system is proud, because Luo Xiu is not the first Questioned its capabilities again.

"Well, if you can really research out a virus against the Horned Demon Race, then I will find a way to help you fulfill all your requirements, even the science and technology knowledge of the Earth Federation that you said will spread in the cultivation world. , I also agreed." Luo Xiu was also speechless. He couldn't help but feel a chill when he thought of the previous scene where he used conch.

"Now you immediately suspend the practice of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art, and wait for the teacher to think about how to solve your practice problem, because you can easily figure out that the cultivation method you said is wrong, but the teacher does not I have practiced this exercise, I want to go back and think about it.” When Luo Xiu was communicating with the system, Guo Yangming, who was thinking, also recovered and said to Luo Xiu.

"Okay, Master, what do we do if we take the next class? Do you want to go to the place where I found the bones of the demon clan? By the way, the dragon bone grass is also there!" Luo Xiu asked, and he Also remembered the purpose of the two people who came here before.

"Don't go to see, I think I already know what the turmoil in the realm of cultivation is going on recently, did you go to the center of the small world when you came in last time?"

"No, because there are a lot of high-level monsters in this small world. Because of the teleportation, I appeared directly in the valley where Dragonbone Grass is located. I was lucky enough to discover this spaceship. After that, I also want to see the center. Look, but with my cultivation base during the Qi training period, I couldn't get in at all." Luo Xiu said honestly.

What he said was also the truth, because it was not only that he did not enter the central area of ​​the small world, but even the other sect disciples did not get there.

"Then let's go to the center to see what the owner of the small world left us!" Guo Yangming waved his sleeves, rolled up Luo Xiu and went straight to the center of the small world.