Technology Communication System

Chapter 572: tower of Eternity

"Fairy, let me ask you a question. We are going from the Nine Heavens Sanctuary to the Battlefield of Gods and Demons. How should we get there? Is there any way to go directly, such as directly teleporting into the battlefield of Gods and Demons through teleportation?" Luo Xiu's expression at the moment? He was extremely serious, his expression was full of tension, and some asked very seriously.

When asked this, Luo Xiu's expression was exceptionally solemn. If his guess was true, he didn't know how to get rid of the current dilemma after being so painstakingly calculated by the Devil Emperor this time. , So he was very nervous, especially nervous.

"Who told you that, and why did you ask this kid?" Fairy Diehua's reaction caused Luo Xiu's heart to twitch, and his heart sank to the bottom. It was over. I didn't expect to be really guessed by himself. The truth ~ the truth.

"Fairy, now that there is nothing to hide from you, tell you the truth, we just teleported directly into this place before, and the ghost knows where it is? This is how things are..." Next, Luo Xiu Cao talked about what happened before with the Devil Emperor. After finishing speaking, Luo Xiu's tone became particularly low. At this moment, he felt that he was still a little too naive.

He would never have thought that he would be so careful that he would be calculated by the Emperor of the Devouring Sky unknowingly, because from the previous contact with the Emperor of the Devouring Sky, Luo Xiu had never found anything strange. He didn't even know when he was recruited.

This made Luo Xiu's always proud heart, and now it has completely become less confident than before. With systematic help all the time, Luo Xiu is very confident and knows where his own advantage lies. However, the Devil Emperor’s practice during this period has repeatedly made Luo Xiu understand. This person Being able to stay in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary for such a long time, without being killed by anyone, shows how abnormal the Devil Emperor is.

"You guessed it right, this should not be the battlefield of gods and demons, because if you want to go to the battlefield of gods and demons, the most important thing is to go back to those low-level planes under the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. After entering the low-level planes, this fairy With the help of the power of the token, we can easily find the periphery of the battlefield of gods and demons, and then we can only walk in cautiously. It is impossible whether it is teleportation or flying in with spirit boats, and you don’t want to think about it. It can be teleported through the formation, directly through the power of the formation, and enter the battlefield of the gods and demons. Why did the fairy go so hard to come from the gods to the nine-day sanctuary, and then return from the nine-day sanctuary In the lower realm, isn't it unnecessary to do this?" And as Fairy Diehua fell in Luo Xiu's ears, Luo Xiu's heart sank as he listened. At this moment, if he puts his hope on the fact that his guess is false, then Luo Xiuhe really is a bit deceiving himself.

"The fairy, can you be sure where we are now? Why did the old fellow of the Devil Emperor calculate us, and why he did this? Is there really something in the battlefield of the gods and demons that is the old fellow? What is bound to be won?" At this moment, Luo Xiu can only pin his hopes on Fairy Diehua.

After all, what this woman said was also from the realm of Gods. She should be much better than herself in terms of knowledge and cultivation, so Luo Xiu can only do this now.

"Through your description just now, you should all have been deceived by the Devil Emperor. Tsk, the old guy, the Devil Emperor, is still as unsympathetic as he always did. I didn't expect that after so many years, he was still so dead No wonder his apprentices betrayed him one by one, and he was really hateful for doing this. But for the time being, this fairy really has no good way to leave here. Looking at the current situation, it is obviously here. The dimensional world opened up by the old guy, but the environment here is a bit weird, it seems that there is no light, and even the power is greatly suppressed here, no, it shouldn’t be it, what’s this? We are constantly weakening our strength. Hey! Could it be that this is the legendary Tower of Aion, if it is really the Tower of Aion, then it is really difficult for us to go out this time." , Fairy Diehua really couldn't speak, her voice was getting weaker and weaker, making Luo Xiu listen to a lag. Obviously, he didn't hear the words of Fairy Diehua clearly. , Understand.

"The Tower of Aion? Fairy, what is this? You have to be clear about how to get out, so I have a way. I can see if I can break this place directly and go out." Luo Xiu saw Fairy Diehua Halfway through the conversation, there was no voice, and he couldn't help but asked eagerly.

"This feeling should be right. This place should be the Aion. Unexpectedly, this old guy is hidden deep enough. How could something like the Aion fall into his hands? You people just now What was it for? How could it be calculated by this old guy so easily, or did the situation happen suddenly?" Fairy Diehua was a little frustrated at this time, obviously it was the current environment that made her feel Tricky, even a little desperate.

"I don't know this. I only followed other people's actions at the beginning, because I was not the only one who came in before, but we weren't in the same place, fairy, don't worry, just make it clear. What the **** is this Aion, explain to me, let me see if there is any way to escape." Listening to Fairy Diehua, Luo Xiu was not calm at the moment, he looked at Diehua eagerly. The fairy's position, said in a very quick tone.

"The Tower of Aion, the most powerful cage in the Three Realms. In it, no matter how strong your cultivation base is, after a period of time, the person imprisoned in it will lose all strength and the whole person will follow. The whole body becomes weak, and even directly turned into withered bones. Even the Heavenly Emperor level characters can make you have no strength in your whole body in a short time." Sigh, even though I am curious that I have been in for so long, my body There have not been any problems. But Fairy Diehua quickly calmed down and explained to Luo Xiu.

And at this moment, after Luo Xiu heard the words of Fairy Diehua, he was also suddenly stunned on the spot. Until now, he didn't feel that they might really be like what Fairy Diehua said, and the place they were at the moment was in the Aion.

At this moment, Luo Xiu suddenly woke up, the feeling he had when he first entered the Aion, absolutely nothing wrong, this is a prison at all, and what makes him a little unbelievable is that he is not here. Just as Fairy Diehua said, the power on his body slowly dissipated.

Luo Xiu's current power is indeed greatly suppressed, but it is only the power of the soul, neither his powerful body nor the power in his body have the slightest influence.

At this moment, he couldn't help but doubt the woman's words, so he hesitated and said: "No, fairy, I just can't get out of my body with the spirit power, and the others will have no influence. Are you doing it? Wrong, or that there is no Aion at all. If you don’t believe it, the fairy, feel your power yourself, is it the same as I said, it’s just suppressed and not lost."

When Luo Xiu said this, he was very worried. He was very sure that what Fairy Diehua said was true, but he also felt something was wrong. As for what was wrong, he could not judge for the time being due to the mismatch of information. .

It seems that after hearing Luo Xiu’s words, Fairy Die Hua was also taken aback. After Fairy Die Hua also tentatively used her own power, she was a little bit dumbfounded and said: "No, it's really true. As you said, isn’t this really an Aion, but a place similar to the Aion, but it’s not right. There is no such horrible thing as the Aion in this world. Other places are in the same environment as it is now. Wait, I will walk around here to see if we are all mistaken."

Fairy Diehua seemed to be exploring everything around her. Soon she fumbled back to Luo Xiu's side again, and said to Luo Xiu: "Yes, it's basically certain. This is the Aion. As for why The two of us can still maintain our strength. It should be the function of this thing. By the way, where did you kid get this weird thing, it can provide us with unblocked breathing. I think the Aion is the most The fundamental function is that there is nothing in it for us to breathe. Once the function of breathing is lost, no matter how powerful our body is, it will not burst out. This is what we are encountering now and what I have learned before. It's a completely different reason!" Fairy Diehua silently felt the change in her body's power, and spoke to Luo Xiu with some uncertainty.

"Fairy, you mean that the most fundamental reason why we can keep our strength here is that we can still breathe fresh air, right?" Luo Xiu also suddenly woke up at this time. Things may be the same as Diehua Fairy said.

At this moment, Luo Xiu remembered that when he first entered here, he suddenly lost his strength, the feeling of general weakness and the changes in his body after he breathed the fresh air, at this moment, He suddenly woke up, that he had indeed encountered the feeling of losing his power as described by Fairy Diehua.

"This should be the situation. The specific situation is not clear to this fairy for the time being, because only the two of us are together, and we can't make some experiments, but the general situation should be eight to nine. Anyway, , Boy, I really want to thank you boy this time." Fairy Diehua is also very sober at this moment, and can't help but say a little excitedly.

Others don’t know how cruel the Aion is, but as a descendant of the Great Emperor, Fairy Diehua grew up listening to all kinds of ancient legends. She knows better than anyone, the Aion. It is obvious that the kid in front of him does not understand the Aion at all. In the ancient times, how terrible it was for those powerful innate gods and demons.

At this moment, when Fairy Diehua confirmed that the area he was in was the Tower of Aion, this made Fairy Diehua's heart from the initial collapse to the face of death, and the changes in his mood in the middle made him a little bit Suffering again.

Especially her current situation is very bad, and the boy in front of her is unable to provide her with any help, which also makes Fairy Diehua feel extremely helpless and helpless.

You know, when she was in the lower realm, she would never have thought that she would encounter this situation in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. I won't talk about the previous things. Now this situation makes him have The urge to vomit blood.

If she changes her person or time, she doesn’t have that much tangled mood, but at this moment, she thinks that there will be no change at all. It is because of her own opinion and some insatiable greed that she is now simply Riding a tiger is so difficult that there is no good way to solve the current dilemma. The more I think about it, the more bitter Diehua Fairy feels. It can be seen that she is in a bad mood at this moment.

"It's okay, but for the time being, we can't do without here. By the way, fairy, have you ever heard of anyone walking out of the Aion alive? Tsk, look at this The situation, obviously, it is impossible for us to leave here at all. Before you wake up, I have confirmed that it seems to be a confined space. Just now, when I tried to leave here, I was attacked a bit, tusk! My head still hurts now.” Luo Xiu shook his head speechlessly. Although he knew that his life was not in danger, he couldn't do without everything here.

"Is there any danger? It's really hard to tell. As for who left here alive before, I don't know it. It's just that it's difficult for the two of us to leave here. I just don't know, my master knows. In my current situation, will he rescue me. By the way, did my junior fellow come in with you before?" Regarding Luo Xiu’s question, Fairy Diehua was obviously wrong at this moment, but she was very I quickly figured out why Luo Xiu asked so, and couldn't help but shook her head, her face was full of melancholy, and then she seemed to have thought of something, so she couldn't help but ask.