Technology Communication System

Chapter 579: Heavenly Stars

However, Zhang Tianshi can probably guess the thoughts in their hearts. They must be thinking of directly bringing this thing back to God's Domain, because only there can this destruction be avoided.

For Zhang Tianshi, the Tiankui clan cannot return to the Gods' Domain at all. Therefore, any chaos in these low-level planes is closely related to them.

Therefore, even though he knew that he was unable to stop them, the two went to the depths of the battlefield of the gods and demons to get the thing, but dividing a part of the benefits brought by that thing can also fundamentally solve the inheritance problem of the Tiankui clan.

"I am not afraid that you will die with us, because for the old man, the things in the battlefield of the gods and demons are precious, but as long as we are patient and have enough time, it will not be a problem to enter, and I am not afraid to tell you that the old man has that order. The card, and I still have the owner of the token, as long as I can control the woman, these things you said are not a problem. As for the rest of the matter, you will not worry about it, and you are not afraid of you. If you feel angry, the old man can assure you that as long as the old man gets something like that, the heavenly stars of your Tiankui clan will surely kill you~ the law will definitely lose its effect. At that time, the life-saving clan you rely on will be great~ Fa, it will definitely become your most fatal weakness. At that time, your family will also be overwhelmed, and it is impossible to bring any threat to the old man. So you should think about how to overcome the current difficulties. , Hehe, although the old man’s soul eater cannot control you, the old man has also figured out one thing, that is, your heavenly star is deadly, and now it has begun to become ineffective. If you can truly understand my intentions, you won’t be able to say those words at all. So, hey, just go to death for the old man!" Xiao Yu raised his eyebrows and stared at his face with complacency. The corner of Zhang Tianshi’s mouth was raised, and while he was speaking, a light flashed in his hand, the long sword appeared in his hand again, and then a sword slashed straight at Zhang Tianshi, and then directly at Zhang Tianshi’s shocking gaze. One is divided into two, and it is directly crushed.

When Xiao Yu did this, his expression and movements were calm and calm. Whether it was turning around with his sword or speaking to the Devil Emperor, Xiao Yu's expression did not change at all.

The Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor was speechless for a while, and then he secretly complained about the conceited Xiao Yu, but now it is like this, he just glanced at the position where Tianshi Zhang was standing before, at this moment, he also I clearly realize that I have enough chips in the hands of the two of me, so I can completely ignore the threat of this celestial master, and even he has a strange feeling. The things I have been worried about before, I think about it now. ridiculous.

"Old demon, you can let Luo Xiu's boy and the woman out, and we will have a good talk with them. Although this celestial master said a bit of exaggeration, but to be honest, this person still has some opinions, what he said. Although 80% of the content is false, there is still a part of it that will give birth to a gap between the two of us, and it is even possible to turn into an enemy, so we still count that kid together. There are three of us together. At that time, we can also minimize the chances of antagonism between us. Not to mention that the old man speaks badly. The old man has already made the oath of heaven before. I will stick to my oath and will never have any disputes with you. , I just borrowed that thing once, and you can refine it first, and then I can use it again. Let me tell you something like that. For me, I just use it to save a person. Others This old man will never take any advantage." After Xiao Yu finished all this, Feng Qingyun turned around, smiled at the corner of his mouth, looked at the look of Spring of the Devil Emperor at this moment, and spoke to him very seriously.

Hearing Xiao Yu's words, the Devil Emperor was just stunned for a moment. He seriously thought about Xiao Yu's previous statement and the true meaning of his words, then nodded without hesitation. He agreed with Xiao Yu's approach.

For him at this moment, as long as he can get something like that and successfully refine it, as for what Xiao Yu wants to borrow for? How long is it used? To him, everything is not important.

The Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor looked at Xiao Yu, who was in the light of the wind, and the corners of his mouth twitched. The stunned expression in his expression turned into shock. He looked at him with extremely complicated eyes, and said in a very cautious tone: "You are like this. Do, but completely offend the Tiankui clan people to death. If you do this, you are not afraid that they will really jump the wall in a hurry?"

Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor said these words, absolutely from the heart for the sake of the person in front of him, but Xiao Yu obviously misunderstood the tone of Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor at this moment, thinking that the meaning in his current words was full of mockery. Xiao Yu turned his gaze to the direction of the Tiankui family who didn't know where it was, and the corners of his mouth raised with a sneer.

"The grasshoppers after autumn will not be able to jump for a few days! And if the old man dares to do this, they are not afraid of their revenge. In fact, if they want revenge, they must be able to find us. I will bring people back to life after I get that thing. After leaving the battlefield of gods and demons, I will take my wife directly back to the realm of Gods. At that time, they will be like rats and they will definitely not dare to go to the realm of Gods to trouble me, because as long as they dare to enter the realm of Gods It is estimated that without my hands, someone will be eager to take them off." Hearing the worry of the Emperor Swallowing, Xiao Yu didn't take it seriously, he waved his hand indifferently, his face was calm and calm. And there was some disdain in his expression.

Hearing that he was so confident, the Devil Emperor could only sigh secretly in his heart at this moment. I don't know why, since the Devil Emperor saw that Xiao Yu had directly killed this celestial master, he always had a sense of uncertainty.

However, seeing Xiao Yu being so confident, he stopped talking. At this moment, he was obviously not on the same channel as Xiao Yu.

He has nothing to say about the so-called differences and inconsistencies, and the most important thing is that he is still hesitating at the moment whether to release Luo Xiu, you know, what he did this time, but will Luo Xiu was completely offended to death.

At other times, the offense will be offended. He doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if Luo Xiu turns his face on him, but in this situation it is really impossible, especially when it comes to his future legacy for generations. Let the Devouring Devil Emperor be more cautious, especially since he knows that Luo Xiu has some weird abilities, which makes him shrink a little.

Because Luo Xiu’s destructive power is extremely abnormal. Once one of them is improperly handled, the two will really turn against each other. Even if he can get that thing, he can’t guarantee what Luo Xiu thinks. What I did before was indeed a bit unnatural.

Xiao Yu on one side obviously didn't notice the abnormality of the Demon Emperor. He waved his hand casually and removed the seal set around here, and then walked a few steps to the left and right, observing the battlefield of the gods and demons at this moment. The surrounding environment.

However, he soon returned to the Devil Emperor's side and watched the expression of the Devil Emperor's expression full of weird openings and said to him: "Did we make a big fuss? It seems that someone else has come here, and came here. Humans should be extremely powerful. Almost all the dangers on the periphery of the battlefield of gods and demons have been wiped out. We don’t need to waste time here. Go in and take a look. It really won’t work, then let Luo Xiu get out. Let him cooperate with us. By that time, we will be grasshoppers on the same boat. As long as he wants to survive, he must cooperate with us fully."

When Xiao Yu said these words, he stretched out his hand, and the Demon Emperor followed him and saw that in that area, the Demon Emperor found that there seemed to be traces of man-made, like a long sword. Similarly, I stabbed directly into the depths of the battlefield of gods and demons, and there seemed to be a very strange force field supporting that path along the way.

Seeing all this in front of him, the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor's gaze shrank slightly, his gaze froze for an instant, and his heart was particularly touched at this moment. If he hadn't noticed this before, it would be impossible. I don't know since when, in the world where they were, such a pathetic existence suddenly appeared.

Because he remembered very clearly, the first time he had just arrived at the periphery of the battlefield of the gods and devils, his spirit glanced around instantly, and he didn't see the road that seemed so intuitive and could be seen with the naked eye.

All of this shows this thing, that is, someone just took action to cover up this road. As for why it suddenly appeared in front of them, even though there was already some faint speculation in the heart of the Devouring Devil, he can only take a step and look at it now, as to whether he guessed it with himself. In that case, it takes a good look to make a decision.

However, the Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor and Xiao Yu hurried forward at the first time. They both wanted to see how this road suddenly appeared in front of them.

It was just that the two of them had just approached that area, but the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Emperor suddenly had a warning sign in his heart. After that, as if he had remembered something, his face suddenly changed, and he greeted Xiao Yu without hesitation, and then he directly Feicheng retreated, and quickly propped up the defensive supernatural powers.

Following the movements of the two, I saw something like thunder in the void. For a while, dense storms of terrifying to the extreme, strong dimensional storms on that road, like shells out of the chamber, directly directed at the two of them. Fired quickly.

Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor and Xiao Yu didn't dare to neglect, they directly took out the defensive magic weapon, and even wanted to escape this area at a very fast speed at the expense of true yuan.

It's just that the two of them moved fast, but the attack came too suddenly, so that the two of them didn't have any power to fight back and were directly hit by a solid attack.

When the two saw the attack and the body, they did not dare to hesitate. While their bodies retreated rapidly, they kept taking out one after another defensive magical weapons to resist the terrible attack.

At this moment, the Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor and Xiao Yu no longer had the calmness they had before, especially Xiao Yu. He was faster just now and walked a bit forward. At this moment, his expressions were extremely hideous. Even facing the powerful dimensional storm on the body that was about to attack, even the Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor hiding behind him felt a little frightened.

It is true that this sudden and powerful attack was too brutal and too sudden. It was just a few seconds. All the defensive magical powers in front of the two of them were all disturbed by this terrifying attack on the spot. Broken, even, if it hadn't been for the two to retreat quickly to buffer the impact, at this moment the two would have already been treated as strangling on the spot.

Even so, the current situation of the two of them is still not optimistic. Although there are more than a dozen powerful defensive spiritual weapons, the violent and fierce dimensional storm has become much weaker, but the attack is still very quick and powerful. , And the strange thing is that this attack seems to have locked the two of them, and even if they hide in Tibet, it is still useless to change the direction of retreat. When this attack appeared not far in front of the two of them, it seemed to open an umbrella and directly covered all the surrounding space.

"Old guy, what do we do now? Look at this, we should be calculated by someone, but who is the one who calculated us. What should we do now, in the state of you and me, we both cannot escape death. Or else You sacrifice, take out the Tower of Eternity, and the two of us go in to hide." At the same time, Xiao Yu was terrified, the hideous look in his expression did not diminish in the slightest, even at this moment, he was already gritting his teeth. , If it wasn't for the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Emperor who was working hard to maintain it with him, he would have died out at this moment.

Even so, Xiao Yu's face is still extremely ugly now. Although the attack has been weakened, but with his current strength, his successors are weak, and he can't support the moment when this wave of attacks weakens.

Therefore, in desperation, the Aion Tower in the hands of the Devil Emperor is his only way back now. It's just that he knew his family affairs from his family, and based on the relationship between the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor and him, as long as the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor had any selfishness, he could definitely take the opportunity to imprison himself in the Aion forever.

In spite of the critical situation, he still did not dare to directly go into the Tower of Aion without taking care of himself.