Technology Communication System

Chapter 580: by chance

"Tsk, I don’t think you would admit your fate that way, just go straight into my Aion, you’re not afraid of me doing little tricks? If that’s the case, wait and see. This attack comes fast and goes fast, There shouldn’t be too much power. This wave of attacks lasts for thirty or forty breaths. This time must be supported by our abilities.” However, the reaction of the Devil Emperor was indeed To the surprise of Xiao Yu, he just shook his head.

Then there was a sudden pause in the movement of his hand. The next moment, his whole person directly changed from the upside-down state to directly rushing forward, and the Aion in his palm, which was originally only the size of a palm, swelled up countless times in an instant.

Then, the Devil Emperor took a deep breath, and his hands were directly attached to the Aion Tower, a powerful force poured directly into the Aion Tower from his body.

In the next moment, the Tower of Eternity suddenly burst into powerful fluctuations, like an Optimus Pillar standing on top of the earth, directly blocking the terrible dimensional storm.

In this scene, Xiao Yu who fell behind the Devil Emperor was a little dumbfounded, and at the same time, he secretly felt such a shocking performance of the Devil Emperor, feeling a bit of heartfelt vibration.

Even though the two of them had such a nasty existence, Xiao Yu still admired such a brutal Devil Emperor.

If it weren't for their current emergency situation, before, the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor might have been able to stand by and watch his destruction. However, the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor did show the attitude of a collaborator.

Although he also knew that the reason why the Emperor of the Devouring Sky worked so hard was to be able to obtain that thing. After all, he alone wanted to find that thing in the perilous battlefield of the gods and demons.

For the Emperor of Heaven Swallowing, Xiao Yu knew very well that his own existence was a very advantageous helper, especially in the current battlefield of Gods and Demons, there was a third force involved, which made Xiao Yu even more aware. Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor did these things for granted, but he just thought so in his heart and didn't show it.

At this moment, in the Tower of Aion, Luo Xiu, who had fallen into a defensive state due to the sudden exploration of the soul, waited for a long time, and found that there was still no other movement, so he couldn't help but curse. He took the cold sweat on his forehead, and then put the orchid number he took out into the storage space.

At this moment, he has understood that his current situation is as expected by the system before, and in this situation, unless the imprisonment of the Aion is broken, otherwise, he has no chance to escape.

Just as he and Fairy Diehua stared at them, they didn’t know how long time had passed. The Tower of Aion suddenly expanded rapidly, and then it shook, and Luo Xiu felt that some places in this world had changed. Somewhat unstable.

And as time passed, Luo Xiu could obviously feel that the space he was in was constantly getting bigger, and as the space he was in got bigger, he actually realized that his soul power could radiate out of his body. Up.

After discovering all this, this surprised him. Although Luo Xiu didn't know much about the Aion, he also knew that such a terrifying existence would happen suddenly. Something must have happened. .

You need to know that Elo Xiu’s knowledge of this Aion, the horror of this thing, has been there since ancient times, and suddenly has such a big change, unless there is a powerful attack, otherwise, this Aion is fundamental There will not be such a big change, even for him, at this moment, the current movement of the Aion is the most dangerous moment for the two of them.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu did not dare to hesitate, and quickly prepared for defense. It's just that he was shocked to find that even if he was using magical powers, there was no such strange power inside the Aion Tower, dissolving his own power.

This not only made Luo Xiu feel a little puzzled, but after understanding this, Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling that his previous tension was a little strange.

He waved his palm directly, and a turquoise flame appeared in front of his eyes. As the power in his hand increased, the brightness of the flame became larger and larger, and then Luo Xiu felt that his opportunity had come.

But when he turned around, he was shocked to find that Fairy Die Hua was staring at himself in amazement, but Luo Xiu didn't say anything yet, Fairy Die Hua also appeared in a creamy white hand. The light.

"Fairy, do you know what is going on? Why can we use our power? Or the Aion has lost its function. If this is the case, can we take the opportunity to escape from here." Luo Xiu looked at Fairy Diehua The same reaction as his own, he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, revealing an eager look, and said with a hint of eagerness in his tone.

"It should be that this thing has entered a state of comprehensive defense. All the power has been taken away and used for the defense of the tower itself. If there is a strong internal attack, it can break the Aion, but the chance is very good. It’s hard to grasp, no one knows how long this external attack will last? The defense of the Aion, but with the help of the command of the spirit, can flexibly and quickly make any suppression feedback from internal attacks. If you want to take the opportunity Give it a try, I don’t even suggest you do this, the strong counter shock is not something you and I can bear, unless the attack on the Aion at this moment requires the Aion to go all out for defense. If this is the case, you can give it a try." Looking at the milky white light on her hand, Fairy Diehua was obviously taken aback, but she seemed to be in a tangled state, and she shook her head very seriously. He spoke to Luo Xiu and explained.

At this moment, Luo Xiu increased the strength in his hand again, and he could faintly feel that the suppression in the space where they were now had completely disappeared. There is no other obstacle in front of him except for a hard fight. Therefore, he is eager to try. It is really that he doesn't want to stay here for a moment.

"Fairy, no matter whether it succeeds or not, I still want to try it, and you said, the Aion is currently under attack from the outside, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, this kind of opportunity is rare. If we Able to seize this opportunity and directly break through this weird space to escape the Tower of Aion. For us, it is the sky high and let the birds fly. At that time, we still need to find the old fellow of the Sky-Swallowing Devil to settle accounts. "Luo Xiu gritted his teeth, a bit as if he had made a lot of determination, his expression was full of firmness, and his tone was particularly serious, almost gritted his teeth.

At the same time, Fairy Die Hua was taken aback when she heard Luo Xiu say this. She knew very well what the consequences of Luo Xiu's doing, except that Fairy Die Hua saw Luo Xiu's resolute look at this moment. , I had to sigh secretly, ready to deal with sudden crisis.

But at this time Fairy Diehua is not optimistic about Luo Xiu’s attempt. It is not that he has no confidence in Luo Xiu, but that he feels that the Tower of Aion should not be that simple. If it is really just so easy, it can be Broken, then the Aion is just a picture.

Just seeing Luo Xiu so confident and eager to try at this moment, even at the expense of blood, even burning vitality to make a tentative blow, the image of Luo Xiu was deeply imprinted in Fairy Diehua's mind.

At this moment, for Luo Xiu, this is just one of his attempts, and the most important thing is that this is still a rare opportunity. He is also not sure whether he will be able to make a single blow this time. In order to be able to better make out what you think and think in your heart.

At this time, the Devil Emperor and Xiao Yu were also caught in a terrifying energy vortex. They originally thought that with the passage of time, this attack would definitely weaken, but what they didn’t expect was that even the Devil Emperor was here. At this moment, the Tower of Aion has been sacrificed, and the current situation of the two of them is still not optimistic, and even more desperate than before.

Originally, the two of them were able to retreat rapidly behind them with the attack, but with the appearance of the Aion, although the attack was forcibly prevented, a terrible thing happened. With the Aion as the core, where they were This space seemed to be unable to withstand this terrible impact in an instant.

And the subsequent dimensional storm is still strong, like the waves crashing on the reef, but the space barriers of this space cannot withstand the collision of the dimensional storm with the Aion, and the terrible impact of returning back. The large-scale space shattered and appeared, making the Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor and Xiao Yu caught off guard, and even too late to make an effective response. They were hit hard again and vomited blood one after another.

And it was at this time that Luo Xiu’s shocking blow hit the wall of the Tower of Aion directly. This violent and ferocious blow gathered all Luo Xiu’s skills, plus his body power. And the powerful follow-up power raised by the system on him.

All of this made the Tian-Swallowing Devil Emperor whose face was still as earthy as Yuan Bei's face instantly, and he hurriedly backed away, even ignoring Xiao Yu's life and death, just flying back.


Only heard a bang, the Aion burst directly from the middle like a broken ball. Fortunately, this is only the base area is beginning to be destroyed, and the dimensional storm that could have been hindered becomes like this again at this moment. Like a wild horse running off the rein, as if combined with the power of the explosion of the Aion, the two formed a terrible resonance.

In an instant, two terrifying powers were superimposed, and the terrifying impact directly included Xiao Yu and the Devil Emperor, and they all hit and flew directly. The violent impact of power was simply a change that neither of them could imagine. ~ State. The two of them didn't just vomit blood this time, they even didn't know how many bones they had broken.

And Luo Xiu, who had just broken the Tower of Aion, was also terribly enduring the terrible pain in his body like thousands of swords stuck in his body at this moment. He directly grabbed Fairy Butterfly and the two of them got in instantly. In the Qinglian world.

With the rupture of the Aion, the second son of the unparalleled world and the other people of Thunder Bluff were also released from the Aion at this moment, but they were in the same situation as the previous Zhang Tianshi and others. Before he could react, he was shattered on the spot by the shock wave of violent power.

At this moment, Luo Xiu saw this terrifying scene through the monitoring of the system, and was a little dumbfounded. Although his current situation is also very worrying, even the bones of his whole body that were hit by the original powerful dimensional storm are broken, he is still at this moment. Some were dumbfounded.

Because he could not imagine that breaking the Aion by himself would have such terrible consequences. He saw with his own eyes that the Devil Emperor and Xiao Yu were directly wrapped in this powerful force like a ball. Fly towards the distance.

That terrible speed is definitely faster than their flying speed, I don't know how many times. With Luo Xiu's continued observation and the rupture of the Tower of Aion, the violent power seemed to have found a catharsis. The energy group formed by the obstacle of the Tower of Aion also instantly turned into nothingness. The terrifying and perverted power directly engulfed Xiao Yu and the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Emperor, and directly engulfed them in a horrible whirlpool like a tornado. That powerful spinning force made the two guys who had lost the power to resist look extremely miserable at the moment.

The two of them are in this situation, and they don't know how many bones have been broken all over their bodies, especially Xiao Yu, who is a mortal fetus. At this moment, the Devil Emperor has turned into a weapon-like original form. For him, there is a powerful body such as the innate spirit treasure. He is just the flesh that he turned into at the beginning is destroyed. . The violent power impact on him was not as great as he had imagined, but Xiao Yu was different. This old guy was sturdy and fatally wounded.

The three or four consecutive energy shocks just now left him with no good places all over his body. In addition to strong bones, his body is still supporting his body. At this time, the surface of his skin has been cracked, and even appeared in many places. Separation of skin and flesh.

At this moment, the Demon Emperor of the Sky-Swallowing had already turned into the shape of the long knife. The long knife was wrapped in a powerful force of Preran, which acted on Xiao Yu's body. In addition to his life under the impact of the energy, as long as he is not careful, his life may be ruined.