Technology Communication System

Chapter 582: Emperor Thunder Appears

Especially in the Aion, she had already planned to do double cultivation with Luo Xiu this kid, in order to strengthen Luo Xiu's cultivation base, so that he has more powerful soul power to control the Aion. Unexpectedly, the time came, and before they could take any action, the owner of the Aion did a stupid thing to give the kid in front of him a chance to break the Aion in one blow.

Thinking of the scene I saw with my own eyes, Fairy Diehua couldn’t believe it until now. It’s not difficult for her to cultivate such a terrible blow directly, even for many people in God’s Domain. Question, but for Luo Xiu, being able to issue such a terrifying blow shows how deep this kid has.

At the same time, Luo Xiu couldn't help but slander. He is not a rookie who doesn't understand anything now. Hearing what Fairy Diehua said, this woman obviously still treated him as a child.

However, Luo Xiu was also happy to pretend to be silly, he just glanced at her fixedly, and then he walked straight to the place where his family gathered.

While there is still some time, he also wants to go back to the family to take a look at his parents and the elders of the teachers. For the current Luo Xiu, the cultivation of his family members has been far behind him.

The most important thing for him now is to find a way to find a place to settle his family. It is impossible for him to take them with him all the time. Although it is also a world, the law of heaven is not sound.

In other words, unless the world here is completely formed, otherwise, their relatives will not have much progress in their cultivation. Because their cultivation base is here, they want to completely get rid of the imprisonment, so they can only put them outside, otherwise, his influence on this world will always exist.

Until the moment when he is called Shengchengzun, when this world will be completely completed, all creatures in this world will get an enviable chance.

For Luo Xiu, his world is very safe, and anyone who has a better cultivation base than himself will be greatly suppressed when he enters this world.

And he is the **** of this world, so Luo Xiu is relieved to put his family here. It's just that he doesn't believe that everyone will stay here willingly. After all, people cannot be closed for too long, otherwise, many people will have other weird ideas.

Especially for those who are in his sect, those people don’t care about their influence on them, they just think that they are imprisoned for some benefit. Luo Xiu knows exactly what he did. Things are simply unimaginable for the current colleagues.

Although suppressed by several of his masters and uncles, his own affairs can be properly resolved. But for others, this is not fair. And many people don't understand themselves. It is good for them to trap them in this world. Those people will only think that they will be banned in this world for special reasons. Therefore, for Luo Xiu, the most important thing for him now is to find a way to screen out these people.

However, he only walked a few steps, and suddenly stopped, because the system in his mind gave him other reminders. After Luo Xiu stopped, he turned around and looked at the fairy butterfly behind him. He couldn't help but smoked, and said in a very serious tone: "So what is the origin of the second son of Thunder Bluff? And your junior has just died, there is no problem, right?"

"Why do you ask? Could it be that the old guy from Thunder Bluff has come here? It's not right. With the level of horror here, even if that guy regards that Shi Wushuang no matter how much he cares about that kid, it should not He will react so quickly." Fairy Diehua was obviously taken aback when Luo Xiu said this. He glanced at Luo Xiu with surprise in his expression, and his tone became serious.

"A powerful force came here just now. It's just that it's not the Thunder King you mentioned, that's not sure. It's just that it's really not a good opportunity to go out, so wait and see. By the way, Fairy , Your Junior Brother is dead, won't it attract other people's attention." Luo Xiu was relieved when he heard Fairy Diehua say this. He knew that his previous thoughts were too naive, but fortunately he didn't rush out. As for releasing the others in the Aion, he had no alternative at the time.

Fortunately, with the support of the two old guys outside, the Thunder Great would never find his place at all for a while. And Luo Xiu's original plan to go out and have a good talk with the Emperor of Heaven Swallowing, but now it also fell through.

And when Luo Xiu was in deep thought, the Devil Emperor of the Sky Swallowing was waiting for him, his eyes were full of vigilance at the old man who appeared suddenly.

The old man was surrounded by thunder and lightning, and his whole body flashed brilliantly, and even exuded a terrible aura, which was unconcealed. The thunder that had just reached the sun surrounded him, making his whole person look like a **** descending to the earth, with a trace of destruction in the horror, devastating crazy profound meaning.

This old man is the mainstay of Thunder Bluff. The most fundamental and strong backing for Thunder Bluff to dominate the entire universe is the Thunder Emperor.

At this moment, this old guy is looking at the Devil Emperor with murderous expression. If you don't give me an explanation, I will definitely kill you and stare at the Emperor.

And at this time, the Demon Emperor of the Devouring Sky really had troubles. Although he didn't seem to have any problems now, only he knew that although he had escaped the violent explosion that was hit by the dimensional storm just now.

But he suffered heavy losses, and his current body was also temporarily transformed, and he didn't have much combat effectiveness at all. Unless it is directly exchanged for the body, it is just that, it is easy to be constrained by a guy like Thunder Great. In the unlikely event that someone is accidentally refined into a portable weapon, then he is truly tragic to death.

You must know that the innate treasure he seized is still a weapon in the final analysis. The most fundamental reason why he was able to succeed was that this innate treasure was destroyed by someone before it took shape. His current appearance is at best a weapon.

Once he was transformed into a body and was forcibly controlled by the old guy in front of him, he would definitely become a weapon in his next life, and there would be no possibility of coming back into the world at all.

At this time, Emperor Thunder was full of murderous aura, looking at the Devil Emperor in front of him with some doubts. Although he already knew the fact that his disciple had died at this moment. But the current Emperor Thunder is not as calm as he imagined.

For the two guys in front of him, especially the one sitting cross-legged, Emperor Thunder was very jealous. Especially the guy who was surrounded by horrible sword energy this week around him made him feel a little unpredictable. This person has such a strong sword energy and a strong moral cultivation.

Although the Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor was extremely nervous at this time, he looked at Xiao Yu, who was still closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, and his mind stabilized a lot. This old guy is definitely cannibalistic. If he said that before, he might still believe in the ridiculous remarks of the man who was seriously injured.

At this moment, seeing this person still sitting there calmly, if it exists, is the most secret thing. For the Devil Emperor, he really didn't have much to worry about.

"You two, why are you here, and where is the old boy in my family now? Why can't the old man feel his existence anymore." Turned around and looked at the still lifeless battlefield of Gods and Demons, and turned around, The Emperor Thunder looked suspiciously at the Emperor Heaven-Swallowing Devil in front of him, and said in a light tone.

He wasn't talking nonsense when he asked, but he had a clear purpose. If you ask yourself why the disciple died, it will obviously arouse these people's vigilance. Finding something as an entry point will make it easier to grasp the key to solving the problem quickly.

"It's like this..." Then the Devil Emperor said roughly what happened to Emperor Thunder. It was not that he was afraid of the old guy in front of him, but that there was no need to conflict with this person. After all, no matter how you look at it, he is not the main reason for the death of his disciple.

Moreover, the Demon Emperor is very confident. Based on his current experience, the main purpose of the old guy in front of him is not for his disciple. He will definitely go with them to explore the battlefield of the gods and demons. Therefore, he now feels that Luo Xiu is really wrong and wrong.

After all, 10,000 ordinary monks can’t match the effect of their three powerful emperors working together, and the most critical problem now is that both he and Xiao Yu are both injured now, and the Thunder Great He is a powerful monk who is extremely proficient in thunder attribute and magical powers, and he enters the battlefield of gods and demons together. Presumably when exploring the battlefield of gods and demons, those lone souls and wild ghosts in the battlefield of gods and demons will definitely not dare to make trouble in front of them.

But at this moment, when the Thunder Great Emperor heard the Demon Emperor say so, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, revealing a murderous face. Originally because of his arrival, the faint thunder from the world at this moment was also there. This moment became clear. At this moment, the terrifying sky thunders carried by Emperor Lei Ting Zhou seemed to be starting to explode with his mood at this moment.

Because, the Great Thunder knew very well that with the style of his own kid, he would not be fooled so easily. Obviously, these two guys in front of them must have done something in it, and even their two disciples will die, absolutely inseparable from the two people in front of them.

"Tsk, stop talking nonsense, this emperor is not stupid, so don't say those unnutritious things, you two are suspicious, don't tell me that you have a strong cultivation base and will not bully the weak, but the old man is sure , With the style of my two disciples and grandchildren, it’s simply not so easy to take risks. If no one talks to confuse or threaten, they can’t do such a thing. The emperor is not here to listen to you As explained here, if you are acquainted, you two will release my apprentice. Otherwise, be careful of the old man and you swear not to give up." Xiao Yu saw the Emperor Swallowing the devil, he had not had time to speak, the Great Emperor Thunder did. It was looking at him coldly, his expression was full of murderousness, and his face was full of terrifying murderousness.

At this moment, Emperor Thunder completely didn't want to talk nonsense with the two people in front of him. He knew very well that with the current situation, he could definitely eat the two guys below. Before coming, he held Ning wrongly and killed him. The attitude of not letting go, I absolutely want to thoroughly understand the fate of his two disciples.

"Belief and unbelief are all up to you, your disciple has been wiped out. If you don't believe me, you should have something like a heavenly lantern, don't you know if you take it out and see it for yourself?" For the strong Emperor Thunder, Xiao Yuzheng At the moment, he was not very happy. He curled his lips with a look of disdain. His eyes were full of weird glances at Emperor Thunder, and then his indifferent gaze was full of mockery, and he spoke with an unkind tone to top the words of Emperor Thunder. go back.

Hearing Xiao Yu's words, the expression of Emperor Thunder at this moment was completely gloomy. The suffocation in his expression at this moment was not concealed at all. Even if it weren't for the Emperor of the Swallowing Sky, he would have been around. Let's fight this guy to death and death.

However, even so, the Thunder Great snorted fiercely when he heard Xiao Yu say this, and the murderous aura on his body broke out uncontrollably again. At the same time, thunder and lightning were already flashing in his hand, and what was even more terrifying was the black lightning in his hand, which appeared in reality and emptiness. If it weren't for any scruples, it is estimated that the Thunder Great Emperor would have already taken action at this moment.

"Well, things are just like what we just said. We are not to blame for this matter. Although we don't want to have anything to do with you, we still have to make it clear to you that this is just what you think. The person was almost calculated by your disciple and grandson to have his soul scattered. Besides, the two of us did not intend to kill him, but there was a reason for the matter. As for the purpose of your disciple, you must know better than us, don’t follow What tricks we are playing, the old man doesn’t believe that you have 70 or 80 sons, so many grandchildren, this world is not the best one, your old boy is still selling to us, open the skylight and say anything. Bright words." The Demon Emperor of Heaven Swallowing pulled Xiao Yu back, who looked bad, and the look of Emperor Thunder was full of weird expressions, completely ignoring the violent lightning on this old guy and his hands. The very weird lotus flower composed of black thunder and lightning.