Technology Communication System

Chapter 617: Strange world

"The dark world, what do you mean?" Luo Xiu felt particularly confused about the dark world that the system said.

And he had some guesses, but it was not too certain for the time being. It was just that as time passed, Luo Xiu also appeared a little flustered. He knew very well that in this situation, if he still behaved like before, he could It's really hard to survive.

"Well, this system really doesn't know how to explain it. Because this dark world is just a guess, it's in parallel time and space with the Earth Federation world where this system is located, but this kind of space exists forever, as if there is no Any changes, even after hundreds of millions of years, will be what they used to be, and what they will be afterwards. So, tell the host an unfortunate news, and you may be a tragedy." Luo Xiu’s question made the system in his mind obviously a little different. I know how to explain it, but what he said really surprised Luo Xiu, but at the same time, he vaguely felt something was wrong.

"Tragedy, why! Why do you say that? Also, this dark world is really as horrible as you said." Luo Xiu was very surprised now, and he was very curious about what the system said he was going to be tragic, and what it meant.

And just when he wanted to hear how the system should explain, he suddenly changed his color, raised the power in his body without hesitation, flashed his body without thinking, and quickly dodged.

Then, he wiped his forehead with fear, and saw that at his original location, a fiery-red meteorite was heading towards the dark universe far beyond the speed of light by many times.

If he hadn’t just made the right choice because of the huge life-and-death crisis, Luo Xiu would have been torn apart by the terrifying speed of the meteorite, or engulfed by the meteorite and headed deeper into the universe. .

"System? What is this? Didn't you tell me before that this is the dark world, and there won't be any life or planetary activities? What was it just now?" After Luo Xiu, who was terrified, returned to God, Once again, he carefully observed the universe he was in, then touched his forehead, and asked aloud to the system in his mind with some fear.

The scene just now was too thrilling. If you change the time, he can deal with it, but all that happened before made his scalp numb, and he didn't make any choice at all, just dodge subconsciously.

However, even so, he was shocked by the terrifying speed of the meteorite. You know, here is the extremely dark space, where the huge gravitational force makes the meteorite have such strong kinetic energy, and the one that emits red light Meteorite, is it a terrifying existence after star decomposition?

"Host, it's saved! This is just a deadly universe. You first fly along this direction to see the situation. Just now, it was caused by the strong gravitational force of a certain planet. As for why such rapid meteorites appear, this system cannot And know. As for other things, this system is inconvenient to explain now. You have to follow the direction that the previous red light passed. The previous thing has such a fast speed, there must be a huge gravitational force attracting him, and it can make When the meteorite reaches such a high speed, there must be a huge planet, or a star, a host, and quickly catch up to see what exactly is here, and then we can make plans." The system in my mind was revealed at this time. With an expression of joy, he spoke to Luo Xiu with some excitement.

Reluctantly lifting the remaining strength of his body, Luo Xiu took a fierce breath, slowly spit out, adjusted the injury on his body, and then he shot away from the distance without hesitation.

At this moment, he knew that he couldn't have any hesitation. Once the trace of the meteorite was lost, what awaited him would definitely be inconsistent with the direction of the sky and the earth. At that time, he didn't know where to go.

Although he can also use the warships of the Earth Federation to drive on his way, there is no reference, even if the advanced radar technology and the strong direction guidance, there is not much advantage. In other words, he didn't dare to do this because the speed of the warship was too fast, and most importantly, he didn't dare to use the warship here.

After all, the warning from the system just now is still in my ears. If it were really that simple to go out, the system would not speak to him like that.

All of this explained a problem. Luo Xiu could only rely on his own strength for the next thing. Although he had felt the strange atmosphere here before, he was terrified when he unfolded his power to track down. He discovered that even though his current speed is still very fast, he found that even if he drives with the strongest strength, his speed is still only two-thirds of the previous speed.

As for why this is the reason, he did not figure out the problem, but he found that if he wanted to speed up again, the powerful forces he mentioned would suddenly lose their target and escape directly into his in vivo.

Such a weird and frightening discovery made Luo Xiu afraid to hesitate. He hurriedly stretched the defensive supernatural powers fully again, and then he didn't stay at all, rushing with all his strength, swallowing the pill, recovering his injuries, and looking at him. Staring unblinkingly at the rough red-brown light.

If he had only felt the intense pain around him before, and had not noticed the abnormality of this space, when he really started to move in this space, he was surprised to find that he is now His power is losing, and although the rate of loss is not fast, he also feels it clearly.

"System, is there something wrong with my body now? Why does the more I increase my strength, the faster the energy in my body escapes, which is very abnormal? You must know my level of cultivation, The use of power is already well-versed, and there will definitely not be a situation where this power starts to disappear inexplicably. You are not eating the power in my body.” When Luo Xiu saw the terrifying planet as huge as the entire galaxy At the time, he couldn't help but stop his steps.

At this moment, he also faintly noticed a gravitational force acting on him, but Luo Xiu did not dare to take any carelessness now, forcing himself to calm down, stopped his footsteps, and stood watching. Looking at the huge planet, hesitated.

In the world in front of him, Luo Xiu could only see a roughly spherical shape where the planet was visible. At his current position, he saw only a huge continent suspended in the starry sky.

At this time, he was still thousands of light-years away from where the planet was, so he just felt the gravitational pull of Ruoyoruowu, but now he really did not dare to be careless. The ghost knows what exists in this weird planet. If he speeds up a little bit faster, will he not be able to stand the speed because of it and plunge directly into the atmosphere of that planet.

The reason why he was so cautious was also because the power in his body was starting to dissipate inexplicably. Although the dissipating speed was not fast, it also made him feel terrified. You must know that his own flesh ~ body has been fully developed, and indeed there will be no such thing as missing energy.

But at this moment, he actually felt the power in his body disappearing. He observed the planet here, and the power in his body had disappeared by one thousandth. He had felt that something was wrong before, but he only thought it was caused by the weirdness in this space and the gravity brought by the planet.

However, when his body approached this weird star field, Luo Xiu found that the power in his body was still slowly dissipating. Although the amplitude did not accelerate or slow down, even if he is not far away from the starry sky. Far, the energy dissipation rate in his body is still maintained in a balanced state.

This not only made Luo Xiu very curious, but he should know that he can easily control the energy movement in the body now, but when this kind of escaped power happened, he was completely helpless in this situation. This is not only forbidden. It made him feel a little depressed.

"Host, the reason for the inexplicable disappearance of the energy in your body cannot be determined by this system. Initially, it should be related to the space you are in. However, this system is unable to judge for the time being what caused the problem. This happens, but you don’t need to worry about the host. With the power reserve of this system, the current power dissipation speed in your body, even if you persist here for decades, this system can also replenish the lost energy, and you should not forget Now, you still have the world of Qinglian. With that retreat, you can boldly move on." The system in your mind comforted Luo Xiu out loud and told him not to make such a fuss. It is really unnecessary.

Hearing what the system said, Luo Xiu felt relieved. He knew that since the system said so, there must be his basis. Then Luo Xiu did not hesitate to take out the orchid number that had not been used for a long time from his storage space. Then he controlled the battleship to speed up and headed towards the weird huge planet.

Along the way, as Luo Xiu guessed, his battleship in this world couldn’t sense the signals from the satellites left over before, so Luo Xiu was sure that the place where he was at this moment was a piece of him. A world that has never come before.

And as he approached, the planet became bigger and bigger. After his spirit power was completely restored, he sensed that as the spacecraft suddenly accelerated, his spirit suddenly felt a very comfortable feeling. Feeling transparent, this sudden discovery made him very surprised.

"No, overlord, you wait first, don't move on, there seems to be something wrong here." And when Luo Xiu was still uncertain, the speed of the battleship suddenly stopped at this time, and then the battleship started. At an extremely symmetrical speed, it slowly revolves around this huge planet. At the same time, the system's warning sounds are also transmitted in his mind.

"System, what's the matter? There is nothing wrong here, but I seem to have entered a world that is very helpful to my spiritual power. In the space here, there is a special substance that can make my spiritual power glow even more. Powerful activity." Luo Xiu's words about the system were a bit inexplicable. He knew very well that after the inexplicable obstacles before disappeared, Luo Xiu could also feel the comfortable feeling from his soul.

"Don't act rashly. There is weirdness here. Take back your spirit power for the time being. Don't swallow any power in this world. I think the power composition here should be the energy in your body slowly. The main reason for dissipating." Luo Xiu's words did not relieve the tension of the system, but made the system warn him more seriously.

Afterwards, Luo Xiu no longer hesitated, and hurriedly withdrew his mental power. Even if the sense of comfort in the soul was getting stronger at this moment, he had to grit his teeth to cut off the connection and at the same time closed his pores all over his body.

It's just that even if he did this, the power in his body was still slowly dissipating, just as the system had previously said, these powers were indeed strangely neutralized and disappeared by the strange power between this heaven and earth.

"It should not be as serious as you said. Before, I just felt the power in my body disappear, but the speed is not fast. Even now, the power consumed by me is still within my bearing range, even these powers, If you don't pay attention, you can't detect it at all, in short, are you a little fussed?" Luo Xiu mumbled inexplicably. He seemed to be at a loss for the system's words, so Luo Xiu's tone of speech now is not as casual as before.

Although the words are not good, Luo Xiu still follows the requirements of the system. He doesn't want to cause big troubles because of his arrogance at this critical moment. In case, because of his wrong approach, the preparation of the system is wasted. At that time, once the system in his mind can't help him, it will be really difficult for him to do it.

And when Luo Xiu was carrying out irregular activities on the weird orbit of the planet, hundreds of millions of light years away, that piece of heaven and earth seemed to have been broken by people in an instant. Several terrifying human breaths suddenly appeared in this world, and then everything disappeared again. And with the disappearance of the space cracks, a powerful breath of divine and soul power swept across the world directly, and strange and terrifying power echoed in this world.

At the same time, because the system in his mind is constantly watching the power changes here, it has not detected the weird situation that suddenly appeared.