Technology Communication System

Chapter 624: All by acting

After everything was prepared, Luo Xiu began to slowly climb up. This time he was holding a branch that he had come here with his generous hand, and then pretending to be tired. Climbing directly up the mountain, I came across any herbs along the way, and I picked it up and threw it into my back basket. At the same time, there was a part of the colorful body that he deliberately made, pretending to be everybody picking herbs, and was covered by trees. The whole robe after shaved one after another looked tattered.

The reason for this is to be more realistic on the one hand, and more importantly, I still hope that I can disguise myself seamlessly. Judging by the manners of these people, it is obvious that they should not belong to the same power, and Luo Xiu is also convinced that his disguise should be very successful, and nothing will be detected by these people. If this happens, he thinks See if he can join in and worship one of these people's sect, so that he will have a better space to operate his own affairs.

Sure enough, when Luo Xiu's body crossed the jungle and stood on this platform, he immediately attracted the attention of the seven people who were discussing things, but everyone just glanced at him, and then there was a man. Walk towards him.

The man seemed to really regard him as a mountain man who picked medicine, and did not take his sudden appearance too seriously, because at this moment Luo Xiu not only showed a dress like a medicine picker, but he was even in tatters. The rotten clothes, the dark brown complexion on his face exposed to the sun, and the look of his breathlessness made the man mistakenly think that he was reluctant to come here to rest.

"In Xia Kunzong Lin Zijian, dare to ask this old man, do you often come to this place?" Lin Zijian asked aloud as soon as he came up. He didn't think much about other places. Hearing Lin Zijian's words made Luo Xiu breathe a sigh of relief, he also secretly cheered. He knew that his disguise was extremely successful, and for Luo Xiu, the next step would be It depends on how he fooled.

"Brother Lin, why are you asking this? This Qingfengtai means that we are usually tired. Come here to rest for a while. There are no other special things at all. Why do you ask?" This is not Luo Xiu's initiative. This platform is indeed true. It is actually this name, and it is also the name other locals gave to the platform he is on.

Because this Qingfengtai seems to be surrounded by no trees, but here you can avoid the strong mountain wind, otherwise, it will not be called Qingfengtai.

Before, Luo Xiu came over because he was curious about the special environment here. He didn't expect to meet the seven people in front of him, especially Lin Zijian in front of him. He didn't think deep, didn't doubt his identity, this This gave Luo Xiu a chance to deal with it more calmly.

"Qingfengtai? Brother, are you sure you are not mistaken? This place is called Qingfengtai." When Luo Xiu's words just fell, Lin Zijian couldn't wait. It seemed that Luo Xiu's words were very objectionable. Like.

But when he asked, he stopped Luo Xiu. He was not sure he could continue to make up. The reason why he knew the name of Qingfengtai was because he happened to hear the words of those mountain people who gathered herbs. , The real origin of this name, he really doesn't know.

However, despite the nervousness in his heart, Luo Xiu still pretended to be ignorant, looked at Lin Zijian innocently, and said: "Yes, this Qingfengtai is the first time since I can remember that I came to the mountain with my old father. When I took the medicine, I already knew it was called Qingfengtai. As for why it was called, I don’t know. Why? Is it possible that this name has any other meaning?"

Luo Xiu didn't pretend to be a mountain man, but while speaking, he showed his skill a little bit, so that this person can trust his words better, and don't continue to inquire. This is also true. One of his strategies, in order to be able to completely gain the trust of these people, Luo Xiu also took out the acting skills he usually learned when watching movies. If the directors of the Earth Alliance see him now, they will definitely Give him a hundred points.

"Nothing, I'm just curious to ask, this Qingfengtai is really just what you heard from your father, is there no other introduction?" Lin Zijian seemed disappointed when Luo Xiu said this, and at the same time he couldn't bear it again. Zhuo Qiao asked again in a tentative tone, as if Luo Xiu's answer did not satisfy him.

"I don't know this. Who are you guys and why are you so interested in the name of this platform?" Luo Xiu really doesn't know what kind of power this Universe Sect is, so he said this. At that time, I was confused and curious.

This is very much in line with the role he was performing at this time. Therefore, Lin Zijian did not doubt her identity, and at the same time, because Luo Xiu had previously shown his cultivation skills, he dispelled Lin Zijian's suspicion from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, it seemed that because Lin Zijian's voice was a little louder, the remaining people who had originally gathered together looked over curiously. At the same time, there were two men wearing the same costumes as Lin Zijian. Walk towards where he is.

At this time, Luo Xiu was a little nervous, he was not sure whether his disguise was successful, but looking at the smiles on the faces of those people, it proved that he was not exposed, at least these people did not think deeply.

"Zijian, how is it? Did you ask? Is this Qingfengtai?" The two people who walked together, one of them was a burly-looking man with a scar on his face and glanced at Luo Xiu with a puzzled look. Turned his face to look at Lin Zijian and asked.

At the same time, another man with wicked eyebrows and squirrel eyes also looked at Luo Xiu up and down, as if he was speculating on Luo Xiu's identity, or he had already suspected Luo Xiu.

At this moment, Luo Xiu is also calm on the surface, but he is also sloppy in his heart. He doesn't think these people are so foolish. If they really doubt their identity, Luo Xiu is really a little bit. I don't know how to choose.

"Brother Zheng Hao, yes, this is called Qingfengtai, and the others are not clear. By the way, have you negotiated any results? Should we continue to look for it? This is very important to know. Master also passed it to me, let us look for it here. As for the effect, let’s wait until we find it carefully.” Lin Zijian glanced at the scarred man, Zheng Hao, and couldn’t help sighing. He said in a slightly bitter tone.

Zheng Hao glanced at Luo Xiu, then turned around and whispered something to the thief-looking man, and then the man flashed up to Luo Xuexiu's side, his hands almost kept, and he directly shot Luo Xiu. The carrying basket was taken off.

In fact, at the moment this man rushed towards him, Luo Xiu took precautions, but he was disguised very well, completely concealing his original cultivation base, and the cultivation base he exposed at this moment , Is also the part of the power he has transformed.

At this moment, Luo Xiu looked panicked and eager. Therefore, when the man took off his back basket, Luo Xiu hurriedly wanted to stretch out his right hand to grab the medicine basket.

Fortunately, the scarred man seemed to just let the thief-looking man check Luo Xiu’s back basket to see if it was a disguise, or deliberately probe Luo Xiu’s cultivation skills. Therefore, the sharp-mouthed monkey-gill man just nodded. He put down the back basket in his hand.

The scarred man who just saw this scene nodded his head and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In this scene, Luo Xiu looked at it clearly from the corner of his eye, and clearly felt that he had originally mentioned the cultivation base and he had completely recovered it. . This couldn't help but make Luo Xiu secretly relieved, he didn't think that this person's previous appearance of being in a serious array was pretending.

"Brother, it's dangerous here. Don't stay here any longer. Go down the mountain." Liu Hao turned around, his eyes relaxed a lot, and he looked at Luo Xiu with a relaxed tone, and at the same time threw a little Budai waved to Luo Xiu.

Hearing what Zheng Hao said, Luo Xiu was stunned for a moment, reached out his hand to take the cloth bag he had thrown, and then he squeezed it in his hand, and opened it in an impatient manner, using a transparent look for the few inside. The coins polished by the jade were poured out and looked at, and then showed a happy expression, bowed and bent over to everyone, then turned upside down the back basket that was put down, turned and went down from the Qingfeng platform.

Everyone did not have too much doubt about Luo Xiu’s reaction. Therefore, when Luo Xiu’s body turned around, no one noticed the sneer at the corner of Luo Xiu’s mouth. At the same time, Luo Xiu Xiu also let out a deep breath, his expression regained his composure, he can be sure that there must be something weird inside Qingfengtai, otherwise, these people would not take it so seriously.

"System, find a way to monitor everything about them, and see what secrets are hidden here. If you can eavesdrop on what they are saying, it would be even better!" While walking down the mountain, Luo Xiu did not forget to pretend to be a pair. Anxiously, Luo Xiu breathed a sigh of relief after he completely left the sight of these people, and instructed the system in his mind.

"The host doesn't need to be so careful. Here, the people on the Qingfeng Terrace can't find anything at all, and you don't have to guard them like a thief. It's impossible for them to take you as a harm?" He didn't. Thinking that the system in his mind would answer this way, Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling a little speechless, and he was really not sure why the system said such a thing.

"What do you mean by the system? How do you say that? Is it possible that there is something hidden in it? Or the purpose of their coming here is not as complicated as we thought." Forcibly suppressing the curiosity in his heart, Luo Xiu said in a puzzled voice. Asked him.

When speaking, Luo Xiu dodged and avoided the two little monsters in a jungle, then he turned a few more directions, changed back to his clothes, and restored his original appearance, carefully walking toward the top of the mountain again. .

This time he changed his direction again. This time as long as he reached that platform, he would definitely be staggered with those people, and Luo Xiu also discovered one thing, that is, the system in his mind that didn’t seem to tell him. To be honest, he was hiding some things from himself.

"Hey, these things were originally unnecessary to tell you. Since you asked, then I will tell you. The things they were looking for have been taken away. At this moment, there is only an empty space under the platform. The shell is nothing. You don’t think that the peculiarity of the platform is caused by the special topography of this mountain. Although this mountain is huge, it can’t be said to cover the sky. This strong mountain wind, definitely The platform will be completely corroded away, but it has stood unharmed for thousands of years, and its internal structure must be different. There is a biological egg inside. Of course, the soft egg is now empty. It is estimated that they The purpose of coming here is to find this egg." The system didn't care about Luo Xiu's reaction like this. He didn't care to explain to Luo Xiu in his brain.

"That's it, that's the case, we don't need to lean on it anymore. You said that if I pretend to be someone from another sect, what will happen if I compete with them for the egg?" Luo Xiu suddenly thought of it. She was a little moved, and said something that made the system in his mind speechless.

This was Luo Xiu's temporary intention. Although he faintly felt that he was a little cautious these days. Seeing these people sneaky, he just thought these people had something to deal with, but when he calmed down now , He discovered that these people who belonged to different forces were definitely not simple here, because if they could really keep this secret, no one would let others participate.

Since the three parties have already participated, why doesn't he pretend to be the fourth party to come and take a share? If these people really find something special, he also has a chance to get a share. Now that he was ready to waste his work and re-cultivation, Luo Xiu had to prepare the medicines and the treasures of heaven, material and earth that he needed to use in his cultivation.

Therefore, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his aura flashed, and he was very excited, and he was still a little excited. You must know that the cultivation base he showed now was only a little bit higher than those of the medicine farmers. If he can crush it by then Suppressing those seven people, thinking about it made him feel a bit of pleasure after being forced.

"It's not impossible. It's just a person from which force you pretend to be. If you know this world, I'm not familiar with it, and you also know that besides these sects that we already know, others don't know what other sects are here." The system didn't care about Luo Xiu's sudden whimsicality, or supported him a little bit, but the most important thing was which force they were going to pretend to be. This is a matter of planning.