Technology Communication System

Chapter 625: Plan can't keep up with changes

"That's also simple. Let's take a stroll in the market city here to see which power is hidden deep enough and the name is big enough. At least the name must be able to fool these talents. , One more thing is, can you be sure that in this world, the warships of the Earth Federation or something can fly safely? In this way, we can make a time difference. I will take the warship to a nearby city first. Study the human geography here, and then we will come back to plan here, the secret in Qingfengtai, of course, it is best to be able to mix into the library of these sects, or other places where the exercises are recorded. , It can also enrich the system’s database better, and at the same time lay a solid foundation for my future useless work.” Luo Xiu thought about it carefully and felt that his method was really feasible. Therefore, he was a little tentative. Asked aloud the system in his mind.

It wasn't that he wanted to do this, but he felt that the things in the Qingfeng Terrace gave him a fatal attraction, which was of great benefit to his subsequent development.

"Of course it’s okay, but you’re sure to do this. Although nothing else, it’s just one round and the time it takes. Of course, we can go back and forth as quickly as possible, but no Make sure you can find the sect that meets your requirements. If you disguise, you should also reveal the exercises or martial arts that belong to this sect. Otherwise, it would be easy to fool them.” The system is adventurous to Luo Xiuzhen. He was a little bit resistant. He knew that Luo Xiu’s doing this was no different from walking a tightrope, and the difficulty was a little bit more difficult. Therefore, he was not very happy with Luo Xiu doing it, because it was too dangerous. I'm afraid that time is too late.

"It's okay. If it's a big deal, just run one more time. It's okay to waste a little time. Of course, if they can come back before they figure out the secret there, it's fine. I really can't come back. The big deal will be the killer. Just grab them. To put it bluntly, I am in this world, alone, barefoot, not afraid of wearing shoes, I am afraid of what they do, there is a system for you, I want to be in this world, as long as I want to hide , No one should be able to find where I am." When Luo Xiu said these words, he was full of confidence, and he did not put the people in this world in his eyes, and he did not think that these people could pose any threat to him. .

Therefore, when he said this, he was very arrogant. Luo Xiu hadn't used this tone for a long time. This not only made the system in his mind a bit awkward, but he also fell into a misunderstanding, thinking that Luo Xiu was still like before. That's so weak and can't help but wind.

"If that's the case, there is no problem. The big deal is to ransack all the sects. Here you are not afraid of anyone. As you said just now, there is nothing to worry about. As long as your hands and feet are clean enough, there must be no one. I can find you, and there is this system to guide you, presumably no one can come to you without opening their eyes." When Luo Xiu talked so boldly, the system was also taken aback, but soon he suddenly realized that at this moment, He also seemed a lot free and easy, and he didn't feel much about Luo Xiu's words.

Afterwards, Luo Xiu chose a place where no one could see, and quietly retrieved the stowed Orchid, and first took a closer look at the surface of the spacecraft that had become pitted at the moment, and Luo Xiu also sighed secretly. The thing in front of him helped him a lot! At this moment, Luo Xiu was also inexplicable when seeing this warship with ravines everywhere.

However, after lamenting for a while, Luo Xiu picked up his feelings and got into the battleship at the same time. This time he was going to make a big vote. You should know that when he first entered this world before, he was cautiously thinking about integrating into this world. In this world, he did not realize that his current strength is no less than that of most people in this world. This is because the system said it was too serious before. Even if he wasted effort and rebuilt, it is not now. He has made up his mind now. , To take most of the sects in this world, take a good looting, and at the worst, sneak into the library of these sects, and remove all the exercises related to body training. Look at it again, this can also provide some information for the system.

At this moment, Luo Xiu had thoroughly figured it out and understood his current situation. He was extremely looking forward to what would happen next.

For him, this is nothing. With systematic help, and with his supernatural powers far beyond most of the world, for him, although the fighting power is not as good as most people, it is about escape. Luo Xiu believes that he will not lose to anyone.

"Hi, host, do you really plan to do this? You know if you do this, you will be in great danger at that time. Although the system is there, you should not have a big life and death crisis, but it is also guaranteed. It’s not allowed to get overturned in the gutter. Besides, on such a huge planet full of cultivation resources, the cultivation of human monks here must be of heaven-defying level. We can’t take it lightly, in case we provoke it because of our carelessness. What great disaster has come out to attract the attention of the top powerhouses, then we will have a lot of trouble." Now Luo Xiu has made up his mind to make a fortune, and the system in his mind is also At the moment it looks a little serious.

The system is very clear about the consequences of Luo Xiu doing this, and also believes that as long as Luo Xiu makes up his mind to do this, as long as he is a little careful, he can't stop him. For the next thing, the system in my mind does not have much say.

In the final analysis, it was because of his previous misleading that Luo Xiu’s thinking fell into a misunderstanding. At this moment, Luo Xiu regained his consciousness and once again confirmed that his cultivation level belongs to the top group. This also proves Luo Xiu from the side. The current strength is no longer weaker than most people in this world, so that leaves him with a lot of choices.

"What are you afraid of? The big deal is to hide in my inner world. Didn’t you say that, if I want to waste my work and re-cultivation, you can’t provide me with much help, instead of the scarcity of resources. My cultivation is slow to advance, so I simply grab a large amount of resources while I still have combat effectiveness, and then they can also be used by those people in the world in my body, and some of them can also improve my cultivation. You said the best of these two things, why should I do what you said." Luo Xiu laughed when the system said so, and sighed a little helplessly, but what Luo Xiu said made the system feel speechless.

At this moment, Luo Xiu started the invisible mode on the battleship, and he wandered freely in this world. He was also full of curiosity about this planet at this moment. You must know that what the system said before was only one-sided. At this moment, he really realized this. How huge the planet is. At the speed of the Orchid under his feet, he only reached a plain after more than ten days of driving. On the plain stood a huge city. From the flags flying over the city, Luo Xiu found that this seemed to have something to do with him. His surname was Luo. The family in this city was the Luo family. This also made Luo Xiu curious and couldn’t help letting the spacecraft. Slowed down and stopped cautiously in a valley.

Putting the spaceship away, Luo Xiu started on his way. He was also very curious about these forces at this moment, especially on such a huge planet. The cultivation of the monks reached a certain level, and they couldn't fly in the air at all. How did they cross this? Luo Xiu was very curious about the distance.

Along the way, Luo Xiu stopped and stopped, constantly beheading the monsters that he encountered one by one. The reason he did this was to borrow the corpses of these monsters and sell them to earn some money, and it was also convenient for him to pick them up. In the next action, Luo Xiu still wanted to keep a low profile for a while before he figured out the distribution of power here.

On the way, Luo Xiu also saw some human monks teaming up to hunt down monsters, but Luo Xiu found that people in their world, as the system said, are especially profound in body refining. Xiu also discovered that the huge qi and blood technique they used seemed to be similar to the nine-day **** race's body-building exercises.

"The system, I have found it. The human monks in this world, the physical exercises they use seem to be similar to those of the Nine Heavens Protoss. The majestic qi and blood in their bodies also amazes me. If it is Such majestic vitality in our world can only be possessed by those top powerhouses. Now these people have so many advantages, which makes me curious about the cultivation techniques in this world." Luo Xiu encountered those. Already comparable to the majestic strength of the top power in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

At this moment, he could feel how prosperous the cultivation civilization in this world is. Such a huge planet and such rich resources have also created an alternative way of evolution. Luo Xiu can't help but sigh that this world is truly extraordinary. .

"It's very different from the Nine Heavens God Race you mentioned. These humans should focus on transporting qi and blood when they train their bodies, and the most important thing is that they are not overly dependent on the treasures of heaven and earth in this world. What is going is to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth to refine, and then exercise the body through the method of internal refining, and this system research has found that humans in this world, their genetic material, and your world are very different, it seems that humans here live longer Some." The system also agrees with Luo Xiu's words, and Luo Xiu agrees with what he said.

After looking around carefully, Luo Xiu showed that there was nothing unusual, once again displayed all his skills, beheading the tiger-like monster in front of him, and then took the monster pill.

At the same time, Luo Xiu did not forget to clean up his battle scenes so as not to expose his methods. At the same time, he exhaled deeply. After going on the road this time, he was no longer ready to take action because the distance from that city was getting closer The closer he gets, it becomes harder and harder for him to use his methods.

Speeding forward, Luo Xiu kept bumping into some human monks along the way, and he just pretended to be cold and avoided them directly. At the same time, Luo Xiu could also deeply feel their powerful strength from these passing human monks.

It's just that compared with the methods Luo Xiu possessed, the power of these people is somewhat insufficient, and at this moment, what makes Luo Xiu even more happy is that he seems to see the weaknesses of these human monks, yes. , Is the weakness.

Because of the special environment of this world, his soul power cannot be released too far, but he wants to detect his own range of 100 meters, it is still no problem, and all this, Luo Xiu encountered these monks. I have never seen it before.

This not only made Luo Xiu feel strange. You must know that human evolution is a manifestation of the sublimation of body and spirit at the same time, and the human powers he saw in front of him, they all possessed far beyond the cultivation body of Luo. At the level of the level, such a powerful cultivator couldn't get his soul power out of his body. This not only made Luo Xiu feel curious, but also deeply aware of his unrepeatable advantages.

Looking up at this huge city, Luo Xiu took a deep breath and stepped into the city. What he saw and heard along the way was similar to what he had guessed. The humans here seem to have a very low utilization rate of pill, and the most The key point is that they really don’t know what kind of influence the rich world of spiritual energy in this world will bring to them. All human beings are just the most primitive way of exercising. They have such a rough way of training and have such a powerful way. Strength shows how enviable the environment of human life in this world is.

"System, didn’t you lose several satellites in space here? Can you search for the most powerful person in this world, how strong it is, compare it with the powerful person in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, let’s see among them The gap.” Observing this unfamiliar and slightly familiar environment along the way, Luo Xiu couldn't help but ask the system in his mind.

It is true that he also has some drums in his heart. Although he is ready to be the enemy of the whole world, Luo Xiu still wants to have a spectrum in his heart. The big deal is that he will come into the village quietly when he encounters those sects with powerful monks. Don't shoot guns.

As for why this is the case, it was also when he discovered that there were countless terrifyingly huge qi and blood owners in this small Luo family city. This not only made him change color in amazement, but also faintly felt this place. People are not easy to mess with.

Therefore, for Luo Xiu, it is best to have a system to help. If not, then he has to change his strategy. If he encounters a soft persimmon, he will step on it. If he really encounters a hard stubble, then he will do well. Pretend to be grandson, as long as he can get things in his hands, other things are not within his consideration.