Technology Communication System

Chapter 626: Make a fortune

"Don’t think about it. There are many powerful monks in this world, but with your means, your Qi cultivation base, and the kind of exercises that can cover your body’s breath, then you will be in this world in most places. It can be unimpeded. In this case, you must pay enough attention to it. You must know that some parts of the world are extremely dangerous. Although the satellites of this system cannot detect those places, the host can think of it with his head. , The energy level there seems to be very strong." Luo Xiu didn't know why the system in his mind would say such inexplicable things, but he also knew it well.

Therefore, Luo Xiu focused on shopping and stopped talking nonsense with the system. After finding a small shop and selling the monsters he had hit, Luo Xiu didn’t care about the treasurer’s face of profiteers. It seemed that Luo Xiu didn't care whether he had deducted his own gains. At the same time, Luo Xiu realized that he seemed to be being followed.

It's just that Luo Xiu relied on the daring of the art masters and didn't care about the people who followed them. Judging from their low cultivation base, Luo Xiu discovered that the reason why they would follow Luo Xiu is also because of Luo Xiu. At this moment, not to mention his gorgeous clothes, and when he was selling monsters just now, he didn't hide the wealth he had at all, and was missed by these few people in the market.

Without paying attention to these stalkers, Luo Xiu got into a tall attic. This restaurant was a place for people to eat. Luo Xiu looked at the retro building and the food on the tables that looked like monsters. He couldn't help but He also swallowed his saliva. He didn’t remember how many years he hadn’t eaten. Seeing such a prosperous thing at this moment not only made Luo Xiu feel a little curious, he wanted to try the food here. delicious.

But before that, Luo Xiu turned around and looked at the place opposite, which looked like an auction house. There, Luo Xiu found that people were coming in and out constantly, and the people who came in and out were not weak in cultivation. Luo Xiu felt curious, and he wanted to take a look. After all, the main purpose of his coming here this time was to figure out the power distribution in this world, so as to see if there was a chance to make a fortune.

He had discovered before that the cultivators in this world didn’t seem to pay much attention to the herbs that can be seen everywhere in this world, but they were also some people who collected these herbs. It can be seen that these herbs definitely have other functions, which also made Luo Xiu. It seemed that the next thing seemed easy to do, so he wanted to figure out the distribution of power here first, so as to take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

Ignoring the two little friends who nodded and bowed with him, Luo Xiu slowly walked into the auction house, watching the crowds in these crowded halls with people coming and going, Luo Xiu sighed and could cultivate in this world. He is now a bit envious and jealous of the cultivators in this world. The exercises they use are definitely the most important thing in the world, and a large number of cultivators can also let ordinary people realize that their status is the respect of the contract to a certain extent.

This also led to the fact that at this moment, Luo Xiu's eyes were almost all powerful cultivators. At this moment, surrounded by counters selling weapons or places selling exercises, Luo Xiu roughly scanned and found Sure enough, as he had previously guessed, the weapons used by humans in this world are still very primitive, but the materials used to refine weapons make him salivate.

Rubbing his chin, Luo Xiu looked at the scene of people coming and going in the hall in front of him, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes. He also thought of other things at the moment. Since this is an auction house, there must be something good. Instead of stealing one by one, it's better to come here and rob it, which made him think more and more.

Randomly, he slowly walked to the counter selling the exercises, which seemed extremely lively, and when many people came in, they went straight to the area. It can be seen that the people in this world are not as conservative as he imagined. Law is not so important.

The reason why he would go to the scope of the exercises first, Luo Xiu wanted to figure out the difference between the exercises practiced by the people here and what he imagined. At the very least, the nine-turn profound art he mastered was the magical exercises of the Nine Heavens God Race. , This method is similar to that of people in this world after successfully practicing.

This is also the main reason why Luo Xiu can dare to wander in this world by virtue of his low cultivation base. As long as he does not expose the soul power in his body, Luo Xiu is sure that no one can detect him. This is the main reason why he dares to be so unscrupulous.

Looking at the paper-like books in front of him at will, Luo Xiu is constantly looking left and right, watching the chatter in front of him who introduces various exercises to him, Luo Xiu feels especially fresh, in Tianyuan Realm, in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, he has always been independent, and he has not been as leisurely as today.

After listening to it for a while, Luo Xiu became a little impatient, and he waved his hand at random to indicate that Xiao Si didn't need to introduce any more, he saw for himself. It’s just that Luo Xiu was very disappointed that he didn’t know the literal meaning of the practice method here. Although he knew most of the Chinese characters here, he couldn’t judge. He felt a little depressed.

But at this moment, he certainly couldn't show it, just waved his hand, turned and left the counter. At the same time, he headed to the place where the weapons were sold. There, Luo Xiu saw several treasures of refining tools that were perverted in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. At this moment, they were randomly abandoned in the corner, which made Luo Xiu dumbfounded. At the same time, I have also felt how happy people in this world are.

Looking at the sixteen large and small black-brown ores in front of him, Luo Xiu sighed. If the Qi-training cultivators of Nine Heavens Sanctuary saw these things, they would have their eyes protruding. At this moment, people are randomly placed in this corner, and it is not to be seen. This shows how lack of eyesight the people in this world are.

The guy on the counter glanced at Luo Xiu and didn’t do anything. He should have discovered that these ores were not very valuable, but they had never seen anything like this before, and only spent very little. For the price, Luo Xiu put these ore in his pocket, and then he turned and left the auction house without any intention of going to the second floor to observe it.

As early as the moment he entered this city, Luo Xiu discovered that there seemed to be an extremely superficial understanding of the formations, and he still stayed at the low-level plane of the Tianyuan Realm. Although there were also formations, no matter from the defensive formation, From the point of view of the attacking formation, Luo Xiu found that they all looked very low-level. This also made Luo Xiu secretly find the reason for his actions tonight.

There is a chance to take everything away at once, Luo Xiu's mind about shopping now has faded a lot, and he slowly walked to the opposite restaurant and started to eat and drink.

In this world, due to its very majestic vitality, no matter the animals or plants in this world, their taste is very good, and Luo Xiu also discovered that their food contains a wealth of vitality.

In fact, for the cultivating cultivator, the food on the table in front of Luo Xiu at this moment was extremely rich, so Luo Xiu was secretly surprised when he saw the rich food in front of him. These foods are very ordinary, but the aura contained in them is so rich that Luo Xiu was dumbfounded. Although he had experienced such a big scene before, what he saw and heard at this moment made him more clearly aware of the people in this world. Such a waste made him a little angry.

Just eat and drink slowly. Of course, Luo Xiu didn't drink the so-called fruit wine in this world. Looking at the turbid liquid, Luo Xiu couldn't take any interest. Although he didn't care too much about what he was eating, it seemed like this. Such a turbid liquid, he didn’t want to drink it into his body. Although the drink contained a huge amount of vitality, Luo Xiu sighed secretly when he saw the miserable appearance. He really had to plan the next step. Life again.

If he just wants to stay here for a while and leave, Luo Xiu doesn't mind this, this kind of uncomfortable, but if he really wants to stay here for a long time, he has to think about it. , Is it right to transform the world according to what he was before, so that people in this world can live according to his own will.

It’s just that when he thinks about his uncertain future and the need to waste his work and re-cultivation, a lot of time will be wasted. Luo Xiu can’t help but sigh in his heart. Although he seems to have a lot of time, he really wants to talk about it. The time given to him really didn't take long.

He swept away the things on the table. Luo Xiu patted his stomach. He didn't remember how many years he hadn't eaten so full. What was it like to retreat before? He was born because he could get angry. Eating such delicious food at one time made Luo Xiu feel some joy.

He threw two gold coins to the shop Xiaoer and watched the shop Xiaoer happily leave, Luo Xiu continued to wander around. At this moment, there is still not a short period of time before dark, Luo Xiu also wants to take a look at the powerful monks here. What is it like.

Although he had learned about the people in this world through systematic introductions, where they were, and the kind of powerful forces, it was not necessarily at this moment. He was curious about the human cultivation in their world.

Luo Xiu frowned when he saw the people following him still hanging him from a distance. He also wondered if he could find a chance to torture them well, and if it didn’t help, he would have to use the method of searching for souls, and he would understand everything he wanted to know. In this way, he would be able to think better. What to do next.

While thinking about it, Luo Xiu turned and walked into a remote alley, and Luo Xiu noticed that more than a dozen people following him followed him into the alley at the same time. It's just that Luo Xiu didn't give them a chance to react at all. He shot instantly and knocked down more than a dozen miscellaneous fish that followed him.

At the same time, he also stretched his hand directly to the heads that looked like two small bosses, using the great soul search method to discover the mysteries of this world.

Luo Xiu didn't worry that his actions would be noticed by others. As early as when he turned into this alley, he used a secret method to isolate everything here. This is not because he has a strong guard. But he is very confident that even if people in this world discover the abnormality of this hutong, it is impossible for them to find a way to crack it in such a short period of time.

It's just that Luo Xiu frowned soon, inexplicably, he suddenly felt that his previous guesses were wrong at this moment. The most fundamental reason was that he was unable to extract their memories from the spirits of these people, which caught Luo Xiu a bit by surprise.

Originally, he planned to find some people to search for their souls and extract their memories to thoroughly understand the real situation of the world, but he would never have thought that when he was about to do so, he found these cultivators, they The huge blood in the body had a great influence on Luo Xiu's own mental power.

He had thought about many possibilities before, but he had never thought that the real situation turned out to be this way, which made him once again deeply aware of why people in this world are not as physically and mentally as their fellow practitioners. .

Because of the powerful qi and blood in these people, there was no room for the spiritual energy in their bodies. This was also the main reason why Luo Xiu could not fully deploy his spirit power in this world before.

There is a problem with the aura of heaven and earth in this world. Although they are very pure, it can be said that the concentration and purity of this world's vitality are top-notch, but Luo Xiu discovered a very embarrassing problem, but at this moment he also has some Fortunately, his own people didn't do what the system said, and rashly abolished their skills. Thinking about it at this time, he was scared after a while. If he didn't insist on it, he really didn't know what would happen now.

It was also when he started searching for the soul that Luo Xiu realized that the spirit power in these people was very fragile, and it could be said that it was weak. This situation made Luo Xiu feel incredible, and even more so that he felt a little incomprehensible. He couldn't completely retrieve the memory of this person under him.

After sighing, Luo Xiu turned around again, changed two people and continued to try, but the effect was still not obvious, he could only see part of the memory scattered, and this part of the memory was still scattered. For Luo Xiu, it didn't make much sense at all, and this couldn't help making him a little bit distressed. It wasn't until this moment that he truly realized how naive his previous thoughts were.