Technology Communication System

Chapter 628: Qianlong Continent

And the most important thing is that he has figured out that the plane he is currently in is not the God’s realm he previously thought. This place is called Qianlong Continent, and the most important thing is that this so-called Qianlong Continent seems to have extremely a long history.

People here call many places a deserted place. It seems that there are extremely distant memories hidden here. It seems that everyone is a little secretive and unwilling to talk about it.

"Tsk, fortunately, I didn't come to the house to scrape resources, otherwise, I wouldn't know how to die." Luo Xiu didn't conceal the content he got from the system, instead let the system check them one by one. , So as to provide better help for his next actions. However, after studying Luo Kai's memory, the system in his mind said something that made Luo Xiu feel speechless.

"Yeah, I'm a little lucky now. Fortunately, we didn't have a whimsical idea on the Qingfeng Terrace to kill those people. Otherwise, I don't know how to die. If it weren't for my sudden whim, I guess at this moment. He was killed by these people a long time ago.” At this moment, Luo Xiu was also scared. Thinking of his innocent thoughts before, Luo Xiu felt a horror at this moment. If he really did that before, it is estimated that he would have been These people were given food. Even so, Luo Xiu felt that the situation here was too complicated.

"Hey, this is wrong and wrong. Who would have thought that I, an outsider, would turn into the young master of this city. I lurked for a while. I took advantage of this time to waste my work and rebuild, presumably my old city master Dad shouldn't mind his son being angry and strong." While ridiculing the system in his mind, Luo Xiu did not hesitate to follow the memory in his mind and turned and walked towards the city lord's mansion.

At this moment, Luo Xiu's mind was full of thoughts of re-cultivation, and he no longer had the thought of wandering in the street. For him, now that he has determined that he will have a deep understanding of the world.

Then he has to study his own cultivation problem carefully, now there is no need to entangle it anymore, whether he should waste his work and re-cultivation. Now that he has obtained the general body refining realm of this world, Luo Xiu at this moment has completely extinguished the idea of ​​wantonly plundering here. At this moment, for him, he can only abolish his cultivation base first, and then re-establish the realm. As a result, he can better integrate into this world.

Soon, Luo Xiu came to the main gate of the City Lord's Mansion. At this moment, he looked up and saw that the tall and mighty city gate made Luo Xiu dazzling for a while. The materials of this city gate almost made him flow out of water.

If this thing is seen by those refiners in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, the jaws will definitely stick out. The people in this world are really happy, think about it, he also shook his head, now he is also a person in this world, at this moment, he waved his hand, and the young man went up and opened the door, and Luo Xiu walked away. After entering the City Lord’s Mansion, Luo Xiu's mouth twitched again when he looked at the courtyard filled with spirit medicine and grass. At this moment, he knew that the memories in his mind still needed time to digest.

Along the way, he passed through one courtyard after another without danger. Luo Xiu came to the small courtyard where he lived, and saw a dozen guards still following him. Luo Xiu waved them to disperse. Open the door and walk in.

In this courtyard, there were several maids who served him. At this moment, seeing the master came back, they were all diligently adding tea and handing water, which made it difficult for Luo Xiu to adapt for a while.

It was just that he waved his hand quickly, and then said to one of the maidservants who was about to leave: "Sun Yi, is my dad?"

Luo Xiu didn't feel embarrassed about the substitution of his identity. He rubbed his chin at this moment, thinking about the next plan. Therefore, Luo Xiu didn't feel any discomfort at all when he said this.

"Return to the son, the lord is not here, I have not come back when I went out, I wonder what the lord has to do with the lord? When the lord was leaving, didn't he say hello to the lord?" Luo Xiu said to this woman named Sun Yi. It was also because this woman was the person next to his father, and he was one of the only two supervisors in this city lord mansion.

Therefore, when Luo Xiu said these words, this woman would ask this question, and his suspicious look also made Luo Xiu's heart a little bit frightened. At this moment, he was a little surprised. He didn't have a good face, and he had never spoken to this woman like this. He was no longer Luo Xiu now. He had to pay attention to his identity at all times, so he waved his hand to let the woman go down.

"Host, the most important thing for you to do next is to repair your own chest. Now that you have reached such a place, then for the host, your next actions are not so urgent. Then you You must first put your cultivation base first. Only in this way can you make better use of your strengths. You also know from this person’s memory that your current cultivation base and the top of this world How big is the gap between the strong. If you have the support of this system and the rich aura of heaven and earth here, it will take you more than ten years to get through this world. Most people in this world need a lifetime. It’s impossible. The highest realm reached. And the most important thing is that people in this world seem to be inferior to you in the application of spirit power. Your advantage is nothing in the early stage, but it really waits for your cultivation to reach the realm of Wuzong. By that time , The eight channels of the strange meridians in the body are all opened~ to assist your body training exercises. At that time, your achievements will definitely attract everyone's attention. After all, the evolution of any life is inseparable from their spirit, the living dead. This life’s long-term survival method is totally undesirable. Therefore, even if this system does not understand the importance of the body training exercises for people in this world, this system can also understand from this aspect that people in this world have reached a certain level of cultivation. At this level, if you want to go further, you must temper your own spirit. For the host, it is indeed extremely easy to do. So, kid, work hard, since you guys You have to cherish such a good identity by coincidence, and at the worst, you must use this identity to maximize your benefits.” While Luo Xiu rubbed his chin and fell into contemplation, suddenly The system in his mind seemed to think of Luo Xiu's hesitation, and reminded him in his mind.

While listening to the system's words, Luo Xiu sighed again that he still thought things too simple. Now that it was as the system said, and he also agreed with the system's view.

At the same time, Luo Xiu was also looking through the memories he had obtained, and found that this waste was not as waste material as he had imagined. At least he worked hard for a while, but because of his good background, he didn't cultivate at all. Seriously, it led to his current ignorant temperament.

Fortunately, there are still some exercises in his mind. The main reason is that Luo Xiu has also found it. Why he could not extract the memories of those who followed him before? From this moment, Luo Xiu also He completely put away his contemptuous thoughts.

Before, he felt something was wrong. It was not until he carefully examined Luo Kai’s memory that Luo Xiu realized that the most fundamental reason why he could not retrieve the memories of those people before was because they all had one. This kind of existence can be called a bug, a situation that is polished with saltpeter, which can be isolated from human detection.

The main function of this is to shield his own cultivation base. At this moment, Luo Xiu felt why he was so easy to search for Luo Kai's soul, just because this guy's own cultivation base was very weak, he didn't bring it at all. That thing.

He looked at the sky and found that it was almost noon, for him, there was nothing to worry about. When the time comes, those who eat will naturally come in, and Luo Xiu has also discovered one thing.

Since he arrived in this world, he didn't have any intention to eat before. However, after he had survived in this world for these days, Luo Xiu found that if he didn't eat a meal, he would feel hungry. This Not only did he feel shocked.

If another time is changed, Luo Xiu is confident that even when he is in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, he doesn't need food and can guarantee his normal activities. However, at this moment, Luo Xiu realized that his previous experience in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, compared with the present, Luo Xiu truly realized how much damage was caused to the plane where the Nine Heavens Sanctuary was located in the battle between the gods and demons.

At this moment, by chance and coincidence, he came to this planet with abundant resources, which can be called a metamorphosis. What a thing that makes people feel envy and hatred.

At this moment, Luo Xiu truly realized that the biggest gain of his trip to the battlefield of the gods and demons was not that he swallowed hundreds of millions of small worlds, but that he came to this planet by coincidence. This invisible and intangible opportunity.

With this kind of experience, Luo Xiu believed that as long as his cultivation level was raised to the realm of the Martial God, what people in this world called, what a terrifying existence he would be at that time.

And Luo Xiu knew from this man’s memory that his cheap old man was just Wu Zong’s cultivation base. It was such a cultivation base. Its powerful strength can already be said to be an invincible hand that crushes this tens of thousands of miles. .

No wonder this city is so prosperous. At this moment, Luo Xiu deeply understands the horror scene that turned upside down with his hands. What caused it?

At the same time, Luo Xiu is also pondering, the difference between himself before and now, and the way he will go next. Since the system in his mind, he has mentioned that he wants to be ahead of most people in the world and improve his cultivation in a short time. To the extreme, he had to make some choices, such as what kind of body exercises to choose, and when to start to exercise his spiritual power, which made Luo Xiu unable to start for a while.

"What you said is light, if it is really that simple, where it is so difficult to choose like me. I felt something is wrong here before, but I didn't think clearly what was wrong. After all, such abundant resources are impossible. It’s as simple as we thought before. All of this makes me deeply aware of how ridiculous my previous thoughts are." It’s like talking to myself, and like explaining the system in my mind, Luo At this moment, Xiu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He stood up and walked back and forth a few times in the room he was in, and then Luo Xiu stepped into his bedroom and closed the door. At this moment, he pushed open the clothes under the bed, and then took out a delicate The small box, quickly opened the small box, and then took out a roll of animal skin inside it.

Incorporating the memory of Luo Kai, the exercise Luo Xiu looked at at this time was called Mang Niu Jue, with an ordinary name, but from the fact that this kid kept it so carefully, you can see that this exercise is not ordinary.

And the most important thing is that Luo Xiu knew from this kid’s memory that it was his Lao Tzu who finally brought it out of a sect with a great price. The reason why Luo Shihong was able to cultivate to the realm of Wuzong was also because The reason for this exercise.

In Luo Kai’s memory, Luo Xiu also discovered that the reason why Luo Shihong has today’s status is inseparable from this practice. Luo Kai’s Lao Tzu was an ordinary person only because of a chance. It was only by coincidence that he obtained such a technique, and then he rose all the way to his current status.

Fortunately, because of all the memories of this world in Luo Kai's mind, Luo Xiu can understand the content of the book he is holding at this moment. Therefore, when he combines the skills in this secret book After analyzing the law, Luo Xiu found something that shocked him extremely, that is, the exercise method he was practicing at this moment was not the reckless energy he was holding.

And Luo Xiu also discovered something that made him even more crazy, that is, this world is really as he guessed it, there is no secret method to exercise mental power at all.

And the reason why his cheap daddy was able to break through to the realm of Wuzong was also because of a food he ate accidentally, which helped to enhance people’s spiritual power. At this moment, in the courtyard of this city lord’s mansion, There are also several of those things, and the purpose of doing this is to use it for a long time to enhance the power of the soul.

Of course, these are all Luo Xiu knows from the memory of Luo Kai. At this moment, looking at the exercises he is holding, Luo Xiu is lost in thought. Before he is not sure whether he will give up his work and rebuild, Luo Xiu pays it back. One thing needs to be determined, and that is where he will go next.