Technology Communication System

Chapter 655: The strange methods of the old man

At the first time this old guy appeared, Luo Xiu quietly locked this guy with his soul power and showed everything around him, but he didn’t find anything unusual. It seems that this person The appearance did not surprise everyone present. Even the two female cultivators of the Feihong Palace seemed extremely calm at this moment. This not only gave Luo Xiu a bad feeling, it seemed that he had Things are too simple to think about.

"Hey, old stuff, you have a good calculation, you are a sluggish man who drives away tigers and wolves, and the strategy of quitting killing people is not less useful. You guys of the famous school are all idiots. I would believe the old guy’s nonsense. If we really have any treasures, how could our father and son stay here? Even if that thing is in our hands, how could it be in this state, shouldn’t you? I’ll believe this old man.” Luo Xiu could not help frowning when seeing the greed in everyone’s eyes flashing away. He knew that he could not just sit back and watch the situation worsen. To be reasonable, let these people attack. Although he is not afraid, he really exposed his cultivation level because of this. On the contrary, some of the gains outweighed the gains. Thinking of some of his methods, he could not help but shook his head secretly and sneered. Tao.

"Hey, your kid is a bit extreme, but you don’t think that just what you say can shock them. Let’s not talk about other things. It’s just that you can be in such a short time. Judging from the situation of being seriously injured and dying to the present level of vigor and vigor, even the level of cultivation is still diligent again, that thing really belonged to you, a cheap old man, ha ha, don’t think about sophistry, Sophistry is meaningless.” The old man Tiansou calmed down when he saw other people's gazes, and then revealed Luo Xiu's little abacus without hesitation.

Seeing the man chattering in front of him, Luo Xiu almost couldn't help but want to kill him on the spot, but seeing everyone's greedy eyes and weird looks, he knew that he couldn't let him talk anymore. Going down, he really didn't dare to imagine what would happen at that time, if it attracted more powerful forces to covet it, it would be a disaster for his entire Luo family.

Seeing other people staying silent, his cheap old man Luo Shihong was behaving plainly, disdain to rebut, Luo Xiu shook his body, stepped forward, and stood in front of the old man, his eyes calm and serious. Looking at the old man, he said lightly.

"Let’s say, what do you really want, there is really nothing, there is nothing, there is nothing, there is no need to talk so much nonsense with you here, what you want to do, just tell the real purpose, don’t With some specious excuses, I want to come to fool everyone. Although we are not in a very good situation now, we are not afraid of you." Luo Xiu said this because of pressure. He knew very well that if he really left the old man. If you continue to entangle, what will happen afterwards, Luo Xiu is really a bit blinded, if there is too much trouble, he must act now to kill the danger in the cradle.

"Boy, are you a bit too self-righteous, you really think everyone is a fool? Now it’s going to happen, I really thought I wanted to rely on your mouth to explain clearly, tusk, it’s so naive, hehe, the old man likes to watch You look like you want to kill but you are helpless to the old man!" Luo Xiu didn't say anything yet, but the old man said to Luo Xiu's spirit this day.

Seeing how the old guy in front of you was able to beat me, Luo Xiu really wanted to do it directly and kill him first. However, thinking of his own situation and the purpose of hiding his strength, Luo Xiu doesn't think he can solve the problem after he takes the shot. In case these people really notice something, even if he has the best way to face this situation, He was also helpless.

Hearing this, even though he was furious, Luo Xiu knew that facing the old man’s run on this day, he must be calm and calm. Although he has the support of his cultivation, he is not afraid of anyone present, even if everyone present He was just wasting some time to get rid of it, but after Luo Xiu pondered over and over again, he suppressed this idea. He really didn't dare to take the risk. In case the guy hiding in the dark really didn't agree. , Turned around and ran, he didn't have a chance to kill him.

In this way, many things after him have deviated from his original track. In this case, Luo Xiu was sure that even if he had three heads and six arms, he would still lack skills.

Once this happened, Luo Xiu knew in his heart that as long as he dared to make such unscrupulous moves in the future, he would definitely attract the attention of those guys from God's Domain. At that time, no one knew what happened.

Therefore, he forcibly resisted the urge to kill in his heart, and said to everyone with a displeased expression: "I have roughly understood the purpose of your coming here, but I am not afraid to tell you the truth. We didn't get that thing at all. My father came back from a serious injury this time and is still undergoing recuperation. You really think that my City Lord's Mansion is a soft persimmon. Apart from my father, do you have no strength to counter you? The master is still alive today."

Even though he didn't want to speak like this to show his enemy's weakness, for the sake of long-term planning considerations, Luo Xiu gritted his teeth and looked at everyone, and carried out his vague master.

However, Luo Xiu knew that he would never be able to bluff these people, unless he could now conjure another person out and let the master he made up to solve the current crisis of these people, otherwise, he could only use this kind of intimidation To threaten everyone present.

"Your master! Hey, kid, don't you really think that we don't understand anything, you kid has a few kilograms, we still don't know, with your dude as a pie, who can see you? , Will accept you as an apprentice." The speaker said with a smile, stroking his long beard with a faint disdain, and said quietly. When he glanced at Luo Xiu, the contemptuous expression in that expression made Luo Xiu dared not speak.

At this moment, Luo Xiu really wanted to kill. He knew very well that with his current power, he really wanted to deal with the people present regardless of the difficulty. However, after thinking twice, he still suppressed the riot in his heart. , Some gritted their teeth and glanced at the crowd, and said: "What? You really don't believe it, you really think that my master is a mess? Would you like me to call him over and let him come over and chat with everyone."

While speaking, Luo Xiu took out a very simple conch. This conch is also a communication device in this world. Although the thing Luo Xiu has in his hand looks inconspicuous, Luo Xiu believes that it must be a high-quality product. , As long as someone with some insight, seeing the thing in his hand, he will definitely have doubts.

"Sky snail? Boy, why do you have this thing? You, tell me, where on earth did you get this thing." Just when everyone thought Luo Xiu would be speechless, Luo Xiu took it out This conch completely made everyone present not calm. You must know that this kind of sky snail can not be obtained by a random guy. This thing is precious, but all the guys in the hall with some strength covet it.

"You don’t have to think about where it came from. This is the way my master left me in order to prevent me from personal safety hazards. If it weren’t for my father’s severe injuries, I would never be there. This city lord’s mansion has stayed for a long time, you shouldn’t think I’m really a useless trash. If you don’t believe how powerful my master is, then you can go to the city to inquire about the people who rioted in Luocheng some time ago, they What's the fate of my master? At that time, my master only made two shots and killed all those seven Wuzong realm guys. If you also want to try my master’s strength, I don’t mind contacting my master now, Although doing so will make him feel uncomfortable and even punish me, but as long as you want to try, then I risk being punished, and I will not hesitate!" Seeing these people, Luo Xiu sneered disdainfully. With a cry, his face was unpredictable, and his words were full of sneers when he spoke.

He is very aware of the urination of these people, don’t look at them being aggressive now, if these people are really unscrupulous, it is estimated that as early as when they first entered the city lord’s mansion, the moment he found that his cheap old man was in health, he would probably take action. , Definitely won't be as evasive as it is now, so hesitant.

One of the people here counts as one. After hearing what Luo Xiu said, they looked at each other and communicated with each other, as if they were thinking about sudden changes. At the same time, they were also thinking about Don’t continue to entangle here. Although Luo Xiu just took out a snail, but the people present, as long as they are not crazy or have full confidence, they dare not so care about the owner of this snail. Up.

At this moment, the two black-clothed women standing not far behind Luo Xiu, especially the fascinating-looking Feihong Palace female cultivator, look at Luo Xiu at this moment, with a trace of greed and inexplicability. His smile seemed to see through something, but he should have been a little jealous, and he had quietly restored his original appearance.

At the same time, everyone in the court looked different. Even Luo Shihong, who was sitting in the center, looked shocked at everything in front of him, although he was a little confident in his own strength, even his own kid. It wouldn't be a burden to him here, but he couldn't believe now that Luo Xiu would actually use his master to threaten these people in front of these people.

"Hey, the old man was almost deceived by you. You shouldn’t think that you took such a useless thing and wanted to fool us. If you really have an expert, call him out so that we can get to know. When I see people, the old man will definitely turn around and leave. After that, he will give him a heavy gift." The speaker is a burly man. The man's expression is extraordinarily calm, and his expression is a bit fierce. When he speaks, he speaks. The momentum is a lot weaker, and even the confidence is not enough.

At this moment, the big man's voice just fell, and other people turned their eyes to Luo Xiu, waiting for his decision. It was obvious that although the others at the scene did not speak, they did not believe in Luo Xiu's nonsense. This is now the situation. Next, Luo Xiu sighed secretly, he could only make dangerous moves.

Although this celestial snail was really only used to scare these people, Luo Xiu still made some preparations. Once the threat does not work, then he has to deal with it. At that time, he can only use his own strength. It has appeared, as for the others, it can only be taken one step at a time.

After that, Luo Xiu no longer hesitated, and quickly played a series of spiritual tactics, and then directly poured the Tongtian snail, and then threw the Tongtian snail into the air. After that, Luo Xiu called the system in his mind and asked him to provide it to himself help.

"Master, the disciple's affairs are a bit troublesome. If the master is free, can you come to the city lord's mansion to help our house solve this problem? After that, the disciple will follow the master and enter the area to practice." Luo Xiu, who showed his disciple's courtesy and righteousness, gave a deep salute to the non-existent southwest, and then said respectfully to the Tongtian snail in front of him.

After saying this, Luo Xiu waited quietly. After all, the acting had to perform a full set, even if he thought of all the possibilities, but at this moment Luo Xiu knew that he was still a little too careless. Therefore, he could only act as a soldier. Dangerous. If the system in your mind is really unable to help, then just throw out another reason, such as your own master in retreat or something.

"Who are these people? It's so bold. It seems that I was a little weak before. I dared to come to my disciple's house to make trouble. I was really bored. You wait. It takes half a day to be a teacher. , I and them theory." Just as everyone was holding their breath and staring at the sky snail above their heads, a slightly older voice sounded from the sky snail.

However, only Luo Xiu knew that the owner of this sound was just a fictional thing, because the sound was made by a slightly weird little speaker in Luo Xiu's cuff.

At this moment, the weird things Luo Xiu had made really scared everyone present. If it weren’t for everyone who came from a well-known family and had a good vision and concentration, then everyone present would be affected by this. The sudden sound of majesty made him shocked.

Even so, Luo Xiu can still feel that the situation on the field is getting more and more weird. In the past, he always thought that he might be able to influence the life and death of everyone, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that without the assistance of the system, he would be nothing. At this moment, the system became more and more important in his mind.