Technology Communication System

Chapter 656: Forced palace

Seeing the various weird performances of everyone in the field, Luo Xiu couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth. Then, he leaned over again respectfully to the sky snail suspended in the air, and said, "Master, this, It is the Feihong Temple Pantheon, Niulan Mountain, and the people of Tianyunjian. They are here to see the master. You have seen it now. What I said, looking at them like this, you don’t believe me at all. , Obviously came for my father. Master, do you remember that when my father returned, didn’t he bring a long sword? They came for that thing, and now we can’t stand it anymore, Master, see if you take out the thing first and let them check it. In this way, the suspicion of our father and son will be removed. Otherwise, so many forces are worried about it. My city lord’s mansion has a population of hundreds of thousands. , Will suffer as a result."

Although Luo Xiu's tone was very respectful when he spoke, none of the people present were stupid. They all knew the meaning of Luo Xiu's current words very well. They all looked at Luo Xiu with a face of censure, and his expression was extremely speechless. .

At this moment, the most fundamental reason why Luo Xiu suddenly changed the subject was that he suddenly remembered his current situation. Now it seems that their father and son were completely clear of their suspicions anyway. If that is the case, It is better to solve this problem fundamentally.

At this time, the only way he could think of was such a way, for example, to bring out the master he made up, and at the same time to show the identity of his master, hoping to use this to divert the attention of the people present. In this way, it can basically delay a period of time first.

Sure enough, the effect was immediate. When Luo Xiu spoke, his soul power was always paying attention to everyone present. Seeing the strange reactions of these people, Luo Xiu knew it in his heart.

At the same time, he also noticed that when his voice fell, many people's eyes suddenly stagnated, and then everyone looked at Luo Xiu thoughtfully and the sky snail suspended in mid-air. The voice master who talked to Luo Xiu, everyone put away their contempt, and each of them had serious expressions on their faces.

Seeing this, Luo Xiu knew that his plan was half-successful, and he believed that as long as he took it seriously again, he could easily turn his attention to his master afterwards. In this case, he It can also fundamentally solve the problem of City Lord's Mansion.

"Oh, it's them, it's okay, you just tell the truth, tut, things are on the old man, if they want, let them come to the Tianyuan Pavilion thousands of miles away, the old man is waiting for them here, hehehe, it's out of date, I waited for seven days. If they don’t go there within seven days, the old man will kill him.” While Luo Xiu was still thinking about what he should do next, at this time there was a message from the snail that made Luo Xiu happy. Crazy voice.

Although he knew that this was arranged deliberately by the system, Luo Xiu still felt a little happy. He didn't expect the system to consider more comprehensively than him. This couldn't help making Luo Xiu happy while also feeling the mood of other people present. Between changes.

"Master, why did you go so far? What happened there? Didn't you go to the tomb of Emperor Wu Tian to watch the excitement? How did you go there!" Luo Xiu felt like Ming Jing, but now He can only respond like this.

"Hey, the old man chased the old immortal all the way, he escaped, and now he is looking for clues here! Don't be afraid, you kid, they dare not do it, as long as I am here, who dares to do it, the old man will destroy their whole family!" The voice of the old man in the Tongtianluo was domineering and fierce, and everyone who heard the words looked unsightly.

"Master, no, you really intend to take that thing out. You must know that you promised the kid before. If my cultivation level meets your requirements, you will give me those things. Now that you say that, it's not like you I really plan to kill them all. If this is the case, isn't our entire Luo family facing a catastrophe." Luo Xiu looked at the guys with different expressions in front of him with serious expression, but the words that came out of his mouth made everyone feel I want to scold my mother.

At the same time, everyone stared at the conch in the sky earnestly, with solemn expressions, obviously they valued the threat of the speaker extremely seriously. Seeing this, the corners of Luo Xiu's mouth rose slightly, revealing Sen Han's smile.

At this moment, Luo Xiu's heart was completely calm. In a short time, these people in the field dared not do anything. Seeing this scene, Luo Xiu's expression was different from before, but he said it. However, the expressions of the others in the field suddenly changed, staring at Luo Xiu with fierce eyes.

"Then I'm going to look for you now? They are pressing too tightly, I'm worried that things will change." Luo Xiu thought briefly, and then said without hesitation.

He already has an immature idea in his mind, just because he is entangled in whether or not to do it, because once he does this, the consequences will be very serious, offending many big powers, and will completely abandon his current identity. .

"What are you afraid of? There is a teacher. As long as your kid is obedient, I think they can't help you father and son. As for that little Luocheng, even if you give it up, as long as you follow this seat and return to the sect, we will Within the sphere of influence of 30 million, any city, let your father and son choose, how about it, treat you well for the teacher, as long as you can give the remaining thing to the teacher, then the teacher will surely protect it. Your Luo family will be rich and prosperous for generations to come.” The system is getting more and more outrageous, and a huge cake is placed in front of everyone. It seems that they are worried that these people will not get the bait and put out bigger bait to lure these people. Trying to make them scrambling to bite.

"Master, I have told you how many times, my father got such a thing at the beginning, our family really has nothing else, if there is, we will not be so forced by others~ do you think I want to use my father’s cultivation base and your cultivation base. If that thing is really in our city lord’s mansion, it would have been found by you long ago, and it will definitely not remain in our hands!” Luo Xiu cursed secretly in his heart. At the same time, I had to smile bitterly and explain to the snails, of course, mainly to explain to these people present.

Although he knows that the reason the system handles this way is to resolve their danger to the greatest extent, he still feels a little uncomfortable. After all, there is no script for this, and he can only rely on him to react temporarily. Even so, Luo After the congregation had finished these words, even if he knew that he was not in any danger, he couldn't help but sweat from his back at this moment.

"You are sure that you are serious. It is very important to know that. It is very important to be a teacher. It is a little waste to put it on you. Even that thing is dispensable for you. So, you kid still hand over things honestly. In this case, the old man can guarantee that as long as you don’t make any non-discriminatory requirements, the old man can satisfy you.” The two people talked more and more speculatively. Now Luo Xiu doesn’t know how to answer the conversation. He only smiles bitterly. Obviously, the system in his mind is addicted at this time. Although he doesn’t know why the system says this, Luo Xiu knows that this guy must be Talking nonsense.

"Master, if you say that, the disciple really doesn't know how to answer the conversation. You are sure I have to speak clearly in front of these people. If this is the case, then the thing will really be taken away by someone. If you want to take it back, it’s a big trouble.” Although Luo Xiu knew that the system was sloppy with him, Luo Xiu knew that he still had to find a way to explain clearly. After all, compared with the current situation, the most urgent matter is still Try to dispel the greedy ideas of these people as much as possible.

"It's okay, what are you scared of, since those people who are persecuting, you have already asked for help from the teacher, then you can simply tell the location of the treasure, then I will settle accounts with them, if they don't come It’s fine to find me, if you really dare to come over, the old man will let them see why the flowers are so red! I really annoy me, I will kill them all.” The system in my mind doesn’t know how. What he did, what he said now made the other people present have a numb scalp. The powerful spirit power fluctuations transmitted through the sky snail made his image a lot more three-dimensional at once, and it seemed inexplicable. The speaker is just in front of everyone.

At this moment, after hearing these words from the system in my mind, everyone was full of anger, almost as long as the people who heard Luo Xiu and their conversation clearly, the kind on each face made Luo Xiu feel frightened. The anger value is almost exploded.

Luo Xiu’s divine sense swept across the people in the hall, and he was completely relieved. Although these guys were extremely angry, they seemed to suppress the anger on their bodies. This made Luo Xiu amused at the same time, but he also treated these people Some re-understanding.

Others don't know, but Luo Xiu is very clear. The fundamental reason why these people dare to appear here so unscrupulously is because Luo Cheng's own strength is insufficient. Of course, this refers to his father's current strength.

"Okay, I'll tell them the place and let them find you in the past. I have to retreat and practice. I still need to study the exercises you taught me before!" After that, Luo Xiu put away the sky snails, but now it seems that his actions made the tangled look on the faces of everyone else present more obvious.

"Well, since everyone has heard it, then I won't say much. Now my master is in Tianyuan Pavilion. If you want the treasure that the old man said, go find him. Go straight. Okay, if you really don’t rest assured, the kid can also go with you. How about, as long as you dare to pass, if you have any questions, my master will explain to you clearly!" Luo Xiu changed the manner of Vinono's low-pitched sigh, his entire popularity skyrocketed suddenly, and he appeared very strong, with a hint of ridicule in his tone.

At the same time, after everyone present heard Luo Xiu's words, everyone's expressions were different, especially the old man and the other ordinary-looking female nun. At this moment, they have strange expressions on their faces. They are very surprised and seem very surprised. It was astonished at Luo Xiu's current weird behavior. The two looked at each other for a long time, then looked at Luo Xiu again, and said, the tone was also unprecedentedly serious, with a trace of hesitation.

"Junior, you should still find a better excuse to lie, what is Tianyuan Pavilion? You really don’t know, how can there be people in that ghost place? You shouldn’t really think that we are all cheating Yes? Or, do you think that we dare not pass by the Tian Yuan Pavilion, right?" The old man's words were full of ridicule, and he seemed to be extremely sure of Luo Xiu's timidity.

Although Luo Xiu had other purposes when he said these words, he still felt a little uncontrollable when he was seen through on the spot. Just after thinking about it, Luo Xiu shook his head again. For him, these are all. It is not important, as long as they can be distracted, the other things are not important.

After all, for Luo Xiu, as long as these people can be changed positions by him, his maneuverable space will be much larger at that time. Just find a corner with no one to kill all these people, so he is just a waste. Just a moment.

"Don’t, you have to believe me. How could I be so boring to deceive you on this kind of thing? If you don’t believe it, then just follow me. It just so happens that I have some problems with my cultivation and I need to find my master. Ask! How about it, I have already said this, you don’t need to embarrass my father any more?” Luo Xiu waved his hand, very innocent, and looked at the other people present with a slight joke. What was said made many people gritted their teeth, but there was no way to refute it.

"What an eloquent boy, you don't think that this will save your father from the crisis. Luo Shihong, what do you say? If you also go to Tianyuan Pavilion with us, then we will let you go to the Luo family. Little, as long as you are obedient, we will deal with the others after we get the things." The old red beard looked at Luo Shihong, who was sitting next to him and didn't speak, with an unprecedented seriousness and a strong threat.

Luo Shihong only smiled bitterly when he heard the words. He raised his head and glanced at Luo Xiu. Luo Xiu smiled back and nodded slightly to indicate that he agreed. As for other situations, Luo Xiu was ready, and this time he was going to treat these people once and for all. All resolved.