Technology Communication System

Chapter 670: Weird Luocheng

It's not that Luo Xiu doesn't want to search for the soul directly, but it is unnecessary. Although he is not necessarily afraid of the extra memory that will cause memory disorder, he still hopes that the problem can be solved peacefully. Therefore, , She speaks softly, without the slightest smoke.

Hearing this question, the middle-aged man first expressed his expression, then showed a sad expression, his tone was particularly sincere, but this man seemed to be jealous, did not dare to speak, hesitated for a long time, and still didn't say a word. Seeing this, Luo Xiu couldn't help but his expression sank, and he suddenly woke up to wonder if he had some feminine hearts.

"Hesitating, do you really want to die? You are not alone here. I just choose to communicate with you because you don’t have too much blood in your body. If you want to try my method, I Don't mind letting you feel my strength for yourself, can you tell me now, what happened here?" Luo Xiu's expression is no longer as heavy as before. At this moment, his expression is extraordinarily serious. No matter what the middle-aged person does, Luo Xiu will definitely kill the person as soon as possible, and then search for his soul.

"Sao Luo, it’s not that the little one doesn’t say anything, but the little one doesn’t know where to tell you. I only learned about the changes here by accident before, and I was sent to grasp the specific situation here. I don't really understand the specific situation here. I only know that it was done by a group of masked men in black. At that time, your father and the people in the City Lord's Mansion did not resist too much, only when they wanted to run. A middle-aged man in a blue shirt appeared. Although the man obscured his face, he looked at people in a blue shirt. At that time, many people saw that under the man’s move, the sky thunder came and bombarded the entire city lord’s mansion on the spot. Scorched earth, and the situation was too sudden at the time. Your father and most of the people in the city lord’s mansion were burned to ashes in the fire. You can ask other people about this. There is absolutely no lie, and the kid The reason why I was sent here was to find out the true identity of the Qingshan man. This method is really too bad. At this time, half a month has passed, but we still have nothing. People seem to appear out of thin air, and they can disappear out of thin air. For those of us sects, this middle-aged man in the blue shirt is an unstable bomb, which may blow us all up to the sky at any time. The elder explained that this person must be found out." Seeing that Luo Xiu's face was calm and he even wanted to kill when he talked, this middle-aged man was also acquainted, like pour beans from a bamboo tube, and put all he knew. Tell it again.

When Luo Xiu heard this, he was startled at first, then he was thoughtful. Obviously, the methods used by the masked men in the blue shirts that appeared last were out of the scope of martial arts, and seemed to be the hands of those who descended from God's Domain.

It's just that Luo Xiu is not sure, his identity has nothing to do with these people, and his father's level is not up to the level of conflict with these people, then why would his father usher in these people's strangulation, this It was something he couldn't understand, and Luo Xiu was even more convinced that the fruits in Qianlong Continent were very muddy.

"By the way, which force do you belong to, tsk, don't give me sloppy eyes, tell the truth, lest you die, otherwise, it will be hard to tell your fate. Don't try to conceal something. I want to know the truth. ~ Phase, you only need to search for your soul, there is no need to talk so much nonsense with you. The reason why I don’t want to kill people is because of your **** smell, so I can talk and talk You are saying so much here." Luo Xiu has already thought of the relationship of interest at this moment, and he has no previous doubts.

Therefore, he turned to be curious about the forces that the middle-aged belonged to. After all, he could react in the shortest time. The threat of the masked man in the blue shirt had threatened the power of the sect. It can be seen that the master of the sect People still have some foresight, so he is also a little curious about the origin of this person.

"The outer deacon of the villain Wanhuazong, although I don’t have many masters in Wanhuazong, there are some elders who have foresight. Wanhuazong has reached an agreement with Lord Luo before, but the agreement has not been implemented yet. Lord Luo suffered a misfortune, and it really made me feel sad." This person seemed to be relieved, and when he spoke, his tone of voice became more sincere.

And Luo Xiu is not stupid, he can obviously tell from this person's expression that he is scared, and the traces of flattering are deep, but Luo Xiu doesn't care about it.

After all, anyone can be so calm when facing life and death. At this moment, he had only one thought in his mind, or should he figure out a way to figure out who the masked man in the green shirt is?

Otherwise, this hostility buried in his heart will still have a great impact on his cultivation. Although it will not cause him to explode, he still wants to kill if it takes too long.

"Okay, let you go for a while, don't mention my existence to others. By the way, in order to prevent you from having other unfavorable thoughts, I should temporarily seal this part of your memory, and wait for my son. Heaven will solve the matter, and I will help you lift the seal again. At that time, how about you and me working together?" Talking to himself, talking to the middle-aged man again, with Luo Xiu’s powerful spirit power Covering the middle-aged man's mind, and then reading the middle-aged man's memory from beginning to end like a movie.

Soon, Luo Xiu knew that the middle-aged man's previous words were true, and he had not concealed anything about this matter. Only at the same time, Luo Xiu also discovered the difference in people's speech this year.

This middle-aged man was obviously different from what he had imagined. On the surface, this man did not cause any killing. In fact, this man's real purpose was to cooperate with Luo Cheng, but the purpose of his report was not simple.

Regarding this, Luo Xiu's heart was just stunned for a while, after all, Luo Cheng has become like this now, so there is no need for him to pay too much attention to this kind of thing, or even kill this person directly. Therefore, just sealed his memories at the same time, and after doing all this, Luo Xiu turned around and left here, heading for the next target point.

Here, thirteen black-clothed masked men were standing in front of each other, as if they had some task to set off. It's just that it's broad daylight, and these people are inconvenient to show up. They are hiding in dark rooms, wiping their weapons, seemingly ready for a **** massacre.

When Luo Xiu saw this situation, the whole person was a little interested. It is true that the sudden appearance of these people made him suspicious. When he scanned the city with the power of the soul just now, he did not see the thirteen blacks. Masked people, at this moment, these people suddenly appeared and appeared in Luocheng. How could he not make him curious.

And he was very sure that these thirteen people had just appeared in Luocheng. With his sensitivity to aura, as long as anyone was scanned by his spirit power, there would be no misjudgment.

No matter how clever these people are to hide their breath, Luo Xiu is confident that he can easily record the breath of these people, and the strange scene that happened before him makes Luo Xiu inexplicably think of that person. Masked man in green shirt.

If there are any hidden breath secrets in this world that he cannot easily explore, then only these people from God's Domain, after all, there are such things as spatial secret treasures, and besides, there are those weird things they have. The secret method.

Therefore, Luo Xiu just stood outside the courtyard wall and watched these people quietly with his spirit power, and didn't want to go up to question or search for the soul. He can obviously feel that these people's will is very firm, unless he uses the Soul Destroying Da ~ Dharma, otherwise, if he wants to get the content he wants, he can only use all these people to search for the soul, otherwise, he simply asks No useful content comes out.

But at this moment, what Luo Xiu wants to know most is where the man with the green shirt and mask has gone? If his guess is true, then these people in front of him must be inseparable from the man in the blue shirt and mask, but Luo Xiu carefully used his spirit power to sense the whole city, but he did not find any clues about this person. Luo Xiu was very curious.

Compared with the entire city of Luo, Luo Xiu’s soul power can be said to be as terrifying as the sea of ​​Yuanhao, and such a powerful soul power, if you want to search for a person, there is no dead corner at all, but it searches the whole city, Luo Xiu still didn't notice any anomalies, so there was only one possibility. The man in the blue shirt had already left here or was in the space secret treasure.

At this moment, the thirteen people who suddenly appeared were a little suspicious. There was no such thing as a super teleportation array in this world, not to mention those special space artifacts. Luo Xiu believed in this. Therefore, he paid special attention to the thirteen people, and wanted to see what these people were gearing up to do here?

In order to avoid being stunned by the grass, Luo Xiu did not stay here for a long time. Instead, he stepped into an empty yard where someone should have lived. It’s just that it may be because of the great changes in Luocheng that this family feels that it is not safe here. The family has moved out. From the messy traces and domestic garbage, it can be seen that these people left extremely In a hurry, it seemed that he didn’t want to stay here for a long time. Luo Xiu looked at the entire yard carefully and discovered this. He sighed in his heart that the world is becoming more and more chaotic, and Luo Xiu looked at the garbage, thoughtfully. .

Time passed slowly. In the past few hours, Luo Xiu’s spirit power has been covering the entire Luocheng. First, he wanted to see who this man with the blue shirt and mask was, and second, he wanted to know more about the situation here. .

But to his disappointment, after so long, there is no news of the masked man in the blue shirt, and the thirteen masked men in black, until dark, only maintain the habit of eating and drinking in the water toilet. There is no other reaction.

Originally Luo Xiu thought that when it got dark, these people would definitely come out and solve their goals completely, but to his disappointment, these people did not have other abnormalities, instead they started to practice. Luo Xiu was very curious.

But soon he showed such a look, because from the thirteen people, Luo Xiu actually felt the extremely delicate and ingenious training method, which made waves in his heart.

Although there are also qigong methods in this world, they are all extremely crude, definitely not like what he sees now. This kind of weirdness can directly train a human being full of emotions and colors into something like Cold fighter.

At this moment, looking at the situation in front of him, Luo Xiu wanted to scold his mother. He really didn’t know who it was. If he dared to spread this technique so unscrupulously, he was not afraid that these local people would become uncontrollable. Well.

And then he thought of those people who came from God's Domain, such strange supernatural powers can only be tricks by those people who came from God's Domain. This can't help but give Luo Xiu a mentality of wanting to kill.

He had only thought that these people would make some concessions in order to rule the world, and selectively teach these indigenous people some exercises, but just like the present, he can directly get out the secret method of cultivating dead men. When Luo Xiu changed his color in amazement, he also faintly felt that these people had a bigger picture than himself.

"System, have you ever seen a similar exercise secret code? I remember you told me before that you have searched for the practice secrets of most sects in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. Do you feel that the secrets practiced by these people are very familiar? , Or there may be a slight connection." Looking at the memories in his mind, Luo Xiu was shocked to find that he had never heard of this method.

However, he is inexplicably faintly ecstatic. If his guess is true, then these people are really his enemies. Think about hiding yourself and hiding in the dark to see these clowns. Ordinary guys do whatever they want here, and Brother Luo's heart is full of unexplainable excitement.

"No! Although there are similar methods in the database of this system, compared with the one you described, the secret methods I have mastered are somewhat unfavorable. If it is really the secret method you said, The life form of life, its fighting instinct, fighting will, and determination are definitely not what you can understand. This kind of person is born to kill. Those who can practice this kind of practice without getting into troubles can be called berserkers in battles. By the way, this system still recommends the host to be careful. This is really weird. Although it is not a problem to solve the problem here with your means, I still hope that the host can be careful not to underestimate the world, just like before Suddenly three people appeared. You don’t know exactly where they came from, and the system is vaguely aware of the taste of conspiracy. It seems that they know your existence.” The system’s question for Luo Xiu , Just replied lightly, and then turned to warn him.