Technology Communication System

Chapter 672: Hidden crisis

However, Luo Xiu felt those special auras that were different and familiar to him, and he was inexplicably lost. If he could stop these things in time before these things happened, Luo Cheng would not become what he is now. Happening.

And the most important thing is that he doesn't know how to deal with the next thing, even if he helps Luo Shihong get revenge, it is impossible to save him again.

Although he didn't have much feelings with this Luo Shihong, Luo Xiu was still nostalgic. Therefore, although Luo Xiu didn't say anything on the surface, Luo Xiu knew in his heart that he already owed the cause and effect in this world.

Immediately, Luo Xiu cleared up his thoughts and felt his throbbing, with a cruel smile on his face. He knew very well that he could not turn his head back. Instead of being compassionate and compassionate here, he should first beat his prestige, and then Think of a way to make up. After all, after the comparison, Luo Xiu could clearly feel the difference between him before and now.

As a person who knows how to find a way after he knows himself, he knows better than anyone else that his future has become different. If he is still as fearful as before, looking forward and looking forward to things, it may not be a good thing for him. , Will also make people look down upon themselves.

Next, Luo Xiu silently observed these people for a few days, and found that these people were as he had imagined, and all the previous ones were signs they had deliberately forged. Obviously, the main purpose of these people is to paralyze Luo Xiu. At this moment, Luo Xiu has taken his mind back, and to another extent, makes them realize that they have self-protected, and they have become different from before. Too big a difference.

"Host, you don't have to wait any longer. Instead of wasting time here, you should just go to the door and take care of them all. Quickly find a way out. This is the main topic. As the land has changed drastically today, if you drag on like this, Although it may not make you gain something later, you will get closer and closer to other people. At that time, your advantages will disappear. If you still want to make a difference in this world, It’s better to hurry up and develop your own power. Presumably, it won’t be long before the battlefield of the gods and demons completely disappears, and the world will be exposed to the world. At that time, have you ever thought about it, this is a guardian force that is not too strong at all The treasures of Qianlong Continent are rich in resources. It will certainly not be a problem to cultivate a few great emperor-level horror existences. At that time, the blood and blood here are not enough to describe the horror here. If you are still like before If you have that kind of idea, I advise you to find the opportunity to leave this planet quietly. Otherwise, you must find a way to completely gain a foothold here and make this place your own unique territory. Otherwise, you can find it now. I'm hiding in a place!" The system really can't stand it anymore. Now Luo Xiu is simply stronger and more procrastinated. It seems to have a game of human feeling.

But there are also some paradoxes. While making the system speechless, he also felt the lack of self-confidence in Luo Xiu's heart. It seemed that he had not changed his role yet, and completely changed from a subordinate to a superior.

"Tsk, the battlefield of gods and demons, this is really a problem, but the system, you are sure that the battlefield of gods and demons will really disappear completely, how can this happen? Didn't we calculate before? I am devouring those broken pieces It’s been planned in the small world, and it won’t affect the situation here at all. Why does the battlefield of gods and demons disappear? Tsk, if you say that, it’s really going to be that time, if the battlefield of gods and demons really disappears, trouble can There are more than those you mentioned earlier." Luo Xiu was taken aback, knowing that when he was devouring the small broken worlds on the battlefield of Gods and Demons, Luo Xiu didn't know that there was still a separate space here.

Therefore, at that time, he did his best to devour these small worlds with the Qinglian world. Therefore, Luo Xiu's heart was greatly moved by what the system said at this moment. And based on his understanding of this world, if this place is really exposed to the eyes of those forces in God's Domain, let alone whether it can retain the rich resources here, it is just a few terrifying guys from God's Domain who are fighting here. This place might be ruined in one round. At that time, Luo Xiu felt shuddering just after thinking about it.

"What's so weird about this. You should have thought of this before. Although the reality is cruel, there are some things that you still need to know. For example, if this place is completely exposed, have you ever thought about it? What would people do? They would slaughter all the people here first, and then relocate people from their own forces. Such a majestic heaven and earth vitality, it is not just the tens of billions of people, but there After all these tens of billions of people were killed at that time, although it might cause a terrifying backlash from the heavens, those emperor-level guys didn't care at all, and sacrificing one or two guys could completely make the planet re-evolve successfully. At that time, the benefits that can be obtained will make everyone crazy. Think about it, at that time, who will care about the life and death of these indigenous people, even if you and the guys who come down from the gods can't escape this purge. It’s just that our news is comprehensive, combined with many possibilities, before we understand the truth of these things. If we didn’t know the true situation here, we would probably be in the dark. If one day the battlefield of gods and demons suddenly disappears , Let this place be completely exposed to the world, think about what terrible things will happen at that time." Following the description of the system, Luo Xiu's face suddenly turned pale, and his expression was full of bitterness.

He was too optimistic and magnanimous before, that he even ignored the evil of human nature. With his understanding of the people in this world, those guys in God's Domain are selfish, and they are not enough to describe their cruelty. I really have the naive thoughts I had before, and I don't know how I died at this moment.

But immediately Luo Xiu calmed down a lot. With his knowledge of the world, his previous thoughts seemed a bit naive, but if he really mastered the planet as thoroughly as the system said.

For him, it may not be a test, and what he has paid and gained is simply the difference between heaven and earth. If he wants to further consolidate his power in this world, he must upgrade his cultivation as soon as possible and let the world of Qinglian Further evolution, so that these ascenders in the Qinglian world have more powerful combat effectiveness.

The manifestations of this ability one after another made Luo Xiu understand that in the following days, he must go all out to cultivate with peace of mind and not have other small ideas. As for Luo Shihong, they are not that important compared with his own life and death.

"System, I probably understand what you mean. If it's like what you said, then everyone will have to rely on their own skills. As for these guys in God's Domain to stir up trouble here, I can't take care of it. Instead of worrying about these unpleasant existences, it is more appropriate to think about how to further improve one's own cultivation before the battlefield of gods and demons completely disappears. By the way, how long can the battlefield of gods and demons last?" Luo Xiu knows that it is not his incompetence, but a matter of time.

If the battlefield of the gods and demons can persist for thousands of years, not to mention that his cultivation is strong when the time comes, the influence of the battlefield of the gods and demons will be minimal to him, but now think about it, Luo Xiu himself knows this. Somewhat naive. If the battlefield of gods and demons can really last for thousands of years, then the system in the body will definitely not remind him like this.

"Uncertain. Because of the previous action we made, the world here has been reversed. The world has become no longer what it used to be. If the stimulation continues like this, the world will become more stable. At that time, the existence of the battlefield of gods and demons was a kind of bondage. In order to break the bondage, the heavens here are bound to undergo a large-scale backlash. At that time, the battlefield of gods and demons is bound to be swallowed up in one fell swoop, digesting the battlefield of gods and demons. After the terrifying energy of the world, the world will take the fast lane. The time left for us cannot be calculated by this system. After all, the world is changing all the time. Under the strong and weak, the celestial body will also have speed It's even faster. At that time, even if we want to wait like this, time won't allow it." Hearing Luo Xiu's words, the system obviously didn't know how to answer.

At this moment, seeing Luo Xiu’s disappointed gaze, the system couldn’t help smiling bitterly. It was very clear that Luo Xiu’s current system of mind would not understand Luo Xiu’s plan, but he still had to say what he should say. There is nothing to hide at all.

"If this is the case, it is really difficult. No one knows what will happen here. If we waste time for too long and the situation here is different again, the trouble will still be great. Yes." After listening to the system in his mind, Luo Xiu has a clear understanding of his own situation.

Moreover, the most important thing is that he is also afraid that the battlefield of Gods and Demons will suddenly disappear one day, and he is not sufficiently prepared to expose this place to the sight of those guys in God's Domain. That kind of thing is really going to happen. He didn't know how to deal with it, it was really a God's Domain, definitely the scariest and most abnormally concentrated place in the world.

In the current situation, although Luo Xiu was a little busy in his heart, he knew that he did not have much means to deal with these things that might happen next. Therefore, he wondered whether he could delay the collapse of the battlefield of the gods and demons, or consider other aspects, such as arranging a large formation to completely hide this place, or figuring out other things to remove those people His attention is diverted.

After thinking about it again and again, Luo Xiu still did not have an accurate direction. He could feel it very clearly. At this moment, this world is undergoing changes that he could not determine. If he waits for a while, it will definitely cause He couldn’t let go of the horrible scene. At that time, even if he had the backing of the entire Qinglian world, he could only protect himself. He still couldn’t get a share of Qianlong Continent. .

"System, I probably have some ideas, you can calculate it for me, will there be any changes when I do this." He didn't say his idea immediately, Luo Xiu first thought about it for a while. , I focused my attention on the thirteen people carefully and cautiously. After discovering that they had no other abnormalities, Luo Xiu withdrew his mind and planned for a while before he got what he wanted to express in his mind. Mean it.

"What's your plan? Don't try to climb to the sky in one step. This is not as simple as you think. What is the reason for the formation of the battlefield of gods and demons? No matter it is you or me, after such a long investigation, nothing has been achieved. After the system has evolved through supercomputing, some clues have already been discovered. It seems that this is not unintentionally produced. On the contrary, it seems that someone deliberately created such a special environment. What big secret seems to be hiding? , This system is unable to figure out who arranged all this because of the lack of information. But this system is 70% to 80% sure that it is not as simple as we thought, especially your youth After the lotus world has an unknown connection with this world, everything here has been out of your control. If you want to regain the Qinglian world, it is not something you can do if you want to. It can be said that this world is now I'm already living with you. Instead of thinking about it here, it's better to think about what you should do next, so that you can get the upper hand, and even dominate the next battle." The system seems to know something about Luo Xiu's mind at this time. When speaking, he did not rush to combine the facts and the actual situation to tell Luo Xiu. Luo Xiu listened and felt a lot, but inexplicably, he always felt something was wrong.

"You said, if we stop all the following actions and find a way to kill all those who come from God's Domain, can we delay the collapse of the Gods and Demons battlefield, or prevent the Gods and Demons battlefield from collapsing? Otherwise, the time left for us seems to be hundreds of thousands of years, but in such a short period of time, I want to improve my own strength and further purify the entire youth world. It is not my current strength. It is possible to do this, so is there a way?" Luo Xiu knows the good intentions of the system, but he also knows that what he is doing now has little impact on him. Not only because Luo Xiu knew in his heart at this moment, but also because of those obstacles, these guys didn't dare to shoot themselves at this time.