Technology Communication System

Chapter 673: response

Luo Xiu's plan is very good. He does not need to plan like this, but he knows that under the current situation, besides that, there is no more convenient thing than this, if he will still be like this in the future. Although it doesn’t necessarily cause other people’s ill feelings, the impact on these seemingly harmless people at this time is minimal at all.

"System, you said, besides this time to delay the exposure of this world, is there any better way? Obviously, there is no other great way, right? Then you I feel that if I really don’t care about it and let this world continue to develop independently, how long can the existence of the battlefield of Gods and Demons last? A specific approximate time will do.” Although there is a general guess in his heart, Luo Xiu still Hope to get a more accurate answer from the system.

After all, after the comparison, Luo Xiu suddenly realized that his previous practice completely changed the laws between heaven and earth. In this way, there would be no buffer period at all, which really made Luo Xiu a little bit dumbfounded.

At this moment, Luo Xiu's heart is full of regret. After all, his current situation is quite embarrassing. If something like the collapse and disappearance of the battlefield of the gods and demons really happens, there is nothing he can do with his current cultivation base.

He didn't even have time to make any arrangements. After all, whether it was to set up the formation or through some special method, it would take time to arrange the hiding here, and it was not sure whether it would succeed.

"This is really hard to say. After all, the disintegration speed of the battlefield of gods and demons is very slow and slow. If you don't pay attention, you can't detect it at all, but this is not fixed. If quantitative changes cause qualitative changes, it is likely to be Overnight, the battlefield of the gods and demons will completely say goodbye to the world. At that time, without the protection of the battlefield of the gods and demons, the virgin land of Qianlong Continent will definitely be exposed to the sight of other powerful people. At that time, Host, you still need to consider what to do in order to protect yourself!" Luo Xiu's heart was overwhelmed by the system's answer. Obviously, the system said so, and he was not sure how long the battlefield of the gods and demons could last. This made Luo Xiu feel a little bit in his heart. Disappointed.

Therefore, he regrets a bit at this time, regretting that he shouldn't have been completely confused because of the appearance of Shen Tu Ming, so that he recklessly chose the method of killing these zombies by using the catastrophe. Otherwise, how could it lead to this kind of thing that is unpredictable for him now.

"Then, is there any way I can slow down this collapse. After all, this is also saving myself to a certain extent. If I can't be fully prepared, it will really let others discover such a good place and go to that At that time, it’s hard to say whoever said it.” Although the system does not speak well, it does not deceive itself in certain things. Luo Xiu is convinced of this. Therefore, Luo Xiu is still a little unwilling. I want to ask the solution I want to know the most.

After all, he thought about it, no matter where he started, he couldn't solve this matter in a short time. The only thing that can relieve Luo Xiu Luo Xiu is to try to delay it for a while.

After all, for millions of years, there has not been a large-scale collapse of the battlefield of the gods and demons. This is a good opportunity. If it were not for their intrusion, the core area of ​​the battlefield of the gods and demons would not collapse at all. Then think about it, What happened in the middle was caused by oneself.

At the same time, if he continues to sit and watch regardless of the continued collapse of the battlefield of the gods and demons, it will not be long before the battlefield of the gods and demons will disappear. At that time, Luo Xiu is not sure who has the final say in this Qianlong Continent. .

"We still have to start from two aspects. After all, it is unrealistic to be able to solve the problem of the continuous collapse of the battlefield within time. It can only slow down the speed of the collapse. Only in this way can you do this. Then you will have longer time to do it. Prepare, but this is not realistic. First, you don’t have the ability, and second, the price you need to pay is too great. If you change the time, you can move the Qinglian world over and swallow the entire battlefield of gods and demons. At that time, it is not difficult to cover the existence of this Qianlong Continent with the Qinglian World, but there is a premise that you have the ability to control the Qinglian World to complete all this. Now, there is only one way. We can only hide this place by means of formation, and then speed up the disintegration speed of the battlefield of gods and demons. Only in this way, the energy generated in the process of disintegration of the battlefield of gods and demons can be completely passed through the power of the formation Transformed into a terrifying array that covers the sky and the sun. The only function of this formation is to completely hide the Qianlong Continent and the newly born Qinglian world. Apart from that, this system has nothing else. Good way." The system's answer made Luo Xiu's heart cool, and he clearly felt that the system did not hide anything from himself in this matter. Therefore, while Luo Xiu felt lost, he also faintly regretted.

"You said lightly, although I seem to have weak hands now, and have mastered the fate of many guys, but really, if I were to arrange the formation, it would really be a bit difficult for me, let alone here. The situation, because I don’t know what kind of trouble it will bring about a terrorist war on this entire planet. It’s just whether I can successfully control the terrorist power it needs, and it’s not what my current cultivation base can control. Are you talking nonsense?" Luo Xiu sneered at the last so-called method of the system.

He is not a little cabbage, he clearly understands the meaning of this, if he can really do this, then there is no need to worry about the impact of the collapse of the battlefield of the gods and demons.

At this moment, the top priority is to find a way to solve this problem. After all, if the battlefield of the gods and demons cannot be supported in a short time, even if you start to prepare now, there will be no time.

"In fact, if you want to set up the formation, you still have some innate advantages. For example, you can use the Qinglian world as the core, transfer energy through the Qinglian world, and then combine eighty-one large and small nearby planets into one. There is still a way to hide the most core Qianlong Continent in a series of large formations, but there is a problem in this, which is what kind of formation you need to arrange to connect these planets together. It’s a bit difficult. After all, eighty-one planets are located on different orbital surfaces. If you want to integrate them completely, not only the host has no way, but the system does not have a good solution to this problem.” The system understands The meaning in Luo Xiu's words, before Luo Xiu could speak, he told the fact that he was powerless.

Although Luo Xiu had all kinds of unwillingness in his heart, he was helpless. After all, he knew his own affairs. It would be unwise if he still had trouble with the system at this time because of this.

"You said that, I am really moved, but I don't know what I need to pay for such a general action, although I am not sure, especially if you are lying to me, but in this matter, I still I choose to believe in you. After all, I really can’t do anything about the current situation, and I also feel that the emergence of the battlefield of gods and demons should not happen by accident, but someone deliberately did it. The purpose is to cultivate The main purpose of the Qianlong Continent is a planet with higher vitality and greater development potential. To be honest, I am very worried that the collapse of the battlefield of the gods and demons will lead to the evolutionary transformation of this world, and even disappear, becoming a sage of the nine days. Territory is the same broken world. At that time, I don’t know what kind of chaos it will cause. Therefore, instead of worrying so much, I look away now. If the collapse of the battlefield of gods and demons cannot be solved in a short time If it’s a threat, then I’ve planned to fully launch the evolution of the Qinglian world. If possible, I even wonder whether to completely move this independent secret small universe created in the battlefield of the gods and demons into my own. In the world of Qinglian." Luo Xiu didn't know what kind of confusion his thoughts would cause if they were exposed.

But he knows that he can only choose to do this. With his understanding of the world, if he is allowed to continue to develop in this way, all his previous advantages will be lost, and more than that, it will cause greater reaction.

Therefore, at that time, no matter how big things happen, he can't do anything. He can only let it go. If this happens, if he wants to do something, it can only be resigned.

"Don't think so much. Before things get to that point, you should think about how to deal with these things now. After all, compared with these things, it will take some time for the battlefield of gods and demons to collapse completely. It's brewing, and at this point in time, things may turn around." Although the system in his mind is not too harsh for Luo Xiu's naive thoughts, it is not too harsh.

Therefore, when speaking, the words are also full of ridicule. After all, compared with other things, this matter is just a matter without a shadow. The two of them are just guessing here, and it is impossible to be on this kind of thing. What is a great way to obtain it? At that time, you still need a real sword and a gun to do it. Other situations are secondary.

Hearing this, Luo Xiu is no longer panicking like before. With his understanding of the world, if he can't take a big advantage in this situation, then other latecomers, even if they With such a method as the Emperor Wutian, he can only sigh with joy.

"Host, you don't need to worry about it at all. Instead of worrying about this, you might as well think about how to develop your own power is the most important thing. Compared with those people who came from God's Domain, your background is still too bad. If you want to talk to these people on an equal footing, you can only pay attention from above and below the battlefield of the gods and demons, and don't think too much about it, if the battlefield of the gods and demons really collapses and the Qianlong Continent is exposed to the world, at that time, It is estimated that the laws of this world have been completely formed. The existence of the emperor level cannot enter this planet at all. Thinking about it this way, you also have a great advantage. At least you are completely different from the world of Qinglian. With the power you have, there is no need to worry about being rejected by this planet. At that time, this planet will open everything to you, and you can wait for other people to come, as long as you want, You should be able to kill them all. After all, you have the backing of the Qinglian world, so many emperor-level existences are by your side, as long as you can keep their cultivation base continuously growing, it must have happened. You are not without any strength to fight back!" Seeing that Luo Xiu was very concerned about this matter, and the system in his mind was also carefully considered, he explained to him.

While speaking, a picture appeared in front of Luo Xiu. The situation on the screen Luo Xiu was extremely unfamiliar, but he suddenly realized that this is the situation simulated by the system. After all, it is really that way, not you. Death is my life, he can really let go of his hands and feet and do a big job.

"That said, I feel a lot better in my heart. After all, the reason why this kind of thing happened today is, to a certain extent, caused by my own reasons. You said in case they really will This world is so furious, is there any way I can catch them all?” After this incident, Luo Xiu thought of another thing. After all, those people who came from God’s Domain still occupy this world. leading position.

And if things go on, he will still lose some advantages. Since the current Qinglian world has become a higher plane of Qianlong Continent, it can also be said to be the ruling class of Qianlong Continent, Luo Xiu thought Can we start from this aspect and solve these problems fundamentally?

Really reached the point where the Qianlong Continent was known to the world. Without the participation of these people in God’s Domain, just these local forces, Luo Xiu would not worry that the people of the great powers in God’s Domain would know the details of Qianlong Continent, let alone. You will know what Qinglian Continent is carrying. At that time, he will be completely waiting for it, and will deal with all this with an unchanging attitude.

"This, there is no problem, it depends on whether you want to do this, and the cost is not big. To be honest, your idea is much more reliable than your previous idea. After all, it really collapsed on the battlefield of gods and demons. At that point, the existence of these people from God's Domain is a burden. If they report the situation here to the sect in God's Domain in advance, it will have a great impact on you. At that time, you will want to do it again. What kind of coping methods are also a little difficult to handle. Instead of worrying about it then, it is better to solve the matter now, and to take advantage of this time to digest your gains.” Luo Xiu's thoughts, the system is obviously tickled. Place.