Technology Communication System

Chapter 681: seal

Hearing this, Luo Xiu's heart that had been hanging around relaxed a little, and he was secretly anxious. After all, time is really running out. If the Emperor Swallowing Devil and Xiao Yu appeared at this time, they would definitely not care. Old love, for the resources of this world, the two old guys will not hesitate to kill any existence that is unfavorable to them.

However, Luo Xiu knew everything in his heart, but he didn't have a good solution to this matter. After all, like most people, his current strength is just that he can be in this world. Once he really wants to fight the two old immortals, he doesn’t know whether he can keep his own. Whole body.

"System, what do you think I should do? You can't just wait like this. These more than ten people, although these people in Jiexuetang can solve it, but I always feel that if I don't take action, Dream City will be completely It will be erased." Luo Xiu's only thought now is the Dream City. Although he doesn't value the Jiexuetang very much, he also knows that he still needs these local powers to share the pressure for himself.

"It’s up to you. Although I don’t want you to be exposed now, and even hope you can hide behind the scenes, try to hide behind the scenes. If you are really exposed, it will cause even greater chaos. After all, your existence is already You have completely offended those people who have come down from God's Domain. Once they know that Lu Zhanyuan was killed by you, these people will inevitably be angry with the enemy, and the situation will get out of control." Luo Xiu's words just fell, the system directly denied it. After reading his thoughts, although the system was not very firm, but after spending so long with the system, Luo Xiu knew in his heart that his own thoughts and the system had no interest at all.

"That's not right! You didn't say that Lu Zhanyuan and them are not from the same power. They don't need to avenge this guy. You shouldn't think that just me can influence their decision. They put me first, let's treat it!" Although Luo Xiu knew that the system said this was for his own benefit, he still had some disapproval in his heart.

After all, he is not a soft persimmon, if these people really think he is easy to bully, then they are very wrong. If it hadn't been for fear in his heart, Luo Xiu would not have been so low-key at all, and had already set out to prepare a plan to unify the world.

After all, compared to other times, there are few people in this world who can make Luo Xiu feel jealous, and Luo Xiu’s current cultivation base and power are also the strongest moments, if not jealous. The rules of heaven and earth between heaven and earth, Luo Xiu had already gotten those people in the Qinglian world out, and with their words, Luo Xiu really had no scruples.

"But those people in the Qinglian world today, you dare not bring them out, and there is one thing that I haven't told you. All your previous ideas have a premise, that is, the battlefield of gods and demons It can support a thousand years, but now I tell you the truth, your idea is wrong. According to the simulation calculation of this system, after about three years, the battlefield of gods and demons will be completely disintegrated. At that time, Qianlong Continent will definitely be exposed, unless You use the formation method to hide this place directly according to what I said before, otherwise, under the will of heaven, all life in this world will usher in the catastrophe. After all, according to the normal operation of heaven and earth, this is not there at all. The possibility of becoming a large-scale world, this kind of change has occurred here at this moment, the rules of heaven and earth in God's Domain, even if it is not complete, will produce abnormal changes, what will happen after this, I don't need to say more. "The system saw that Luo Xiu hadn't understood the meaning of his words, so he couldn't help but sighed secretly, and explained to Luo Xiu with a serious and serious expression.

Hearing what the system said, Luo Xiu, who was still on his way, suddenly stopped. He turned around a little speechlessly, raised his head and looked at the top of his head, but suddenly there was no motivation in his heart.

At this moment, his inner urge to scold his mother couldn't arise. The news from the system was so shocking that he was a little at a loss.

Originally in his plan, even if the battlefield of the gods and demons would collapse, it could last for hundreds of years, and in these hundreds of years, he had time to arrange everything.

However, he would never have thought that the system in his mind had brought him such a basin of cold water at this moment, making all his previous plans vanished at this moment, and what made Luo Xiu feel mad, In the face of this sudden situation, he still can't do anything about it.

"Is there no other way? If this is the case, isn't all my previous preparations made for wedding dresses? I'm a bit unwilling. Although I don't want to admit it, these gods' domain guys still give I caused unimaginable trouble." Luo Xiu's heart was inexplicably discouraged, and the whole person seemed a lot more decadent.

At this moment, there was a feeling of helplessness and helplessness in his heart, giving him the feeling of helplessness for the first time even if he had the help of the system, which was against the sky, he was still helpless.

"Host, you don't have to be like this. As long as you can safely avoid it for a period of time, avoid the time when the battlefield of Gods and Demons just collapsed, which is the most chaotic period of Qianlong Continent, then you can quietly Development and growth. After all, this is connected to God’s Domain. For the host, there is only benefit and no harm. Once Qinglian World can absorb the breath from God’s Domain, its evolution speed will also accelerate. In the future, who will control God’s Domain and Qinglian World? No one knows who will ever die. As for how many people will die in this world, neither the host nor the system can do anything about this, and cannot play a key role. After all, any new world plane is discovered. , The first thing that happened must be the Great Purge. When the time comes, some cruel guys will slaughter all the humans in this world. It is not unacceptable. And the host has a limited cultivation base, and there is very little you can do. For this world, this response can only be a drop in the bucket. If the host really wants to preserve the integrity and independence of this world, there is only one way, to find a way to arrange a large seal formation and put the whole The world is sealed so that its richness and strength will not be known to outsiders. Only in this way can the host have a chance to protect the human beings in this world." The system could not help but speak comfortably when he saw this scene. He didn't know how long he had been. Luo Xiu has not seen this look. Since he was on Luo Xiu's body, Luo Xiu has always acted extremely calmly and calmly. At this moment, Luo Xiu's helpless expression is so impressive. Feel sad.

"The system, what you said is light and handy. It is not easy to set up a large formation that can seal the world! Not to mention the materials needed, just my current formation skills are not enough to do this, and more importantly, , Where does the energy to drive the formation come from? I can’t directly extract the vitality of the world on Qianlong Continent. In that case, the world will be barren. Then, what is the meaning of my arrangement?" Luo Xiu was a little disappointed in his heart. Having said these words of the system, he didn't say anything. If you want to set up a big formation, or a big formation that can seal the entire planet, this is not easy!

Such a powerful formation is not something he can play with at this level of cultivation. What's more important is how terrifying the energy required to activate the formation. The energy required for such a huge seal formation is simply It is a huge amount. According to his understanding, even if the energy in the entire Qianlong Continent is taken away, it is estimated that it will not be able to successfully stimulate the big formation and let it run.

Not to mention, the great formation needs to persist for at least hundreds of thousands of years. After such a long time, no matter how strong the Qianlong Continent is, no matter how rich it is, after the extraction of this great formation, the vitality of the heavens and the earth inside the planet is bound to collapse. Nothing.

At that time, Qianlong Continent will become indistinguishable from the Earth Federation. Luo Xiu didn't even know that this kind of thing really happened. He was so exhausted, so laborious, and it was really just for such a thing and it was of no value. Planet.

After all, he is also an outsider, and has nothing to do with this world. If something like this happened to the Tianyuan Realm, Luo Xiu would definitely protect the Tianyuan Realm to the death. But the situation here is different. What happened here has little to do with him, and the humans here hardly have much to do with him. This also made Luo Xiu understand that he was not originally from this world. To be able to have some sympathy, to do things not so unscrupulous, not so cruel, he wants to completely destroy the planet, it is already his own noble character.

"Tsk, this is really a problem, but, in fact, this is not without a solution. It depends on your reluctance. If you are willing to let the Qinglian world as the core of the formation, there is no need to worry about the energy issue. And this is still a good opportunity. Let me tell you this. It's not completely bad for you to do this. As long as the world of Qinglian is washed by enough time and energy, it can completely evolve into a higher and more powerful world. . Otherwise, the world of Qinglian will always be an immature world of planes, and in front of some terrifying powerhouses, the world of Qinglian now is really just a toy! And if the world of Qinglian can be the center of the formation , As long as it is given enough time, any plane in this universe will no longer be what the world of Qinglian needs to look up to. If there is enough time, the world of Qinglian can even evolve into a great world. Moreover, this vast world does not have any other masters at all. The only master is the master. At that time, as the master of the Qinglian world, not only will the Qinglian world become transcendent, but even the master will surpass the heavens and the world. Above, become a special horrible existence. At that time, what a terrifying existence the host will become. You don’t need to describe it in this system.” Seeing Luo Xiu’s low interest, the system in his mind seems to know it. Luo Xiu's heart knot, therefore, he told Luo Xiu about the benefits without hesitation. When he said these words, there was a hint of excitement in the system's tone. This excitement that rarely appeared in the system's speech made Luo Xiu excited, but he quickly became a little conscious.

"What's uncomfortable about this is that I don't know how to arrange it. After all, it's really like what you said. With the world of Qinglian as the power conversion center of the formation, then what should I use to lay the foundation of the formation? , If it is really arranged according to the system you said, it is impossible for me to directly arrange the next nine heavens and ten grounds in the outer space of Qianlong Continent. It will not succeed, just like the former Tianyuan realm, if If this is the case, then there are some problems that I need to solve. After all, compared with the Tianyuan realm, this Qianlong Continent is actually a bit bigger, and because of the existence of the Qinglian world, this world has quietly changed. The Great Earth Sealing Array may not be able to operate normally." Luo Xiu was faintly excited by the system, but he quickly calmed down.

Compared with other illusory futures, there are still many problems that need to be solved right now before him. The accumulation of this little thing is also a terrifying and vast project. Thinking about the degree of hardship, Luo Xiu Shaking his head shudderingly. If he does follow the requirements of the system, he will not do other things in the next few years, and he will need to work overtime to speed up the deployment of the formation.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome. For other things here, this system can't help you, but with this system, the array you need to arrange is not so complicated at all. If you don't look at the conditions here, I am familiar. I never think of it. Before the Earth Federation had entered the era of interstellar space, their place was closed by a large array. You have never seen that array. Its terrifying place is simply appalling. In the entire solar system Within a radius of thousands of light-years, the horrific degree of energy drawn by this formation directly turned other planets except the earth into a death star. Although this formation is extremely domineering, you have the Qinglian world as the formation. At the core of the Fa, all this is not a problem, and it will not affect the evolution of Qianlong Continent. So as long as the host is determined, everything is arranged by the system. As long as the host can provide some spiritual energy help at critical moments , This system can easily arrange this kind of seal formation for you.” Seeing that Luo Xiu’s heart has changed, Luo Xiu’s words are not as stubborn as the previous ones, and the system in his mind is a little cautious. He opened his mouth and explained to Luo Xiu.