Technology Communication System

Chapter 701: Mixed into the spaceship

Then Luo Xiu gritted his teeth and no longer hesitated. First, he flew away from the top of the battleship without a sound, and then chose a suitable location to take out a heavy space battleship he was carrying. Under the control of the warship, it took almost no time for the battleship to turn these pirate ships directly into space junk.

And until this moment, the many small spacecraft hiding in the asteroid belt dared to emerge, but everyone did not dare to appear directly in front of Luo Xiu, but was more cautious.

After all, in such a short period of time, unless it is a space fleet, they can solve the terrifying existence of these six pirate ships, but they know that they have asked for help before, and the speed of family support is not so fast.

Therefore, these people are more cautious for fear of the tactics used by others, and at this moment, what they don't know at all is that only a battleship controlled by the system is the only one who can do it all.

Luo Xiu looked at the discarded metal materials scattered in the void and couldn't help showing a grinning grin. If it weren't for him to protect himself now, he would definitely not do it. After all, he and the people in the spaceship are not relatives and unrelated. It is not guilty to offend these pirate groups.

At the same time, when he saw the broken metal in front of him clearly, he couldn't believe that the metal he saw at this time was actually the precious metal that the cultivators of the cultivation world dreamed of.

This metal seems to be insufficient in strength and hardness, but this is because these people have not carefully purified it. If some other minerals are added after purification, it will be very similar to the metal of SY-52. Luo Xiu was dreaming at this time, if there was a spaceship made of SY-52 metal all over, he would worry about anyone at that time.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu put away the space battleship, and then flew up to the front of these broken metal battleships without hesitation. Then Luo Xiu opened the Qinglian World and collected all these things into the Qinglian World.

Although there were a lot of dead guys here, it is no surprise that everyone was beaten by Luo Xiu's sudden attack. Many people didn't even react and were directly killed by the spaceship explosion.

Although there are a few powerful auras among the pirates, they were all specifically targeted by Luo Xiu. It can even be said that when the laser weapon emitted by the heavy battleship exploded, the first targets were those with powerful repairs. For the warrior.

Although looking at all this in front of him, Luo Xiu felt particularly strange, but he knew that he could only integrate into this world as soon as possible, otherwise, he would really be caught up by the clone of Heavenly Master, he didn't know how to deal with it.

Those people of the Chenghuang clan went crazy, but they didn't make any sense at all. Luo Xiu thought of this, so he slowly stepped aside, put the space battleship away, and then took out the Orchid again.

Since Luo Xiu saw the technological gap, Luo Xiu knew that he couldn't get the space battleship that he used just now. That thing was too eye-catching, and it might cause people in this world to pay too much attention, but the current Orchid Different, even if the Lanhua is so powerful, with the world's technological level, as long as he is willing to spend money, he can still make it, so he is relieved. There are also reasons for daring to take out the Lanhua.

But at this moment, Luo Xiu knew the importance of low-key, and he knew that he couldn't be too arrogant. Otherwise, it would attract the attention of these brothers. Luo Xiu didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble just after entering the world.

In this case, it is better to keep a low profile. Therefore, although he took out the orchid number, he did not take the lead in breaking the peace due to language problems. He just sent out a general contact signal and did not know the general Are the contact signals the same, so they can only wait quietly, presumably those people hiding in the planetary belt will come out after discovering that these pirates have been killed by someone.

Time passed slowly, waiting was boring, and those who hid did not move for a long time, which made Luo Xiu feel a little puzzled. Not all of these people were killed by the pirates, why no one appeared. It.

At this moment, Luo Xiu knew in his heart that it was still different, the words were blocked, and even the contact signal was different, which Luo Xiu had never expected.

He had seen similar situations many times before. It was only because of the assistance of the system in his mind that he was not worried about language problems at all. It was only at this moment that he realized his weakness.

Although he has no safety hazards right now, Luo Xiu knows that there is not much time left for him. He still has to integrate into this world as soon as possible, and first build a body for himself, so that everything about the world of Qinglian can be as early as possible. After all, it is not a good thing to be worried about by such a terrifying guy all the time.

At the same time, Luo Xiu was also pondering how he could solve the crisis of Zhang Tianshi while keeping the Qinglian world. After all, he still has a lot of troubles, and if someone in this world discovers his abnormality over time, he will be very passive.

"System, do you have any way to let me integrate into this world as soon as possible? At the worst, I must be able to move around here freely. Of course, it would be great to let me keep the world of Qinglian, otherwise, This is really unpleasant." Luo Xiu asked helplessly towards the system in his mind.

Although he should not be able to help much when he knew the system, in order to relieve his own pressure, Luo Xiu asked. Luo Xiu believes that he is not something that can respond to everything. Knowing the crisis, he is inexplicably at a loss now.

As a cultivator, he suddenly appeared in a civilized world where cultivation and technology developed at the same time, with a language barrier and living in a different place, he was not sure what his future would look like.

Even if this world is a technology-based development direction, Luo Xiu knew that even if he had a system, he couldn't be careless. The ghost knew the world and whether there were other dangers that he didn't know were waiting for him.

Luo Xiu didn’t think that he could be unimpeded in this world by relying on his own means. He knew in his heart that the more developed the civilization, the clearer the hierarchy of civilizations. Luo Xiu believed that he needed the most in this world. The problem to be solved is instead of his identity, and this identity is still a relatively important thing. Because it is possible to develop a world of extraterritorial civilization, there will definitely be a powerful intelligent system as an aid. At that time, he wants to pass the level by mistake, and it will be really troublesome.

"It's a great way, there is no way. As for this situation, you just need to be careful not to expose your whereabouts for the time being. As for other things, don't think about it. Now you still want to think about how to solve your problem. , There is no information for this system to crack, this system has no way to understand everything in this world, now it seems that we can only choose to sneak in secretly, and then we can learn more about this civilization, after all, we just came to this strange world No one knows what kind of danger we will meet. At this moment, the most important thing for you is to solve the language first. Otherwise, wait a minute, how do you contact those people? The shot was too fast. I knew I would directly invade the intelligent systems in those warships. Maybe this system can crack some of the data, right?" Luo Xiu didn't expect the system to consider farther than him. He couldn't help it. Sighed secretly.

It’s still too early to say this. The most important thing is that the system says to find a way to solve the language problem, and when Luo Xiu was about to discuss it with the system, suddenly a flash appeared on the big screen in front. There was a little red light, Luo Xiu looked around and saw only three or four aircraft, slowly coming towards him.

When Luo Xiu saw this scene, he couldn't help but frown. He now feels that he can't appear here rashly. He just doesn't know if the time will be too late. If he knew it before, he would hide aside and take a look. After all, if it is really exposed. , He is also a bit difficult.

"Host, you hide first, put away the Orchid, and see if you can find a chance to teleport and hide in their spacecraft. As long as I get into their spacecraft, I will be able to decipher their language, and then through comparison, It will allow you to master this language as soon as possible. By then, it will not be so difficult to integrate into the world. Hurry up. Don't let them discover our existence. Due to the level of technology, we are still invisible. Hurry up now." The system said eagerly.

Hearing this, Luo Xiu frowned. He looked up at the spaceships displayed on the big screen above his head. The sound of the system echoed in his mind, but the idea of ​​the system was indeed executable.

Therefore, he made a decision in an instant, stepped away from the Orchid without hesitation, and then quickly put the Orchid away, and then silently concealed his figure. After that, things were simple. As the spaceships cautiously passed by his side, Luo Xiu stepped silently into the interior of one of the warships.

Looking at the crudely crafted spacecraft, Luo Xiu couldn't help but frown. Although these spacecrafts were different from the spaceships that the pirates he had seen before, they were still extremely backward in nature.

It's just that Luo Xiu couldn't take care of this much immediately. The most important thing for him now is to integrate into the spaceship as soon as possible. Because these people really detect abnormalities, it will be difficult for him to do it. Killing some is not willing, no. If he kills these people, he can't explain his origin at all.

Although Luo Xiu could directly kill one of the crew members who pretended to be him, after Luo Xiu used his soul power to scan the entire spacecraft, he was stunned to discover that these people operating the spacecraft were all in the same area, and they were still in the same area. There are those monitoring equipment, so his idea is impossible to realize.

And the most important thing is that he will not control this kind of spacecraft. Therefore, for Luo Xiu now, he still has to let the system find a way to decipher the text here and understand the origins of the people in these spacecrafts. Plan.

Luo Xiu believes that after these people encounter pirates, they will definitely ask for help. By that time, there will definitely be troops coming over in battleships. Once that time, he will not be able to solve the problem of identity. That would be very troublesome!

Cautiously avoiding one surveillance probe after another, Luo Xiu silently got into one of the places where the crew was resting, where there were many empty beds. Luo Xiu even noticed that in one of the rooms Among them, there is also something that he is extremely unfamiliar with and should be called a game.

It's just that Luo Xiu didn't dare to act rashly. The unfamiliar words and unfamiliar languages ​​put a lot of pressure on him. The most important thing at the moment is to hope that the system can crack the language of this civilization, and he can also solve the current problems properly. .

Luo Xiu didn’t know where he was safest to hide. Therefore, he chose the dumbest way to hide his body in the crew’s lounge. Under normal circumstances, the crew’s lounge is The safest place.

"System, I'm here now, what should I do next, so that you can crack the civilization language of this world as soon as possible, hurry up! We don't have much time." Luo Xiu hid on the top of a closet, silently Lie down, look at the ceiling, and speak to the system in your mind.

"You can’t hide here. You have to find a way to get close to the spacecraft’s central control system, where there are smart programs working. If the system can’t access the smart programs, it’s impossible to crack their language, and you’d better find it. A place where you can access the communication lines of the spacecraft. In this case, the system can also use some special methods to induce the core of these smart programs, and then decipher the meaning of these words." But the system’s answer made Luo Xiu With a wry smile, he had no choice but to leave from here and head towards the power core of the spacecraft.

There must be a kind of control circuit there, because there is the power cabin, and the high temperature inside is impossible for the crew, who are almost ordinary people, to stay for a long time, but for him, this problem does not exist, and there is also a safe place. place.

After thinking about this, Luo Xiu didn't even spend much time before he came to the power cabin of the spacecraft. As expected, no one was there. Luo Xiu looked around and found no surveillance camera, so he did not hesitate to look at it from one side. On the wall, I fumbled for a while, then the flying sword in my hand silently pierced the diaphragm insulation layer of the battleship, and some of the metal walls, and then pulled out one of the cables, in the command of the system Next, Luo Xiu drew two thick wires from it, carefully stripped one of the cables, and then put his palms up.