Technology Communication System

Chapter 713: Weird

"System, you are sure that my cultivation base can survive here. Have you figured out the real situation here? This is a chaotic star field, and you have seen it just now. This is the eighth hunt we have encountered. Killed. You are really sure that we can reach that planet safely." Looking at the two gangs of pirates fighting, Luo Xiu bared his teeth and smiled bitterly. He asked the system in his mind very seriously. , No way, this is already the eighth battle scene he has encountered. It is on the way, and the world does not feel so good to him.

"Actually, if you don’t go in right now, it should be no problem. Even if you don’t enter the chaotic star universe, it’s okay, because we don’t know that the two black holes before have such powerful effects, directly removing all the traces on your body. Erase everything clean. If you are a little more careful afterwards, neither Zhang Tianshi, Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor nor those who suspect that I am at will be able to lock your position. In this way, I will not worry about being seen by others. Your anomaly is, so in this case, do you want to move on and enter the chaotic star field directly, or bypass this area and head towards the Earth Federation, it's up to you kid yourself." Unexpectedly, the system in his mind would say such irresponsible words, Luo Xiu was a little speechless, how did he say such irresponsible words.

Although he felt helpless, Luo Xiu knew that he still needed to take it seriously. After all, he would need to deal with these people for a long time. If he didn't want to expose himself, he still had to have a real identity.

Although the Chaos Star Territory was chaotic, it also gave him an opportunity. At least, he could arrange his identity here without worrying about being seen by others.

"If we don’t go there, how should our identity problem be solved? You should be clear. If I don’t use the identity of Mr. Xue, I am a black house in itself, and have you ever thought about it. We made such a big mess before. , There will definitely be others who will notice. At this time, do you really think that we will have no problem as long as we get out of this area?" Luo Xiu smiled secretly while looking at the chaotic scene ahead.

He knew that he would make a choice next, although it was a bit painful, but he had to do it. After all, he had a chance to enter the Chaos Star Territory. If he really turned and left because of this, he would probably be caught up by Tianshi Zhang again.

"Then don't enter the Chaos Star Territory. Take advantage of this period of time. You should improve your cultivation first. It is best to find a way to restore the vitality of your Qinglian world, because only in this way can you be completely safe. Forget it, Since your kid is planning this way, let's raise the cultivation level first. As for other things, as long as you have a strong fist, there must be nothing that can't be solved by force." Seeing Luo Xiu hesitated, the system completely calmed down. He made a decision for him.

When Luo Xiu thought about it, he also felt that the system was very reasonable. After all, compared with others, these were nothing. From his own point of view, there was nothing wrong with raising the cultivation base, but he was a little worried because the system had enough reserve energy. not enough.

"System, you are sure we want to do this. The choice I am facing now is that I have to waste my work and rebuild, and the energy consumption in the process is not a small amount. You are sure you can afford me." Luo Xiu had to Asking this question, he really knows how much energy he needs to transfer to the practice of this world. Not to mention other things, it is just the stage of spiritual enlightenment, and he needs to waste almost the same amount as he goes through the catastrophe period. Promoting Jinxian, the energy spent in the middle.

"Don't worry, just do it directly. I will remove the power from you first, and then I will remove the original power from your body together. This way, it can supplement some of my losses and at the same time completely transform you. Identity, or you just get a new body directly, so if you start from the beginning, it shouldn’t be so costly.” It’s not that the system is a bit of a button, but it is necessary to do so.

After all, Luo Xiu always wants to return to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary or God's Domain. If he carries a breath of power that is very different from ordinary people, he will still be in a lot of trouble. If he is exchanged in this way, it will have a great impact on him. .

"Then find a whole body for me first, and ripen it as soon as possible, and then I can temper it out first. As for the others, wait until I start practicing. Remember to find a better template for me. In this case, Doppelganger will also practice faster. When the time comes, let the Doppelganger walk outside, and my body will directly hide in the world of Qinglian. In this way, it will also reduce the attention of some others." Although Luo Xiu agreed with the system, he Suddenly I thought of a way to get the best of both worlds, that is, I just re-practice a clone. With the help of the system, even if I can’t clone 100% of my body’s abilities, it’s not a problem to get the same myself. of.

Now that it had been planned, Luo Xiu no longer hesitated, and immediately began to practice Soul Dividing, and at the same time, the system did not hesitate to start cloning.

This time Luo Xiu was going to use technology to create a body for himself. Although he had seen the system help him create the body of the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Emperor, or the body of other people, only he knew this system. Not as powerful as imagined.

But even so, Luo Xiu knew that it was enough. Therefore, when Luo Xiu looked at the lifelike and almost identical body in front of him, he couldn't help but breathe out a little secretly, finally relieved. .

He already knew what to do next, and there was no need for the system to greet him. Luo Xiu sat cross-legged in this unconscious flesh! Next to him, he started his own distraction plan.

It didn't take long for Luo Xiu to successfully divide his soul into two, but the power of the divided soul was weaker, and Luo Xiu still didn't want to become a little abnormal.

After all, after being separated from the body, his own spirit power is bound to be affected. At that time, many things need the assistance of the system, and the most critical point is that his clone cannot use the power of the system. At the very least, you can't directly communicate with the system in your mind.

Refining the clone still needs some focus, so when Luo Xiu completely stabilized his situation, he let out a long sigh of relief, and again quietly came to the area where he stood before, watching Luo Xiu let out a long sigh of relief when he was still fighting. Next, it depends on whether his own plan is successful.

Carefully avoiding the battlefield, completely ignoring the screams of several of them. Facing this scene, Luo Xiu was indifferent. He knew very well that these people should belong to the two pirate ships. This kind of black and black thing, He saw too much, and he didn’t react much at all, and Luo Xiu also noticed one detail, that is, these people were not directly driven to extinction by them, but they just snatched the things from them and bombed their ships. , This way, these people will be left alive. Of course, most people will die because of lack of oxygen.

Passing through this rocky planetary belt, Luo Xiu saw a scene that shocked him. In a dark starry sky, an extremely dim planet slowly rotated on its own, while also revolving, Luo Xiu watched The dark red star like the sun froze for a moment, and asked with some uncertainty, "System, what's the situation? Why is the brightness of this sun so low? Could it be that this thing has completely turned into a white dwarf star? ?"

Luo Xiu's question is a little bit nonsense, and even a little inaccurate. He doesn't know how to describe the scene he saw. The sun feels like a pile of flames is about to burn out. This strange illusion makes Luo Xiu inexplicable. Some secretly uncomfortable in his heart, he didn't know why he had such a strange reaction.

It’s just that Luo Xiu is quite sure. With his current opinion, he is sure that the star in front of him is indeed about to extinguish, as if it will not be able to hold it in the next moment, and Luo Xiu looks at the three planets orbiting him. , Shook his head secretly.

Although this place is called the Three Regardless Zone, it really surprised him to see it with his own eyes. The outside of the three planets was not as full of science fiction as he had imagined before, and even the surface of the three planets, Luo Xiu He couldn't see clearly, but in his outer space, what was originally called a densely packed battleship, at this time, seemed to him very simple.

At the same time, Luo Xiu also noticed the commonality of these warships. Almost every one of them had their defensive shields turned on. There is no so-called defense system here. The owners of these warships should be extremely serious and careful, lest they be affected by others. People directly attacked.

Luo Xiu did not pilot the Orchid, but rather a very small spacecraft. Of course, the most important thing is that this spacecraft can be transformed into a mecha form, but Luo Xiu is not so high-profile, it is an extremely ordinary spacecraft. , The most common one, Luo Xiu found a spacecraft after searching the entire storage space.

It's just that he didn't turn on the full power of this small spacecraft. Otherwise, with the flexibility of this spacecraft, he could directly cross those outer spaces and enter the atmosphere in an instant.

And Luo Xiu is looking for a suitable location. After all, the side in front of him has been completely covered by those spaceships. The dense scenes also made his scalp numb for a while, because he knew that these spaceships were all excited at this moment. Status, attacks may be issued at any time.

Therefore, he is looking for a suitable place to enter the atmosphere. After all, it is impossible to hide from those warships. With a small spacecraft like him, it must be impossible to fly long distances, and he is driving such a small spacecraft so recklessly. Being here will definitely arouse other people's suspicion, after all, these three no matter areas have almost no human population for hundreds of light years.

If Luo Xiu hadn't taken a shortcut and used the powerful force of the gravitational fields of the two black holes to directly make the spacecraft reach a strange speed and directly enter the dark matter space, then he is still floating in the universe.

Therefore, Luo Xiu didn't dare to take it lightly, if he was discovered by a curious guy, he didn't know how to explain his origin.

And the most important thing is that this newly separated body is still extremely weak. Even if Luo Xiu uses a part of special power to strengthen this body, it still takes time to temper the physical body. During this time, although he was also It took some time to practice Nine Ranks profound art, but the effect was still not satisfactory.

However, time waits for no one. He is not sure whether he will be chased and killed in the future. Although the system guarantees the ticket, he is sure that he will not be locked by any tracking magic power in the future, but he is based on the horror of the yellow clan where Tianshi Zhang belongs , These people must have a way to regain their position.

"System, can you please help me, help me see how I can sneak in silently, such a risky entry will definitely cause unnecessary trouble, although my small spaceship passes by you The modification of the spacecraft is almost the same as the one here, but there are some differences. At least the color of the gas ejected by the spacecraft is different. I can't solve this at all. Can you help me with it." While driving the spacecraft quietly After circling the planet for a while, Luo Xing was a little frustrated, and then turned around and went to another planet. After observing the three planets at the same time, he gave a bitter smile, a little frustrated.

No way. Although there are no space defense weapons outside these three planets, there are warships everywhere. Under such circumstances, Luo Xiu's desire to enter the atmosphere silently is simply unrealistic.

Although he could also use teleport to fly in, after he thought about it carefully, Luo gave up this idea, especially the powerful energy aura in those planets, which made him feel extremely frightened, so he gave up this idea.

"You still don't take that risk. It's the safest here now. Wouldn't you think that these battleships are owned by those forces in these three planets?" The system shook his head at him and directly rejected him. This thought even asked Luo Xiu aloud.

Hearing what the system said, Luo Xiu was taken aback for a while, and he observed it carefully for a while. There was no other special discovery, so he couldn't help but shook his head with a bitter smile, and asked seriously, "Isn't it Can’t these spaceships be besieging these three planets? It’s not possible at all. Here is a three-no matter zone. How could someone send a fleet of warships to besiege these three planets so unscrupulously? It’s not simple here. What the forces can have, the few terrifying powerhouses here, are extremely abnormal and powerful."