Technology Communication System

Chapter 730: Weird scene

It has been more than half a month since Luo Xiu induced the tribulation. In such a long period of time, the power of the tribulation has become stronger and stronger, and the speed at which the lightning strikes will fall faster and faster.

To this day, how many times Jie Lei has fallen, Luo Xiu doesn’t know, let alone those strong men standing outside Jie Yun. These people look at Luo Xiu in the center at this moment with shocked expressions. Inexplicably, it is really Luo Xiu's previous performance, including his current performance is too unexpected.

The powerful tribulation is still going on, and there is no intention to weaken it. The entire nine-day sanctuary is completely different because of the tribulation caused by Luo Xiu. What is the specific difference? No one can tell.

However, everyone around here knows that an unknown change has taken place in the aura between heaven and earth, making this world completely different. At this moment, all these changes seem to usher in development and growth. Opportunity.

More importantly, this kind of opportunity is of great benefit to their cultivation level and future development. Therefore, there is no one who goes up to harass Luo Xiu without opening his eyes for a while. After all, they are not relatives and no grudges. , No one dared to offend this seemingly unfathomable guy.

After all, Luo Xiu must have been able to hold on for such a long time under the catastrophe, he must have terrifying strength, and for the people present with hands and eyes open to the sky, no one is a fool. Everyone’s heart is like a mirror, and they dare not be there at all. What kind of overreaction is there at this time.

Needless to say, for these people now, Luo Xiu’s existence is a mystery. Everyone doesn’t know where Luo Xiu came from, and he can stand up under such a terrifying calamity. For such a long time without any aura weakening, how strong this person's cultivation base should be.

Especially Luo Xiu, the terrifying aura displayed at this moment, on the contrary, is becoming more and more unfathomable, and it makes everyone afraid to neglect the slightest. It is indeed the terrifying cultivation that Luo Xiu displayed at this moment. That powerful cultivation base made everyone stunned.

These people present are all well-informed people. Everyone knows one thing clearly. It's nothing more than the ordinary catastrophe. This kind of catastrophe that directly destroys the heavens and the earth cannot be induced by ordinary people.

At this moment, Luo Xiu not only caused this kind of tribulation, this kind of horrible tribulation that can directly destroy half of the world at first glance is not something ordinary people can attract, but can attract. , And persisted for such a long time under this kind of catastrophe, Luo Xiu's cultivation was terrifying, and everyone was terrified.

But no one would think elsewhere, Luo Xiu's energy attributes in his body at this moment are completely different from this world. And because of this, this world has such a big opinion of him, and it rejects Luo Xiu so much.

At the same time, Luo Xiu suffered from the tribulation at this moment, on the one hand, is to test his cultivation level, and on the other hand, through the baptism of the tribulation, let him completely change the power attribute and have the opportunity to change the energy attribute in the body. .

At this moment, Luo Xiu could already feel the benefits brought by Heavenly Tribulation. Although the cultivation base in his body did not increase much, his energy density, quality, and powerful power, the feeling of being transparent throughout his body, were none of them. It's not proving that his body is undergoing transformation and the strength of his physical condition is to let him know that he hasn't survived the catastrophe this time, and it can even be said that, on the contrary, because of these and other things, he has gained a lot.

Let's not talk about the powerful cultivation base Luo Xiu showed before, but now it seems that Luo Xiu's horrible cultivation base is simply unreasonable. These people onlookers weren't terrifying powerhouses who hadn't seen the transition to ascend. Luo Xiu's current performance was simply as horrible as he was hanging out.

When the gate of the gods opened before, not only was one cultivator succeeded in crossing the Tribulation, but among those who had cultivated for ten thousand years, no cultivator caused the Tribulation that was as terrible as Luo Xiu.

Based on what Luo Xiu has seen and heard before, compared to what Luo Xiu is experiencing now, everyone is inhaling air-conditioning. No one is not shocked by it. People at this time still don’t know one thing. If they know, Luo Xiu’s current situation The real cultivation base will definitely be stunned and fainted on the spot.

This is not how strong Luo Xiu’s cultivation base is, but that his cultivation base is too weak, so weak that no one would think in other directions. Therefore, this thing created by the system is something that no one knows. One thing, in this strange atmosphere, was misunderstood.

At the same time, Luo Xiu is not very well at this time. Even if there is a system in his mind to share the pressure for him, for him, the current situation is still difficult to maintain. If it is not a short time, his own cultivation level With a qualitative leap, he breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, he estimated that he had already fallen into a huge crisis.

With the passage of time, the tribulation seemed to be launching the final madness, Luo Xiu looked up at the sky, and saw the endless terrifying horrors in the sky that he seemed to ignore. At this moment, their hideous minions were also exposed. The breath of horror swept across the sky directly.

At this moment, the people surrounding the surroundings seemed to sense that the robbery was angry, and they hurried back a thousand kilometers again. Everyone dared not let out the atmosphere, and no one even dared to leak out their energy breath. At that time, it attracted the attention of Heavenly Tribulation, and by that time, it would really be completely dissipated because of the ravages of Heavenly Tribulation.

Luo Xiu raised his head and looked at the sky, watching the already terrifying power of Heavenly Tribulation increasing by three points, and couldn't help but breathe in the air-conditioning. It was so **** uncomfortable. It was exactly what he showed at this moment Even if the cultivation base is strong, it will not cause such a big catastrophe.

However, the catastrophe has really come, Luo Xiu hates the system in his mind at this time, this guy does not consider his feelings at all when he does things, and even this is simply to force him to harden it. .

This behavior of getting on the bus before making up for the ticket made Luo Xiu extremely indignant, but also extremely speechless. There is no way. If you don’t want to lose your life, you must listen to the system in your mind. This scene in front of Luo Xiu also makes Luo Xiu thoroughly. Recognizing his helplessness, he will improve his cultivation level in the future, not wanting this kind of thing to happen again.

Seeing the last three tribulations coming at the same time, Luo Xiu was a little worried. After all, his current state was not as good as it was shown. Then he waved his hand directly, with a colorful light in his hand. The endless powerful power came from Luo Xiu. At the core, it hit the thunder that smashed down, the nine-turn profound arts, combined with his powerful cultivation base, and the power of the five elements in the body, combined with the three, Luo Xiu easily carried these three heavenly tribulations. Down.

Then, the robbery was swallowed up by the system. Since the robbery is coming to an end, at this moment, in the area where Luo Xiu crossed the robbery, everyone can clearly see what happened, and everyone saw it really clearly. The fear of Luo Xiu grew more and more.

In the past, due to the obstruction of the strong cloud of tribulation and the terrifying aura of the heavens directly hindering the exploration of all spirit powers, everyone could only vaguely see people crossing the tribulation, but no one really saw Luo Xiu's appearance clearly.

At this moment, after everyone saw Luo Xiu's appearance clearly, each one was inhaling air-conditioning, and each one was dumbfounded, and many people's eyes were about to stick out.

The actual age of the kid in front of him is too surprising to everyone, it is true that Luo Xiu is too young, a bit too young. Although everyone is not old, and even many of them are young, no one dares to really underestimate Luo Xiu, because Luo Xiu’s age is indeed too young, and this youngness can radiate from the bones. Out.

"Hiss!" Seeing this scene, countless monks who watched Luo Xiu's success in the tragedy took a sigh of relief. They couldn't believe their eyes, this strange young man, with such a young face, But with such a terrifying cultivation base, the previous kind of catastrophe that destroyed the sky and the earth, for everyone on the scene, who has experienced it, is not so easy to survive, such a terrible catastrophe is simply a disaster.

Everyone who understood, at this time, watching Luo Xiu looming in the smoke and breathing, slowly adjusting the breath of his body, one by one showed strange expressions. Everyone in the crowd knew that a new top power had appeared in them. In front of him, and this person is still so powerful that he is so unreasonable.

While everyone was secretly frightened, they also turned their eyes to Luo Xiu who was revealed. Seeing Luo Xiu's calm and calm appearance, everyone sighed in their hearts, this person is so strong in cultivation, Luo Xiu Is so powerful that it caught everyone off guard.

At this moment, Luo Xiu also saw the people present. Although he didn't have a good face for these people, he would not be so stupid to put on airs with these people at this time. First, it was because he knew he was wrong. Within a million kilometers, it was directly turned into a piece of scorched earth because of his catastrophe. There must be no time for thousands of years to restore its original appearance.

Looking at the barren area in front of him, Luo Xiu didn't know how to describe his contradictory psychology. Luo Xiu was thinking in his heart now, if it wasn't for the system in his body to absorb the catastrophe too thoroughly, at this moment, he would go In this area of ​​Jie, the fifth forbidden area of ​​the Nine Heavens Sanctuary must have been formed.

The scene was a bit quiet for a while. Everyone, including the heads and brains of the major forces, stood up and spoke to Luo Xiu. After all, Luo Xiu is too powerful now, and it engulfed the horror of the heavens. Xiu, in everyone's eyes, is so unpredictable.

Seeing the crowd like this, Luo Xiu didn't take the initiative to speak. He looked at everything in front of him with a smile. Although he didn't know many of these people at all, there were still a few familiar faces among them.

Of course, because Luo Xiu has changed so much, these people dare not recognize Luo Xiu. Furthermore, Luo Xiu stayed in this nine-day sanctuary with a hidden identity before. Therefore, there are only a few people in the field. After thinking, most people would not dare to recognize Luo Xiu randomly.

After all, the previous tribulations are obvious to all. As long as everyone is not a fool, everyone understands that the guy who can cause such a terrible tribulation is the little monk they once knew.

Among the crowd, it's not that no one wants to start, but many people open their mouths and don't know how to open their mouths. It is true that Luo Xiu's previous aura was too strong, even now, he has completely condensed the power of his body back into his body. , But the previous scene still shocked everyone. Even though Luo Xiu's actual cultivation level is not very strong at this moment, no one dares to underestimate Luo Xiu's existence.

Luo Xiu just stared at these people quietly, his face was light and light, and he showed that kind of relaxed and casual, there was no fear at all, anyone could feel it, at this moment, Luo Xiu’s not Thinking of it, even Luo Xiu's casual stance was interpreted by everyone as his fearlessness.

Luo Xiu could not help but feel a little suspicious when he saw these people doing this. After all, he was waiting for these people to take the initiative to speak to him. Seeing everyone was silent, Luo Xiu couldn't help touching his nose. The face is embarrassed, there is no way, the state of the master is indeed unable to hold on. As time went on, he could feel it more and more. The subtlety of the scene made people feel panicked.

"System, why? Why do these people look at me like this and don’t speak! Can I still eat them? Why these people have this expression, a ghost expression, which surprised me too much Now, what happened? Why do these people have such an expression.” Touching his chin, Luo Xiu thoughtfully, even though he has acted very innocent, even if he is not familiar with the world, there is still no one. Taking the initiative to speak, this made Luo Xiu a little skeptical, and couldn't help but ask the system in his mind.

He has to be like this. After all, he must have a reasonable explanation for many things next. And he has a few kilograms and a few taels. He still knows very well. If there is no system to produce this little moth in the middle, how could he endure it? Such a terrifying catastrophe.

This kind of celestial calamity is ten thousand times more terrifying than the chaotic celestial calamity of the ascending God Realm. This made Luo Xiu feel that these people should have been scared by the robbery that day. Therefore, after thinking about the key points, Luo Xiu couldn't help being a little bit funny, which surprised him too much.

"Obviously, these people are afraid of your strength. Your kid is insidious enough. This system was just a trial before. I didn’t expect the effect to be surprisingly good. Not only did I accumulate enough energy this time, I even had some Balance, boy, you really did a great thing this time, and you can even say that you got a big deal this time!" When the system said this, the expression made Luo Xiu speechless. The system is like the people in front of them, so inferior.