Technology Communication System

Chapter 735: Void Hall

In the current situation, Luo Xiu’s appearance undoubtedly gave everyone present hope that if Luo Xiu really mastered the heaven-defying tribulation method, then this method can be shared by everyone, it would not be a complete change of the entire cultivation. Things in the world. And if Luo Xiu only mastered a certain kind of treasure, then everyone would use it in turn.

Everyone knows that with the current situation, no one is sure to get this treasure one hundred percent, and now they are quietly waiting for the middle-aged man's answer.

The existence of the Void Hall is extremely mysterious. The general forces cannot contact the Void Hall at all. But listening to this old man surnamed Wang, it is obvious that they have succeeded. Whenever they think of the possible benefits, everyone uses eagerness. Looking at the middle-aged man.

And this middle-aged man was almost suffocated when so many people looked at him eagerly. There is no way, many of the people present have to be thousands of times stronger than him, and many powerful guys are simply heaven-defying levels of existence.

It can be said that if he changes time, he will not be so nervous. However, what is in front of him is related to the interests of everyone. In addition, he has a ghost in his heart, and he is a little guilty. It is just the situation, and he cannot help selling here. What's the point.

"Elder, they haven't responded yet. The Void Hall seems to be undertaking a huge plan. All the masters have been removed from another plane by them. At this moment, the Void Hall is just an ordinary three-generation disciple. , This person just gave us inaccurate answers vaguely, so we are still trying to contact those powerful existences of the first and second generations, but it still takes time. They said that they can completely end the situation in three years at the latest. Things, return to the sanctuary, and at that time, will be free to help us." Under the terrifying eyes of his ancestor, the middle-aged man looked terrified, but he knew that the temper of the ancestor in front of him, Therefore, I did not dare to be negligent, and I told what I knew without hesitation.

As the middle-aged man’s words fell, many people were stunned for a while, and then they all showed a thoughtful look, and a large number of people showed a disappointed look. There is no way, there is no Void Hall. Help, these people want to find Luo Xiu's place in the boundless endless void, it is simply wishful thinking.

"Then what I told you before, let you lock me in that person’s breath first. Whether you can do it, not for you to track down, but for you to keep her breath for me, keep it, and wait. The people from the Void Hall come over. Only in this way can we find that person in the fastest time. Otherwise, if so many of us have wasted such a long time, wouldn’t we be laughed at?" Disappointed, but this old man surnamed Wang also knows that this matter is no wonder his subordinate.

No way, the horrible existence of the Void Hall is beyond their control. Even if they know that Luo Xiu is very important, they dare not easily reveal the details of Luo Xiu, just in case the people in the Void Hall Knowing the horror of Luo Xiu, no one in the room dared to take action easily, and even they would have other thoughts.

"Ancestor, it’s not that we are not dedicated, but that we can’t do it at all. Before you ordered, we and the third brother had already begun to do it, but after we collected all the energy there, we didn’t find that it belonged This person is extremely cautious, and I can’t think of any other way to lock this person’s breath.” The middle-aged man shook his head with a wry smile again, and then ignored the murderous gaze of his ancestor with a face. The helplessness and wry smile.

Luo Xiu had thought of this a long time ago, so they did not give them an opportunity to take advantage of it. Therefore, these people showed disappointed expressions. They knew that under this situation, if they wanted to catch Luo Xiu, the opportunity was already extremely high. Slim.

At this moment, when the two of them were talking, only the Patriarch of Nangong and the old man surnamed Wang looked thoughtful. At this moment, the two of them looked strange, as if trying to suppress their excitement, or something else.

If you didn't observe carefully, you would not have noticed the abnormal situation of the two of them. At this time, the two of them just looked at each other, and then the Nangong Patriarch smiled and nodded, then turned to look at the middle-aged man.

"Nephew Wang Xian, you said before that the people in the Void Hall went to other cosmic planes. Do you know where they went? Who hired them? Do you have a definite answer if they are hired? To track down the person we are looking for, it doesn’t make much sense for us to guard here. You can figure out how to find out if it is really what I said, then we have to change the way, otherwise, It's just a ridiculous increase here." The Nangong Patriarch clearly noticed something. After all, it is certainly not easy to alarm most of the masters in the entire Void Hall.

Instead of wasting time here, they might as well take a look. If they can get some benefits in the hands of those in the void, it will be worthwhile.

Therefore, at this moment, these people have made this idea. Since there is no gain here, then find a way to find out what the people in the void hall are doing?

Those bystanders are not stupid people. They also brightened their eyes when they heard what Nangong Patriarch said. It was obvious that his proposal completely moved the old man surnamed Wang, and it also made everyone around him a little excited.

Since there are no gains here, just go to the place where the people in the Void Hall go to see what they are going to do, and if they have a chance to profit from it.

After all, the lessons of the past are there, and the Void Hall of the year has proved that their vision is very accurate, and the act of directly connecting the whole world is still echoing in front of them.

The battle of the alien plane that year caused a lot of suffering for many forces. Only those guys in the Void Hall were able to get a lot of resources in it. It is also because of this that the entire Void Hall can be far ahead. For most of the forces, it has become the largest force in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. The Void Hall is so powerful that even the Demon Temple built by the Demon Emperor who swallows the sky before can match.

At the same time, when they thought of making the entire Void Hall mobilize, such a big thing, people like them didn't even know beforehand. Thinking of this, everyone's complexion looked ugly, and they all looked at them with murderous eyes. Those people in charge of intelligence in their respective families, if their eyes can kill, it is obvious that these guys will die without a burial place.

No way, the news about the Void Hall is too important. Even the middle-aged man surnamed Wang knew that he had spoken too much before and revealed his details, so that he now looks at his ancestor with an innocent look. , It is really the gaze of my ancestor, it is indeed a bit scary.

"The juniors left first. As for whether they can find out the news, the juniors don't know. After all, they have been away for three years. It is estimated that things have been done now. We can get in at this time. It should be nothing. Yes." The middleman knew that he was wrong, so he had to quibble. After all, when he contacted the void hall, it was more than three years ago.

Three years have passed, and judging from the length of time here, it is obvious that those people in the Void Hall should have ended long ago. The reason why they didn't come is probably because they were digesting the gains this time or were recuperating.

At the same time, the well-informed people in the field felt astonished when they heard these. It turned out that everyone raised their eyebrows, showing a thoughtful look, closing their eyes one by one, and then their eyes suddenly He opened it, and unanimously took out their messaging jade slip from his storage space, quickly punched in a few formulas, and then directly cut through the void and threw it in.

After all, the answer given by this person is somewhat unexpected. If there is a situation, it would have been over in the past three years, and there is no reason why this situation will occur.

Therefore, everyone knows that what awaits them is either a great opportunity or something that has ended! After the comparison, everyone knew that it would be very difficult for them to get a share of this.

At this moment, everyone in the field is extremely silent. Everyone is not stupid. Everyone can see the behavior of their ancestors. It is obvious that they are contacting the people in the sect who are responsible for monitoring the major forces. At this moment, if there is accurate information, it will be passed on soon, so everyone is holding their breath and waiting for the information to come.

Only the middle-aged man surnamed Wang was a little restless at this moment. He was not as calm as he had been before. Only he knew the specific situation. The real time was not three years, but five years.

As early as when he was monitoring the movement of the Void Hall, he wanted to report to the sect, but was bought by the people of the Void Hall. The scene before him let him know that he is very likely to have a disaster this time. , And it's still the kind of catastrophe that directly disappears.

Therefore, at this moment, he was a little nervous, and also squeezed a cold sweat. It was really the scene before him that surprised him. Many times before he accepted bribes, there was no problem, but it was just an unintentional move that attracted him. Such a catastrophe made the middle-aged people sweat on their foreheads.

It's just that his weird appearance fell in the eyes of these people, and this scene fell in the eyes of others. Everyone just thought that he was also caused by excessive tension, and did not think about other aspects.

Time is slowly passing by, and many people here are quietly waiting for the news to come. After all, this kind of thing is important. The latest developments of the Void Shop Hall are nothing compared to the existence of Luo Xiu. .

After all, Luo Xiu is only one person. Even if he is talented, it can only play a supporting role. There is still not much hope for crossing the robbery, but if Luo Xiu has mastered a certain skill, it will be heaven to these people. A big good thing. Compared with these, the thing that can make the entire Void Hall come out of the nest is simply something everyone is curious about.

No way, for so many years, the Void Palace has been extremely mysterious, and many people don't even know when the Void Palace began to rise rapidly.

The plane war that year only made other forces a little thinner, and did not affect their foundation, but the Void Hall, but at that time, rose rapidly, like a meteor that quickly bloomed out of their power. Light.

After such a long time, these people are also curious at this moment, what kind of thing it is that makes the entire Void Hall be so strict.

Time passed slowly, and there was a response soon. Just as everyone felt that the atmosphere in the field was extremely depressed, there was a jitter in the void in front of them, and then a jade slip suddenly appeared in front of the Nangong Patriarch. Wei Nangongtian directly took the jade slip in his hand, and then quickly swept away his consciousness, the expression on his face immediately became sluggish, and the astonishment and incomprehension in the expression made everyone stare at it.

Just when someone wanted to ask questions, the void in front of them suddenly flashed again, and then the other two also received Zongmen's reply one after another, but these two guys also looked strange after seeing Zongmen's response. , And even their expressions were even worse than the previous Nangong Patriarch, both of them looked at the middle-aged man surnamed Wang like a fool. As far as the ancestor Wang looked at the middle-aged man at this time, there was already a trace of murderous intent.

"Say! Tell me the truth, what are you hiding? Why is the information I received so different from your feedback? What kind of role do you play in it? Tell me the truth, otherwise , The old man doesn’t mind bashing you down, and it will make your whole family unlucky. If you don’t believe it, you can try it.” At this moment, the look on the face of the old man surnamed Wang was extremely ugly, in front of so many There was such a situation in the face of the person, among the doormen of my own family. It was simply a slap on his face. Moreover, after the right cheek was hit, the left cheek was hit again, which made him lose face, old man. It is almost crazy to want to kill people to vent the inner anger. He was overwhelming his anger at this time, there was no way, being watched by so many people, if he behaved so badly, it would obviously make his whole family follow him ashamed.

When the middle-aged man saw his ancestor's anger so far, his face was pale, and he fell on his knees with a plop, with a look of panic, kept kowtow, and kept muttering: "Please let me go, my ancestor! The disciple is just a momentary confusion, disciple. It’s just a momentary confusion, a momentary greed, and some benefits of those in the Void Hall. I just thought that the news was irrelevant. I didn’t expect it to be so critical. I didn’t know that the matter would be so serious. The news is so concerned. Many times before, the other disciples in the family did the same. There has never been an accident. The disciple was just confused for a while. I begged the ancestor to let the disciple go. The disciple had said what he said before, except for time. Besides, the other disciples absolutely did not conceal it. For the sake of the disciple's diligence for so many years, I beg the ancestor to let him go this time."