Technology Communication System

Chapter 736: Intercept

There were still a few family members of the elder Wang in the crowd. At this moment, they all knelt to the ground, looking at their ancestors with trepidation. No way, if this ancestor's anger can't be calmed down and returned to the family, the situation that the ancestor just said will really happen.

When I think of this, everyone is wailing and singing on the ground like a dead father. This makes other people smile at the same time, but it is also the sadness of the rabbit and the fox. Everyone knows that they are all in front of you this time. The middle-aged man played the game again.

"Huh! Now I know that I am wrong, it is too late. Since you just made such a small mistake, the old man will kill you first. When the old man returns, he will check it carefully. If there is a discrepancy, your The family will go down to accompany you.” While Elder Wang snorted coldly, his hand flashed, and the middle-aged man blew his head like a watermelon. The blood was scattered, and many of them were directly spilled on the people next to them. Face.

Elder Wang’s cruel methods also made the faces of the others kneeling beside him look bloodless, but the ancestor did not attack them, just glanced at them lightly, and said, "Give me this. Drag the waste out and get out of me quickly. The old man doesn't want to see you now, shameful guy. If the old man knows who else in the family dares to do this, the old man will definitely destroy his nine clans."

After speaking, he waved his hand and turned to look at Nangongtian and the old man named Xue. At this moment, his face was flushed. It is true that these people in the family have lost a lot of face to him. I want to clean up the entire information department.

"Okay, don’t be so angry, Mr. Wang. Although it happened, it’s not too bad. Now that we know, the plot of the Void Palace cannot be successful. Unexpectedly, they dare to act so boldly and directly. The whole world is folded up, so how dare they do such a conscience? Or is it that they are also being coerced to do so. I heard that the benefits involved are too great, and it can even be said that if it is true They succeeded, and after that, we people will become their vassals." Nangong Patriarch sighed and smiled helplessly as he watched the elder Wang finish handling his own scandal.

At this moment, these are all trivial matters, and only they themselves know that this upcoming scene is indeed a big deal, especially in the face of the storm that may come next, everyone puts away the previous Smile.

"Who said no? The Void Hall was really unexpected this time. They did it once in the past. They didn't expect that after so many years, they made another move, and this time they made such a big deal. People from the sect said that they He even directly wiped out all the people in that plane world. Such a brutal method is simply challenging our psychological defense." The old man surnamed Wang also had a wry smile, and he did not expect that this Void Hall should be so terrifying. Many of the situations in the pediatrics department are simply pediatrics. Knowing this moment, these talents are deeply aware of the scale of the plot of the Void Palace.

"No way, who made them powerful? Over the years, how many forces have been directly crushed by them, and how many powerful families have died in their hands. These guys have been a little bloated. Although we all stand by and watch for various reasons, we have to say that these guys are also extremely smart, knowing what to do and what not to do, let us relax our vigilance and let them soar into the sky. It’s not surprising that the Hallmaster of the Void Hall has seen the dragon without seeing the head for so many years. However, he can have such a vision and courage. It’s not surprising that the Void Hall can soar into the sky. It’s just that we I can’t continue to sit back and watch them grow again. At that time, I really want to develop to the point where she and the others dominate the entire nine-day sanctuary. You and me and everyone here will have no future at all." Nangong Patriarch Nangongtian looked at the crowd a little When he moved, everyone with different expressions was seen in his eyes, some helplessly spread their hands, and said very excitedly.

Everyone is not stupid. After listening to his words, all of them are thinking while thinking. Who makes them clear to themselves? Judging from the current situation, the entire Void Palace should have been prepared. Well, I plan to be an enemy of the whole world at any time. After all, after so many years, I dare to repeat the previous behavior again. It can be seen that the people in this void hall are already ready for everything, just waiting for them to jump out.

However, the reaction of many people in the crowd greatly exceeded his expectations, making Nangongtian's face very unsightly. In fact, he also underestimated the position of this Void Hall in the eyes of these guys in the crowd.

"They do whatever they want. The guys in the Void Palace are not some heinous demon. The families and sects they destroyed back then were all because of various interest entanglements with the Void Palace, and They will kill you if you have grievances and grievances. For us, those who have no grievances with us, plus we have so many components, are definitely not afraid of them. As for the possibility of being missed by them, do you think too much? . And for everyone, it’s not a bad thing that the Void Hall is stronger. Have you forgotten that the previous planes overlap, are those terrifying foreigners coming? If there were no such people in the Void Hall, we will take it. What fight with them." The man who spoke was a young man who hadn't made much noise.

Although this person looks young, his true age has far surpassed many people. He is the master of Tianmen. Although Tianmen does not belong to the strongest wave, its power and development potential should not be underestimated.

"Tianmen Lord’s words are wrong. You only see their style of doing things, but if you think about it, there are actually many things that can’t stand careful scrutiny. If the original Ten Thousand Flower Valley and the Heavenly Temple were just because of There was a quarrel in the Void Shop, why did they quickly destroy the door? It’s not that the two sects have something that can affect the life and death of the Void Hall. Now you see, since the two sects were destroyed, the Void Hall has been directly one. Flying to the sky, those guys in the Void Hall did everything they could. They used all kinds of vicious tricks. It was only after they became the world's largest faction that they were somewhat restrained. It is probably also worried. Be attacked by the crowd. After all, the example of the Devil Emperor who swallowed the sky is still in front of you." Nangong Tian saw this heavenly gate master said so, the others also nodded in agreement, couldn't help being a little speechless, with a look Extremely savage, retorted with a mocking voice.

"Well, it's not the time to argue about this. How the Void Hall has little to do with us. The most important thing at the moment is whether we should continue to stay here, or go to that plane and take a look at the Void Hall. What did those people do that are angry and grieving?” The old man named Xue who had not spoken saw that everyone was in a quarrel at this time, and couldn't help but speak to break the atmosphere of dispute among everyone. No way, everyone is still in an alliance state. If there is a quarrel because of this kind of thing, it will be difficult to cooperate again afterwards.

"What are you waiting for? Since there is nothing here, let's go to the location of the Void Hall and their group of people, and see if we can take the opportunity to pick up some cheap returns. After all, the resources of a world are coveted to think about, I am now What is curious is how these guys discovered the unknown plane, and how many years they spent setting up the formation, folding the entire world, is not a simple matter, thinking about it, I feel that these guys are all Madman." Someone among the crowd admired, the tone of voice when they spoke, the expression was simply complicated and difficult to understand.

At this moment, if everyone's conversations are transmitted to Luo Xiu via radio frequency by the system in his mind, Luo Xiu will definitely be surprised. If he knows the existence of this void hall, he has absolutely no spare time to continue playing there at this moment. The game is over.

And combine the chat content of everyone. It is not difficult to see that this Void Hall and the Chenghuang clan have almost the same style of doing things. Two forces that are so similar are likely to be the same force, and Luo Xiu does not know all this, Luo Xiu is still right now. Immerse yourself in the joy of the game.

Although everyone has all kinds of worries, no one has taken the initiative to leave here. Even the people who clamored to leave before are now waiting here peacefully. After all, compared with illusory things, The meaning of these people in the Void Hall is absolutely extraordinary.

Therefore, everyone is waiting for the news to come. After all, the accurate further information needs to be confirmed. Once we confirm the specific location of the people in the Void Hall, they can directly kill them. After all, facing so many people , No matter how powerful the Void Hall is, he would not dare to be an enemy at the same time with so many forces in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary.

"Come on, tut, we are lucky, this is the area they are about to tear the space to reach, whether we are lucky or unlucky." Looking at the jade slip in hand, the corner of Nangong's mouth hung a slight arc, some He shook his head funny, and then threw the jade slip to the others.

"Now there is no need to entangle whether to leave this place. Since the goals of both parties are almost the same and the locations are so close, then we will continue to wait here. You are all ready. If the people from the Void Hall come up, prepare. Do it with us, then we don’t want to be soft, just shoot it directly. Also, remember that for a long time to come, everyone should exercise restraint and try not to have disputes with other colleagues. That’s right, Later, I will send a letter to Xiaoyao Temple to let them stop the dispute with you temporarily. For so many years, everyone has been very kind. Why do you want to tear your face at this time? And you are likely to gain a lot this time. If we can get the things of the Void Hall and the secret of that person at the same time, then we will definitely fly directly into the sky this time. By that time, no matter how many Void Halls are in our eyes, we will not see it." The old man named Xue took a look. Others, seeing that Elder Xu, who was the first to speak, looked a little sad, couldn't help but comfort him, and at the same time took out a long sword and handed it over.

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up next, take this one, as long as the people in Xiaoyao Hall see this sword, they will definitely give up. You people are simply making trouble for such a thing. , The mine has been dug almost, what is the point of continuing to fight?" Elder Xue saw that Elder Xu did not pick up his long sword, but was a little dazed and couldn't help but curse.

"Well, everyone performs their duties. First, check whether the formation is functioning normally. Remember, don't let anyone approach the formation. It's not that you are ruthless, but the situation there is very complicated. With such a terrible method, if any of us is pretended by him and slipped out by him in troubled waters, then we will be in big trouble afterwards. After all, we are enemies with such a powerful master, in case this person really depends on himself Think about it, what a terrifying guy we will offend by then. Now everyone is praying that this person is only relying on some powerful magical tools, if he really only relies on his own cultivation In order to do this, all of us will be unlucky. However, there is another possibility that even if he survived the catastrophe, he will suffer severe physical damage due to the previous hard resistance. He was also hiding in the void, and was recovering.” Seeing that everyone was silent, the middle-aged Wang surnamed everyone at a loss, and he only spoke to comfort them. After all, he saw Nangongtian’s plot in his eyes, but Everyone’s fundamental interests are the same, so it doesn’t matter.

The crowd dispersed, and then everyone performed their duties, waiting for the cross-space transmission of the Void Hall. After all, for them, it is still very good for them to be able to rob the Void Hall at this time at this time. .

Firstly, because these guys want to wait for work with ease, they are clear about the people in the Void Hall, they must be exhausted when they return here, and the Void Hall, no matter how strong, dare not fight against so many forces at the same time, the most important thing is The thing is, many of them already know the details in advance.

Whether it was the Void Hall willingly or being coerced by others, the most important thing in front of the Void Hall is that the group of people in the Void Hall once again destroyed a cosmic plane. It is not the first time that they have done such a thing that has been condemned by the sky. It will definitely cause The bigger world goes back.

And now, it's just to see which one is being backlashed. If their Palace Master is backlashed, the consequences will be hehe, but it will be really funny.

Everyone has different thoughts. Everyone knows that the next thing is a bit weird. While we are cooperating with each other, they are also on guard against each other. And as time goes by, everyone also puts away their undisciplined attitudes, one by one. The two forces that were originally closely related, at this moment, are also full of vigilance between each other, seemingly worried that they will be directly pitted by each other.

Such a weird situation continued. At this moment, the system in my mind also told Luo Xiu about some things that happened here, but because Luo Xiu couldn't hear what they were talking about, he just guessed it. , It's just that he didn't think deeply about what it meant behind the changes in this matter, after all, everything he had now was not out of his control.