Technology Communication System

Chapter 737: Draw from the bottom

In the next period of time, everyone, including Luo Xiu, was waiting, and the scene seemed very strange for a while, especially the joint teams of all forces, and those who rushed over later, seemed to be waiting for something. .

At the same time, I don’t know when the news leaked out. More and more people from other forces began to come here. This situation has continued for more than 30 days. During this time, Luo Xiu also tried to see if he could pass the Secret Technique of Space Magic and see if there was a way, and slipped away silently.

It’s just a pity that the formation is very overbearing, and he has no way to escape, because that formation has blocked the entire space. More importantly, at this moment, there are too many masters here. A situation that made him dare not act rashly.

At the same time, everyone was watching, waiting for the teleportation of those in the Void Hall to arrive. For these people, the Void Hall had threatened their survival, especially the expedition of the alien plane. No one knew beforehand. , No news from the upper and lower Void Halls leaked out, only Void Hall's silent operation, which can be said to be the practice of eating alone, directly touched these interest groups.

Even the Demon Emperor who was the most powerful at the time did not dare to do this, not to mention that the Void Hall has only developed for thousands of years. The people in the Void Hall are simply trying to find the attack for these guys. opportunity.

Even if there is a world barrier, Luo Xiu can feel the atmosphere of the scene. With the passage of time, it has become more and more weird, especially with the continuous gathering of people, a large number of people have gathered in this area. Master.

The gathering effect of so many people is simply a dynamite barrel, and the breath of everyone is unconcealed, making the void of this world tremble.

If Luo Xiu had already caused devastating damage to this world when Luo Xiu crossed the Tribulation, then at this moment, this world is even worse. It can be said that the current world cannot withstand any storms.

Luo Xiu could feel the weirdness of the scene. He could clearly understand what these people were looking for. Even if he didn't know what they were waiting for, Luo Xiu knew that it must have something to do with him, and he was waiting for him at the worst.

After all, his previous negligence was so great that he has nothing to do now and can only hide here quietly. Fortunately, he is not alone, even if no one speaks, there is a system, plus the Earth Federation. With fresh things in hand, he can also take a good rest for a while.

Since the acquisition of the Earth Federation Science and Technology Communication System, Luo Xiu has never been so calm like this time. The panic he had before is gone. After all, there are so many people here, Luo Xiu believes that even if he goes out now, there will be no danger to his life.

Even if some of them look at him upset and want to put him to death, most of them cannot ignore his current position. Therefore, Luo Xiu at this moment is completely relaxed, waiting for the opportunity to come.

On this day, Luo Xiu ushered in his most important turning point. With the passage of time, the heavens and all realms seem to be extremely quiet. Now the gathering of various powerful energy auras here is simply testing this world. The endurance of, the endless violent space power, as if it will directly break through the air in the next moment.

On this day, when Luo Xiu felt that he seemed to have an opportunity, the Heavenly Dao, which had become a little broken because of Luo Xiu’s tribulation, made a roar again this time, and then the whole world seemed to be heavily covered by something. After being hammered, the entire world quickly collapsed, and then a cloud of energy light soaring directly into the world.

Luo Xiu was reminded by the system in his mind, and couldn't help but **** in the air-conditioning. The strength of the spatial power carried in this suddenly appeared light group made him salivate.

Luo Xiu didn’t expect that these people came not just for himself, but he couldn’t help but breathe in the air when he saw the faces of those people. It surprised him too much, no matter how many kinds he had thought about before. Possibility, however, the scene before his eyes at this moment really shocked him.

"System, what is that? It's such a powerful energy. Even if I'm separated from the Qinglian world, I can feel the vibration of the space. Who is it that can tear the space so unscrupulously, isn't it afraid of attracting heaven?" Inexplicably feeling that the scene he saw was extremely familiar, Luo Xiu took a cold breath and looked serious at the same time. At this moment, if he didn't know what happened, it would have been for so long.

"According to the monitoring of this system, these people should be the so-called Void Palace in this world. When we were here before, we had never heard of this force. Now what you see is the multitude of masters in this Void Palace that are tearing apart the space. , Coming across the plane, but what makes me more curious is, what exactly did they do? It will attract so many people to besiege and kill." The system in his mind does not have more information than Luo Xiu, so he He also looked solemnly at the huge light ball above his head, revealing a thoughtful look.

No way, this scene is too surprising, especially since he never expected to see this scene before. Therefore, Luo Xiu was a little impatient at this time. He wanted to take a look. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he could If you can't get out of the Qinglian world, you must completely get rid of the fate of being sealed, otherwise, it will be difficult to miss this opportunity and want to get rid of the seal.

"System, do you think I can go out now? This is a good opportunity. Once these people recover, it will be difficult for me to get out of this formation. How about, can you help me? I’m busy, no matter how bad I am, I have to completely cover up my energy aura. I try not to disturb these formations and see if I can pass through the void.” Just do it when he thinks of it, Luo Xiu is still not worried about the system in his mind. Ask aloud.

With the help of the system, Luo Xiu can silently absorb those array energy directly. In this way, he also has greater confidence and slips out quietly.

"Don’t worry, now is not the best time. Such a big movement is just a sign of teleportation. People have not really teleported over. When they actually teleported over, it’s the best time for you to act. What you have prepared before is almost done, especially now that the strength in your body has completely changed, so next, you must change your appearance. Although you have not been seen by others before, you are just in case. , You still need to change your appearance, change your energy breath, this kind of thing is unnecessary, after all, your current power attribute has changed." After the system confirmed it again, he looked at Luo Xiu with some seriousness. Said.

Luo Xiu did what he said. At this moment, for him, this kind of thing is already familiar to him. Changing his appearance would not waste anything at all, and Luo Xiu could not worry about rescanning himself outside of reason. Fortunately, due to the previous robbery, he was extremely transparent at this moment.

Although it is a pity, Luo Xiu knows that under the current situation, he is likely to return in the near future. Therefore, he does not care about the wasted opportunity now, especially now. Since the system says so clearly, then Luo Xiu has been planned, and for the next period of time, I will keep a low profile.

The milky white energy light cluster expands continuously, just like a sun that has just risen, rising continuously with the passage of time, and the light shines on the earth. Originally because of Luo Xiu's crossing of the catastrophe, the world has become turbid and broken. It was unbearable, and even damaged in many places.

At this moment, because of the emergence of this space crack, the scope of influence has been expanded again, especially in the void above everyone’s heads, there are constantly thundering explosions, which seems to be protesting the inaction of these people, and it seems that there is a certain Things that are incompatible with the world are about to happen.

The endless void, the black dark cloud that was so thick that it could not be melted, also rolled into formation at this time, as if someone appeared from the void in the void at this time, the tribulation was bound to blast them to shreds immediately.

Such a frightening scene, even the old monsters who were present at the scene, all face pale. It is the scene that happened before us. It really made everyone realize how much these Void Hall guys are. The pervert.

In the eyes of everyone’s expectation, those people in the Void Hall have not transmitted over, even the other forces who have been observing this scene seriously, at this moment, they are all looking at all this seriously. As if ready to do it at any time.

Endless and powerful force, engulfing the sky and the earth, the powerful Heavenly Punishment came instantly, directly bombarding the land below, and part of the Heavenly Tribulation went straight to the guys hiding in the dark, as if specifically looking for them.

Seeing this scene, everyone, including Luo Xiu, knew that these Void Hall guys did not appear, but that they had already appeared, just hidden in the dark, and the teleportation aperture they made was just to seduce Those guys hiding in the dark.

At the same time, in the shocking eyes of everyone, the world at this moment, as if a gap has been completely opened by people, the entire Nine Heavens Sanctuary at this moment is extremely transparent, and endless energy lights are scattered quickly. , And everyone standing around here seems to have seen the most terrifying thing.

Let’s see who runs faster than anyone else. Everyone seems to be mad, moving away from this place quickly. Some of the weaker cultivation bases were directly bombarded and killed on the spot. The Void Hall’s horrible method made everyone present. The forces, one by one, screamed directly.

The leaders of many forces, at this moment, have a sharp eye, and those people who were killed by the robbery are the mainstays of various sects. Many of them are related to the rise and fall of the sect. They are here at this moment. Under the planning of these people in the Void Hall, it was completely turned into fly ash.

Such a terrifying thing, such a frightening method, is simply challenging the nerves of the people present, and all of them really want to join hands to destroy their hearts.

"Host, do you see it? The practice of the Void Hall is the cruelty of the cultivation world. What you have experienced before is all pediatrics. How do you feel now, do you feel that your scalp is numb, do you feel a little bit of a slap? What should you do when you encounter a scene? Hey, how is it, I didn’t expect it, these people are simply crazy, and one by one will be dead.” When Luo Xiu was a little frightened, the system in his mind was At this moment, I was a little gloating, and I didn't forget to use words to explain Luo Xiu when I spoke.

And Luo Xiu also fell into a sluggishness at this moment. At this moment, he realized how naive he was. Originally, in his opinion, since these people have positioned the teleportation coordinates, they will definitely teleport over in an instant. What they didn't expect was that they actually repaired the plank road in the dark, and came directly to such a hand, which refreshed Luo Xiu's senses and made him deeply aware of how innocent he is.

It’s just that he knew that his opportunity was coming, and as he moved a little, he could obviously feel that the pressure on him had loosened a bit, and then Luo Xiu no longer hesitated. He lifted the power of his whole body and punched it directly, breaking it directly. The surrounding space.

Then, he went out without hesitation. After feeling the shackles of the formation, Luo Xiu's heart moved, his palm stretched out, and the Heaven-Swallowing Magic Art was stimulated by him. With the help of the system, a powerful suction force came from him. He quickly spread out from his hands, and then entangled with those array forces, and returned to his body. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luo Xiu no longer pauses, tearing his hands, directly tore the space, and his body traversed and disappeared. In place.

Leaving the shackles of the formation, Luo Xiu raised his head and looked at the sky. At this moment, looking at the terrifying thunder that is everywhere in the sky, he also sucked in a cold breath. Fortunately, this catastrophe is only aimed at those who hide their cultivation. Guy.

For him who had already passed the tribulations, these tribulations were of no use at all. Therefore, Luo Xiu couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the people in this void hall were simply too smart. The enemy's strength is weakened, and furthermore, it distracts their attention.

These people in the Void Hall are very clever. They are simply turning their hands to cover the clouds and rain. Obviously, everything has been arranged in advance. Even if so many people are gathered together, they are deliberately leaking the news, because No matter how idiotic the three generations of disciples in the Void Hall are, it is impossible for them to leak out the whereabouts of their ancestors at this time.

The reason for doing this is just to purge their enemies and cut off those who depend on this to not ascend.