Technology Communication System

Chapter 738: Three on one

Even if the people in the Void Palace are no matter how powerful they are, they cannot fight against so many forces at the same time. It is just that the people here who are ready to pick up the bargain will never think that these people in the Void Palace will be so insidious.

In order to weaken the resistance of the hostile forces as much as possible, these guys probably planned it a long time ago, and even calculated everything into it. There are so many people here, and the weaker cultivation bases are directly given by the heavens. Killed, the cultivation base is strong, but also because there are too many people crossing the robbery, the serial effect produced. Not to mention, these people still have a lot of cultivation bases that have been completely completed, but they are just afraid of the catastrophe, and there is no existence of ascension.

At this moment, the scene is extremely chaotic, and the most important thing is that many people are a little crazy. It is true that the people in this Void Palace are too careless in their work, and it simply cuts everyone's back, because as time goes on, Rather than weakening the deaths of those who crossed the Tribulation, Heaven Tribulation has become stronger.

In this scene, all the guys present could not help changing their colors one by one. Many people even turned around and ran away at the risk of being killed. They didn’t care what the people in Void Store wanted to do. Their top priority now is to have It's horrible to run as far as possible, these guys in Void Hall are simply a bunch of lunatics.

No way, these people's so cruel methods directly caused everyone present to change their color in amazement, and at the same time, their expressions were a little pale, even if they wanted to break their heads, they would never expect that the people in the void hall would be so cruel. , The practice of the Void Hall, it was so surprising to them.

At the same time, Luo Xiu who saw this scene couldn't help but feel a little sorrowful. The encounters of these people at this moment made Luo Xiu extremely vigilant about this Void Hall for no reason.

Thinking of his guess, Luo Xiu couldn't help but smile. Compared with the people in the Void Hall, he is now pure and pure like a white flower. Therefore, Luo Xiu who understood it, the only reaction in his mind is that he is really Is completely lost confidence in this world.

At the same time, because of the scene that happened in front of him, he was a little surprised, but he was also deeply aware of the danger. When he was still there tangled about where to go, the figure in front of him flashed, and the three figures flew fast. Appeared in front of him, and then, without saying anything, directly attacked him.

Luo Xiu was surprised at first. He just wanted to do something, and suddenly he was completely stunned. Among the three people who had killed him, there was actually the Devil Emperor, this old guy was really lingering.

What made him even more unexpected was that he was no stranger to the other two, Tianshi Zhang, and Xiao Yu. The three of them had a tacit understanding at this time, and they came directly to Luo Xiu, even if Luo Xiu's breath changed, his voice changed, The image changed, but it still didn't have the effect of hiding himself, which made Luo Xiu very surprised.

He thought about it again and again. It was really that he didn't know what was wrong with him. After all, he had just come out of Qinglian World and was able to lock himself in such a short period of time. Luo Xiu couldn't help but feel a little stunned. There was nothing wrong with him. He didn't believe him when he killed him. Are these guys doing nothing, just waiting for him to fail?

"Fuck! How did they find me? These guys, these guys are so **** crazy. I don't know what I have on myself that will make them so worried. What are these guys chasing for? "While Luo Xiu cursed the system in his mind in his heart, he also looked helpless.

At this moment, the whole body around him was almost exploded, all his strength was thoroughly aroused by him, the endless powerful energy, it was like monstrous anger, directly facing the three people who attacked. .

Regardless of whether it was the Devil Emperor or the other two people, they were a little dumbfounded at the moment they fought Luo Xiu. They didn't expect that Luo Xiu's cultivation base had soared so fast that the three of them had little defense. Luo Xiu hit the body directly. It's just that Luo Xiu was a little bit astonished. Although his full blow hit them, the effect was really unsatisfactory.

The whole world was in chaos. Luo Xiu's moves seemed a little messy during the fight with the three of them. Even the chaos caused by the calculations of the people in the Void Hall before was calmed down at this moment, and it never seemed to be the same. Today's scene is average, and the whole world seems a lot quieter. Everyone stared at the scene in front of them dumbfounded, and they didn't understand why an ordinary monk was besieged by three such powerful guys.

Luo Xiu couldn't control this much, he didn't hesitate to add another force in his hands. The terrifying power came directly from his hands, directly locked in front of the Demon Emperor Swallowing Sky, apart from anything else, all his power was directly gathered by him and poured into his hands. , The big yin and yang magnetic cannon, burst out with all strength.

"Hey, kid, you forgot, your big yin and yang magnetic cannon was taught to you by the old man, you used it to deal with me, is it a bit too big?" The yin and yang magnetic cannon was instantly happy, and Luo Xiu gritted his teeth with that smile.

Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor, this old guy is simply not opening which pot to lift which pot, and Xiao Yu, who stood by, paused in his hand at this time, and then continued to accelerate the movement of his hand, the powerful force was directly shot by him, directly Sweeping towards Luo Xiu's left body.

At the same time, Zhang Tianshi was also extremely fierce, the strange copper coin in his hand flashed, and the entire void was stopped, and Luo Xiu's originally flexible body instantly stagnated.

If it weren't for Luo Xiu's quick reaction, he suddenly felt something wrong and hurriedly responded. At this moment, he would have been thoroughly mixed by this force. Such an aggrieved experience also made Luo Xiu realize the gap between himself and these three guys?

But even if he knew this, Luo Xiu didn't plan to let go. For him, the situation at the moment was not a mortal situation. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little grateful. Fortunately, when he was crossing the catastrophe, he improved a bit. His own cultivation base, otherwise, at this moment, facing the interception of these three guys, he can't get rid of them at all.

"Damn, I've done everything up and down my body, how did you find me? Three old monsters, have you been trapped before? Why are you here? And Xiao Yu, me I don’t have any hatred with you. What on earth does your old boy want to do, why did you shout and kill me like this?" Luo Xiu looked at the movements of Xiao Yu’s hands, becoming more and more clever, and he was going straight to his vitals. On the other hand, the attack on his hand is even more inseparable from his body's whole body.

If he hadn't reacted promptly enough, plus the improvement of his cultivation, at this moment, he would have been shot to death by this guy. When he thought of the old guy's ruthlessness, Luo Xiu would have liked to eat this guy raw.

It's just helpless, this old guy is as oily as a ball, almost he just wanted to take action to intercept this old guy, Xiao Yu twisted his body, met, and flew away in a diagonal stabbing, giving him no chance at all.

At the same time, the Devil Emperor and Zhang Tianshi are also experienced combatants. Although the three of them cooperated, although they have not been run-in, Luo Xiu can see that the three guys are people with super eyesight and rich. The combat experience is simply not comparable to his little rookie.

"Hey, kid, stop talking nonsense, if you know you, hurry up and hand over that thing. I don’t want to die. You know what I’m talking about. Before, you were not trapped in that strange world? The origin of the world there. , I only need one-third, give it to me, I immediately turn around and leave." Even if Luo Xiu wanted to break his head, he couldn't expect that he heard such a thing.

Luo Xiu's body staggered when he heard these words, which made him dumbfounded. He directly shook his body subconsciously, turned and disappeared in the circle of three people. When he appeared later, he was already more than ten meters away from the three of them. At this moment, he looked at Xiao Yu with a weird expression, showing a wry smile.

"Hey, no, brother, where did you know that I got the origin of the world there. What are you kidding me? With my cultivation level, how can I get that thing, and you have to figure out if I really have If the origin of the world is there, I would still be here to talk nonsense to you. He just ascended a long time ago, and was still treated like this by you here. Are you crazy or I am stupid." Luo Xiu can’t calm down, it’s true. He is a little baffling.

You know, he definitely didn't get the origin of the world, although he also thought that even the system had already planned it for him, but in order not to cause greater chaos and chaos, he just let the system handle it on his behalf, and He didn't really touch his hand, so even if he knew in his heart that he had the origin of the world, he would not admit it.

"I'm kidding? No kidding! I'll be honest with you, if that thing wasn't on you, why did you cause such a terrifying tribulation before, let alone your cultivation base, even if the cultivation base is ten times stronger , The horrible world-destroying celestial calamity of the previous period will not come to you, and with your cultivation base, if you want to survive this degree of celestial calamity, unless you have the protection of that thing, otherwise , You want to transfer those energy refining silently, it is not realistic at all, even if you have the Heaven-Swallowing Magic Skill, you can’t do it. The old guy, the Devil Emperor, is standing beside him, you ask him, in the end Is what I'm saying true? If you want to fool us, it depends on whether your kid has the patience or not. You are really tired and crooked." Xiao Yu's expression on his face changed a little when he heard Luo Xiu's words.

At the same time, Luo Xiu couldn’t help feeling a little bitter. He knew that this kind of thing would happen, and he would not come out of the Qinglian world so quickly. At this moment, he finally figured out the pass, but he didn’t expect himself. The previous one still slightly underestimated the determination of the Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor and Xiao Yu.

Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor obviously joined forces with Xiao Yu, and coupled with the movement created by Zhang Tianshi and the Void Hall, he accidentally obeyed the temptation of the system and directly ruined their good deeds. No wonder these three guys yelled and screamed as soon as they met. Luo Xiu couldn't help smiling bitterly when he thought of this.

"You really misunderstood me. If that thing really happened to me, I wouldn't be trapped by those people at all. You should know that with the world we were in before, the balance of heaven there, and the origin of heaven there. , It must be an extraordinary existence. If I get it, even if I can't completely refine it, I won't be so embarrassed now. If it is really because of the catastrophe, I can swear that it is because of my own reasons. , I have a formed world in my body, the old fellow of the Devil Emperor should know, Zhang Tianshi, you should know too, but because of its thorough growth, I have to withstand the test of the catastrophe. As for the so-called energy transfer away , It must be because you think too much. Where do I have that ability, or the Qinglian world in my body does it all. If you came here when I was just going through the catastrophe, you would definitely notice the abnormality. That green lotus, yes, the green lotus that I am holding now is the projection of the world in the body.” Luo Xiu stretched his hands. Although he knew that his explanation was a bit far-fetched, he knew that under this situation, He can only be so tough. After all, for him, if he really follows the previous ideas, it will be impossible to accomplish all this.

Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor and Xiao Yu also stopped their attacks on Luo Xiu at this time. There was no way. Luo Xiu was as slippery as a loach. As soon as the Qinglian appeared, the spatial pressure that was originally bound to him suddenly fell. disappear.

At this moment, Zhang Tianshi also took back the copper coin. He knew that there was this green lotus. Even if he fully aroused the power of the copper coin, he could not do anything to Luo Xiu. Therefore, he turned his lips and looked disappointed. situation.

"Master Zhang, your old boy didn't tell us this way before. In the end, which of you said is true, and I also feel that this boy doesn't need to deceive us. At least for this kind of thing, he is unnecessary, you Did you deceive us, or what did you do?" The Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor and Xiao Yu were both a little startled by Luo Xiu's words and turned to ask.

Although the two of them had some doubts in their hearts, they were just skeptical. Therefore, after a faint glance, they looked at Tianshi Zhang at the same time. At this time, the two of them saw that Tianshi Zhang’s face was as usual and he spoke to them. After speaking, he nodded to the Emperor and Xiao Yu. Then, the Devil Emperor and Xiao Yu looked at Zhang Tianshi. Luo Xiu followed, and at this moment, if he didn't know the twists and turns, Luo Xiu would be ready to die.