Technology Communication System

Chapter 747: status quo

"According to you, then we really have nothing to talk about. If that's the case, let's wait to see if this kid is still sealed like you said. I also think Take a look, what is the reason that this kid has the ability to communicate with the world. Your kind of seal, the old man has also heard a little, but the current situation, placed in front of us, I can 100% guarantee that the formation is fine "In desperation, Tianshi Zhang had to shook his head. There was no way. The two sides did not trust each other. The difficulty for them to cooperate would definitely be much greater than one plus one equals two. Therefore, Zhang Tianshi calmed down at this time. .

Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor glanced at Zhang Tianshi, did not speak to answer his words, but stood quietly beside him, waiting for the further development of the matter. Under the current situation, they were very clear, with the eyes of Zhang Tianshi and Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor. Look, Luo Xiu’s current catastrophe has not come for a long time. It is probably just as Xiao Yu had guessed before, but what kind of means did this kid use to induce the catastrophe? This is also his comparison. What was curious, only for a while, there was no clue, and the two did not trust each other, which made it impossible for them to cooperate sincerely.

Time passed slowly, and soon half a year passed. One year passed. The catastrophe above Luo Xiu's head was still brewing like before. There was no intention of coming. The beam of energy emitted from Luo Xiu's body. , Also maintained its original strength, and it seemed that there was no sign of weakening over time. Under this situation, thousands of people, including the Devil Emperor, were a little dumbfounded.

No way, everyone is not a fool. Luo Xiu's continuous energy stimulation for so long is not normal at all. Such a powerful tribulation has been brewing, which is simply an impossible thing.

At this moment, this would not happen before them, Luo Xiu's mystery became more and more prosperous, and at the same time, the Devil Emperor can 100% guarantee that Luo Xiu's spirit has not broken away from his seal. , This can’t help but make him a little anxious. He knows that if he doesn’t take any action, even if the seal formed by his innate origin will not be a problem, as time goes by, the backlog of heavenly power will be stronger. Really the calamity has come, and the ghost knows whether it will directly destroy the entire nine-day sanctuary.

"How is it, how is the old guy thinking? It's been two or three years. If you continue to wait like this, it's nothing for you and me, but you can sense it carefully with the power of the soul, do you find the dark cloud above us? It’s constantly increasing, so don’t hesitate anymore. Either you give me the lid, or we shoot them apart. You and I do your own things, and it’s really consumed here. It’s meaningless. Obviously, inside this kid There is a strange thing, but what is it that makes this kid in the case of the power of the soul, the power in the body can trigger the catastrophe, it is not something we need to consider. You just need to give me the lid , The next thing, the old man will do it for you, so, old guy, how about it, think about it, after all, continue to wait, it’s just a waste of time.” Seeing the hesitation of the Devil Emperor, Zhang Tianshi took the opportunity to hear him. Bian whispered in a low voice.

At this moment, the two of them can no longer speak loudly. After all, there are so many forces around them, so many masters of all factions are staring at them. In his current situation, he is also a little jealous, it is impossible to be like As I thought before, I can calculate everything so clearly.

It’s just that the Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor didn’t think so much at this time. Instead, he didn’t worry about his previous thoughts. After all, if it was really as they guessed, then Luo Xiu would never wait to die. He must have a variety of ways to do all of this now. However, this situation is very strange now.

After thinking about the key points, the Devil Emperor couldn’t help but frown. He knew he couldn’t hesitate anymore. Instead of losing his previous innate origin, he should just accept it directly. Since Zhang Tianshi couldn't do anything and didn't dare to do that, then he didn't need to talk so much nonsense with this person. Therefore, thinking that the twists and turns were so simple, the Devil Emperor couldn't help but feel relieved, because he had thought about things too complicated before.

"Master Zhang, you have to figure out one thing, you are begging me for cooperation, you are actively looking for me to cooperate, it is not Baba who got up and was pitted by you, so if you still have this attitude, then I will only I can take back the strength in that kid. After all, I cannot lose that part of the innate origin. In this case, you have to figure out the situation. The next thing is not what I ask you to do, but what you want to take the initiative to do. If you still want to cooperate, you must obediently listen to this emperor's instructions, otherwise, you and I will be shot together." The Devil Emperor of Heaven-Swallowing has lost his previous excitement now.

Because under the current circumstances, it is impossible for him to get the origin of the world. If this is the case, there is no need to talk so much nonsense with Zhang Tianshi. Therefore, when he said this, he was absolutely confident.

After all, he himself knew that from the current situation, Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor's guess was absolutely true. Zhang Tianshi was just changing the subject, and at the same time, to some extent, to weaken Luo Xiu's role.

Sure enough, Zhang Tianshi’s expression immediately changed when he heard the Devil Emperor say this. He knew that his little calculation had been seen through by the old fellow of the Devil Emperor. Therefore, Tianshi Zhang could not get off the stage at this time. Knowing that he can no longer procrastinate as before, it is true that if he can no longer come up with an effective plan, he may completely lose this opportunity to restore the inheritance artifact.

"Hey, don't say so full, you are not afraid that the four of us will join forces to besiege you and **** that thing back from your hands." Although he knows that his efforts may be futile, he is still a little unwilling. Therefore, see In the eyes of Emperor Tian Swallowing Devil, Zhang Tianshi said with a very confident sneer.

Hearing such threatening words from Zhang Tianshi, the Devouring Devil Emperor smiled. He really didn’t know how to describe his mood at the moment. He also secretly laughed at this person’s ignorance. He has always been here to maintain the balance. Anyone who didn't have long eyes dared to threaten him loudly. Therefore, after hearing the content of Zhang Tianshi's words, the Demon Emperor of Heaven Swallowing really had the idea of ​​turning his face directly with this guy at this moment.

"Hehe, you can try to see if the old man is a soft persimmon, hehe, I am not afraid that you and the old man are so hard and rigid, but I can guarantee 100%, as long as you dare to do it, you will definitely be unable to eat and walk. , Don’t think that the old man is afraid of you. Before cooperating with you, the old man has already thought about the various pros and cons. You shouldn’t think that just by relying on you little fish and shrimp, you can do what the old man can do. Let’s do it, don’t be afraid to tell you the truth, even if you fill in that artifact, see if the old man is afraid of you, even if the old man’s innate origin is damaged now, I’m not afraid of what you can do with me, so, Just put away your unrealistic thoughts. If you don’t want to find death, just follow me obediently and honestly. Either we continue to cooperate, or you and I are shot together.” The Emperor Swallowing Devil is not worried about the old guy. In his opinion, Zhang Tianshi’s previous methods were just joking. He didn’t worry about what the old guy would give him, let alone his own safety.

During the dialogue between Zhang Tianshi and the Devil Emperor, some people in the periphery also noticed something wrong. It was obvious that there was something they wanted to know. Therefore, the heads and brains of several major forces had already turned to them. Come.

After all, Luo Xiu’s situation at this moment is too weird. Even if they are all well-informed people, they have never seen such an unexpected situation. This weird atmosphere directly affects everything. Human judgment is that the beam of energy rising into the sky above Luo Xiu at this moment is too deceptive, making everyone realize that Luo Xiu is not easy to provoke.

"Get out of here!" Zhang Tianshi was run on by the Devouring Devil Emperor's words. He didn't know how to continue. At this moment, seeing those people who dared to come forward, he was directly angry. He couldn't help the two in front of him. People, there is nothing to do with you little fish and shrimps. When thinking of this situation, Zhang Tianshi directly waved his hand, and a sky-high energy directly swept towards the three people who approached, giving them no chance to resist. Shoot them directly over.

Seeing Zhang Tianshi like this, the corners of the Devouring Devil’s mouth twitched, and the old guy was obviously a little bit irritated. In order not to over-stimulate them, he was still going to ease their relationship. After all, for them, if the two of them want to get The origin of the world must rely on the celestial master in front of him.

And he just turned around and left without hesitation, although he wouldn't lose anything, but the previous efforts were really lost. Thinking of this situation, Zhang Tianshi’s gaze at this moment is a bit intriguing. It is obvious that Zhang Tianshi, the old fellow, has also reacted. At this moment, the gaze looking at the Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor also carries a hint of fierceness. Both sides have their own needs, and there is no way to separate them so easily.

"Old man, you really don’t see rabbits or hawks. You are so persistent and boring. You and I know that we all have needs for each other. Instead of staying in a stalemate here, how about we take a step back? Give it to me, I will solve that kid's problem, and then you and I will re-plan, as for other things, we don't think much about it." Looking at the shameless gaze of the Devil Emperor, Zhang Tianshi smiled helplessly.

He knew that he was pinched to death by this person, and if they didn't want to doubt their relationship, they would fall into this stalemate for a long time to come. If it continues, the longer the time, the more the changes will happen. No one knows what will happen next. With the terrible tribulation above everyone’s head, no one wants to face the tribulation, and it is still a needless struggle. It makes no sense.

"It is not impossible to want me to give that thing to you. The premise is that you have to take out the equivalent thing and bet it with me. Then you will use the world origin to exchange it with me. Otherwise, I will Those who believe in you are even more unlikely to give you things. There is nothing to talk about. As long as you are a normal person, it is impossible for you to agree to your almost nonsense request with just one sentence." Seeing Zhang Tianshi already said so After all, the Devouring Devil Emperor didn't hesitate. After all, he knew that it wouldn't make sense to remain in such a stalemate, but it would be impossible for him to let go easily. Therefore, he also looked at Zhang Tianshi with a serious face and said.

"Equivalent thing, what do you say? If you really open your mouth, don’t blame me for disagreeing. Anyway, things are so bad that the old man doesn’t mind telling you the truth, but we have a tendency towards that thing. Sure, even if you can’t force the origin of the world from that kid this time, since I touched this thing on your body, you definitely won’t let you hold it and leave this place again.” Heaven Devouring Devil Emperor’s words made it obvious to Zhang Tianshi For a moment, he burst into laughter. He knew that his plan had succeeded, but he saw that the Emperor of the Devouring Sky seemed to be unable to enter. At the same time, he also understood that he could not be soft in the next step. He made it clear. Own attitude.

"Hey, you don’t have to use such words to scare me. Don’t be afraid to tell you that. As long as you dare to do it, this thing will never fall into your hands. If you don’t believe me, you can give it a try. Still the same sentence, the old man is not something that can be handled at will. You and I are both adults, so there is no need to use this kind of thing to blow up the old man!" The threat of Zhang Tianshi, the Devil Emperor didn’t care at all. On the top, even Xiao Yu showed that smiley face at this time, looking at Zhang Tianshi with a weird expression, as if completely ignoring the three blood spirit guards standing behind him.

Everyone is not a fool, and we know how bad the relationship between the two parties is. Therefore, at this moment, the focus is on Luo Xiu's body. If Luo Xiu's catastrophe does not come, plus Zhang Tianshi and others do not want to Risking to refine the origin of the world in that kid's body, this matter will still be deadlocked. And if everyone takes a step back, then this matter will be restored, it just depends on whose methods are clever.