Technology Communication System

Chapter 783: Yin Yang plate

The most important thing is that he is digesting the terrifying medicinal effect brought by the spiritual plant at this moment. At this moment, Luo Xianyang, whose physical strength has been increased by more than three times, is hesitating whether to continue taking this spiritual plant. .

No way, the impact of this thing on him was too great, to the point where he was a little incredible. If he could get this kind of spirit grass hundreds of years ago, he would definitely not be chased by people now.

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little grateful. Fortunately, these herbs can help it, allowing him to use this kind of elixir to improve his physical strength even when his cultivation level cannot be improved.

At the same time, as the Patriarch Mingyu took a group of members of the family and began to evacuate, those who were watching their every move felt surprised, and at the same time they followed behind them.

It’s just that when they saw that these Mingyu family members were heading straight to the God’s Domain Teleportation Array, they all quietly withdrew back. There was no way. Even though they wanted to follow along, the current Mingyu family was already indifferent. After all, there is no meaning to hide whereabouts at all, it is obviously confident.

At the same time, Luo Xiu, who saw all of this through the monitor, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although not everyone left, he was relieved that so many people had left.

After all, combined with his current situation, he is most worried about these Mingyu family members. Although they don’t know which force these people come from, it can be seen from their perseverance. Such rigorous deployment is also because of them. Seeing these people left at this time, Luo Xiu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but also felt that his opportunity was coming.

Because of cultivation reasons, his current cultivation base is stagnant, even if he can rely on that special spirit grass to increase the strength of his physical body and make up for his biggest shortcomings, it still does not help. If his cultivation base wants a qualitative leap, he must survive the catastrophe and ascend to God's Domain.

Since there is nothing to miss in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, and he has obtained so many cultivation resources, he must convert these cultivation resources into his own combat effectiveness as soon as possible, and so far, the best solution is to improve his cultivation level. But there is a prerequisite for all this, that is, he can come out of Qinglian world.

In this situation, he can only fish in the chaotic waters. Compared with other people, Luo Xiu's own advantage lies here. Once he successfully emerges from the world of Qinglian, it will be the ocean and fish. The sky is high and the bird flies.

It's just that the opportunity is not so easy to find, and there is no way. Because of the changes here, many people come here, and it seems that everyone knows the situation here.

At the same time, for Luo Xiu, when everyone knows the truth, how much impact his disappearance can have on this world.

Because all the people who came in, when they first entered this area, they were severely warned that in this place, they can't use any magical powers that can induce space power. Under such circumstances, the monks have already stopped using space here. The possibility of strength.

Therefore, even if Luo Xiu waited hard, he still couldn't wait for the opportunity he expected. He just couldn't cultivate. It was a bit boring for Luo Xiu. As time went on, the crowd grew more and more, and then he was looking for nothing. After the results, many people left directly.

Of course, these people who left are all masters of some local forces, and ordinary disciples are still searching hard here, even if Luo Xiu is anxious, he has to continue to wait patiently.

"System, if you wait like this, I will go crazy, isn't there any other way? How can these people have such a lot of patience, this is really surprising." Luo Xiu smiled helplessly, angrily Said unevenly.

The scene that happened before his eyes really made him feel uncomfortable. The most important thing is that he has no way at all now. It is impossible not to say any improvement in cultivation level, and the most important thing is that he is almost now. Trapped in this Qinglian world.

Although he can also reunite with his family, and at the same time exchange cultivation experience with some sects, the most important thing is that he can take the opportunity to refine the resources, but Luo Xiu still feels a bit resentful.

Even if his cultivation base is strong enough, but facing so many resources, there is no way to transform it into his own cultivation base. Such an aggrieved thing caused Luo Xiu to fall into deep thought.

For him, in this situation, only this method is the best, but he does not believe that Luo Xiu will be so obedient, so he can only selectively test out, there is no reason for his current situation. The situation would still fall into such a situation, which couldn't help making Luo Xiu faintly uneasy.

"Host, don't think too much about it. Unless all the people in God's Domain leave, otherwise, the situation you think will never happen here. Just stay in the Qinglian World University honestly, as for other things. Yes, you don’t have to think so much, and do you really think that those people are looking for you? The purpose of their coming here is for the will of the martial arts remaining in this valley. With this thing, the cultivator’s cultivation speed increases, It can definitely be called a rocket-like high speed, so, before these martial arts will disappear, your kid should stay here patiently for a few years now." The system saw Luo Xiu like this, and could only express relief to Luo Xiu. Tao. No way, in this case, it can only be so.

"Hey, there is really no good way to speed up the disappearance of this martial arts will. After all, these three corpses have been destroyed so thoroughly by me. The heavenly origins remaining on them should be extremely weak. Why does this appear? In this situation, is it true that the gods of good fortune are really immortal? I don’t believe it." Luo Xiu sneered disdainfully when he thought that the three corpses had been subjected to his own poisonous hands. He knew very well his previous What exactly did that approach represent, Luo Xiu sneered at the system's remarks, but was also quite speechless.

The system heard Luo Xiu say this, curled his lips, didn't bother to pay attention to him, and then fell silent. At this moment, Luo Xiu felt the shackles of his own cultivation base, couldn't help smiling, looking at the big screen in front of him, and fell into meditation.

During this period of time, although he had also returned to Qiantian Temple and looked at the thriving Qiantian Temple, Luo Xiu now has no other thoughts, although Qiantian Temple is only a power in the entire Qinglian world, and it is still the only power.

But after thousands of years of multiplication, now in the area where Qiantian Temple is located, a country has been formed with a population of more than tens of millions. With such a dense population, Luo Xiu knew the particularity of the world of Qinglian. At this moment, he very much hoped that the world of young people would form a complete world.

Only after combining many cultivation techniques, Luo Xiu knew that his thoughts were a bit naive, the Qinglian world still had its limits, and it was not as beautiful as the system described to him before.

Therefore, for Luo Xiu now, he can only hope in the world he has nurtured. However, what is even more tragic is that his cultivation is stagnant, which also prevents the internal world he nurtured from growing.

Even if he smashed a huge amount of resources and entered the world he had nurtured, he still couldn't compare with the current Qinglian world. The only thing Luo Xiu could do at this time was to play some games and pass the boring time.

As for the system in his mind, Luo Xiu ignored the so-called letting him practice the fighting supernatural powers. With the large Yin Yang magnetic gun in his hand, this kind of move that can directly explode his powerful attack power 300%, Luo Xiu doesn't need to practice other attacking magical powers at all.

As for the defensive magical powers, unless they are aimed at the physical body, they are just tasteless. Therefore, Luo Xiu is waiting leisurely and contentedly. He watched the people outside, like devout believers, at the foot of the mountain, cross-legged. Sitting, it seemed to be sensing the will of martial arts, which made Luo Xiu's mouth twitch involuntarily, which made people feel speechless.

If he had known this kind of thing would happen, after destroying the three corpses, he would directly bring the three corpses into the world of Qinglian. In that case, this situation would not happen right now.

At the same time, Ming Yuhun, who left the Nine Heavens Sanctuary and returned to God's Domain with a group of family children, encountered the greatest crisis in his life at this moment.

Although there are 13 elders in the family, seven of them are among the group he leads at this moment, but facing the terrifying formation in front of him and the ambushing crowd outside the formation, he knows that Mingyu Family The unusual means of acting directly aroused the attention of the hostile forces, causing them to mistakenly believe that those secrets in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary had already been obtained by the Mingyu Family.

Under such misunderstanding, it has also triggered the union of many forces. At this moment, Ming Yuhun's face is serious, and he now knows how far his family's luck has declined. In their current situation, he was helpless in the face of this situation.

Looking at the black and overwhelming crowd, Ming Yuhun fell into deep thought. For him, in this situation, nothing more complicated than this has happened. Therefore, he hesitated a little, not knowing whether to do so. After all If he chooses that way, it is likely to destroy this low-level plane under his feet. In this case, it will have a greater impact on his family's luck.

"Hey, old ghost Mingyu, I haven’t seen you for many years. I don’t want to die. I miss you. How about it. This time I’ve gained a lot. Now that the old man is here, I have a share. As long as you hand over things, we will definitely Don't stop you." The speaker was the old immortal of the Jin family. At this moment, he looked at Ming Yuhun and others with a sneer.

Hearing his words among the crowd was also a commotion, but at this moment, Ming Yuhun was extremely calm, because he knew very well that their Mingyu family had no choice at all.

To give things to them, what exactly those three people left behind, he really doesn’t know. Even though he feels a bit tricky now, but he really wants to apply for these people, he is confident that he can carry them down, but A great price has to be paid for this. After all, the inheritance artifact has just been damaged. If the artifact is used forcibly at this time, it will be a big backlash for him.

However, compared to this situation, everything else is not important. Therefore, at this moment, there is no hesitation in facing the aggressiveness of these people, without hesitation, he waved his hand, and then a strange energy soaring straight into the sky. Xiao Han directly stirred up the strange formation in front of him on the spot, and at the same time, Mingguang Thirteen Swords directly attacked the old Jin family who had spoken to Immortality.

He knew very well that these conditions before him were just blindfolds. If the formation could not be broken as soon as possible, then he would have no time to take care of him. Therefore, when the formation was destroyed, Ming Jade Soul did not hesitate at all, and immediately shot again. , This time the light on his hand flashed more than ten times continuously, and endless strange energy burst out from the endless void.

The powerful spatial fluctuations swept the surroundings directly, and forced all the people hiding in the dark out of the void. At the same time, his hands flashed again, and the milky white energy floated into the air from his body. Then a terrifying oval shield is formed. This is a formation. Although this formation is entirely composed of the energy released by him, it looks like a mountain hidden in the clouds and mist from a distance, strange and mysterious, but But it is his most powerful body protection supernatural power.

"Huh? Do you still want to try? Haha, the ignorant is fearless, do you know that in order to keep the backbone of your family, our three major forces have taken out the housekeeping skills and looked for Hui Yue Lao The ancestor borrowed the Yin-Yang plate. What a terrifying treasure is the Yin-Yang plate? Even if we work together, we can't exert its full power, but even if it is a few percent of the power, and only defense, it is enough to defeat you!" Jin The old undead from the family sneered. He had already seen these people in the Mingyu family "very unhappy".

Their Jin family has been confined in the God Realm Tianyuan Realm for so many years, but they have been suppressed by the Mingyu family. They don't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If they can take advantage of this opportunity to kill all these people in one fell swoop, they will lose most of the Mingyu family's middle strength, and then their Jin family will be completely free from the Mingyu family's control.

Thinking of such beautiful consequences, the ancestor of the Jin family laughed involuntarily. Although he knew that Ming Yuhun would not give up so easily, he knew clearly that even this group of Mingyu family People are hard bones, so many of them besieged, they can all be left behind.