Technology Communication System

Chapter 822: Opportunity here

No way. Although they are both elders, he himself knows that because of his cultivation level, he is a small bean sprout in front of that elder. The most important thing is that his ancestor is now gone. Now there is indeed no capital for equal dialogue with them.

Everyone is no longer talking nonsense. Everyone knows the tension in the Demon Imperial City, so they no longer talk nonsense. He follows behind the coquettish man, flies to the distance, stops from time to time to look for it, and then continues on the road, as if They are extremely confident of those who are looking for Mingyu family, and they have even reached the point of crazy.

At this moment, Luo Xiu watched the people leave and saw that they had completely disappeared. At this moment, he was a little relieved. It is true that there are too many inside stories revealed in these people's words, which makes Luo Xiu feel a little bit tricky. At the same time, he was a little excited at the same time.

But now he hasn’t taken any action either. After all, Luo Xiu was injured and didn’t leave the Qinglian world in a hurry. For him, he is not suitable to go out now. Although he has a delimitation compass on his body, there is a lot of noise outside. , So many people are searching this area, for him, going out at this time, he didn't hesitate to look for death.

"System, you look through the jade slip that Ming Yulong gave me, and see if there is any record of this demon emperor. From what they said just now, I always feel that I have overlooked something. There must be some information. What we desperately want to know, from their conversations, those in the Mingyu family should not be enemies with the national teacher in their mouth. "Luo Xiu can't help but feel a little excited when he recalls the words of those people. Asked eagerly.

Thinking of the guess in his heart, Luo Xiu couldn't bear his inner curiosity and couldn't help but want to find some clues. If he really guessed correctly, then he would be on the same track.

After all, for him, it really has to be as he thought, these dangers now are nothing, especially after listening to their conversation, Luo Xiu knew that their devil lord should have been injured. , Or there are other different kinds of energy in his body, which prevents him from recovering his cultivation.

And this kind of situation is an excellent opportunity for Luo Xiu. Luo Xiu has experienced it personally before. Even before, he almost had to abolish and rebuild his cultivation base. If it wasn't for the system, he would not It may still be as lively as it is now.

So he was meditating, what kind of energy can trap a generation of Demon Sovereign, what kind of energy can make the Demon Sovereign level terrifying powerhouse stump, and if he can help him solve it, let alone Others, just the benefits that can be obtained, thinking about it makes him look excited.

Needless to say, due to his identity problem, he can only be cautious in the future. The most important thing is that with a demon emperor as a backer, Luo Xiu believes that even if he causes any trouble in this world, there must be no one who will not open his eyes. Dare to shoot at him.

It's just that there is a prerequisite for all this, that is, he can walk freely in the Demon Realm. When he thinks of this, Luo Xiu's original excitement suddenly declines a lot.

There is no way, if he really goes to the Lord Demon Sovereign with the delimitation compass himself, he will be upset by the fact that the demon emperor does not keep up. In order to delimit the compass, he will be killed directly.

After all, the temptation of the delimitation compass is too great, and this thing is also a treasure that is extremely suitable for monks to seize the house. It is no exaggeration to say that with the delimitation compass, it is completely possible for others to reshape a body, and It was still a physical body that could freely travel through the void. Thinking about Luo Xiu's heart, he was even more excited, not to mention, the Demon Sovereign who was already devastated by energy.

Just thinking of this, Luo Xiu suddenly thought, since his own body cannot move freely in this world, can he refine the bounding compass into his own clone?

Thinking of the possibility of a flash of light before, Luo Xiu's expression at this moment was suddenly lifted, and he felt that his idea was good.

For him, this is a good way, but he doesn’t know what to do in order to turn this demarcation compass into his own clone, although he understands in his heart that for him, the existence of a system It can completely help him solve most of the trouble, but the system can't help Luo Xiu solve this problem.

In this case, it is impossible for him to follow his own ideas. At this moment, the most important thing is that in the next long period of time, he must first temper his body so that his body can be here. Under the coercion of endless terror, free activities, so that you can think of other things.

Because only in this way, he dared to go out and look for a chance to get close to the Demon Sovereign. Just thinking about the difficulty, Luo Xiu couldn't help but be amazed. There was really no good way for him.

After all, if he wants to quickly improve his cultivation base, he can't do it in a short time, but his current cultivation base is so weak, it is impossible to get close to the Demon Sovereign.

Needless to say, in this area, there are many people who don’t want their Demon Sovereign to regain their cultivation base. At that time, as long as Luo Xiu dares to show that anything can help the Demon Sovereign out of trouble. , It is very likely that it will be a disaster.

After all, the Demon Sovereign has disappeared for thousands of millions of years. No matter how loyal their subordinates are, now for one or another reason, they definitely don’t want their masters to regain or even suppress them again. Point.

At this moment, when he thought of this, Luo Xiu sighed helplessly, and completely gave up the previous unreliable idea. It is really that the difference between the two is too big.

It can even be said that for Luo Xiu at this time, the instant disappointment made people feel very depressed. This is not as simple as he thought, but there are countless difficulties in it.

"Host, don't think too much about it. It's not so easy for you to find a loophole. Let's think about how you get out of here, and then find a place to exercise your boy's body. As for other things, you are now Just be honest and don’t think too much. Many things are far more complicated than you think, so for the time being, for you, unless you have full confidence, otherwise, it’s better not to act rashly, honestly. Through this most difficult moment, the next time will not be so difficult." While Luo Xiu was in deep thought, the system spoke to him like this at this moment.

This made Luo Xiu stunned for a while, but even if he thought about his current situation clearly, he could only smile wryly. Although he was safe for the time being, he thought about his flashy thoughts, Luo Xiao knew. No matter how he has such an impulse, he can only follow the steps step by step in the current situation.

After all, as the system said, for the time being, he can only train his body first, and at the same time raise his cultivation to a point where he can move freely here. Otherwise, even if he doesn't have any safety considerations now, it would be very dangerous to hold the compass all day long.

"Okay, it won't be so high. Since I still need to improve my cultivation base, let me start with improving my cultivation base first. As for the rest, wait until I can move around freely. By the way, the Lord Demon Sovereign is short. I won't die in time?" Thinking about it, I was a little unwilling, but helpless, Luo Xiu now had to follow the requirements of the system.

There is no way, as he had previously guessed, if the Demon Sovereign is really about to die, it will not take him more than a few days. After all, the system can digest the alien energy, and it can't be solved in a day or two.

As for Luo Xiu, it is impossible for him to go out so easily now. After all, the existence of the delimitation compass is too much involved.

Through the surveillance screen, Luo Xiu was truly relieved to see that those people had completely moved away from this place. At this moment, he had completely lost all the previous random thoughts in his heart. While feeling a little helpless, he was full of energy.

After all, for him, in this situation, he couldn't think of any other means besides physical training. When he thought of such a hard future, all Luo Xiu's previous impulses disappeared at this moment.

At this moment, he started the plan. After all, for him, in this situation, he can only refine his body, increase his resistance, improve his cultivation, or directly refine a clone.

After thinking about it again and again, Luo Xiu finally made up his mind to thoroughly refine the delimitation compass into his own natal magic weapon first, so that it would be safer. The most important thing is that with the delimitation compass, his survivability has greatly increased, and he is fully equipped with the ability to tear space and teleport in this world. This is what Luo Xiu values ​​most.

Just thinking about the painful experience before, Luo Xiu was a little bit shocked at the moment, really wanting to maintain the refining work for such a long time, and the consumption of the cultivation base in his body was too much.

Luo Xiu knew that even though the current Dingjie Compass Ding had been completely refined by him, there was still a thousand miles away from refining it into his own magic weapon.

Not to mention anything else, it's just that the core area inside the Definite Compass at this moment, his soul power still can't completely cover it, it can be seen.

For Luo Xiu, this is not the most tragic. On the contrary, the most tragic is the problem he needs to face next, that is, the problem of energy. Although the system can once again condense the power of God, the reserve of the system is not too great. That's enough, even if those reactors provide energy for the system, this part of the energy is really a drop in the bucket for the system. If this happens, he still cannot completely refine it.

Now there is only one way out before him, that is to abandon his current body, refine the demarcation compass into his own flesh, and then use the method of illusion to solve the problem of insufficient physical strength, as for the weakness of the soul. , Then you can only find another way.

"Host, in fact, you can directly abandon your physical body, through some secret methods, and then we can directly reshape the physical body, just like the Devil Emperor, using the bounding compass as your body, but if this is the case, Your new body is extremely easy to be targeted, which is very troublesome for the host, and the most important thing is that after your body is a spatial attribute, you can’t use some other exercises. For example, the big yin and yang magnetic gun is an attacking method that is against the sky. For you, it has become a chicken rib." The system seems to be very familiar with what Luo Xiu is thinking at the moment, and can't help but explain to him in a low voice. And from his words, Luo Xiu also heard the disagreement.

Luo Xiu didn't have any good solutions at the moment. After all, just as the system said, directly refining the bounding compass as a natal magic weapon, there is no problem, abandoning the physical body, he is really reluctant.

You know, his current body has been tempered for thousands of years. In order to improve his physical strength, he doesn't know how much he has modified the Ninth Rank profound art. What makes him a little distressed is that in order to practice the Nine Rank profound art. , He really suffered a lot, and even almost disintegrated.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu did not firm up his ideas. He knew that he had to obey the system. Even if he wanted to refine the demarcation compass, he would just use it as a weapon of his own.

After thinking about this, Luo Xiu no longer hesitated, came out of Qinglian World, and then Luo Xiu went straight to the valley.

Along the way, Luo Xiu held the delimitation compass without worrying about his safety at all. He was almost on the road in a straight line. For him, every moment of the time is extremely precious, and more importantly, he Can't afford to waste this time.

He is also very curious about what the Mingyu family members are now, but what makes him even more entangled is that he can only act like this in this situation. As for other things, let's wait for the next thing.

The monsters encountered along the way can kill, but can't kill. Those who have to avoid early, avoid directly. Luo Xiu went through a range of more than 100,000 kilometers.

In this area, he has experienced too many dangers. This originally seemed to him to be an ordinary place with such a big crisis hidden. When he thought of his previous experience, Luo Xiu felt that he was very lucky. He was a little grateful that the system in his mind could still help him at this moment, otherwise it would be really tragic this time.

Looking at the valley where the blood and evil spirits were mixed, breathtaking and full of evil spirits, Luo Xiu's mouth twitched at the moment, which reminded him of his previous experience in Mo Wanggu, and at the same time thought of the three masters of Mingyu Patriarch. Put away the puppet.