Technology Communication System

Chapter 823: One step

At this moment, Luo Xiu has completely adapted to the environment of the Demon Realm. Even if this adaptation was achieved with the help of the delimitation compass, Luo Xiu was still extremely excited.

At this moment, when he looked at the delimitation compass floating in front of him, the corners of his mouth were also rising.

If he had known that he could control the demarcation compass and took it as his own, he had suffered some innocent disasters before, then he was basically looking for it. At this moment, for him, he is now the strongest. period.

At this moment, Luo Xiu did not rush into the valley in front of the delimitation compass. For him, there was too much uncertainty in this valley. Especially for Luo Xiu now, the delimitation compass is very important and should not be allowed. Lost.

But there was a weirdness in the valley in front of him. With such a strong **** atmosphere, there was no demon who used it to practice the exercises. It felt a bit strange how Luo Xiu thought.

What made him even more unsure was that the situation here was even more weird than before. After all, he didn't have any information about this place, which was the most painful for Luo Xiu.

Needless to say, even the system in his mind can't detect the specific situation in this valley. This is what Luo Xiu finds the most difficult.

If he had known this before, he would never risk breaking into that space crack before. He would have returned directly to the Nine Heavens Sanctuary through the channel opened by the delimitation compass, and there would be no such thing as the current situation of riding a tiger. It’s just that he regrets it now. , There is no other way, it is already like this, and now he can only go forward with his head.

At this moment, Luo Xiu thought about this clearly, and he no longer seemed a little hesitant like before. At this moment, he has a kind of obedient to the system. He went straight into the depths of the valley to hide, and waited for the moment when his divine power was completed , Stir this world. Thinking of that exciting moment, Luo Xiu seemed a little impatient at this moment.

No way, for the current Luo Xiu, this idea is too tempting, but he is still a little hesitant. It is really that the valley in front of him is a bit weird. It can be said that Luo Xiu is almost in Mo Wanggu. Er didn't come back alive, but the weird feeling that Mo Wanggu gave him was not shocking from the valley in front of him.

Luo Xiu hesitated again and again, after all, he did not dare to cross that step immediately. It is really that the situation in the valley is unclear, and there is too much uncertainty. For him now, he is here by the delimitation compass. The Demon Realm has the ability to move freely, and now that there is no external intervention, why should I venture into this valley?

Rather than take the risk, it is better to find a hidden place, a safer place can also be arranged to isolate his breath, so that he can temper his body while adapting to the environment here.

The most important thing is that for Luo Xiu in this situation now, there are too many uncertain factors, but he is very aware of some special conditions in this world. And the system in his mind is always on guard, not letting Luo Xiu get close to the valley. Although the system said before, he would not be in danger of entering this valley, but he doesn't think so now.

Especially the real situation at the moment is here. With his current state, even if he can enter this valley full of evil spirits, he is not sure that he will survive.

Even if he had mastered the delimitation compass and the black bone stick in his hand, for Luo Xiu now, the most urgent matter was to completely solve the problem of his physical weakness.

"The system, I just go in, don’t go deep, can’t do it, just move on the periphery, by refining the body with the rich blood evil spirit here, although the blood evil energy in this valley is too strong, it hurts my spirit very much. It’s great, but for the Nine Ranks Profound Art I practiced, this is a good place for body training, but I’m a little worried, will it be a little too dangerous here? Will such a strong blood evil spirit be right? My physical body caused irreparable damage. After all, the most important thing before me is the pressure of heaven." Luo Xiu seemed a little hesitant at this moment. For Luo Xiu, whether to enter this valley or not, it is a problem. For the tricky choice, he hesitated for a long time, still undecided, sighed secretly, and asked the system in his mind.

He also has no good way. Under the circumstances, it is too unfavorable for him. Not to mention other things, it is just a matter of his own cultivation base. Since he can't survive the tribulation here, he must think of other things. The way to improve his physical body, so that he does not have to bear the delimitation compass every day, like running around under a treasure, the danger is too great. Not to mention that the other mere delimitation compass's attraction to those powerful beings is not something he can bear.

For Luo Xiu, nothing else is important. Keeping his own life and the existence of the delimiting compass are the most urgent problems he needs to solve.

And from this point, Luo Xiu’s behavior cannot be ignored. It feels so strange. The power that surrounds him at this time is definitely the power released by the delimitation compass, but Luo Xiu has not distinguished at this moment. Even the slightest amount of power to control the demarcation compass is entirely the spontaneous behavior of the demarcation compass's autonomous protector.

"There is no problem with outside activities, that is, you must always be prepared to escape. For your kid, you must be extra careful in the next period of time. This place is more than the Mo Wanggu we have seen before. It's terrifying, and this system has discovered something extraordinary. It seems that there is some irresistible horror in the valley in front of us." The system obviously heard Luo Xiu's words and said without surprise.

"What's the existence of horror? Is there a living creature here? Isn't it? There is such a strong blood evil spirit here, unless the evil spirits, who else dares to approach this valley, have you noticed before, Those who searched for the Mingyu family didn't look here at all, it must be that they thought no one would come in here." Luo Xiu couldn't help frowning as he heard the system say this, and said silently.

Although he was curious about the so-called horror existence of the system, he was also a little disapproving. You must know that he saw clearly and clearly. When those people were looking for the Mingyu family, they deliberately avoided this area. Regional, although I don't know what the reason is, Luo Xiu already has a guess.

"Hey, those guys should know the horror here, but you can't be self-righteous. It's not as simple as you think. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. The system previously asked you to come here, but it just values ​​the huge energy here. It’s just that I didn’t expect this place to be so terrible. If you don’t want to die, it’s better to listen to this system and don’t go in. The previous calculation of this system was wrong. For us, when we got here, we found that the environment here is a bit special. The environment here is simply not something you can adapt to now. It doesn't matter if you change your cultivation base and raise a few more levels. Now for you, if you go in, you are really looking for death." Luo Xiu's words at this moment made the system feel helpless and wry smile, so he had to tell the truth and tell his previous mistakes.

Luo Xiu raised his head and looked at the valley in front of him. This extremely thick, **** gas drew a terrible smell. Although he could not feel it at all because of the obstacle of the delimitation compass, it made him horrified by the naked eye. .

At this moment, in the face of this unfamiliar situation, he didn't even dare to stick his soul power out of his body to explore the situation in this valley, which was really terrifying. For him, this is simply a scary scene he has never seen before.

Above the entire valley, that blood-colored cloud was constantly rolling and beating. Luo Xiu knew in his heart that this place would definitely not be a good place. He didn't even dare to imagine if this place was a cave house of a demon monk. , What a powerful existence that is here. Thinking of this, and thinking of the words of the previous system, Luo Xiu felt even more terrified.

"The system, I still want to go in and take a look. Regarding the environment here, I still think it’s better to figure it out. Although it’s a bit uncomfortable here, it’s not really going to die. I believe there is a delimitation compass. I am trapped in the valley, and I can tear the space out. I don't have to worry about my life safety at all. I just suffer a little bit more. For me, as long as I can get rid of the current predicament, this place is not as bad as we thought. Luo Xiu suddenly made up his mind and said very seriously.

Regarding the rigor of the system, although he felt a little helpless, he thought about it and knew that there was a system, and there was no danger in entering, especially at the moment he had the delimitation compass. For him, the dangerous situation here, That is not a problem at all.

"Okay, then you should be careful when you go in. Don't go too deep. Just move around on the outside. Don’t go deep. Actually, I don’t know what’s inside, if it’s not the system. The energy sensor senses that the energy intensity contained here is tens of thousands of times higher than the previous calculation. You can imagine that this gap of tens of millions of times, such terrifying energy is gathered in this valley , To be honest, this system is extremely interested in these energies, but your kid's strength is not good, otherwise, I can't persuade you to leave here." The system's words made Luo Xiu straightforward.

Hearing the words of the system, Luo Xiu suddenly realized the system at this moment, where is this guy discussing with him, this guy is obviously stimulating him, thinking of this makes Luo Xiu a little speechless, regretting that he shouldn't be so curious, but he still fell in love with him. when.

However, Luo Xiu did not hesitate anymore, approaching the entrance of this valley carefully and slowly. For him, what he would gain next, he also looked forward to it. After all, all his previous plans were based on his own cultivation base. When strong

At this moment, listening to the system say that, the energy here is extremely impressive. Although it is extremely ecstatic, it does not rule out the danger here. It is just that Luo Xiu thought that if the system can replenish enough energy here, then at that time, Not to mention the improvement of the cultivation base, just to change the continuous output of the big formation, the system should be able to last longer.

This was the moment his body had just crossed the entrance of the valley, he suddenly felt a roar of his own mind, and immediately afterwards, Luo Xiu felt the whole person spinning around, as if experiencing a long teleportation.

After his mind returned to normal, he looked intently and staggered under his feet. After he stood firm, he realized that there was a person's skull under his feet. At this moment, his face was a little ugly.

The illusion of losing all senses at the moment just now, Luo Xiu absolutely did not have an illusion, it was definitely caused by a super long distance transmission. At this moment, he looked at the extremely unfamiliar valley in front of him, his expression turned ugly, and a trace of chill appeared in his heart.

This sudden teleportation gave him a great shock, making Luo Xiu feel like he wanted to turn around and run away. It was really that the valley felt too bad for him, especially after the ultra-long-distance teleportation. At this moment, when Luo Xiu looked at the valley again, he didn't need to be reminded by the system, he could already feel the violent energy in the valley that was about to be suppressed.

The heart-pounding scene in front of him completely plunged Luo Xiu into a weird silence. Even though the skull under his feet appeared to be creepy, Luo Xiu did not dare to hesitate at all at this moment, and hurriedly called out his whole body skills. After setting up the defensive supernatural powers, at the same time he began to attach his own supernatural power to his body. At the same time, he also communicated with the demarcation compass to start the defense.

Looking down at the bones under his feet, Luo Xiu's heart jumped. It turned out to be a human skull, and it should belong to the descendants of the combination of the demons and humans. Moreover, this person's cultivation is extremely powerful, judging from the color of his bones , It shouldn't take long for this person to die. Seeing the degree of bone decay, Luo Xiu speculates that the time since this person's death should not be too long.

At the same time, Luo Xiu had a faint feeling. As he stepped through the entrance of this valley, he seemed to have crossed countless planes in an instant and came to another strange world.

It’s just that at this moment, for Luo Xiu, there is still no change in the pressure of Heaven on his body, because the bounding compass still protects his body autonomously, Luo Xiu’s feelings about this are not too deep, he just has a faint feeling. He couldn't explain why Yu Yue's induction had such a strange feeling.