Technology Communication System

Chapter 824: Horror fantasy

"System, your current energy sensor, can you still sense the huge energy that you had previously sensed? If possible, we are here to replenish the energy you used before, how about it? Then think of a way to see if it can I can’t stay here for a long time. Only in this way can I exercise my physical body with confidence. Besides, I also want to refine the demarcation compass into one of my clones, and I need some special magic ways. The physical exercises, see if I can refine the black demon bone in my hand. This will also allow me to have some other non-human attack methods in the demon realm, and it will be more suitable for activities here." Asked curiously.

At this moment, facing this weird world, Luo Xiu didn't dare to get his soul power out of his body, so he had to ask the system in his mind for help.

After all, the most fundamental reason why he would venture into this place is that this place said by the system has huge energy. This is also the driving force for Luo Xiu's next actions. If he can replenish enough energy for the system at this critical moment, Luo Xiu is confident that his cultivation path will be easy to follow.

Needless to say, when he is going to the Demon Emperor City to treat the hidden disease of the Demon Emperor, if the system does not have enough energy, his survivability will plummet, although the system can also extract the Demon Emperor. The heterogeneous energies in the body, but if the system does not have enough energy to neutralize these heterogeneous energies, it will easily be turned away by those heterogeneous energies.

"Host, we have developed this time. The energy here is larger than we previously speculated. For me, such a huge amount of energy is gathered in this area. For me, I can only be greedy, and I don't dare to extract the energy here. , Because one carelessness is likely to cause chaos and explosions, which are all light, and it is possible to blow us into pieces directly." It’s just that Luo Xiu heard the sound of the system sucking in air-conditioning. With a hint of horror, Luo Xiu realized the horror here.

At this moment, Luo Xiu couldn't help but a trace of vigilance in his heart. You know, he rarely sees the system so calm. The system is not moved by such a huge energy at this moment, and the system behaves so well. , And even faintly felt a kind of retreat, which couldn't help making Luo Xiu's heart vigilant. Soon he seemed to think of something?

"Then can the energy here be transformed, absorbed and refined by you? Only by replenishing you with enough energy can we quickly solve many of our seemingly inconspicuous troubles in the next actions." Although wondering why the system reacts like this , But Luo Xiu still asked directly.

At this kind of moment, there is no need to run wild. For Luo Xiu, this situation is undoubtedly the most bizarre situation at the moment. If one is not careful, it is likely that he will completely fall into endless passiveness.

No way, what the system said just now caused a great blow to Luo Xiu. It is true that if he knew that it was as dangerous as the system said, he didn't need to risk coming in here.

The ghost knew that if the violent energy in this valley was really detonated, what terrible things would happen. When he thought of this, Luo Xiu's whole body was erect, and the feet he wanted to lift became extremely heavy.

Even at this moment, even the bones stepped on under the feet are not as indifferent as before. Luo Xiu still feels very confused about what might happen next, but he knows that what he is going to face in this situation is definitely the most unbearable terrifying future.

Before he wasn't sure what terrible existence was in this place, Luo Xiu was determined not to move on. Luo Xiu was not curious about what terrible things awaited him.

After all, his understanding of this world is still very weak, and it is no exaggeration to say that if the guys of the Mingyu family had not shared the attention of these people of the national teacher, he might have been exposed at this moment.

If it weren’t for the existence of the delimitation compass, Peeping Mirror would have discovered his location at this moment, and therefore, let Luo Xiu know the way he needs to go next, his physical body must be able to bear the terrifying world here. Coercion.

Luo Xiu had thought about many unimaginable possibilities before, but at this moment, compared with what he had encountered before, those were nothing.

What makes people feel even more nonchalant is that Luo Xiu actually obeyed the system's words before and wanted to practice here. Now think about how stupid he was just now, but he just came in, but Luo Xiu didn't know what to do. Take action in one step.

"Is there no other way besides just waiting like this? I can't waste time here all the time. Although I don't care, but if you want that demon lord to be my backer, I think we still need to speed up Speed, after all, as long as we are sure that there is no danger here, I dare to stay here. By the way, is there any danger here? If I asked you before, you haven’t answered me yet! There is also energy here. Can’t be used by you? If we can’t, we won’t waste time here. If we can, let’s make up our own energy first. After all, I need the energy here to improve my cultivation and improve my physical strength. Only in this way can I have a chance. Only when you go out can you better solve your problems." Luo Xiu said with some worry.

At this moment, he seemed a little anxious. You must know that he had never been like this before, and was full of fear for the energy in this valley. At this moment, Luo Xiu couldn't help but sigh. The crisis is purely him. ask for it.

Due to the lack of knowledge, what he thought was a bit simpler. If he had known that things would become the way it is now, Luo Xiu would have never come in so easily before.

Although he had already confirmed the security problem here before, but the plan could not keep up with the changes. At this moment, he looked at this gloomy valley, the ubiquitous poisonous insects in the valley, all kinds of unbelievable terrorist killings, and overhead. The unforgettable blood-colored barrier all explains the horror here.

For him, looking at the strange world in front of him, he had no hope for this place, but he was sure there was no other danger, so he carefully searched for a safe open space and sat cross-legged.

Next, he needs to try and see which method is most suitable for him, including improving his cultivation and increasing physical strength. This is all the previous plans, including the refining of nearly 100 billion demons, and other methods.

At this time, it is useless. There is only one demon art that can be used at the moment. I don’t know where it is. There are too many weird worlds that make Luo Xiu uneasy. I always feel that someone is there. Peeping at him secretly.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu’s originally calm sea of ​​minds once again made waves. At this moment, he faced the scene in front of him, showing an expression of extreme horror. For him, all of this made him feel extremely Unfamiliar, even with the system by his side, Luo Xiu still felt inexplicably nervous. To know this emotion, he hasn't appeared in a long time.

"The energy here is huge, but what can be used by this system is indeed limited. Let me tell you this. Although the energy here is extremely huge, it is also extremely complicated. The energy here is provided for the normal operation of the system. It’s nothing. If you want to do something else, it’s not realistic at all. What you are thinking about now is not this, but about what you should do to get you out of the guardian of the demarcation compass. Hey, now The situation is not as optimistic as you think." When Luo Xiu was hesitant to continue, the system in his mind spoke to him at this moment.

After Luo Xiu heard these words from the system, he was obviously stunned. It was true that he himself didn't know what to do, although he was now ready to put away the guardian of the bounding compass. , But thinking of the painful experience before, Brother Luo hesitated again.

Looking up at the **** sky, Luo Xiu felt uneasy at the moment. If he hadn't felt anything before, but the longer he sat there, the more distracting thoughts he had in his heart.

Such a terrible thing also made Luo Xiu feel that something was wrong. You must know that even if his own cultivation level is not very strong, his spirit power, especially after swallowing a soul of the Devil Emperor, his spirit power is already extremely powerful. Up.

However, in this valley, there is a bounding compass to protect him, and he can't calm down and practice the exercises. This is a bit weird to think about.

At this moment, for Luo Xiu, he didn't realize it because he thought too much, and when he really realized the terrible part of it, Luo Xiu suddenly realized that he could not control at all. I got my own cranky thoughts.

Because of his previous misconceptions, he can't calm down at all. If his thoughts were still about how to survive here, then Luo Xiu at this moment is full of mixed thoughts, which makes him feel all kinds of things. To the unbelievable scene, play it back in my mind.

It was as if there was a movie playing in front of him, and these movies seemed to be in his mind. At this time, for Luo Xiu, this feeling was extremely terrifying.

He didn't know what terrible horror existed here, but from this sudden mess of mind, he could feel the horror here, even with the support of the demarcation compass, he was not as safe as previously imagined.

Although Luo Xiu didn't know for a while, what was the cause, but looking at the bones in front of him, he had a faint experience, or the moment he entered the valley, he was already attacked by the enemy. Right.

The reason why it has only happened now is that his cultivation base is extremely mismatched with the soul, and the powerful soul has given him stronger resistance. Because of this, Luo Xiu felt a bit weird at this moment. He had thought of everything too simple before.

"Host, you have to be careful! This system has just detected that there is such a terrifying energy accumulation here. It turns out that the weak energy aggregates are formed together. This system cannot use this energy. It seems that It's similar to a kind of spiritual power, so you must be careful not to be controlled by others. You must know that there are terrible things waiting for you here. You can feel your own heartfelt feelings carefully, is it affected? , If there is one, cultivate the God Devouring Art in time to completely swallow the alien energies that invade your mind, and get the pregnant lotus out to guard your mind. Only in this way can you be safe. Stay here, we have to leave here immediately. Sure enough, it makes sense why those guys don’t come here to hunt down. I didn’t expect that there would be such a weird place here, but the host must be careful. It’s best to go out. If you can’t go out, then you have to be prepared for a long-term suffering.” While Luo Xiu was trying to concentrate and get rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind, the system in his mind spoke eagerly at this moment.

At the same time, after Luo Xiu heard these words from the system, his whole person was not well. If he had known that this kind of thing would happen and killed him, he would never have come in.

The danger here is far more terrifying than what the system said. At this time, he already regretted it a little. His whole mind seemed to sink into an endless abyss. All kinds of creepy scenes echoed. The bottom of his heart.

At this moment, if he wants to work hard to calm down and concentrate, his headaches are all light, and the whole person seems to be immersed in a kind of great sadness. The environment here has too much influence on Luo Xiu.

According to previous knowledge, it is impossible to produce such a terrible illusion here. It must be someone who shot here, or a very powerful existence has died here, and this powerful existence is extremely unwilling to die. The grievances after his death deeply affected the environment here, so that the horrible scene he experienced appeared.

Facing all this happening before him, Luo Xiu was shocked at this moment. He tried to control his body, but gave up in vain. This sudden confusion of consciousness made Luo Xiu's heart shocked.

Before Luo Xiu was able to barely maintain the balance of his body to prevent him from experiencing abnormal physical conditions, but now he cannot control his physical body.

Luo Xiu hadn't experienced this kind of horrible feeling for a long time. The physical body and the spirit had lost contact, and Luo Xiu was all horrified.