Technology Communication System

Chapter 825: Retreat

All the things he experienced before, the bottom of his heart still reverberating at this moment, made Luo Xiu unclear about how he thought about it. Because of what, he would be separated from body and soul. Even the bounding compass could not hold his little boy. Life.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu gritted his teeth and tried to gather his soul power together. Fortunately, with the appearance of the pregnant lotus, the horror scene that echoed in the deepest part of his heart has become weaker, Luo Xiu Taking advantage of this time, the unhesitating whole body skills poured into the bounding compass, directly tore through the space, and fled instantly.

Regardless of where he escaped, for him at this time, he was safest only to stay away from this strange world. A sense of relief suddenly fell on him, Luo Xiu let out a long sigh of relief.

Looking at the strange city in front of him, Luo Xiu's mouth twitched. He didn't expect to take a step forward. When he appeared again, he had already arrived near a demon city, but Luo Xiu didn't get close to that city, but instead walked away. Far away.

What he didn’t know was that at the moment when he directly tore the space, the demons he had seen before were rushing towards the area where he is now. If it weren’t for Luo Xiu who didn’t stop, quickly Leaving, it is estimated that they have already met with these people at the moment.

Because of Luo Xiu's support of the delimitation compass, his body aura was perfected by him. Therefore, no aura leaked at all. Therefore, Luo Xiu's mental power could not be revealed before he had completely refined his body. in vitro.

In this world of demons everywhere, Luo Xiu must be extremely careful in every move. At this time, Luo Xiu's whole body is shaken and his muscles are tight. If his own cultivation is not limited, he would not be helpless in this situation. Up.

Luo Xiu was a little helpless at this moment. If he had known that he would experience such a terrible thing, some of his previous ideas would definitely not be implemented.

At this moment, what made him breathe a sigh of relief is that this unexpected experience also made Luo Xiu's mood inexplicably improved. Regardless of everything else, just the skyrocketing spirit power made him feel incredible.

But looking at the shining pregnant lotus, Luo Xiu suddenly realized that the reason why his spirit power would soar was because the pregnant lotus swallowed the endless fear hidden in the deepest part of his heart, and made Luo Xiu's mind. Has been a rapid improvement.

Luo Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, completely concealing his whereabouts, and hid in a valley with extremely dense trees. It was a huge valley than before. Fortunately, the valley was calm, except for some weak monsters. , It was still very safe, Luo Xiu chose a cliff, opened a cave, and arranged some formations, and began to retreat.

There is no way, in order to melt into the world as soon as possible and avoid exposing the demarcation compass, he must save all time, and while working hard to improve his cultivation, he must also increase his physical strength as quickly as possible.

In order to reduce the time of using the delimitation compass, he can only work hard to increase the strength of his physical body, so that he can use his physical body to carry the terrifying power in the demon realm.

Only if this is the case, he can move freely here without using the demarcation compass, but when he runs the Nine Revolutions Profound Art, he feels a little helpless. The effect of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art to increase physical strength is no longer good. Obviously.

"System, what should I do now? Now that I practice Nine Ranks Profound Art, I can no longer increase the strength of my physical body, do you have any way? If there is a technique in your database that can improve my physical body, hurry up Help me find it out, this time can’t be wasted.” Luo Xiu seemed a little anxious at the moment. If he doesn’t have the physical exercises, even if his physical strength can’t be improved, his cultivation level can be improved, but he wants to use his physical body to carry it hard. The pressure of heaven and earth is simply unrealistic.

"No way. Although there are many exercises in the database of this system, they are more powerful than the Nine Transformation Profound Art. There is no way. If time is not in a hurry, this system can deduce one for you. It belongs to your cultivation method. After all, any physical changes in your body are under the monitoring of this system. Is this too difficult? It just takes some time. It depends on you. !" The system is also very clear about Luo Xiu's current situation, and said something calmly to Luo Xiu.

"Well, then, just follow what you said, and help me get a body exercise. You must be careful about the system. If your exercises are wrong, I will probably become disabled or disabled. I’m not in a hurry, I’m not in a hurry, I can improve my cultivation first, as for the others, after you’ve figured it out, it’s not too late for me to practice.” Luo Xiu feared that the system would be perfunctory, and he spoke to him with some worry. At the same time, I secretly regretted that I shouldn't have said this.

"Relax, the computing power of this system is definitely the best in the world. People in your world can create cultivation techniques, and that system can definitely create cultivation techniques that are even more perfect than them. Especially with You have stored all kinds of cultivation techniques in my database for so many years, more than one trillion, so all the cultivation techniques of the world are stored in the database of this system, and there are so many materials as For reference, this system can completely tailor your own body training exercises. You don’t have to worry about any problems. It absolutely allows you to feel confident and boldly increase your physical strength quickly. To be honest, your physical strength Improved, it is also very helpful to this system. It is impossible for me to cheat you on this kind of thing, so use it boldly and safely. Wait a few days for me, and I will definitely give you a surprise." In Xiu's mood, the system in his mind is not nonsense, and he speaks a little brazenly.

"Well, this host is waiting for the surprise you give me. I will take a short break for a few days. The experience during this period of time has also made me feel deeply and gained a lot, and now I need to further develop the function of the delimitation compass. I understand, although there is nothing in a short time, but after a long time, I still need to figure out how this thing is used?" Luo Xiu was relieved when he heard the system say this. Although he was a little skeptical, he just waited. .

No way, the demarcation compass is too important to him now, especially after he entered the demon realm, he really realized how far he is from those powerful existences who have been practicing for thousands of years. Far.

At this moment, he understood why the Mingyu family had such an attitude toward him, and Luo Xiu was deeply aware of the power of the delimitation compass, if he had mastered all the functions of the delimitation compass. , At that time, the height Luo Xiu can reach is absolutely incomparable.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu stopped thinking about it. He took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, calmed down, and began to further infiltrate and refine the bounding compass.

At this moment, because he had already formed a contractual connection with the Delimitation Compass, as time went on, he knew well about some unfamiliar functions inside the Delimitation Compass.

Now he is working hard to skillfully use the delimitation compass to prepare for some of his next plans. At this moment, for Luo Xiu, he even felt that once he successfully mastered the demarcation compass, he could definitely walk sideways in this world.

For him now, although it is still extremely safe for the time being, Luo Xiu dare not be any careless. For him, it was because there was no way before. Everything he had was given by the system, and he wanted to have any combat effectiveness. Improvement requires the use of system capabilities.

However, this is not the case at this moment. With the delimitation compass, Luo Xiu has more choices and more methods belonging to the monks, so that his previously unable to calm heart, now also calms down.

However, if he wants to keep the bounding compass now, he must practice a powerful body training exercise to increase his physical strength. Only in this way can Luo Xiu be able to keep the secret of bounding compass, and only in this way can Luo Xiu be free in this world. Go on activities without revealing that you have a demarcation compass.

In this way, he must use the system in his mind to tailor his exercises. Although it was unreliable to put everything on the system, but for the time being, he had to do so.

At this moment, Luo Xiu has the existence of a bounding compass, and his options have grown a lot. The most important thing is that the demon bone he obtained in that small world before has not yet undergone any training. Hua, this thing will be his main attack weapon for walking in the Demon Realm in the future.

Therefore, refining this demon bone is also an urgent matter that needs to be resolved, but at this moment, Luo Xiu can only improve his cultivation level first. It is also at this time that Luo Xiu knew that to use this leg bone to attack, he would It is necessary to completely transform the power in one's body into devil energy first, only then, when using this devil bone, there will be no problems.

Regardless of whether you are familiar with the bounding compass and refining the demon bones, it takes time to proceed. When thinking of this, Luo Xiu at this moment no longer hesitates, trying to calm down and start to further the bounding compass. Familiarity.

The delimitation compass, as the name suggests, its most terrifying ability is that it can confine space, time, and delimitation compass. Under the attack of the delimitation compass, any monk of cultivation level will be affected by this imprisonment. Luo Xiu has tried repeatedly The ability of things is far more terrifying than he thought.

Those monsters whose cultivation is far beyond his many great realms, under the bounding force of the bounding compass, hardly have any resistance, as if they had been given a fixation technique. The horror.

And this is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that the bounding compass has the ability to speed up or slow down the flow of time. This makes Luo Xiu feel a little ecstatic. You know, no matter what Luo Xiu does, Cultivating the exercises, improving the cultivation level, refining the body, qi, or refining the devil bones all require a lot of time, and for the current Luo Xiu, what he lacks most is time.

Therefore, when Luo Xiu learned about the heaven-defying ability of the delimitation compass, Luo Xiu was a little bit unbelievable at first, and then felt a little tight in his heart. It was really his previous expectations of this thing, and it did not give this thing at this moment. The excitement he brought was so great, at this moment, Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling a little bit frightened.

As far as Luo Xiu is concerned, although these are all things that make him extremely happy, it's just that Luo Xiu's heart is faintly and a little uneasy at this moment. Is such a powerful concentration compass really something he can keep?

After all, the delimitation compass has a huge temptation. If only one person knows where this thing is, it would be fine, but the Mingyu family members know that this thing is in his hands. Thinking of this, Luo Xiu The cold light in his eyes flashed, and a decision was made in his heart.

He was too careless before. He listened and believed in the system’s views and obeyed the system’s arrangements. Because the system was very interested in the strange terrifying energy in the delimitation compass, but in the case of unable to extract it, the system It lost the careful inspection of this thing.

Now that Luo Xiu had refined the delimitation compass, he truly felt the horror of the delimitation compass. It was also at this time that Luo Xiu truly realized how dangerous his current situation is.

Fortunately, he is acting alone now. If a few more people discover his secrets and discover the existence of the realm compass, it will be absolutely catastrophic. After all, the innate treasure of the boundary compass will definitely trigger a world war. of.

Because of this, he regrets a bit at this time. Before, he shouldn't expose the delimitation compass, especially the target is still a big family. If he finds the people of Mingyu family at this time, it is estimated that when those people of Mingyu family discover the power of delimitation compass, those members of the family will disregard the delimitation compass law as their own. , Will not give him any room for resistance at all.

Therefore, at this moment, Luo Xiu is ready. When he can move around freely, he must help those demon heads and let them find members of the Mingyu family. Only in this way can he sit back and relax. Although it is not very glorious to kill with a knife, But in this case, I can't take care of this much.

When he thought of this, Luo Xiu really couldn't calm down. At this moment, he knew very well that this was a god-given opportunity. The Mingyu family was at a time of turbulent times. If he took advantage of the fire at this time, he would be able to achieve his goal. Yes, but if they are allowed to survive this crisis, the days after him will not be so easy, and they will definitely be in a dilemma of being chased and killed all the time.

Especially the most important thing is that the existence of the delimitation compass cannot be known to anyone from any forces. This thing is related to his future. What makes Luo Xiu a little frightened is that more than one person knew about the delimitation compass. exist.