Technology Communication System

Chapter 833: Weird feeling

"System, why do I feel bad? It seems that these people will release a terrifying thing. If it is really what I guessed before, what is locked by the chain of heavens at this moment is a Only the ancient demon. Will they really release this demon, will it cause chaos in the world?" Luo Xiu asked with some worry.

No way, the feeling of fear in his heart became stronger and stronger with the passage of time. This was something Luo Xiu had never seen before. No matter how dangerous it was before, it would be affected by a terrible disaster, and his life would be affected again. No matter how serious the threat is, Luo Xiu is not as strong as it is at this moment. Deep down in his heart, he now feels the creeps even more. The horrible intuition tells him that there will be great horror next. When thinking of the words he heard before, Luo Xiu really kind of goes out to stop them at this moment. Impulse.

No way, Luo Xiu was very sure in his heart, and his instinct told him that if these people from the Mingyu family really cracked this formation, they would most likely release a terrifying ancient heavenly demon.

And once something like that happens, what the consequences will be, Luo Xiu can't imagine. For him, the scene happening right now is so tricky. If these guys really let the devil out, then This world will definitely be in chaos, not to mention, now the entire battlefield of gods and demons is erupting in an unprecedented huge melee.

The large-scale battle of such a huge army of monks would definitely kill and wound many people. Luo Xiu didn’t know nothing about this kind of ancient demon. He knew very well that if the horror of these ancient demon could be enriched Nourished by blood, they soon showed terrifying destructive power.

At that time, Luo Xiu couldn't imagine what changes would happen in this world. Even if this ancient demon was banned for so many years, his cultivation would definitely be affected, and his combat effectiveness would certainly not be as terrifying as before. Recovery can replenish the consumed power in time, and the terrifying consequences that can be produced are definitely situations that he does not want to see at all.

You know, now in the battlefield of gods and demons, there are so many people from the two races of gods and demons fighting, even if these people die, they can be imprisoned by the special forces of the battlefield of gods and demons, but at the moment when the ancient gods and demons wake up, the ghosts know that What happens? At that time, this guy will definitely go straight to the battlefield of the gods and demons. Once the battle between the two sides is completely heated due to the intervention of the ancient gods, the more cultivators die, the more strength the ancient gods can recover. Strong, by that time, it is estimated that no one or any force in this world can suppress this ancient demon.

After all, I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years have passed since the ancient times. With such a long time interval, even if the cultivation civilization of the monks has made great progress, some powerful ancient artifacts of the ancient times have disappeared in history. In the long river, it has become impossible to have enough power to suppress this ancient heavenly devil, and because of this, some of Luo Xiu's whole body is trembling nervously at this moment.

Even if the ancient heavenly demon at this moment is on the verge of death, and Luo Xiu has some other speculations about the relationship between the heaven swallowing devil emperor and this ancient heavenly devil, he also feels exceptionally curious, and he does not want to be caught by the Mingyu family under such circumstances. These people control his life and death.

"Well, this system does not have very good suggestions, but this system wants to remind you that you still can't do without the demarcation compass. If your presence exposes the existence of the demarcation compass, these people in the Mingyu family , I will definitely do it to you, there is no doubt about it, because now they have red eyes, for the future of the family, their current acting style is almost without thinking, regardless of the consequences! The world is looking for everything that can help the family Revival things. From the fact that they will venture into this secret realm, you can see that these people are already prepared. So if you don’t want to be remembered by these people, you have to act carefully, otherwise, what really happened? With your current cultivation base, there is nothing to do with them. Except for those of the Mingyu family, you are the only one left. Think about it, if they notice your existence, especially if you have successfully refined. In the case of delimiting the compass, they will easily let you go, then there are ghosts!" The system seems to understand Luo Xiu's current thoughts, but he speaks to Luo Xiu with a little serious mouth. And these systemic remarks also made Luo Xiu completely put out the unrealistic idea of ​​going out to block them.

Although he has confidence in the character of the Mingyu family and believes in their style of doing things, it is impossible for Luo Xiu to risk his life. The ghost knows if these guys will take action against him, and look at them. In a short period of time, he shouldn't be ready to break the chain of heavens here.

"Compared with this, I always feel that these people, letting the ancient gods out is the biggest disaster, because I now faintly speculate that if the devil emperor of the year was an ancient god, we All speculations will be completely established. Even the Sky-Swallowing Devil Art I used was born out of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Dafa. If this is the case, do you think they released this ancient Heavenly Demon? Detonate this world completely? With the terrifying and destructive power of this ancient heavenly devil, it will definitely bring huge disasters to our world." Looking at the formations arranged by those people around, Luo Xiu at this moment thinks more and more. It feels a bit tricky.

Especially at this moment, he unexpectedly felt like a glow on his back. The warning signs in his heart were already very intense. At this moment, the uncomfortable feeling in his heart became more and more intense.

This also made Luo Xiu seem a little unimaginable. It was the crisis he was facing at this moment, which caused Luo Xiu to fall into a deep silence. Not to mention the emergency, he might even lose control directly.

For the current Luo Xiu, if this kind of situation in his own guess really happens, then he will definitely be in trouble. For his own reasons, he does not want to cause trouble for the world because of his inaction. At that time, under the cover of the nest, are there any eggs?

"You should wait and see what they are going to do later, what will happen, if it is not too serious, forget it. If it is really too serious, even if you speak, for their benefit, they will not listen to you , After all, your cultivation base is here, and the madness of these people can’t listen to your comfort at all, so instead of worrying about this, it’s better to think about how to protect you from a possible terrorist crisis. Life is the most important thing. The worst plan is that you directly tear the space and leave. It’s just that you promised this system before and you have to enter this core area. If you don’t go, the system promised you before, but I will regret it. Although I deceived you before, if there is no divine power replicated by this system to provide you with the energy needed for body refining, your cultivation level, and you want to improve, it is simply a fantasy, unless You can completely change the magic way, avoiding the world's rejection of you, otherwise, you can only become a magic way monk. And for the host, it must be impossible to do so based on your personality. Right." The system said everything directly, completely ignoring Luo Xiu's helplessness.

It's really that Luo Xiu's thoughts at this moment are a bit naive. After all, compared with other things, the most important thing is to save your own life. Since these people are looking for death, then let them go and die.

"No, it's better to take a gamble instead. If the character of these guys is guaranteed, then we don't have to take such unnecessary risks. If the ancient celestial demon under this seal is really born, it will happen here. We don’t know what kind of terrifying consequences. After all, the uncertainty of this thing is too great. Instead of being frightened, just go out and stop them. It’s a big deal. Although I am a timid person, I can’t sit back and watch. Life is overwhelmed.” Thinking of the terrible consequences, Luo Xiu really couldn't sit still at this moment. He couldn't wait to go out and stop these people from the Mingyu family who were setting up the formation at this moment.

"Boy, are you stupid? Even if you want to go out and stop them, you can't just go out like this. You first find a place to show up, and then enter here. Don't meet them directly. How can you buffer them so that things don’t have to Thinking so abruptly, otherwise, they will have doubts about your motives. For the time being, you should not expose all of you, delimit the compass, if you can take it into your body, you can directly take it into your body and bulge your whole body. Skills can suppress the breath of the delimitation compass, so that it can also exert the most powerful effect. This should still have some protective effects, but you have to be careful, and you must remember the natural arrangement." The system looked at Luo Xiu seriously, and spoke very seriously.

And after hearing these words from the system, Luo Xiu felt confident that he would follow the instructions of the system to complete his plan, but before he could act, he suddenly froze, because He realized that, in his opinion, the formation that would take a long time to be successfully deployed had actually been successfully inspired.

At the moment when the formation was successful, Luo Xiu gave up his plan in vain, because while he felt the ground under his feet trembling slightly, he clearly felt that the world was originally flooded. Those yin evil spirits, blood qi and devil qi, all disappeared at this moment.

Some special energies disappeared, but Luo Xiu at this moment hadn't taken care of many of them before, because the members of the Mingyu family had formed a joint attack formation.

Under the joint efforts of everyone, the terrorist attack power of Mingguang Thirteen Swords once again made Luo Xiu dumbfounded. This kind of terrifying magical attack that can be triggered by a combination of multiple people has opened Luo Xiu's vision. It is really terrifying.

If it weren't for Luo Xiu's knowledge of Mingyu Family's Mingguang Thirteen Swords, it would have been extremely terrifying. At this moment, seeing this kind of terror attack that penetrated the formation on the building complex with one blow, Luo Xiu couldn't even imagine what a terrifying attack this would be.

Before he could take any action, at the moment when Mingguang’s Thirteen Swords’ attack had just broken the formation, the chain of heavens seemed to have triggered some special restrictions, the milky white light that was originally scattered on the top of a building complex. Tuan suddenly condensed into an extremely huge lock, and then under Luo Xiu's dumbfounded gaze, the lock turned into thousands of sharp flying swords, and then went straight to the position where Mingguang Thirteen Swords attacked. , Seems to have triggered an automatic counterattack due to their attack.

Luo Xiu couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw this scene. No way. Originally, in his opinion, since Ming Yuxuan said so easily, the combination of Mingyu family and other people would definitely be able to easily break the chain of heavens. However, Luo Xiu did not expect that in the chain of heavens After being attacked, there will be such a terrible counterattack.

This opened up Luo Xiu's vision and secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, he didn't rashly destroy this formation just now. If the scene before him really happened, he would not be able to withstand such a terrifying attack.

Luo Xiu saw that it was coming with endless terrorist attacks. The people of the Mingyu clan held up the defensive shields of supernatural powers one after another, and the Mingyu soul even directly took out a disc. At this moment, Luo Xiu looked up and saw that this disc was the one he had given back to the Demon Emperor The monument of flesh and blood.

Seeing that this monument of flesh and blood has become dilapidated under the countless attacking formations, Luo Xiu has truly seen the horror here, and at this moment, for Luo Xiu, it is already doomed. He is not. Maybe go out to stop these people again, since they are not so easy to crack the formation, they don't need to be so nervous.

As the chain formation of the heavens was attacked, a powerful counterattack was generated, which directly led to the stalemate of the famous Mingyu family, and the counterattack of the formation was even more terrifying than Luo Xiu had imagined. Luo Xiu's scalp numb for so long.

For such a long time, with such a terrifying energy attack, if the system does not help him, he would not dare to carry such an attack. Even so, everyone in the Mingyu family at this moment is all in a panic. It is true that they also miscalculated the power of this formation.

The series of powerful counterattacks from the chain of heavens caused the formation of this formation to produce ripples. The original solid lock also shattered again under this attack, and then transformed into formation again, guarding it again. For the palace group, Luo Xiu noticed that although the formation seems to have weakened a lot due to the powerful counterattack just now, Luo Xiu believes that once the formation is attacked again, he will definitely attack those who broke the formation again. Fight back again.