Technology Communication System

Chapter 834: Dirty affairs of the big family

Not only did Luo Xiu notice this scene, but even the people from the Mingyu family in front of him also noticed this situation. Therefore, everyone in the Mingyu family at this moment has become a lot more cautious.

The original ease on his face also disappeared. At this moment, the Ming Yu family was in a panic after suffering the energy attack that lasted for almost half a day, and even Yu Ming Yuhun and Ming Yulong were injured again.

"Patriarch, I guessed it was wrong before, and I don’t know why it became like this. Now let’s not act rashly. This chain of heavens has obviously been modified by a master, and the power of the formation is far more than what I learned before. , And even soared by 80%. If I’m not wrong, if we continue to attack the formation, we will endure a heavier counter-shock force than this time. Under the current situation, he can only be quiet. Quietly use the smallest attack energy to erase the counterattack of this formation. Only by wiping it out a little bit can there be a way. The previous attack that directly uses the combined attack formation can not break the formation, but It will provide energy for the operation of the formation." Ming Yuxuan said with a helpless smile as he looked at the stumbling family elders.

Because the Ming Yuhun at the moment looked at Ming Yuxuan, Ming Yuxuan hurriedly explained when he saw his Patriarch look at him, because he had already proved his guess during the temptation just now.

Then he played with both hands. Although the attack intensity was not strong, he could clearly feel that the energy of his own attack into the formation was directly absorbed by this formation. Such a terrifying formation also made him scared after a while, fortunately They shot together just now, if he only shot, he must have been directly shattered by the reaction force of the formation.

"Well, let's recover first. It's really not that simple here. We have no retreat now. For the future of the family, we can only take risks!" Ming Yuhun looked at the strange formation in front of him and said very seriously. .

At this moment, everyone was a little scared when they heard the words of the Patriarch, and immediately everyone found a place to sit cross-legged, quietly recovering their injuries.

At the same time, Luo Xiu noticed that these guys, even if their cultivation was so badly damaged, no one took out the medicine and swallowed them. Except that Luo Xiu knew that the environment here was extremely safe, Luo Xiu couldn't think of other possibilities. , These guys don't use the healing medicine, there is something wrong in the middle. Although Luo Xiu seemed to have grasped some key points, it was just that the inspiration that appeared suddenly disappeared very quickly, which made him unexpected.

At this moment, Luo Xiu seriously thought about the idea that had come to light just now, but he had a bit of helpless smile, that kind of idea just passed away in a flash, he didn't catch any inspiration.

Luo Xiu couldn't understand why this was the case, but soon he stopped worrying about it. Looking at the Mingyu family in the field carefully, he always felt that there was something wrong with the style of painting, and there was something wrong with it. He also faintly made a bold guess, but he was still not sure about his own thoughts. If it was really like what he thought, then this time it was really big.

It’s just that Luo Xiu didn’t have time to think about it. The situation in front of him changed again. Even in an instant, the situation in the field changed drastically. I saw that the formation used to seal the aura that was originally arranged by everyone on the periphery. As if being manipulated, it turned into a terrifying killing array.

Suddenly, this simple array of spiritual energy isolation, but in the blink of an eye, turned into a powerful attacking array, and then under Luo Xiu's stunned gaze, this spatial array seemed to be stunned. Aroused all the powers, directly attacked the Mingyu family members in the field.

Even in this area where Luo Xiu is located, the powerful force of the formation has also affected Luo Xiu’s concealment. If it is not for the delimitation compass, the energy defense cover will be strengthened in time, and the attack power from these attacks will be moved to an unknown dimension. In the universe, Luo Xiu at this moment has also been exposed to everyone in the Mingyu family.

Even so, Luo Xiu felt particularly shocked by this sudden and dramatic change. You must know that this formation was only used to isolate the power of heaven and earth. You must know that this formation was arranged by the Mingyu family. of.

However, at this moment, Luo Xiu could not help but feel a little speechless. How long has passed since then, when such a big change has occurred, Luo Xiu can hardly imagine which part of them went wrong, otherwise, why did they arrange it by themselves? The formation will take the initiative to attack them.

Suddenly, the world was flooded with powerful attacks like formations, and Luo Xiu's scalp exploded when he saw it. It was really terrifying. If it weren't for the delimitation compass, he would have taken the attack from the formation in time. At this moment, Luo Xiu had been defeated by this sudden change.

Seeing this scene, the spiritual light in Luo Xiu's heart became more and more clear, and he finally realized it at this moment. Why did he always feel that the words of the Mingyu family just now were a bit weird.

It wasn't until this moment that he truly recognized that Ming Yuxuan in God's Domain could not be so clear and so familiar with things in this world. Although Luo Xiu was confident that he was sure, he was even sure that he was in his database. There is no understanding of this place at all. Why would he think so objectively that a terrifying existence is buried here?

It was only at this moment that he truly realized that he was misguided and judged. This is what he thought, but was guided by others, combined with his understanding of all these and all these facts. The basis is based on what Ming Yuxuan said.

If what he said was false, all of this would no longer be what he had previously speculated. When thinking of this possibility, Luo Xiu at this moment really felt his scalp numb. If things are really like what he guessed, then the incident this time was a scam from beginning to end. It is estimated to be to lure these people from the Mingyu family into the game. The purpose of doing so is self-evident. Killing in this secret realm, thinking of the entanglements between the national teacher and the demon emperor’s guardian, Luo Xiu has a faint guess at this moment, but he is not 100% sure about his own guess, and if Luo Xiu’s If the guess is true, these people in the Mingyu family will definitely not be able to eat.

"Host, be careful, don't expose your existence. Something will happen next. The system felt that we were ignoring something before, but until this formation automatically counterattacked, I didn't know what was wrong. The formations I set up are attacking them at this moment. I always feel weird. After all, with the caution and strength of Ming Jade Soul, it is impossible for them to be targeted so easily. There must be something we don’t know about the Jade Family, or some of them want to kill all of them.” While Luo Xiu lamented that the world is unpredictable, the system in his mind is responding to him at this moment. Speaking very seriously.

And Luo Xiu felt extremely shocked by what the system said. If it was really like what the system said, it would be really difficult to decide this time. He was quite sure that since the system had said so, the system must be 100% sure of his speculation.

Seeing those people in the Mingyu family caught off guard, they were directly penetrated by this formation, and even individual people were directly bombarded into hornet's nests. This scene almost made Luo Xiu numb with his scalp.

You know, these people in the Mingyu family are not weak people, and that can burst out such a terrifying attack power in a blink of an eye, it can be seen that this sudden formation is absolutely abnormal.

This powerful method made Luo Xiu a little numb. At this moment, he really realized why the Boundary Compass suddenly extracted most of his body's cultivation level just now, and the energy provided by the system protected his entire body. The original situation was better than he thought. Also scary.

At this moment, only Ming Yulong and Ming Yuhun are left in the field, as well as two other people, plus Ming Yuxuan, a total of five people are still maintaining the body protection supernatural powers to resist the attack of the formation. Way, the attack on that formation is still continuing.

At the same time, the originally silent chain of heavens behind them was also inspired by the power of the formation at this moment, and once again broke out a terrifying attack. These people of the Mingyu family are like two things at this moment. The ants in the gap in the middle of the gate suffered concentrated fire attacks from the front, back and left.

At this moment, Luo Xiu was not affected by the support of the delimitation compass, and the other Mingyu family members were not in a wonderful situation at this moment.

Except for Ming Yuhun and Ming Yulong, who were close to each other, they promptly supported their defensive abilities. Coupled with the block of the Flesh Monument, the two of them were not affected too much, but the original suppressed injuries recurred.

The two of them spewed blood almost at the same time. The strength in the body was too much. In addition, they were seriously injured before, and they were suddenly attacked. The two of them could not suppress their injuries again. Now they have begun to vomit blood, even more than two. It is very difficult for individuals to maintain the monument of flesh and blood at this moment, let alone crack the formation.

This horrible situation made Luo Xiu feel completely depressed. It was a sudden change, which gave him a great shock and made Luo Xiu truly feel the crisis of his current situation.

At this moment, he was a bit grateful. Fortunately, the system had blocked him before. If he had jumped out before, he would have exposed the existence of the delimitation compass. By that time, he did not dare to imagine what would happen.

At this time, combined with what the system said to him earlier, Luo Xiu can easily guess that the cause of all this must be inseparable from the Ming Yuxuan. Therefore, he did not jump out in a hurry, instead, Quietly watching the situation in the field, waiting for the further development of things.

"Three elders, four elders! You promised me that you won't want my life, you can't say nothing!" When Luo Xiu secretly guessed which of the five people was a traitor, suddenly In the meantime, Ming Yuxuan shouted loudly at this moment.

When he said this, his body quickly retreated, his hands were sealed, and then a chain made up of blood runes suddenly appeared from his body, and while covering him, the end of the blood chain was completely ignored. The defense of Ming Yuhun was directly inserted into his heart.

As the blood-colored chains swelled, Ming Jade Soul’s originally unsupportable defensive shield disappeared in an instant, and he himself was completely stagnated after the blood-colored chains sneak attack. Ming Yuhun's body trembled and fell completely to the ground.

Seeing this situation, Luo Xiu couldn't help taking a breath. He was no stranger to the rune on the blood-colored chain. The legendary blood sacrifice rune, how could such a terrifying thing appear on Ming Yuxuan's body, and in this way, Ming Yuxuan was only the executor.

There were other people who used this sacrificial rune to this Ming Jade Soul, but Luo Xiu was completely shocked when he heard Ming Yuxuan's loud shout. It turned out that all this was the result of a combination of inside and outside.

"Ming Yuxuan, why! Why do you want to do this? There are also youngest three and four. Now that they are here, come out. Why hide in hiding? This time the old man was careless. I didn't expect you to do it so absolutely. You Xuan'er, when did you start contacting them? Don’t you know that without our blood, the entire Ming Jade family would no longer be the Ming Jade family?” At this moment, the Ming Jade Soul is weak. Weak, suppressed by the blood-colored chain rune, the chain is constantly drawing power from him.

Even if Luo Xiu could see it at this moment, this guy had no power to resist. It was impossible for him to fight back at this time, but Luo Xiu suddenly saw that two figures appeared in front of him.

It's just that these two men are hazy, and their bodies are covered in white light. They can't see their faces, but they can also be seen from their appearances. The two men are here for the Ming Jade Soul. It's just Luo Xiu. I don't understand why the two would cover up their appearance.

Luo Xiu did not expect that he would even see a dog-blood TV show at eight o'clock, but he was also curious as to why the Mingyu family, which was so well united, would become like this now. This is Luo Xiu's best The most puzzled part is that he doesn't think that these people in the Mingyu family will kill each other like this for a family that is about to decline. Unless it is Mingyu Family who has completely eliminated the danger of extermination.

"Patriarch, it’s been a long time since I saw you. I didn’t expect this time to be so easy to complete our planned plan. Don’t worry, as long as your main veins are completely destroyed, we can get rid of the ancient blood curse, without blood. With the curse, our family will only become more and more prosperous. In the near future, the entire Mingyu family will stand on top of the world again.” Although the person who spoke could not see his appearance, his sharp voice made Luo Xiu Du was slightly uncomfortable, like a drake voice, and he said it in a calm tone. These words made Luo Xiu feel frown, but at the same time he was slightly surprised at what he said.