Technology Communication System

Chapter 864: Reactions from all sides

At the same time, when the three of Luo Xiu had just disappeared, the cloudless night sky above the Demon Imperial City suddenly began to crack inch by inch, and strong battle fluctuations spread from the cracks in the sky from time to time. The entire Demon Imperial City was awakened by this powerful aura at this moment.

Then those defenders who were killed were also discovered by these people in the Demon Imperial City. For a time, the entire Demon Imperial City was full of rumors. The city defense army strengthened the defense, and the master of the formation was called to restore it and was destroyed by the three of Luo Xiu. The formation.

It's just that these generals in charge of defense, after hearing the feedback from the Master Formation Masters, were really angry and yelled at them, and even many people broke out on the spot. There is no way, the problem of the source of the Devil Emperor is still shocking. Secondly, the key is the fierce style of Luo Xiu and their three guys. The three of them destroyed the formation. It really made these formation masters helpless and impossible to repair. This level of damage is the materials needed for formation repair. And time, it might as well be as simple as rearranging a defensive array.

However, at this moment, they looked up at the sky that might break at that moment, and everyone's mouth twitched. Due to the abnormal situation in the entire sky at this moment, everyone did not act rashly.

They are a little at a loss at this moment, and even many people have begun to quietly evacuate the Demon Imperial City. After all, dangers are everywhere and may come to the world at any time, especially the horrible cracks here at this moment. People are panicked.

Especially for the demons in the Demon Imperial City at this time, the two major groups of the national teacher and the law protector have already completely torn their faces, and both sides have begun to prepare for battle. At this moment, this happened again above the Demon Imperial City. This kind of terrifying master duel, the formation of the Demon Imperial City was directly broken by the master, it is simply a tragedy, all these signs make people nervous, and they can make these demons automatically make up a big show. .

As the source of the Demon Emperor Shocking, he has not come forward for this period of time, making the entire Demon Imperial City and all the demon within a 36.8 billion kilometers radius think that his own Demon Emperor is already dead. The reason why they have not yet produced a new Demon King is because the national teacher and the law protector have not yet decided the victory or defeat.

Therefore, when people like them see the two masters fighting against each other above their heads, even though the ugly and ugly ancient heavenly demons are unknown to everyone, the aura that belongs to the high-ranked demons exuding from him makes Everyone in the city was a little frightened.

There is no way. Seeing that the world here is going to be broken by two masters, especially many of them understand that the person who is fighting against the upper demon race is the Demon Emperor Yuan Shaotian, and it makes many people’s faces appear. Different changes, no way, this Demon Emperor Yuan Zhentian brought them absolutely not a good memory.

Therefore, when they felt the shocking aura of the Demon Emperor Yuan’s cultivation base, everyone as long as they understood what it meant, there were changes in all aspects, but more people quietly took out the jade slips and began to contact. When his boss tried to make a detailed record of what happened here when the formation failed.

The riots in the Demon Emperor City have not ceased, especially the people of the major families, know what the appearance of the Demon Emperor Yuan Shocking means, you must know that the Demon Emperor Yuan Jingtian has not shown up for tens of millions of years. Both the national teacher and the law protector are fighting to the death.

Now that the Demon Emperor’s Source is shocking, those who know some secret things all know one thing, that is, the entire Demon Emperor City will face a powerful cleansing in the future, and it will come from the most powerful force. Clean.

Under this circumstance, everyone knows that as long as they have a relationship with the two big groups, they will take their families and children to flee outside the Demon Imperial City, let alone the current Demon Imperial City, which is uncontrolled and unregulated. At this stage, everyone knows that this is their only chance to escape here.

After all, everyone knows that the demon emperor’s shocking style of work is definitely the most brutal demon emperor in history. Back then, in order to secure the position of the demon emperor and to completely consolidate his dominance, the demon emperor Huang Yuan Jingtian, this guy directly washed three thousand cities with careless blood.

At the same time, in order to be able to fundamentally solve the problem of his instability, he united with the other two demon emperors and directly launched a battle with each other for more than 30 million years, and even increased the fight against the gods and demons. The devotion of the battlefield has caused countless deaths and injuries to the two clans of Gods and Demons.

At this moment, when these people find that the Demon Emperor Yuan is back again, everyone, as long as there is a ghost in their heart, everyone knows one thing, that is, they can't act like a wall grass like they did before. The same, especially from the battle between this Demon Emperor Yuan Jingtian and the upper Demon Race, this Demon Emperor Yuan Jingtian disappeared after more than 30 million years, and now the cultivation base is only strong, not weak, and even worse. Terrible.

It can be seen that at this moment the Demon Emperor's Source has not yet arrived, and it has brought them too much impact, so that everyone knows that if you don't escape at this time, you will really face the time of being bloodbathed.

Therefore, for a while, almost all the big families in the Demon Imperial City, as long as they have ghosts in their hearts, all started the preparations before fleeing. Some people even took advantage of this time to start other small actions. Everyone knew that the shocking return of Demon Sovereign Origin was a foregone conclusion.

Therefore, at this time, no one dared to make trouble in the Demon Imperial City without opening their eyes. Everyone was watching quietly, the battle in the sky. At this moment, none of these demons noticed that the two masters of the national teacher and the protector they had fancyed before have now temporarily put aside the struggle and began to unite to deal with the sudden return of the Demon Sovereign Source.

At the same time, the three of Luo Xiu had already far away from the Demon Imperial City. They didn’t know that the escape of the three of them would not only completely paralyze the defense of the entire Demon Imperial City, but also make the source of the Demon Emperor Shocking. Everyone knows what happened in this world ahead of time.

In this case, in the sky within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers of the entire Demon Imperial City, new spatial cracks are constantly being produced. These spatial cracks are of different sizes, but all the demon people know that there are powerful existences. Breaking the space barrier is probably the beginning of the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

The whole world was terrified for it. Everyone knew that moments of danger might come, but to no avail, when Luo Xiu and Ming Yuhun broke the formation, they were straightforward and took the foundation of the formation. Uprooted.

At the beginning, the most fundamental reason for this was to be able to contain the masters of Demon Imperial City as much as possible, so that they dare not easily send masters to track their whereabouts.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that their approach would have other effects, especially when the two big internal fighting groups thoroughly recognized the reality and the shocking return of the Demon Sovereign Origin would mean anything. All in all, Luo Xiu and the others had more favorable conditions for their escape.

At this moment, Demon Emperor Yuan Jingtian is a bit depressed, especially since he himself knows that his current state of heyday will not last long, because only he himself understands that the injury on his body is not completely good. Although Luo Xiu had helped him remove the curse problem in his body, he had to admit that while Luo Xiu removed the curse in his body, it also weakened his combat effectiveness to some extent.

It wasn't because his own combat power was very dependent on the ancient curse, but because Luo Xiu pulled away from the curse while also pulling away most of the power in Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor Yuan Jingtian.

Although this part of the power was affected by the ancient curse, he could not be mobilized at all, and could not be used for combat in a short time, but at this moment he has almost no better means. For him, if it is not in his heart Keeping that bottom line, coupled with his tyrannical body, especially the instinct left in front of the ancient heavenly demon, who had no consciousness in front of him, at the same time, it made him not as embarrassed as he had shown before. At this moment, the source of the Demon Emperor is shocking I really want to kill Luo Xiu.

At the same time, at this moment, the national teacher who had gone away from home and the guardian who was searching for the Mingyu family all over the world also received letters from their men, especially when they knew that the two masters were outside. After fighting in space and even the aftermath of a powerful battle, they have already begun to tear apart the barriers of this world, affecting their lives in this world. The two of them did not care about continuing to find masters for their own use, but hurriedly. With his subordinates, he rushed to the Demon Imperial City.

No way, the entire Demon Imperial City has too many reasons not to give up. Everyone knows that if they want to control everything within the 36.8 billion kilometers, they must use the Demon Imperial City’s Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms Jingshen Array. , And the ancient artifact that maintains the operation of the formation.

Only when the two were added together, could the entire Three-Eyed Demon Race area be monitored all the time, and because of the existence of this large formation, the other two Demon Sovereigns did not dare to have any unfavorable thoughts on them easily.

Even Luo Xiu didn't know that the Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor's source was shocking, and he should have died countless years ago. The reason why he is still alive well is because of this ancient artifact, its owner is the Emperor Swallowing Devil Yuan Jingtian. Neither the national teacher nor the guardian can get the control of this ancient artifact even when Yuan Jingtian is killed. right.

And because of the personal reasons that the Demon Emperor Yuan is shaking the sky, and because he often went out in the early years, he had to hand over the control of the ancient artifacts, but the owner of this ancient heaven magic weapon is still the Demon Emperor Yuan Shaking the sky. This is why he will be shaken by these demons. The main reason why people have been under house arrest for so many years.

Not to mention the chaotic, chaotic, and noisy Demon Imperial City now, the two Ming Yuhun and Ming Yulong at this moment are looking at Luo Xiu in shock, especially the spaceship under their feet.

Because they simply couldn’t imagine how the spacecraft under their feet could fly at such a terrifying speed. You must know that even with their cultivation base, if you don’t use the method of traveling through the void, just the speed of flight is fundamental. Paima couldn't keep up, the speed of the spaceship under their feet at the moment.

You know, here is the Demon World, with eleven large planes, and the power of space dominates the Three Realms. Especially the air viscosity here is definitely the best in the world. With the speed of the two of them, it is impossible. Faster than this thing under their feet, although this kind of spacecraft is a high-speed moving house, they can't feel any discomfort.

The two of them are not unseen people. Both of them have flying magic weapons on their bodies. For them, the speed of the flying magic weapons under their feet is absolutely terrifying, and the most important thing is that they are in front of them. This kind of weird big screen that can map the surrounding environment, looking at the clear and incomparable picture, the red, yellow, blue and white dots in the picture and the various strange electronic sounds during the flight, all explain Luo Xiu’s mysterious.

At this moment, for the two of them, Luo Xiu showed more and more things, which made the two of them already have some thorny problems. At this moment, in the process of communicating with Luo Xiu, they are becoming more cautious. less.

After all, the two of them know very well that the current Luo Xiu is becoming more and more mysterious, even a somewhat incomprehensible existence, especially when the two of them noticed that they couldn’t afford any disadvantage to the kid in front of him. As they thought, they became more and more sure that if they wanted to solve their problems, they really had to fall on Luo Xiu.

The three of them sprinted all the way. Luo Xiu turned on the invisibility function of the Orchid this time. Under the guidance of the two, he went to the battlefield of gods and monsters at the fastest speed all the way, first to avoid being chased and killed. The most important thing is that Luo Xiu is worried that the Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor Yuan Jingtian will come after him. After all, Luo Xiu knows that this old guy is obsessed with the ancient divine instrument delimitation compass in his body.

"How about, two seniors? This gadget of mine is not bad! You said, if I mass-produce this thing, can I sell it in God's Domain?" Looking at the dumbfounded Ming Yuhun and Ming Yulong, Luo Xiu asked triumphantly.

At this moment, in the face of these two guys, Ming Yuhun and Ming Yulong's stubborn performance, watching them look so unbearable now makes him feel inexplicably excited, and his IQ superiority is even stronger.

Luo Xiu is a little proud. Although he knows that his current situation is very dangerous, Luo Xiu is confident that there can be no contradiction between himself and the two people in front of him. Therefore, he is somewhat unscrupulous. The most important thing is that he I want to ask my two subordinates, if he gets things out of the Science and Technology Alliance, will it arouse the coveting of these people.