Technology Communication System

Chapter 895: dilemma

At this moment, Luo Xiu came back to his senses, raised his eyes somewhat suspiciously, and then turned his head hard, his eyes sluggish for an instant. He saw the ancient heavenly demon that suddenly appeared, he took a breath of air, and hurriedly activated the bounding compass, quietly hiding his body. To know this ancient heavenly demon, he has met for the third time. Luo Xiu knows how terrifying this thing is, better than anyone.

At this moment, after seeing this thing again, Luo Xiu was a little confused, but randomly he was a little awakened, no wonder he always felt that the Devil Emperor and those impatient guys would let go so easily. Passed both of them.

It turned out that the foundation of everything was here. It turned out that they wanted to use this ancient heavenly demon to destroy the two of them. When I thought of this, Luo Xiu felt jealous of the Emperor of the Swallowing Sky for the first time. At this moment, Luo Xiu was a bit eye-opening. You know, his previous use of the Swallowing Devil Art was extremely crude, and it was until this moment. Only then did he truly realize how great the potential of this magical power that swallowed the earth that he had mastered had to be tapped.

Thinking of that possibility, for the current Luo Xiu, at this moment Luo Xiu almost wants to swear, that the Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor Origin Shocking and the guys in God's Domain should have planned long ago, and his appearance should be an accident. Therefore, No one would regard him as a variable.

And this, for Luo Xiu, there is no doubt that it will be a huge opportunity. At this moment, he looked at the Blu-ray Vice-Hall Master and the Ancient Celestial Demon who were fighting the silkworms together, and the corner of Luo Xiu's mouth was hanging. An inscrutable smile.

For him, as long as the delimitation compass can help him cover his whole body Qi, the ancient demon would not be able to detect him. Therefore, Luo Xiu only waited for his body to recover at this time. In all, neither of them has any threat.

After that, Luo Xiu didn't move away from the area where he fell before. He sat beside him honestly, watching the two fiercely fighting there. For Luo Xiu now, he saw two super powers. Fighting with the most primitive hand-to-hand combat is really a very wonderful experience.

"Hey, I didn’t expect that this ancient heavenly demon was still alive and was not killed by the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Emperor Yuan Jingtian. It’s really surprising. Who could have imagined that this guy would have done this before. I have discovered this peculiar world, I have tried it, and I can’t tear the space here at all. Even with the help of the delimitation compass, I can’t open the space channel. Could this be the old guy’s own little boy who is the source of the Demon Emperor Yuan Jingtian? The world?" Luo Xiu couldn't help asking the system aloud in his mind at this moment.

After all, he was extremely curious at the moment, especially after he tried to no avail, he was a little surprised to find that it is really not a simple thing to want to leave this small broken world. Especially when thinking of his previous physical condition, Luo Xiu at this moment knew in his heart that he was really being counted this time.

"It should be the situation you mentioned. It's just the real situation. It should be more complicated than we thought. This world seems to be just a world that has just begun to be bred, but for some special reason, the world that was being bred originally, Completely stagnated, it is very likely that this is a super large thousand plane, when it was just conceived, it was interrupted by human interference, and this world only left a strong and terrifying space barrier. The system has been explored. It is impossible to break the space barriers here with your current cultivation base. Even the innate treasure in your body will be naturally suppressed here. As for why it happened In this case, this system is also unknown. The only thing that can be determined is that you want to leave here. As you said, it will be very difficult. It is no exaggeration to say that even if these two guys blew up and died together. If you want to break the space barriers here, you will only become a lonely person. If you want to break down the space barriers here, you will have to upgrade your cultivation base to two or three grades, just like the Blu-ray Vice-Hallmaster. The power of the delimiting compass can barely tear the space barriers here." The system in my mind was extremely solemn, completely devoid of the previous schadenfreude, and explained to Luo Xiu very seriously.

Although it feels a little weird, after thinking about it, Luo Xiu smiled helplessly. He knew very well that although the system's remarks were a bit ugly, he did not have any rebuttal words, because with his own accumulation, he wanted to break through and become For a powerful person at the level of Vice-Hall Master Blu-ray, it is really difficult to reach the sky, and even for him, it is impossible to do in a short time. At this moment, Luo Xiu is a little desperate. .

However, for the time being, he didn’t care about this, because the current Luo Xian was a little dumbfounded as he watched the Blu-ray Vice-Hall Master and the Ancient Celestial Demon, who had been fighting fiercely. The deputy hall master was not actually the opponent of that ancient heavenly demon.

The strength of the two sides is not on the same level. At this moment, Luo Xiu can see clearly that the Blu-ray Vice-Hall Master now only has the power to parry. Every time the two sides fight against each other, his body is slightly weakened. Trembling, Luo Xiu could clearly see that the Vice-Hall Master of Blu-ray, every time after a fight, his body was trembling slightly, and there were even signs of physical collapse. Luo Xiu could clearly feel that as the two sides continued Fighting, the body of the Blu-ray Vice Palace Master was collapsing, Luo Xiu definitely felt good with that strange feeling.

Even to the current Luo Xiu, the whole world looks so pale. The whole world is full of aftermaths of powerful forces, but it is extremely strange that when these aftermaths of battles just appeared, they were extremely fast. Dissipated, for him, this was something he had never thought of before.

Originally, in his opinion, the confrontation between the two superpowers would definitely cause fluctuations in the space of the world. However, it is a pity that with such a fierce fight, there is not only no trace of spatial change in this world, but even the entire world. The world is terribly stable, making him a little frightened. In such a stable world, he really couldn't imagine how terrifying the universe, which was harmed by the people of the demons, would leave such a terrifying space-time barrier.

Luo Xiu already knew that there was no air in this world. If he had not bred a small world in his body, he would definitely not be able to survive here at this moment. Not only was there no trace of the world, but even Except for the gray and white qi, no other power can survive in the whole world. The whole world is just in a embryonic form just gestated.

Looking at the Blu-ray Vice-Hall Master who is getting more and more declining, Luo Xiu at this moment also feels a little uncomfortable. Although he hopes that this guy will be injured or even near death, for the current Luo Xiu , Facing this ancient demon alone, his pressure is still very great.

For Luo Xiu, even if he had a demarcation compass to help him cover all his auras, he still felt a little too pressured in the face of that ancient demon, who was a strong combatant. huge.

It’s just that Luo Xiu now knows that he has to make a decision as soon as possible, whether to continue to watch from the sidelines, or to save the Vice-Hall Master Blu-ray first. After all, judging from this situation, the Vice-Hall Master Blu-ray cannot hold on too much. Long time.

After all, the body of the ancient heavenly demon was too terrifying, and not only did not resist any form of magical attack, but even any powerful magical powers fell on him, causing him to have an illusion of excitement. Such a terrifying situation also made him feel excited. Luo Xiu felt a tingling scalp.

Even for the current Luo Xiu, even if he himself is in the position of the Vice-Hall Master of Blu-ray, he doesn't know what to do to completely suppress this ancient heavenly demon. Thinking of this, Luo Xiu still has difficulty making a decision. It's too difficult. It's just that the current situation is not something he can decide at all.

Because no matter how you do it, for the current Luo Xiu, facing the powerful ancient gods is a challenge, and it is no exaggeration to say that if one does not handle it properly, he is likely to be completely completely Fall into absolute passiveness.

For Luo Xiu at this moment, the only thing he can do is to watch from the wall, and then wait for the opportunity. If he wants to make a change, he must use the delimitation compass at the right time to control the ancient gods. The senses were isolated, just thinking of the difficulty, Luo Xiu still felt a little unstoppable, too difficult to choose, the success rate of doing this was extremely low, and the degree of difficulty was definitely over five stars.

"System, what do you say I should do? I can't see the Blu-ray Vice-Hallmaster being killed. If something happens to this guy, the fighting power of this ancient demon will only be stronger. At this moment, this ancient demon The reason why they were able to regain their current terrifying combat power is obviously that the Demon Emperor and the Demon Race guys moved something. They should have taken the initiative to feed this guy after sealing this guy here. The ancient demon was raised artificially, and this old guy would be so cruel, who could have imagined that he would make such a terrifying decision, which is far beyond the host's expectations." Luo Xiu at the moment looked at it. The ancient heavenly demon couldn't help but frown.

You know, the ancient gods were not so powerful before. You must know that with the cultivation bases of the original Ming Jade Soul and Ming Yulong, they are far from reaching the ultimate realm of cultivation. The two of them can easily knock this ancient heavenly demon directly into the void.

However, this kind of situation did make him feel a tingling scalp, and the old fellow must have moved something in it. Otherwise, it would be impossible for this ancient **** to have such a terrifying battle. Powerful, this is like a big change of blood, tyrannical is beyond his expectations.

Luo Xiu had already begun to understand this ancient demon before. He was very clear that the strength of this ancient demon could be easily extinct by him. However, the current ancient demon is not only a powerful combatant, but only At this moment, there was already a weak soul in his body slowly awakening. Luo Xiu firmly believed that as long as he gave this guy enough blood, the guy's cultivation level could definitely recover at an unreasonable speed.

Even at that time, it is very likely to become the terrifying existence that traverses and gazes across the world. When he thought of this, Luo Xiu's scalp numb for a while, it was terrifying, so he didn't know how to describe the trembling feeling in his heart.

It's just a pity that his cultivation is not enough to completely suppress this ancient heavenly devil, and he can only take one step and see one step at the moment. Although the system in his mind has some solutions, Luo Xiu doesn't think that at this critical moment, the system in his mind has a way to solve his current difficult problems.

It is true that he himself knows very well that in the current situation of the two of them, especially the Vice-Hall Master Blu-ray, the situation is extremely unfavorable, and Luo Xiu knows very well that he wants to give this ancient heavenly demon only to them. It is absolutely impossible to completely lock or even kill.

Luo Xiu was even sure that once the Vice-Hall Master of Blu-ray had some accident and was swallowed up by this ancient celestial demon, the cultivation base of this ancient celestial devil would definitely have a qualitative leap. It is also possible to completely break the barriers of heaven in this special world.

Thinking of this, for the current Luo Xiu, he can only take a risk. There is no other way. Not to mention that in order to save his life, he just can't let this ancient demon return to the human world. He needs to work hard. One reason.

"Hey, do you still have a choice now? Except for fighting against this ancient demon, this system can’t tell, what other options do you have, let alone other, it’s just your situation at this moment, It shows that the people of these gods and demons have already had plans for a long time. The reason why this ancient Celestial Demon's cultivation base has recovered so quickly is probably because those demon clan guys took the initiative to feed. Otherwise, the Demon Sovereign Origin is shocking Although the Demon Imperial City was broken by us because of the formation, and then lost its defense, it is still very difficult for this ancient heavenly demon to swallow such a huge amount of blood in front of the top three extreme realms. , Especially if you find out that this small world we live in is too weird, this system hasn’t noticed other things in this small world, but the extremely perverted space barrier here is not an ordinary plane, you Think about it, the world occupied by this ancient heavenly demon, it is obvious that someone did this deliberately, preventing this ancient heavenly demon from going out, think about it, in this case, is there any choice? You have no choice at all. You can only join forces with the Blu-ray Vice-Hall Master to suppress this ancient celestial demon first, and then think about other things, otherwise, you can only wait to die, or sit and watch that ancient celestial demon continue to grow stronger until one day, this movie Heaven and earth can’t restrain this ancient demon, but you don’t have to worry, unless those demons are crazy enough to continue feeding directly, otherwise, the situation here will only stabilize. In this way, the ancient demon is not. There may be a chance to continue to grow, but this system does not believe that those of the Demon Race will have a clear understanding, and even if the forces represented by the Blu-ray Vice-Hallmaster are too strong, what are these Demon Race guys? Everything is done.” The system analyzed the current situation with Luo Xiu, and explained with a firm face and a firm tone.