Technology Communication System

Chapter 897: Sit on the mountain and watch the tiger

"The system, in fact, compared with the changes in my body, what I want most now is the ancient Tianma's tempering of his physical body, and that terrifying force technique. Why can he use his body so terribly? There are his attacking power points everywhere, and the horrible transport of power to such a skillful level is what the host needs to know. If I can have such a terrible means of controlling power by this ancient demon, then I will definitely not He will be as aggrieved as he is now, is there any way you can help me analyze how this ancient celestial demon instilled his whole body power into his body, any position of the body can be his point of force , This is the most terrifying thing." Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling a little shocked, watching this scene before him, said seriously.

At this moment, Luo Xiu touched his chin and watched the battle in the distance. Luo Xiu found that in his opinion, the Blu-ray Vice-Hall Master, who had fallen into an absolute weakness, showed signs of rebounding. Even for Luo Xiu, he actually saw a different change, especially for the ancient heavenly demon. Even if the technique is still extremely sharp, for the Blu-ray Vice-Hallmaster, it seems that he has adapted to the rhythm of the attack, and there is no previous one. The kind of hectic feeling.

Even Luo Xiu discovered that it seems that because this ancient heavenly demon has tossed over and over again, there are only those attack methods, although its power point is completely beyond the expectations of normal people, and even many difficult movements are almost fundamental in Luo Xiu’s view. It is impossible to do it, but as time goes on, the Blu-ray Deputy Hall Master should have become familiar with his attacking rhythm. At this moment, Luo Xiu noticed that the Blu-ray Deputy Hall Master was still extremely difficult to deal with. But it was not as embarrassed as before.

After Luo Xiu's careful observation, he found that the Blu-ray Vice-Hall Master should have also cultivated some terrifying close combat skills. It is no exaggeration to say that Luo Xiu can see some close combat from his moves. The trick.

Luo Xiu felt quite surprised by this. You must know that this Blu-ray Vice-Hallmaster, but a guy with powerful magical powers, uses powerful magical powers every time he attacks, but to his surprise, this guy actually He also trained such a powerful physical combat ability, which made Luo Xiu feel particularly curious about the power of this person.

You must know that some powerful monks and their sects don’t care about the strength of their physical bodies. Their powerful vitality cultivation base can completely push all enemies and crush all enemies. This makes Luo Xiu feel that he is provoking him. Can't afford that powerful force.

At this moment, Luo Xiu wanted to scream up to the sky, and hurriedly ordered the system in his mind to take screenshots of the fighting between the two and save them. At the same time, he carefully tried to figure out the skills of these two guys. Luo Xiu felt particularly admired every time he made a move, and at this moment, Luo Xiu actually felt what he should do in the future.

Because no matter where you look from it, Luo Xiu at this moment can feel it before. The system in his mind that said to him before is completely different from the real situation. For the current Luo Xiu, this At this moment, he had completely fallen into an incomparable shock. As far as he is now, being able to absorb enough battles is what she urgently needs to solve.

"The reason why the ancient heavenly demon can use the whole body as a breakthrough point of attack, this host, you don't want to be able to simulate it, unless you change everything in your physical body, the appearance of this ancient heavenly demon, Although it is very similar to human beings, if you observe carefully, you can find that there should be more than 300 bones in his whole body than humans. These bones are distributed in places you don't know, supporting this ancient heavenly demon. That powerful body, the ancient heavenly demon you see right now, is just an instinctive fighting talent, it is already so terrifying, if this ancient heavenly demon still has intelligence, its powerful combat power is definitely you Unimaginable, although this system does not know why the people of the demon race are so afraid of this ancient demon, and use such a terrifying world as a cage to imprison this ancient demon, but this system can clearly feel those people. You should have noticed the fear of this ancient Celestial Demon. Even Ming Yulong and Ming Yuhun realized that this ancient Celestial Demon was suppressed for the first time. Although it was due to excessive blood loss, or even because there was no blood nourishment for a long time. The flesh body was on the verge of collapse, but the two of them only exiled the demon into the void, but they did not intend to destroy this thing. It was obvious that they did not want to destroy it, but could not do it at all. How about I say that, you still don’t understand, then I’ll change the topic to tell you, obviously this ancient demon can’t kill. So if you want to learn from his attack methods, you can do it, but you want to copy them all. This ancient demon, unless you turn yourself into another demon, of course this is not impossible, it just depends on your reluctance, if you are willing, we will collect the genetic sequence of this ancient demon later, this system Try to see if you can help you build a body, the big deal is that you can train your clone into an ancient demon. As long as you have this kind of body, this system can create a melee combat tailored for you. Technique." The system in his mind seemed to know Luo Xiu's plan, and explained to Luo Xiu calmly.

Obviously, he also has some expectations for Luo Xiu. There is no way. At this moment, even though Luo Xiu's combat effectiveness is strong enough, the place he is still in is not so peaceful. If there is no strong physical body, his The body cannot move freely in the realm of God.

As for the current area, it doesn’t matter. If you face the previous situation again, Luo Xiu’s powerful body will be useless, and no matter how powerful the body is, it would be useless, especially for Luo. For Xiu, the current powerful body is simply a torment to Luo Xiu.

At this moment, looking at the two people who are still fighting fiercely, Luo Xiu has an inexplicable feeling in his heart, that is, facing the ancient gods in this state, he has no good way, but now he seems to be faintly grasping Live the key point of the problem.

If he can control these two guys at the same time, it's fine. It's just that he knows that he absolutely does not have that ability. Only the existence of the ancient gods can easily make him not lose in the single attack power. Any powerful force, at that time, he doesn't need to hide at all, he can set up a banner openly and establish a sect force, so Luo Xiu touched his chin and fell into contemplation.

"System, look like this, the Blu-ray Vice-Hallmaster has been worry-free in a short time. From this point of view, he should have adapted to the attack frequency of the ancient celestial demon, and the scene will not experience any major changes for the time being. I feel that as long as I be careful, I still have a way to get a firm foothold. You said, if we take advantage of the two people's loss, and act on them at the same time, can we combine the ancient demon and the blue light? The deputy hall master, at the same time, control it, especially the ancient heavenly demon. If I control this thing, I will have a terrifying and powerful thug. At that time, I can feed enough blood to this thing to definitely make his cultivation base. Recovery means that there is no guarantee that I will be able to fully control this ancient celestial demon and system. If possible, help me find a way. After all, compared with others, if I can master this ancient celestial demon and it can be used for me, I There is no need to worry about other things at all, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is possible to walk sideways in this world at that time." Luo Xiu thought about this possibility for a long time.

What he had been thinking about before was how to solve this ancient heavenly devil. His eyes were that his thoughts had fallen into a misunderstanding. Now he suddenly realized that Luo Xiu felt that this was the normal development trajectory of things. The main reason is because of the uncontrollability of the ancient gods. However, thinking of the kind of system he has mastered and the secret method of the horror contract, Luo Xiu's heart is bright at this moment. He wants to try it. Once his ideas Really successful, what a glorious situation it will be.

With piercing eyes looking at the ancient Celestial Demon fighting fiercely together, and the Blue Light Vice-Hall Master, the more Luo Xiu thought at this moment, the brighter his heart became. For him, if he could control these two guys at the same time, he It can completely occupy an absolute dominant advantage.

Especially the existence of this Blu-ray Vice Palace Master, this person must come from a terrifying super sect of a powerful plane, but because of his senseless arrogance, he is in such a situation now. Luo Xiu believes that as long as there is no news from this guy for a long time, the terrorist forces of the unknown plane will definitely send more powerful people across the border.

At that time, the choice space he can make will be much smaller. Even at this moment, Luo Xiu is thinking about whether to discuss with the people of the gods and demons to see if there is anything. A safe two-fold strategy can enable them to pass the current hurdle safely. After all, if it really attracts the excessive attention of the powerful sect forces, it is not a good thing for both of them.

"Tsk, this system can't give you an accurate answer. After all, the structure of this ancient demon is not similar to human beings. Even this ancient demon can be so terrifying by instinct alone. It can be seen that in its heyday, it will be What a perverted existence, you want to control this thing for your use, this system is not very sure, but you are thinking too much right now, after all, the Vice-Hall of Blu-ray is not a vegetarian. If you can’t beat the opponent, you will probably be caught in a long-term tug of war. Although the Blu-ray Vice-Hallmaster may not have any advantage, don’t forget, once the situation we hope really happens, for the host For you, it's still an extremely tricky situation." The system understood why Luo Xiu asked so, so he unceremoniously opened his mouth and explained to him.

At the same time, the system's words also uttered the secrets thoroughly and clearly. For the current situation, the two people have died together, which is what Luo Xiu wants to see most, but the real situation is obvious. It is impossible for this to happen, unless Luo Xiu moves something, only to use his cultivation base to intervene in the battle between the two powerhouses, it is simply seeking death by himself.

"However, the real situation is not like this. I don't have any problems that need to be solved too urgently. The top priority now is to determine whether the secret method I have has an effect on this ancient demon. As for the others, it's easy to say. , After all, this Blu-ray Vice-Hall Master, although temporarily stabilized the situation, it is obvious that it is impossible for this person's cultivation base to be placed here for a long time, and it will be consumed by this ancient demon. After all, we are in This world of is a bit weird. It can resolve such terrifying power fluctuations so quickly. It can be seen that there must be something we don’t know about in this world. After all, I’ve already told you what I discovered before. Didn’t you explore it carefully? If you don’t believe it, try it yourself. Even the gray and white qi cannot be transformed, absorbed and refined by you.” Luo Xiu didn’t think so much at this moment. For him, right now The most important thing before him is how to solve the problem of his inability to intervene in the battle between the two powerhouses. If this problem can be solved, Luo Xiu’s previous thoughts are still possible, but only considering this. Whether the secret method has any effect on the ancient heavenly devil, this is the problem Luo Xiu needs to solve.

Once Luo Xiu can determine that this secret method will have an effect on the ancient heavenly demon, Luo Xiu can unscrupulously help the ancient heavenly demon and suppress the Blu-ray Deputy Hall Master. After all, this guy has temporarily stabilized the situation, but Luo Xiu only needs to intervene in both. In the battle between them, it is entirely possible to present a one-sided situation in a very short time.

At this moment, Luo Xiu couldn't help but ponder secretly. For him, if the Vice-Hallmaster of Blu-ray can be solved, the best way to make the battle between the two appear to be results, that is, let the Vice-Hallmaster of Blu-ray explode some powerful secret skills that stimulate combat effectiveness. In this way, the battle between the two can be ended in the shortest possible time.

It's just that Luo Xiu still doesn't have any meaning of joy at this moment, and he even feels a little bit tricky, because he is very sure that his current cultivation level cannot penetrate the battle between the two at all, even Luo Xiu has seen The Blu-ray Vice-Hall Master, who stimulated his potential, felt faintly uncomfortable.