Technology Communication System

Chapter 927: Black Demon

"Damn old thing, every time, it’s true that our three brothers are so bullied. If you were not the boss, you were kind-hearted and saved this old guy’s life, we would not be like today. He is forcing us. Go to death, what a damn!" There were only three people who looked at each other and spoke, cursing and cursing, and at the same time a terrifying force in their hands shot directly at the distant mountain, and shot it on the spot. The mountain was turned into powder, and then he was still a little bit angrily, his whole person was furious, his hands were like a cannon, frantically carrying out a terrifying attack and crushing the ground in front of him, just like venting his anger. That kind of crazy approach made the other two feel helpless.

"Okay, the third child, come back, anyway, we are already like this. Now the gate of life is controlled by them, and we don't want to listen to their instructions. Unless we commit suicide, otherwise, we must listen to them obediently. Who would know that back then? An old guy saved by accident turned around and avenged his revenge. Also, as one of the top ten cults, we should have been on guard for a long time, but I didn’t expect this person to be so mad, hey, Fortunately, the old guy of Xuan Mingzong has temporarily recovered. Otherwise, the creatures in this world are all light. With the method of directly sacrificing the entire plane like the Black Demon Cult, they dare not take it lightly at this moment, but also take Tianhua into consideration. The powerful strength of the ancestor did not dare to act easily and disrupt the order of the universe. This also shows that we still have the opportunity to get rid of the control of the Black Demon Cult. At the moment, we can only hope that we can see the Tianhua ancestor, because Only the ancestor of Tianhua can deter the Dark Demon Cult. To a certain extent, the Dark Demon is very jealous of this person, even the ancestor of Tianhua who has been hit hard. According to the information I have received, The thirteen upper guardians of the Black Demon Cult, plus the other nine elders teamed up to set up the Universe Uncertainty Formation, plus some despicable means, bought out a sect elder of the Tianhua ancestor, and this made Tianhua The ancestors were sealed in an independent plane world, and they also used powerful artifacts to completely ban the universe. After more than a dozen people joined forces to besiege, the Tianhua ancestors’ cultivation base was knocked down and hit directly. Although I don’t know what methods the Dark Demon ancestors used back then, I can be sure that the original Tianhua ancestor’s body should have collapsed. Otherwise, he would not It is possible to abandon the body and replace yourself with a heavenly demon body. You should also know that no matter how powerful the heavenly demon's body is, once the heavenly demon's body is hit by a human attack, the damage will be great. The biggest impact is that Cause permanent damage to the soul! Okay, let’s not talk about this, the third child, you have to accept your temper. At the very least, we should not be confused at this time. You should know that for our three brothers, the most The key point is that we really have to follow the arrangements of the Black Demon Sect, instead of going directly to the door, trying to use the power of Xuan Mingzong to solve our own problems, although our three brothers were not cultivated by the Black Demon Sect. The dead man, but no way, who told us to have the handle to be caught by those people? No way, we have to obey their orders!" Among the three, the man who looked like the boss pulled down the black scarf on his face and looked at the two in front of him. Brother, there was a hint of helplessness in his tone.

For him, the current passive situation was something he had never expected. Such an unfavorable situation gave the three brothers no choice. After all, originally in his opinion, the extremely peaceful world, and because of Luo Xiu's outrageous action, caused things to completely deviate from their previous plan. After all, it was originally in their plan, as long as they dragged it for a while, it could be completely They ended their grievances with the Black Demon Cult, but they didn’t expect that the Tianhua ancestor, who they thought was seriously injured, suddenly rises, causing all their preparations to be abandoned, so that at this moment, they have to be extremely passive. Order from the Black Demon Cult.

"Second brother, you have always been quick-witted, what should we do at this time? In short, I don't want to do things for the Black Demon Cult anymore. After so many years, I have had enough. If this continues, I would be better off. Suicide comes with great joy. After all, my soul suffers every moment. For me, Dao Xin has been affected too much, especially the Dahi Vajra Art I practiced. If this continues, the technique It will collapse automatically without me. You two brothers should also be aware of the consequences of dispersal without me!" The youngest who vented out, took off the face towel from his face at this time, and spoke very excitedly. Tao.

This is a very burly man with a face of righteousness. If he did not know his existence, especially the identity of the black demon cult's thugs, everyone who saw this person would not send this righteous man to him. In other places, I thought that this person was actually the remnant of the Black Demon Cult. Therefore, at this moment, the third child really felt the struggle from the practice, so that when he said this, there was really something The urge to wipe the neck directly.

"No way! For the future of you and me, as well as the descendants of our family, our three brothers can't be in a mess at this time. Since the people of the Black Demon Sect, we are sent to explore all of the Xuanming Sect in the Xuanming Empire. Secret, then let’s go, yes, we have all the gifts we brought to Xuanming Sect! This time is also an opportunity. We will give courtesy first and then fight, as long as we can see the master of Xuanming Sect or see Tianyangzi That old guy, our affairs may have a turning point. This time we must not expose our relationship with the Black Demon Sect. Once this matter is known to those of the Xuanming Sect, at that time, whether it is the Nether Sect or the Buddha Demon Teachers or Xuan Mingzong will not let us go!" The boss looks almost the same as the burly man. Among the three, only the second is angry on the face. If anyone sees this person’s appearance, he will also Can't help but give birth to a trace of goodwill.

"No way, our Ye family has reached the critical moment of life and death. Whether we can completely get rid of the control of the Black Demon Cult this time depends on whether the people of the Xuanming Cult have really recovered or are bluffing. Don’t stay here any longer. Let’s go back to Ye’s house first, take things with them, and go to Xuanming Sect. I also want to see what Xuanming Sect is like now, especially since the gossip came out recently. Xuan Mingzong is ready to act on the blood world of Asura, so he doesn't care about the attitude of the old blood demon, even at this moment, do we change our thinking and directly respond to Xuan Mingzong's action and the death of the faction family? Scholar, attacking the Asura world, after all, the reason why Xuan Mingzong did this is obviously not worried about the reaction of the old blood demon. In other words, doesn’t it prove that the old ancestor Tianhua should have recovered, otherwise, If Xuan Mingzong is not fully sure of the degree of difficulty of the blood demon old fellow, it is impossible for Xuan Mingzong to act on the Asura world with such a mighty force!" During the period of time when the youngest and the boss talked, they remained silent. The second child of the Ye family suddenly raised his head at this moment and looked at his two brothers and said.

The words are full of madness and cruelty, just like making up their minds. At this moment, the Ye Family has reached a critical moment when changes must be made. Otherwise, there will be more and more trouble waiting for them. For the entire Ye Family, the Xuan Ming Sect suddenly became so violent this time that their entire Ye Family became completely passive.

All the original preparations and all the efforts were completely useless under Luo Xiu’s attack. At this moment, their family wants to get rid of the control of the Black Demon Cult. That is really a luxury. Unless the people of Xuan Ming Sect help them, otherwise, the entire Ye Family may be completely smashed to death by Xuan Ming Sect's sudden eruption.

At the same time, Luo Xiong was in retreat, without knowing that his outrageous shot caused a powerful family in this hive world to be in a dilemma, and he didn’t know that his shot. , Which directly caused the entire Ye Family to have to make changes, so that their plans for millions of years had no effect for a while, so that the whole world now seemed so uneasy.

In that nihility environment, Luo Xiu felt inexplicably at this moment that the impulse in his heart became more and more intense, even he could not suppress it at all, sitting in the hall, feeling the invigoration of the body. The feeling, Luo Xiu's unprecedented feeling, the extremely excited in his heart, for him at this moment, all this is so strange, and it makes him so intoxicated.

Time passed slowly. Soon, under the supply of powerful resources, Luo Xiu quickly recovered his body cultivation. During this period of time, he constantly repaired his own body's injuries and further improved his soul. Fusion with the demon clone as much as possible.

For him, splitting his soul into two can do this easily. More importantly, after Luo Xiu digested the spirit power of the ancestor Tianhua, he was a little surprised to find that he How lucky it was to win before, at this moment when he was manipulating the main body and the clone, there was almost no lag, and even Luo Xiu was a little surprised.

Soon, he ended this retreat. Although some time was wasted, on the whole, he himself was quite satisfied with Luo Xiu’s retreat. Not to mention, his gains during this time Far beyond imagination.

At this moment, Luo Xiu can completely allow his body to practice in seclusion in this hall, and then act outside with the avatar of the demon, and the two do not interfere with each other, even Luo Xiu has solved the problem of soul coexistence, even if The avatar of the Sky Demon was destroyed, and his body would not be affected in any way.

Walking out of the main hall, Luo Xiu's spirit power swept lightly and discovered the huge changes in Xuanming Sect. When he first entered Xuanming Sect, Luo Xiu quietly scanned the entire Xuanming Sect with his spirit power, and he found that Although the Xuanming Sect at that time was still prosperous, the expressions on the faces of the disciples and the elders were completely opposite to those seen now. It is no exaggeration to say that the whole person's spirit, spirit and appearance have undergone tremendous changes, Luo Xiu Just thinking about it for a moment, he understood that the most direct reason for this happening was that he really enjoyed the life in front of him at this moment.

When he once again stood on the square in front of the Rune Hall and was still immersed in his current life, he saw three figures coming to him quickly, very fast, and came to him in the blink of an eye. Luo Xiu glanced around and found that two of them were Tianyangzi and Yang Zhiyuan. As for the other person, he was really unfamiliar, but when his spirit power scanned the energy attributes in this person's body, his whole person burst out instantly. The powerful spirit power instantly pressed against this person. Luo Xiu is no stranger to the power attributes in this person. He had been thinking about this person before, and had always wanted to find trouble. The people from the Moon God Palace appeared in front of him, which was simply challenging his patience. , This is a naked provocation.

"Ancestor, listen to me carefully. Don't get angry first. This is the deputy sect master of the Moon God Palace. I came here to meet you and want to talk to you!" When he saw Luo Xiu's reaction, Tian Yang Zi's ​​whole person is instantly bad.

At this moment, Tianyangzi regrets a bit, and shouldn’t be so anxious to bring the deputy sect master of the Moon God Palace over. I didn’t expect that his ancestor would just see this person and he would completely explode, if he didn’t know the ancestor’s character happened. After the change, he was a little bit ashamed. He knew that his ancestors valued the little princess very seriously, but he did not expect that the ancestors had already become sickly.

Hearing this, Luo Xiu raised his eyebrows and looked at the people in front of him. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, but at this moment, he didn't take back his huge soul power, and the terrifying pressure of heaven came again. The Deputy Palace Master of the Moon God Palace sat down directly on the ground.

Luo Xiu snorted coldly and recovered his huge soul power. At this moment, he turned around and looked at Tian Yangzi, his eyes were full of unkindness. If he didn't know that this guy was in one mind with himself, at this moment Luo Xiu, really wanted to shoot this guy out, because he knew very well that Tianyangzi should have other considerations. Otherwise, he wouldn’t do things so recklessly, or he couldn’t do this thing. .

"Let’s say, the old man just left the customs, you brought such a person to disgust me, what kind of calculations did you make? Or, they came to admit their mistakes, they have to come to me and ask for my forgiveness, huh! Don’t sell me What's the point? The old man has important things to do. If there is nothing to do, he will be sent to me as soon as possible. For the sake of him as a messenger, the old man can spare his life and change the place next time. If the old man sees him, I will definitely frustrate him, and don’t look at what is so arrogant here, do you really think that my Xuanming Sect is no one!" Luo Xiu waved his sleeves, his entire popularity skyrocketed, but this time No longer targeting the deputy palace lord of the Moon God Palace, he snorted coldly, turned and returned to the hall, sat in the previous position, watching the three people rushing in, Luo Xiu thought of others However, the face is uncertain.