Tempests of a Foreign World

Chapter 15: North of Chengdu (on)

The one-hundred-and-fifty qualifying stop was over, the top 50 disciples in white were completed, and each disciple won the corresponding position based on his performance, and two days later he won the real qualifying match. The high-ranked player issues a challenge, and the challenged player will automatically answer the challenge. If he holds three times, he will not be challenged again. If the challenger wins, he will get the position of the challenged player directly.

The initial ranking of Fengfeng Yehan was forty-two, while Yin Yu was thirty-three. Tao Xiaoting rushed to the twelfth place.

In the next two days, Wu Lianyi and Xu Long did not give much guidance. Instead, they let the three of them move freely. After the three had finished training, they did not conduct actual combat training. Instead, they came to the north of the city in a wacky carriage. Firstly, it is necessary to report the promotion evaluation in the second half of the group. In fact, as formal disciples, they do not need to go, but since they have been given two days to relax, the three brothers and Wu Dier still decide to go to the city north shop. Stroll around.

"Xiao Han, I don't have any money around you, otherwise you can borrow me." Yin Yu spent the subsidy every month and did not know where he spent it. Even if the subsidy increased a lot, it was still not enough.

"Don't you still have a spirit stone. You don't have money if you sell two." Feng Yehan decided not to borrow.

"Dare you, my master explicitly forbids me from selling spirit stones, saying that in the future these will be of great use and it will be a waste of money. And this time I will help the girls with some gadgets, otherwise they will later Just stop playing with me. "

Feng Yehan looked at the 11-year-old Yin Yu and said, "Three brother, you are no longer a ten-year-old. You don't like these girls. Why do you buy things for them? Why have I never received yours?" A gift. "Feng Yehan looked at Tao Xiaoting who was preparing to pay for his money." Big brother, don't lend it to him. You are used to let him make him worse. Her master is also a loser, and she doesn't know how to control money. " "Wu Lianyi is also the kind of master who can't control herself by spending money. Judging from the courtyard in her yard, the decoration at home, and the accessories on Yin Yu's body, even simple things are bought at a high price.

Wu Lianyi was sitting under the gazebo in the courtyard to drink tea. The tea was new tea bought from the Baibao Pavilion of the big shop. It was said that it had been purchased from the deep forest of the elves. A small tea cake cost her a half-month subsidy. Thinking about whether to go out and do some tasks to earn some money, I sneezed inexplicably, "Ah, is Brother Yang thinking of me?" Yang Yanping would surely say, "I'm sorry, it was my apprentice who said you from behind." "

"Xiao Han, it's no use keeping your money, why don't you just lend it to me?" Yin Yu watched his elder brother silently stuffed his wallet back and complained.

Wu Feng Ye Han belongs to the kind of miser, and also controls himself, but to say that the things that the pit masters and uncles and brothers receive are all unambiguous.

那个 "That, Brother Yin, I'll lend it to you. There are five gold coins here. Don't rush to pay them back." Wu Dier stepped forward and said.

"Master nephew, you are so generous, and who is your brother, this is your uncle's brother, and it should reasonably be called uncle." Feng Yehan did not stop this time, but it was a bit of an accident that Wu Dier loaned the young The subsidy for six months, the subsidy for their official disciples is one month.

迪 Wu Dier chose to ignore Feng Yehan and continued to say to Yin Yu: "Brother Yin, it won't be much money when you get the disciple's prize money, so you don't need to ask some iron roosters to borrow money."

Yin Yu took the money and glanced at Feng Yehan proudly, and found that Feng Ye Han was counting the gold coins in his wallet. A total of more than a dozen gold coins were shaken and put into his arms. This difficult technology that got mad was still magical. Yizhang.

Yin Yu spent three gold coins in an instant. He also recommended headgear to two young girls who met in the shop. Jewellery also paid for them. When he came out of the shop, Yin Yu had only one gold coin left on him. Really.

"Second Brother, I want to eat this." Yin Yu suddenly got a lot better, pointing to the candy gourd on the side of the street.

Ye Feng Yehan looked in the direction of Yin Yu's finger. The bright red sugar gourd inserted on the handle of rice looked particularly attractive, while the two five- or six-year-old disciples looked upright.

Feng Yehan remembers that when they first arrived, they also like to eat this. Every time they pass by, they ask for Feng Yehan to buy it. As long as Feng Yehan hears Yin Yu shouting "Second Brother", he softens his heart. After all, it is the younger brother's request. Five copper plates A bunch of sugar gourds was not expensive, but they only had one gold coin subsidy at that time. At that time, Tao Xiaoting and Yin Yu were often injured in the actual training in the group, and the money was too late to pay for the medical expenses. They had to pay for it with Feng Yehan. A bunch, every time he handed it to Tao Xiaoting, he put his head down and said, "Don't eat it." But every time, he finally finished eating it.

"The boss has a six string." Feng Yehan said in a loud atmosphere.

"Okay, six strings are sixty altogether." The boss said with a smile. It is very good that a child without talent in Beicheng can eventually break through to the level of martial art master or great magician. After all, cultivation is not suitable for everyone. This sale Tangcuo is very young but savvy in his thirties this year. When he was young, he was in the Ding group, and only those above the C group had the opportunity to break through to the level of the little master. He started to do business and dreamed One day I was able to get into the rich area of ​​the south of the city. When he saw that they were wearing white clothes and had a wide range of shots, they must be formal disciples, so they raised the price slightly.

恩 "Well? Boss, can you sell this cantaloupe so expensive? I haven't eaten it. It was only sold for three pennies. You want ten pennies?" Feng Yehan felt that this man wanted to kill him.

"My son, you laughed, even the peak season of hawthorn production is not only three pennies, not to mention that it can no longer be cheap."

"Six strings and thirty articles can't be more." Feng Yehan bargained first and then half, and he also bought about eight articles in winter.

"Don't you son, such a small is really not going to be able to continue business, or you give me fifty words."

You and I have come and gone for a long time, and finally I bought seven bunches at the price of fifty yuan. The boss made a small profit, and Feng Yehan did not lose.

Feng Feng Yehan gave a bunch to everyone, this time Tao Xiaoting did not refuse, Yin Yu took a bunch and wanted another one, Feng Yehan didn't give it, and then walked towards the two disciples in gray clothes.

"Brother, I still don't want to eat anymore." The little girl listened there for a long time, and after knowing it, she probably knew a string of seven or eight words, enough for two people to eat two meals. The brother now always loses the fight, two Most of the people's subsidies are paid for medical expenses, but my brother still wants to get the top three into the higher group.

"Don't worry, when your brother gets to Group A, you will get more money. When that time comes, your brother will buy you what you want, and now you can only be wronged by eating this candied fruit." When my brother is very comfortable Sister, after speaking, I walked towards the owner who sold the sweets.

"Little sister, my brother bought too much, can you help my brother eat a bunch." Feng Yehan held four bunches of sugar gourds in his hands, which in the eyes of the little girl was a wealth of money.

The little boy turned around and saw a disciple in his white clothes standing in front of his sister, and quickly walked over and said, "Thank you, I will buy it myself." The little boy knew that some disciples like to go out and bring the little girl to dress up the facade. Bring them to kiss, although his sister is still young, some people may like this one, so he refused immediately.

"Oh, in which group is Master Shi this year?"

"Group B, the top three in the end of the year will be able to enter Group A and Fifteen." The boy said with a firm chest.

"Then you have to keep working hard. You ca n’t spend the money so much. You saw that strong brother." Feng Yehan pointed to Tao Xiaoting from a group of people. "He was directly selected into the second group, then Two years into the first group, and then that year I used up his subsidies ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The boy stood in awe of respect, watching Tao Xiaoting standing there secretly determined to be someone like him, Tao Xiaoting looked at Feng Yehan a little bit and helped himself to collect a fan.

I waited for him to turn around, and found that Feng Yehan had already eaten the sugar gourd with my sister, you, my mouthful. The little girl couldn't stand the temptation.

The last half of the bunch, the little girl stopped eating, but thought about it, "Brother, can you also give my brother a bunch of food?"

"No problem." Feng Yehan agreed quickly and handed it to the little boy.

"Brother, you eat too." The boy watched his sister nodded desperately to him, thought about it or took it over, and decided to leave it to his sister.

"Yeah, I ca n’t eat too much. I will go to dinner later, but there are still a bunch of them." Feng Yehan took the last bunch of sugar gourds and pretended to be in some trouble, and then bent down and said: "I want to die, my little sister If you can kiss me, I'll give it to you. "

"唧 唧" The little boy didn't have time to stop, the little girl had kissed the mountain with a smile, and the boy felt a little dizzy, and his sister kissed another boy other than himself.

Feng Yehan left, and the little girl jumped up to his brother and said, "Brother eat quickly, I have already agreed with that brother, and I will also work hard to train us into group A together. He also Say brother, you are so embarrassed and want to lose face, you will not eat until they leave. "

The little boy was moved for a while, thinking that he really blame him, and they took good care of their own face and bought candy and gourd for their sister, and paid it back. . .

The little girl continued to say, "We've agreed, and when I grow up, I'll find him as his girlfriend."

"Boom" The little boy felt like the sky was going to fall.