Ten Gods

Chapter 963: Demonstration

Lin Tian has killed many monks, but he is definitely not a stone-hearted person. Now, a group of monks in the stone room ask for help from him. If he has the ability to save, he will naturally not stand by. August 1st Chinese Literature Network WwW. 81zW. CoM

He was intertwined with golden light in his body, and a sword swayed around him, and the piercing sword rang through the entire stone chamber.




The black blood fog has been blasted one after another. In the blink of an eye, there are more than a dozen ordinary sacred gods and gods, and they are turned into a pool of blood.

For a time, a group of monks in the stone room were happy and surprised.

"Good... so strong!"

Someone trembled.

It’s comparable to the ghost-level carrion of the real strong, and these people can’t stop it. They are like ants in front of these carrion, but now these powerful carrage is in the hands of Lin Tian, ​​but it is so fragile and unbearable. one strike.


The sound of the sword screams, Lin Tian looks indifferent, and the golden swordsman keeps squatting.

On the surface, these swordsmans are free to pull out, but the essence is not the same. They are the swords that he motivated by Ling Tianjian. Each sword can be compared with a powerful magical power.




The black blood fog blasted together. In this stone room, the powerful carrion fell down and the black blood blew.

In a twinkling of an eye, there are only three heads left in the stone room, and there are only three heads left behind.


The three-headed carrion screams, the **** pupil is blue, and the death smog becomes thicker.

Immediately, the next moment, the sound of the smashing sound, the three-headed rot were scattered with fierce breath, like three death gods, smashing the space and rushing to Lin Tian.

"These three are not simple. They are much stronger than the ordinary gods."

The five-line crocodile screams.

Lin Tian naturally saw it. He took out the intensive swordsmanship with Ling Tianjian. The other carrion bodies were all smashed. Only these three heads did not. The Lingtian Jianmang that he urged only left some swords on them. Traces only.

His right hand swayed slightly, and Ling Tianjian was urging stronger. There were more amazing swords, and he went to the front and steadily landed on the three-headed carrion, bringing out a large black blood, but still could not destroy it. Drop them.

This scene made the monks in this stone room a surprise, and it was obvious that the three carrion were many times more terrible than other carrion.

"Kid, can you fix it?"

Five-way crocodile asked.

"no problem."

Lin Tiandao.

With a bang, he rushed out a stone sword in his body, which was full of strange lines, each of which was scattered with a faint black light, like a sword of death.

In a sudden time, a savage sword spread out, and the whole stone room was shaken.

"This is... the top quality soldier?!"

In this stone room, there are monks exclaiming.

Many people stared at the stone sword on the side of Lin Tian, ​​and could not help but shake.

Even Yao Yao was trembled and full of shock. Her family is the top power of this Tianyu, and the strongest soldier in the family is the Chinese soldier, but Lin Tian, ​​but actually controls a top-level soldier!

Lin Tian sacrificed the stone sword, which was acquired in the tomb of the wild gods in this Tianyu area not long ago. The top soldiers who were born for the heavens and the earth, under the holy soldiers, can be said to be invincible. At this moment, it is the sword. Deterrence people, the three strong heads of the real people who will be smothered will be swaying, and one of them will be broken by an arm.

Such a scene, so that a group of monks can not help but breathe a cold breath, were shocked by these Jianwei.


Jian Ming, Lin Tian took control of the stone sword with his mind, and urged the Ling Tian Jian Jing to sweep away a sly sword light.

The sword was very bright, and it momentarily fell on the black barrier that shrouded the stone chamber. The black barrier was smashed and the stone chamber was connected to the outside world again.


He was facing a group of monks in this stone room.

Immediately, in this stone room, all the monks were trembled, and each showed a surprise expression. Nowadays, the black barrier formed by the death yin is crushed by Lin Tian, ​​and they can leave.

“Thank you for your friend! Thank you, Daoyou!”

"The grace of life, no memorable!"

"After going out, you must be a good man for the benefactor!"

All the monks were facing the gift of Lin Tianqi, thankful, and then rushed toward the stone.


The buzzing sounded, one of the three heads of the carrion, one of them stared at the monk who went to the stone outside, and swallowed the dead corpse in the mouth, and slammed it forward.

However, at this time, the screaming sword screamed again, Lin Tian grabbed the stone sword on the side of the body and directly pulled out the Lingtian three styles. A fierce swordman appeared, flashing and jumping, in the blink of an eye, it appeared in this head. In front of the carrion, it was straight into the open body.

With a bang, the black blood splashed and sprinkled on the ground. This time, Lin Tian is the Lingtian three-style spurred by the natural stone sword of the above-mentioned product, and the killing power is naturally terrible. The corpse is directly smashed and completely disappeared.

"Daoyou Shenwei!"

"Daoyou, take care!"

"Thank you for your friend!"

A group of monks ran to the stone outside and continued to thank Lin Tian.

In a twinkling of an eye, the monks in the stone room ran clean, leaving only Lin Tian, ​​the five-way crocodile, Ye Tong and Yao Wei.



Two cockroaches rang, and the last two carrion screamed, and the body became more fierce, like a beast.

Two screams, two carrion stalked Lin Tian, ​​swallowed the poison in the mouth, and smothered again.

Lin Tian vibrates the stone sword in his hand, Ling Tianyijian and Ling Tiansan have successively pulled out, respectively, shrouded the two carcasses.



Two black blood blasts exploded, and finally the two carcasses were completely ruined.

For a time, this stone room, black blood and red blood are intertwined, slightly infiltrating.

Yao Hao stared at Lin Tian, ​​could not help but shake, and more than forty realities and ghosts, even so simple was completely destroyed.

Lin Tian looks calm and his right hand sways, and the stone sword is put away.

Others watching him kill is very simple, as if raising his hand and waving a sword, but in reality, from the beginning to the present, he has used at least 70% of his combat power for each attack. Otherwise, it is impossible to realize the true ghosts and ghosts. The level of carrion kills, and especially when dealing with the last three extreme ghosts, he has used 90% of his combat power.

Of course, he does not need to say this.


He took the little leaf boy and came to the stone door at the end of the stone room, which was difficult to be opened, and watched quietly.

Looking into the distance, this stone door not only has patterns such as birds and beasts, but also has a brand of mountains and rivers, which is very vast.

Yao Wei stared at Shimen, suddenly moving, showing a little different colors: "This is a forged stone, very tough, the general avenue strong can not break. Also, it seems... this stone door has a very strong power Intertwined, the two together, it is estimated that ordinary people who are really strong can hardly open it."

Lin Tian naturally looked out, but did not care, step forward, the light lingering in the right hand.

His movements were very simple. He raised his right hand and used the Chaos Emperor Boxing as a force. He fell straight on the stone door in front.

For a time, with a click, there was a crack in the stone door, which spread like a spider web.


Yao Wei was shocked again. These sturdy stone gates intertwined with horrible power. It was difficult to open the general Wuzheng strong, but now, it was actually shot by Lin Tian.

"The little girl should not be surprised. In the close range, if he is waving some kind of **** fist, if the other party does not resist, even the person who realizes the five-day heaven can be easily smashed by him."

The five-way crocodile said.

Yao Wei was surprised again and his face was incredible.

Lin Tian tilted the five-legged crocodile and looked at Yao Wei: "How are you still here?"

Yao Wei put away the shock on his face and said: "I just want to see something after Shimen, I won't grab it with you, and I won't be able to grab you."

Lin Tian looked at her and didn't say anything. She tapped the stone door gently. For a long time, the stone gate that had been cracked all over the place suddenly collapsed and splashed with dust.

Looking around, there is another stone room behind Shimen. It is still very spacious. There is a stone sarcophagus in the middle. In other places, there is a precious thing, Baobing, Baoyao, Baodan and Shentong Yujian.

"A lot of treasures!"

Yao Wei was slightly shocked. She saw a big knife at random, and the cold man was intertwined. It was a product of the mouth, but in other places, she saw other precious treasures, many of which were **** soldiers. Level level.

“It’s very expensive!”

Five crocodile laughs.

After it slaps its wings and enters Shimen, it is not at all polite. It is directly a large collection of treasures. Among them, there is a middle-class **** soldier, three subordinates of the gods, and there are other treasures and refining materials. Wait.

Lin Tian also started to put a pile of treasures in the surrounding area, and took three Chinese soldiers, five of them, and other soldiers in the level of the soldiers. Moreover, he also got a lot of secrets of the magical powers, many of which are very powerful, and even the mysterious secrets that have been lost for a long time, extremely extraordinary.

"This tomb is really unusual before the birth of the lord, the collection is really rich enough."

Five crocodile crocodile.

Yao Wei stood on the side and stared at Lin Tian and the five-way crocodile to put up a sacred treasure. He could not help but be envious. However, she is, after all, the descendant of the top-level power of this Tianyu, and soon she calmed down, just watching it quietly.

Lin Tian raised his hand and caught more treasures in his hands, one by one in the stone ring. Then, after a dozen or so breaths, he grabbed a transparent Dan bottle, and there was a tricolor Dan pill in the meantime, which made him suddenly shocked.

"Let the true **** Dan!"

In his eyes, he crossed a smear of smudges and recognized these three-color Dan pills.

The five-way crocodile and Yao Hao heard his voice and suddenly moved.

"Let the true **** Dan? Is it the kind of elixir that allows the monks to directly enter the realm of truth from the half-step truth!!"

Yao can't help but be amazed.