That’s Hilarious

Chapter 180: breakout

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Roland blocked every attack with precision. He found himself entering a wonderful realm. His sword skills seemed to be fully integrated. He could always find the attack rhythm that surrounded him orcs, or called the attack jet lag. .

Blocked the continuous attack. And can find a suitable neutral to counterattack, and each counterattack will take away the lives of several orcs.

The continuous sound of the collision of weapons, and the roar of the orc's courage, reminded the orc who heard the sound that there was another human being. Before they could turn around, the lance had passed through an orc's body.

At this time, the squeezed lance made a loud noise and snapped off; as early as when the first half-orc was pierced, the cavalry had released the lance, and the lance only relied on inertia and weight. Impaled the corpse of another Orc.

Hearing this explosion, Roland accelerated the pace of killing, and for a while he saw the stump of the broken arm splashing around, which directly led to the fact that no orcs within a radius of 3 meters dared to approach.

As half-orcs, they also regarded dying in battle as an honor, but everything that happened before made them unable to muster the courage to move forward, because this human being is so terrible, this is more like a slaughter than a battle.

An orc threw the weapon in his hand and smashed it on the armor on Roland's chest, making a 'dang' sound, and Roland was stunned at the time. This was the first time he was attacked to the body.

Looking at the tin can that didn't move, the orcs also stopped attacking. They didn't know what happened, but what was certain was that the human was not injured.

Just when others were wondering, they found that the tin can was moving again. Roland looked at a light-colored mark on his chest and the weapon with a large gap on the ground, and discovered the inferior nature of the orc weapon.

He showed a crazy smile and licked the green blood that sputtered on his face through the visor, a stench.

Almost didn't make him vomit, if he vomited in the visor, maybe he could smoke himself to death! He swore that he would never do such a stupid thing again.

Resisting the tumbling tail, he began to take the initiative to attack recklessly, preparing to reunite with the armored cavalry.

After piercing two orcs and knocking several orcs flying, Angelo's speed slowed down. He took out the long sword from his waist and relied on his outstanding horsemanship to pass through the gap between the orcs. Swipe across the neck of the orc from time to time, bringing up green blood flowers.

One is more savage than half-orcs; the other is slaughtering, but it gives people a sense of violent aesthetics.

Angelo, who was sitting on the horse, knew Roland's position very clearly, and because of his height, Roland was also very clear about his position.

From a high altitude, two blood lines converge towards one place.

At this time, there was a sound of horses' hooves. It turned out that the other exploration teams followed the traces, slowly gathered together, and set off towards this side at the same time.

At a glance, they found the armored cavalry interspersed among the orcs, and the surrounded figure on the other side. After counting the number of people, they confirmed the identity of the surrounded person.

It was their lord, the Lord of Calradia, Roland, who didn't need anyone's orders after discovering this fact.

They quickly formed a cone formation, removed their shields and lances, and started to advance. Under the urging of the master, the war horse changed from walking to jogging, and then from jogging to fast running, until the distance was less than 100 meters, before launching a charge.

The orcs who came out of the city just discovered this scene, but they were still several kilometers away from the battlefield.

"Everyone is running, those humans are here to rob our livestock, which is our last food."

Seeing the indifferent expressions and slow pace of the orcs, the half-orc warlord had an idea and shouted out these words that made them anxious.

Sure enough, after hearing this sentence, the speed of the orcs immediately increased.

With the peculiar crackling of lances, Roland and Angelo quickly discovered the situation here; Roland was in good condition, but Angelo had already revealed his face after just a few minutes of fighting. Tired color.

The joining of the new force has injected new strength into Angelo!

The two tin cans have already brought dozens of casualties to these orcs, and they have lost nearly a hundred people when they were hit by the frontal charge.

You must know that their entire grazing team is only about 300 people, and they have lost a third of them. Facing the group attack of the armored cavalry, they have begun to slowly retreat.

Such a good opportunity was not wasted by Roland and the others, and they quickly gathered together. The half-orcs watched the demonic human boast about the war horse, and as they walked away, after exhaling a breath, they instead had a kind of rejoicing for the rest of their lives.

Looking at the humans who had left, the Orc Overseer wanted to chase them, but because they didn't have a mount, they only depended on their legs. Their stamina was good, but that didn't mean they were fast.

It's all to blame for those orcs, who look at the wolves to death, even those who were accepted during the orc empire didn't have wolves, let alone those who were expelled now.

Looking at the cowering grazing team next to them, they were even more angry and raised their weapons to kill them. In the end, he still couldn't make up his mind, grabbed the whip and vented his anger on the orcs of the herding team.

The half-orcs have been attached to the orcs for too long, and they learn everything from the orcs, hoping to integrate into this big family, but they are abandoned by the orcs.

After a period of trotting and fierce charging, the war horses were already a little tired. They panted heavily and slowly slowed down their movement speed and turned into slow walks.

Looking at the orcs who didn't catch up behind them, Roland and the others decided to rest for a while.

After strenuous exercise, the most important thing to add is the water source. They took out the clean water they carried and started feeding the At the same time, they also added some water to themselves.

"Hahaha...Today is really cool! I have to say that the taste of orc blood is really unpleasant, so I licked it and almost gave it away for me."

In the face of Roland's bizarre behavior, the armored cavalrymen didn't know what to say, so they could only laugh with embarrassment.

Roland felt refreshed after taking a sip of water, and at the same time patted Angelo on the shoulder and continued, "Good job, Angelo."

Looking at Angelo, he seemed to be a little silent. Roland thought he was injured, but he just looked around and didn't find any cracks in the armor.

Just when he was suspicious, Angelo spoke up. "My lord, please don't take such a risk again next time. I remember you taught us a saying, 'A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall'. I explained it again and said we were scouts..."

The other armored cavalrymen also agreed, and Roland felt a little uncomfortable listening to them using their own words to educate him.

This time, I was really careless, and I only remembered when the danger was close and I couldn't escape. And after successfully escaping the danger, he forgot again, and instead became complacent.

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