That’s Hilarious

Chapter 61: audience three

"Then, tell me your purpose, Roland from the Dawn Mercenary Corps."

From Duke Osborn's words, Roland heard a smell called business affairs, and he knew that it was time to get to the point.

"I'm here to seek the help and support of adults." Roland explained his purpose first according to the etiquette that Andal taught him.

Obviously, the duke is not satisfied with this answer, which makes him feel that Roland has not become a noble, but he has already contracted the bad problems of nobles - red tape.

He prefers those who speak directly to the person who comes to him, and do it in one step. Such conversations will save a lot of time, because he needs to spend a lot of time dealing with paperwork every day.

If everyone is like Roland, then he doesn't have to do anything all day, just chatting with others is enough.

Duke Osborn's dissatisfaction was written on his face, and he said impatiently, "Don't say such nonsense, be specific, what do you need."

Hearing this, Roland's heart tightened, and he regretted what he said just now. He remembered that the Knights of Leon had told him to stop talking nonsense, and he still said so.

"My lord, I came here mainly to obtain a development paper and loan money."

Roland was a little hesitant, whether to say one thing first or two things together. But time waits for no one, and he couldn't make the duke wait too long, so he just said what the duke said at once.

"I can promise you about issuing a development document. I will indicate the specific location on your certificate first. Is it within the Evernight Forest or within the Evernight Forest?"

Duke Osborne had no hesitation about this matter. In his opinion, the land seized from foreign races should be attributed to those who seized it.

This is unquestionable and traditional.

For the sake of prudence, Duke Osborn still needs Roland to confirm the territory.

This was really a big surprise for Roland. He didn't expect this to go so smoothly.

According to Andal, the Whitney family paid the price of loyalty to get these.

In fact, it was the first generation of Whitney who paid her loyalty and gained protection and support.

What's more, Whitney himself asked for allegiance. The only requirement of the Osborn family was that when the orcs attacked, the Whitnet family led an army of no less than 1,000 people to come to support.

Everything the Osborn family does is to guard against the orcs.

He happily confirmed, "Yes, my lord."

"As for the size of the land, I will send Baron Leon with the surveyor when you go back. After measuring the land, Baron Leon will bring it back. I will send you a more specific development certificate later."

What Duke Osborne considered was if he didn't give a certificate first. The Whitney family obviously won't let such a good opportunity pass, and Roland and the others will definitely not give up the land.

There must be a battle between the two sides!

Since the last time the orcs moved, the orcs' actions have become more and more frequent. They have appeared under the North Wind Fortress many times, and they seem to be planning something.

At this critical juncture, he didn't want any embarrassing incident of human beings hitting on themselves in the northern territory under his jurisdiction.

In his opinion, the current human beings should focus on guarding against orcs, and the orcs who have cultivated for such a long time must be a thunderbolt.

Roland sincerely thanked: "Thank you Duke Osborn for such thoughtful consideration."

What Roland did not expect at all was that it turned out that development proved to be such a troublesome thing, and it was necessary to measure the land.

Fortunately, Duke Osborn has already considered all of this. Even if it is the brief proof of development, no one dares to question Duke Osborne's proof in the north.

You must know that the justice of the Osborn family is known to the kingdom.

Now, the matter is stable.

After talking about this matter, Duke Osborne showed a serious expression, stared sharply at Roland, and started the next round of conversation.

"About borrowing money, I can agree. The question is what can you pay for it?"

When Roland heard this, what he didn't expect was that things went so smoothly. He thought that this matter would require high interest to lure him into a deal.

He admitted that he underestimated Duke Osborne.

But what Duke Osborn needs may be his own allegiance.

Although all the nobles in this world hope to find a powerful monarch, there are many benefits, too many to enumerate.

However, Roland didn't want to be controlled by others everywhere, because he had already had enough of some leaders who didn't understand anything, and came up with some requirements that were difficult to add to the original framework.

What's even more hopeless is that if you can't say it well, he will still mutter, 'What a rookie dog! ’

"I can pay my loyalty to this, and I and my descendants will all be loyal to the Osborn family."

Looking at Roland's unusually calm expression, who was still expressing his loyalty, Duke Osborn smiled.

Don't you even like me, the Duke of the North? You must know that many people are proud of their loyalty to the Osborn family. This is the first time he has seen this expressionless look, and he is a arrogant young man.

But what he needs is not allegiance, what kind of allegiance.

Last year, when he recruited the closed city to go to the North Wind those who should respond to the call only sent a small number of people, while some independent nobles brought a large number of soldiers.

"Okay, looking at your indifferent appearance, I know you don't like me, an old man."

As soon as Duke Osborn finished speaking, Roland stood up excitedly and said, "Sir, please forgive my rudeness, but I want to correct the problem in your words."

Duke Osborn nodded lightly.

"You say that I am indifferent, I admit, because I have heard that some nobles are seriously interfering with the vassal's territorial affairs, I do not want to be controlled by others everywhere, which is what I am worried about. But when I talk and do things, Roland is just a spit and a nail. , it will be done.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Duke Osborn put away the smile on his face. He didn't expect Roland's violent reaction. He planned to say it in another way, but he said in a solemn tone:

"I didn't question your character, I just thought it was a very unnecessary thing.

You and I both know that my duty is to guard against orcs on the Orc Prairie. What I need to know is, how many soldiers do you have now? "

"A thousand soldiers, my lord."

Roland also answered solemnly.

Hearing this, Duke Osborn was very surprised. When we first met, there were only about 100 people. We haven't seen each other for a few months.

At this time, he had completely believed what Roland said about himself and Chongnuo before, otherwise why would he let so many people surround him and work for him.

Even **** battles with aliens.

At least from the information obtained so far, this is a good person, Duke Osborne commented.

"So, how much money do you need?"