The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 190: Chen Xi's three-stage theory

Specializing in Summoning Art, Chen Xi is serious this time and is determined to embark on the road of Summoners, so the things he summons will become stronger and stronger, and the danger rate will also increase.

Perhaps one day, he summons a tentacle monster that devours the earth, and his life ends.

The above is exactly what he worries about, so he is very careful when summoning. Many times the summoning emphasizes that the summoned object is "weak", "no attack means" and other characteristic words.

Now Chen Xi wants to gradually improve the summoning characteristic words, from weak to medium, from medium to strong.

So he has an immature plan to divide the Summoner phase into three phases.

In the first stage, the summoning technique is used to gain the power to sling the earth's native supernatural forces.

In the second stage, at this point, the low-level summons can no longer meet Chen Xi's requirements, and his gaze is at the middle-level summons.

Medium summons are very easy to cause great damage to the environment, so space is a good environment for summoning.

Use summoning to strengthen the body, adapt to the space environment, and then play summoning in space.

Even if the planetary mountains are razed to the ground by the summons, he is not worth it. He can perform all kinds of bold and crazy summoning techniques.

In the third stage, Chen Xi is already very powerful at this stage. Normal summons can no longer satisfy him, and high-level summons are so weird and powerful. If it is not necessary, the summoning technique can come to an end.

At this time, Chen Xi was able to travel through other worlds, to browse the customs of Nirosse in other worlds, to see the miraculous giant tree of life miracle in the tree world, and to see the rock creatures made of stones in the rock world.

Of course, the third stage is the ideal stage, the goal is too far, Chen Xi does not expect him to reach that state.

After Mu Chenxi learned of Chen Xi's plan, she didn't accidentally complain about him, but nodded and said: "Legendary Summoner is a short-lived invincible profession. Be careful to extend your life appropriately."

Chen Xi was startled when he heard this: "Is there anyone who cursed me like that."

"I'm not wrong. Summoners are a very powerful profession in our Nile Continent. Legendary Summoners are equivalent to the strength of the magic god, and even more powerful than the magic god.

At the same time, summoners are a profession with a very high mortality rate. Many summoners give up playing summoning when they reach the elementary level and use their energy for other professions.

There are only a few summoners who are not afraid of death and have studied summoning skills in depth, and their strengths are all advancing, and one person can single out the entire country.

However, their fate is to die young and early, and they will always die due to various inexplicable reasons within a year or two when their strength reaches their peak. Even the Legendary Summoner cannot escape this calamity. "

When Mu Chenxi said this, her face was expressionless, as if she was stating a fact that was not related to her.

Chen Xi felt cold when he heard this, as if seeing his end.

Yes, because of this concern, he restricted his summoning characteristic words and tried to lock the summoning object at the level of the primary summoning object as much as possible.

He thought of the miracle leaf. The miracle leaf was a high-level summoning object. The black spider web randomly brought on the back of the leaf had an incomparable bewitching effect, which showed that the high-level summoning technique was very dangerous.

But income and risk are linked, and since he decides to become stronger, there is no fear.

"That's okay, as long as you can experience that powerful feeling and travel through other worlds, even if only one or two years are enough." Chen Xi's spirit of adventure burns like a flame, very hot.

Mu Chenxi looked at his eyes, and there was a faint dazzling sensation.

She didn't object to Chen Xi's use of summoning. Just now, she said that so much was not for combat, but for the excitement.

No, Chen Xi has completely ignited the enthusiasm for summoning.

"By the way, do you know the reverse summoning technique? I want to... borrow your summoning technique to go home, but I am not now. I think when I have the strength in the future, I will use your power to send me back to the other world." Mu Chenxi thought After thinking about it, the showdown began, and I told my careful thoughts.

She wanted to go home and get revenge. This meaning was expressed very clearly. Chen Xi didn't need her to explain, she already guessed what she meant.

"Reverse Summoning?"

Chen Xi recalled the summoning knowledge in "Don't Play Summoning", but did not have this knowledge.

"Sorry, no."

Miss Mu did not give up, "There is no reverse summoning, you can explore by yourself. The life of the legendary summoner is very short, and the road to explore is not all, you just take his convenient path. And you also want to cross the alien world. Well, the summoning technique is so powerful, almost anything can be summoned, and it is not difficult to summon items that travel through other worlds..."

"That's right, we don't have to reverse the summoning technique. It is also one of the methods to have items that meet the requirements for crossing the alien world." Chen Xi's eyes were faint, and his thoughts were broadened.

It was a long night. Chen Xi and Ms. Mu discussed short-term summoning policies. He planned a short-term policy. Mu Chenxi perfected some small details based on her experience in other worlds, and supplemented matters such as meditation and magic modeling exercises by the way.

The two reached a tacit understanding, one was responsible for teaching magic, and the other was responsible for studying summoning, until they worked out a way to travel through other worlds.

The next morning, Chen Xi went home to see his family and had lunch.

When he saw Chen Xiaotang painted the whole mountain full of vitality, his father and mother were more energetic, and he was immediately relieved.

"Son, I heard that the Raiders team is dead?" Dad was eating, not at the table.

He has lived here for more than ten days, his white hair has turned back to black, and he is in good spirits, but every time he sees the supernatural news, he feels panicked, afraid that his son's name will be on the death list.

"Six people died, but Lao Bi and I survived. Two of them are ordinary people. Don't worry, I will organize a long holiday for me and I will travel abroad." Chen Xi smiled, and put three pieces of meat into it. In the bowls of Dad, Mom and Sister.

"Then dare to love, you have to take a good rest, don't tire yourself out." The parents said a little comfortably.

The younger sister showed a worried look. She felt that her brother's smile was a bit fake, just like a pseudo-laughing doll on the canvas.

After the meal, Chen Xiaotang followed Chen Xi, like a little stalker, looking left and looking west, with an expression that he wanted to ask his brother but couldn't tell.

Before leaving, Chen Xi took her sister to a nearby convenience store to buy a few packs of sweets, stuffed them into her sister's hands, rubbed her head and said, "Brother is gone, come back to see you when I have time."

Xiaotang put his head on the head rubbing offensive, and said dissatisfied: "Brother, where are you going?"

"America." Chen Xi said.

He has the identity of the Raiders Team, and he is a person specially approved for long vacation travel. The passport and other things are specially handled. They have been handled yesterday and can leave the country today.

"Why are you going to America?"

Chen Xiaotang is holding a candy She can be very happy if she has candy, but now she always feels that my brother’s trip is very dangerous and should not go to a foreign country.

"Go play."

Chen Xi was reluctant to tell the truth. A black car came next to him. He walked out of the convenience store and waved his hand behind him: "Go, bye."

Chen Xiaotang still wanted to ask something, but his brother was already in the special car of the Spiritual Division.

"Safety comes first." Xiaotang murmured.

She stood still for a while, turned back to the mountain, took out the drawing board, took out the brush to paint, the drawing board appeared a layer of light.

The rustle, the barrier tree swayed, as if to sense the breath of a certain kind of life about to be born.

The enchantment tree looked down, and the painting had no reference, it was just a simple painting, but it felt like a newborn baby was born.
