The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 263: Black technology preparation

"Di, I found 103 supernatural news related to silence. Does Captain Chen need further screening?" Qi Xingjian said.

Chen Xi was stunned. This guy searched online news very quickly. He just asked a question in less than two seconds before giving a specific reply.

You must know that the time required for light to travel from the moon to the earth is about 1.28...Wait, people even invented interstellar battleships, how could it be possible to use the speed of light to propagate information this backward method!

The communication means it uses must be very advanced, and it can communicate with zero delay no matter when and where.

"Further screening, as long as the countries around the Pacific Ocean." Chen Xi said.

"Countries near the Pacific Ocean have 48 supernatural news related to silence!"

Chen Xi nodded, and then the projection screen of the little egg circle robot suddenly became larger, drawing out forty-eight news items with text and pictures. Each news item has an independent translucent frame, and the font size and depth are appropriate to make it clear at a glance. Will not be dazzled.

Chen Xi browsed the news quickly, using more brains while browsing, and browsed several news at the same time.

After multitasking, Chen Xi's thoughts suddenly turned around to ponder Qixingship's communication methods.

If someone has zero-delay, inter-galactic communication means, why can't they contact the main ship?

Thinking of this, Chen Xi asked aloud, asking about the distance and delay of its communication, and then why it could not contact the main ship.

While finishing the question, Chen Xi also watched the entire news, and finally focused on several news in South America.

In a certain Colombia in South America, three supernatural news related to silence appeared within three hours. Their cities lost their voices and restored their voices.

The strange thing is that after the city lost its voice, there were no homicides, it was just silent.

When there was no sound in the second city, the sound of the first city came back.

Then there was a silent phenomenon in the third city, and the sound of the second city came back. It was such a weird phenomenon that made Chen Xi instantly lock onto the location of the strange and silent object.

Now, the total number of silent news has jumped to 104, and the fourth news is added. One more city in a Colombian country has become a silent city.

"Qixingjian, can you catch the guy who made the city silent for me?" Chen Xi asked.

Is this request too much?

For the high-tech tycoon, Chen Xi feels that it is not too much, just a simple effort.

No, Chen Xi heard Qixingjian's swift response.


The Qixing ship responded to Chen Xi’s last question: “The communication system of this ship is not broken. The communication distance of this ship can be seen where it has been, that is, inter-galactic communication. However, the main ship does not reply to the message. Star does not reply to messages either."

"The mother star doesn't reply to the message?" Chen Xi was surprised again.

Since the Kaixing Ship can communicate across galaxies, the main ship does not reply to messages, and it is possible that the main ship will crash in an interstellar war.

The strange thing is that the home planet does not reply to messages.

Could it be that……

The Qixingship did not wait for Chen Xi to express the guess in his heart, it was very straightforward to interject: "When the main ship does not reply to the information, the main ship may have information system damage, you can wait, but the Qixingship must be far away from the main ship to avoid being pursued. .

When the parent star does not reply to a message for more than ten seconds, the death of the parent star is confirmed immediately, and the star ship can activate the escape period regulations, open the wormhole, and perform space shuttles. "

After hearing this news, Chen Xi vaguely found a clue.

The main ship was destroyed, and the enemy team found the home star along the vines, and the Qixingship communicated with the home star. If the mother star did not reply, the home star fell, and the Qixingship began to flee.

After deducing this inference, Chen Xi asked in order to confirm his own thoughts: "Qixingjian, your civilization will not be the only one left with you, right?"

"There is a 99.9% chance that the Alpha civilization is left with only this ship."

Chen Xi was shocked by this sudden news. He didn't expect that such a high-level civilization would have even the parent star destroyed, and now there is only one spaceship left.

"Then do you still need to contact the main ship?"

"No." Qixingjian responded in seconds.

"The main ship is gone. According to the regulations, do I still need to be a temporary captain?" Chen Xi wanted to ask, opening his mouth and closing it instantly, without shouting.

He was afraid that his captain's rights would be lost, so let's just pretend to be a fool. Anyway, Qixingjian still recognizes him as a temporary captain. If he loses his captain's position, he will cry.

Qi Xing ship didn't talk any more, it didn't seem to have the function of alleviating the awkward atmosphere.

Chen Xi thought for a while. He is an artificial intelligence civilization, and the dialogue between artificial intelligence is direct, and who would be okay to find a topic to talk about.

After all, the computing speed of artificial intelligence is so high that it can think about countless times as much as Chen Xi's every second. Its utilization of resources has reached a heinous level. It is shameful and unbearable to waste time on chatting.

The reason why Qi Xingjian chatted with Chen Xi was because Chen Xi took the initiative to speak, otherwise people would not waste that little time and resources talking with him.

While thinking about it, the projection screen flashed again. In the picture, several small space fighters had returned to the earth and entered the fourth silent city, planning to capture strange life.

But when things got here, people suddenly stopped, because it couldn't search for the "cause".

"Unable to search for the other party's existence..." Chen Xi heard this voice in his ear.

Chen Xi: "..."

What to do, I can't find it!

Should it be allowed to make waves on the earth?

Although this servant hasn't made a life yet, it has been bouncing on the earth all the time, not only Chen Xi is like sitting on pins and needles, but the people of the earth are also like thorns on their backs.

Chen Xi thought about it, thinking of the Evolution Liquid in his hand, and the figure that saw that product appeared was near the Evolution Liquid.

If he takes out the evolution fluid and wanders around in that silent city, can he catch it?

Just do as he thinks of it, Chen Xi quickly took out the evolution fluid, told Qixingjian of the fishing law enforcement's capture plan, and let it use the means of that advanced civilization to think of countermeasures.

In less than two seconds, the two parties made a decision.

Using Chen Xi's evolution fluid as a bait, Qixingjian deployed a black technology capture device and waited for it to enter Weng.

Chen Xi did not understand the principle of this black technology. He only knew that the reaction of this device was very sensitive, and the reaction conditions were as follows:

"When the total mass in the container space suddenly increases by more than 0.01 grams, the container will instantly close the container at a speed very close to the speed of light."

The whole body of the container is made of super-strength black technology materials, which can withstand the zero-range attack of nuclear weapons, which is very abnormal.

By the way, the inside of the container is vacuum, and it excludes air and other objects from entering. You can divide the screened objects in advance before use, and use black technology to refuse entry.

Only an object with a force greater than a certain value can break through the obstacles of black technology and enter it.

In short, it is a very high-tech item. After Chen Xi listened to it in the cloud, he didn't understand its operation principle, only knew that it was qualified for this task.

Chen Xi thought left and right, the total mass of that weird golden shadow should be greater than 0.01 grams.
